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Educational management in Peru

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Peru cannot escape the profound changes that are taking place in the world and especially in Latin America, a place in which the axis of articulation between the state and Civil Society is being modified, through a more prominent role of markets that, in the case of education, are especially limited and complex.

In this scenario, the Educational System acquires both a critical and strategic value of the quality of its action, updating and development of human capacities, they depend to a great extent on the definitive access to modernity and the strengthening of democracy as a means of lifetime.

In order for the Educational System to play a strategic role, it must overcome current restrictions, part of which lie in the institutional sphere and in its deficiencies in matters of organization and management.

There are those who understand management, resource management and, when dealing with educational management, give priority to human resources, that is, teachers; There are those who, also when focusing educational management as resource management, give priority to the allocation of financial resources. There are also those who postulate that for the transformation of educational management in Peru it is necessary to overcome the pedagogical conception of education.

Education, they say: It must be organized as a productive entity and have the achievement of optimal results in the combination of the factors of production.

Others understand educational management as knowledge management. They believe that the management of a school should be dedicated to developing the use of knowledge, the cultivation of interpersonal attitudes of equitable coexistence, having learning as the axis of educational action, not teaching, that is, promoting own construction. learning.

There are also those who identify management as administration, to consider it synonymous: But management is in the creation and direction towards the future, building the conditions for that future to be realized.

It is precisely in this last perspective that the concept of Management is located: Management as the creation of the conditions for the educational future that we want to achieve is realized. This means: that you have to have a project that you need to achieve, that you select the people you consider capable of carrying it out (managers, teachers, and administrators), that you plan and carry out actions to achieve it, and that the Problems that hinder it. Finally, that resources are generated and administered, to count on the people that are required and carry out the actions that are needed.



Peruvian Education has long faced the problems inherent in its administration and management, with experiences that the history of education should not forget, let's see:

Peasant school nuclei were created in 1946 in the government of Dr. José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, in each nucleus there was a complete primary school provided with farmland, grains, workshops, etc.

Later there was the experience of Pre-Vocational schools.

In the 1950s, the first National Education Plan was formulated, the common and technical School unit was created, the regions were organized, the Primary inspections and the Technical supervision were strengthened.

In 1962, the deconcentration of the educational sector began, they created 4 regions. In 1972, when the Educational Reform was carried out, the Common Educational Nuclei were created, around 600 nuclei were organized and grouped into Zonal Directions and these in Regional Directions.

The predominance of administrative tasks, over pedagogy and participation, caused the nuclei to fail to carry out their activities.

In 1975, with the economic crisis, it caused cuts in spending that affected the equipping of schools and centers, and teacher compensation.

The administrative reorganization of 1972, created by INABEC, the National System of the Peruvian University and the Geophysical Institute of Peru, which became part of the Education budget.

In the second half of the eighties, the supervisions and later the Educational Services Units (USE) replaced the nuclei and the Zonal Directions.


A. BASIC PRINCIPLES.- They are contained in the report of the UNESCO International Commission on Education for the XXI century, being the following:

to. Education is a fundamental right of the human person and has a universal human value.

b. The formal and non-formal, must be in itself useful to society by offering an instrument that favors the creation, progress and dissemination of knowledge and science, making knowledge and teaching available to everyone.

c. A triple concern for equity, relevance and excellence must guide the entire policy of education.

d. The renewal of education and all corresponding forms must rest on a deep and reflective analysis of the information.

and. Take into account the values ​​and fundamental concerns on which there are agreements within the International Community: human rights, tolerance, etc.

F. The responsibility for education rests with the entire society.

B. EDUCATIONAL QUALITY.- Quality is the value attributed to an educational process or product. That value compromises a judgment, while something is comparatively affirming with respect to another.

The demands to improve the quality of education in most of the countries of the world constitute the fundamental challenge of educational policy in the present century.

The concept of quality rests on three coherent factors:

  • FUNCTIONALITY. - Relationship between educational results and educational goals and institutional goals and the aspirations and educational needs of the community and individuals. EFFECTIVENESS. - It is the coherence between results, goals and objectives, it is also defined as the achievement of educational objectives, established as valuable and desirable. MODERNITY. - Process, to put education in tune with the current demands and those of the new century, whose ultimate goal seeks the more fluid development of educational activities, considering for this the curricular modernization, teacher training, provision of books and materials educational, as well as the improvement of their physical infrastructure


The central element of the institutional development of an educational center is the definition of the values ​​and objectives that guide the work of the center in all its aspects.

The values ​​and objectives have as a legal framework, in the first place; what is stipulated by the Political Constitution of Peru, particularly in its articles 2 and 13 to 19, since they express the way in which Peru conceives the development of the human person and their rights vis-à-vis education, based on the goals of national development.

A second place corresponds to the laws and regulations of the Education sector, which regulate educational activity in accordance with the constitution.

In addition to the normative framework of the constitution and the Laws, it is important to consider the need to integrate local perspectives into the changing global reality of today; One of the most important characteristics of the contemporary world, and which becomes even more acute in a multicultural country like ours, is the need to learn to live in peace. The good thing is that, having acquired this capacity, we will make our diversity a benefit since variety encourages creativity and stimulates the intellectual and spiritual development of people.


Today the school is considered as a company, pointing out that the educational service is offered and demanded by a market that constitutes society. The offer is basically in the public sector and, to a lesser extent, in the private sector. Education in this approach is considered as a production process that implies the provision of the educational service and must result in the transformation of a certain initial raw material, the student who enters, and a product to the student who graduates and this process is It performs through the application of a set of inputs, techniques and sequences that the demand is made by citizens or families, who can use consumption criteria, when they demand education for the simple enjoyment of learning, or investment criteria,when the demand is made because the benefits of learning outweigh the costs.

In the perspective of the school as a company, teaching is considered as a set of inputs that intervene in the classroom, where the teacher is one more input, and learning is seen as a predictable result of the presence and combination of these inputs.

This approach was challenged by those who considered that the human person, as an intelligent and free being, cannot be equated with the input of business production. Hence, the idea of ​​the director or manager of the educational center, is now under review and more thought of the director as leader.



Natural or legal persons who organize privately run educational centers are called promoters.


The director of the educational center is the legal representative and is given the necessary authority and responsibility, so that the purposes of the respective educational center or program are fulfilled.


He is the educator who carries out his and her work in direct contact with the students, and in close coordination with his colleagues; participates in the planning of the educational work, designs and specifies the learning situations, materials and assessment instruments.

He is responsible for the results of the educational work.


The degree and characteristics of participation of the community and parents are subordinated, by the reading of norms, the style of administration policy established by the government and the educational institution.


It is made up of students, whose universe is highly heterogeneous.


The municipality becomes the closest educational instance to the activity of the educational center, followed by companies, parish and some grassroots social organizations, which collaborate with educational centers.


It is the direct communication channel in the ministry of education and educational centers.



  • Have leadership and convening capacity to manage your educational center Know and apply appropriately the regulations of the education sector and other pertinent norms to your managerial role Possess ability to solve problems and have ability to make decisions Evidence communication skills and ability to maintain good human relations with students, parents and teachers. Assume the role of creator of favorable conditions for the development of human capacities of the different educational actors. Know and apply methods and techniques in their center to prepare the Institutional Development Project. Evaluate their actions, and that of the people in charge, considering the processes and based on the results.


  • Organize the educational action so that the competences that integrate skills, concepts, attitudes and skills are developed. Know and apply procedures for diversification and adaptation of the educational center. Have the ability to identify and organize the evaluation of the technical elements of the learning process. innovation, texts and educational materials. Properly manage the techniques and procedures of educational supervision and evaluation. Know and apply techniques and procedures that promote teacher motivation and updating.


  • Know and correctly manage the personnel, rationalization, budget, treasury, accounting and control systems appropriate to the educational center. Know and apply technical standards and procedures of the educational infrastructure and equipment. Have the capacity to generate and administer financial resources with a managerial focus.


The leader has a fundamental role in the personal, family and social aspects.

  • Personally, you have to recognize and practice the ethic of mutual respect, solidarity, trust. Honesty, humility, fidelity, honesty and friendship. You have to recognize the positive values ​​and attitudes of people, motivating your followers to reach their full realization; you have to lead by word, inspire through trust and sympathy (charismatic), put others on your side and also be able to sufficiently change the climate so that everyone can do the things they must do. In the familiar, you have to sow and develop the feelings that lead to the unification and harmony of people, respecting and revaluing the attitudes and values ​​of the family, as the fundamental element of social progress, you also have to teach your children the aspects of the real life, so that they are good parents and good citizens. In the social aspect, you have to recognize and practice the ethic of teamwork and the ethic of social progress, creating a human community united by the bond of work and friendship, leading to shared happiness.

In summary, the leader's roles are oriented towards achieving sustained human development; This is economic progress with equitable development, relying on human creativity in intellectual property, in the power of the mind and in teamwork, and not in personal work.



The company is a society made up of people, who organize themselves to achieve objectives, aimed at producing services that will satisfy the needs of an intellectual consumer market, expecting a social and economic profit margin. The company in a more exact sense, we define it as a legal, economic and social organization of people, who put their capital and effort, in order to produce an educational service and therefore obtain results whether they are economic or social.


The company requires the knowledge and uses of principles, rules and techniques of business administration, let's see why:

As we have defined the company, this is a conglomerate, where the work of people, using certain means, equipment and resources, combine these resources in the proportions and with the most appropriate characteristics in order to guarantee the success of the company in terms efficiency and profitability, represents a very complex task that gives rise to administration.

Managing represents achieving the goals of the company. Getting results is important, but the media must never violate the dignity of people.

The administration as a science has achieved a great development, the knowledge and use of the principles, techniques and instruments of business administration are a guarantee for the achievement of the objectives of any company, in terms of efficiency and profitability.

For every company to fulfill its economic and social role, it must necessarily adapt to modern and recent administrative and organizational techniques.

In conclusion, the principles and techniques of modern organization are valid for all types of companies.


It is the social science that consists of the functions of planning, organization, execution and control, which are performed to achieve objectives, through the use of people and resources.

The administration allows efficient use of human, financial and material resources; that is to say "Minimum of resources, Maximum of use".

The administration becomes effective through the fulfillment of the managerial functions of the planning, organization, execution and control, these in turn must be properly interrelated to achieve the objectives.


2.4.1. CONCEPT:

The managerial management, tries in essence, to organize and better administer the activities of the company, oriented to the acceleration of its economic development, to ensure the full use of the material and human possibilities, and to group even more closely all the workers around the established goals.

In other words, we call managerial management the decision-making process that workers with levels of responsibility must carry out, so that the entity meets its objectives.

Making decisions requires the manager and workers, being informed of various economic, legal, organizational, administrative, etc. aspects. As well as knowing the most appropriate techniques and methods to put this knowledge into action.


The management elements are: Planning, Organization, Direction, Coordination, and control. This division is for didactic purposes, since in practice it is a whole; that is, they are interdependencies between each other, it is impossible to speak of one without addressing the others


The process of selecting objectives and goals and the most appropriate actions to take to face the future of the company is called: Planning Process.

Planning is a process of realistic projection towards the future and it is a logical attitude to foresee the course of changing events in which we know we are going to operate.

Business planning uses a set of techniques and methods that we use to formulate, apply and monitor the development of the plan, such as budgets, schedules, programs, etc.


It is the relationship established between human resources and the economic resources available to the company to achieve the objectives and goals proposed in the plan.

It means providing the company with the social structure and providing the social body with the necessary resources for its proper functioning.


The management function is to make all members of the organization want to achieve the objectives that the manager or executive wants to achieve, because they want to achieve it. Management means carrying out the activities established in the plan under the direction of an authority such as the manager, or director.


Relate, unite and harmonize all the acts and efforts of the full group of workers.


Control is a permanent practice in the company and basically consists of contrasting what is happening with what is planned, in order to know the deviations that exist, what causes have caused them and what solutions can be proposed to correct them.

In this illustration, we appreciate the elements of administrative management:



By applying this principle, activities or tasks should be grouped, as far as possible into organizational units, dividing functions or tasks according to area or specialty.


It consists of delegating authority to the subordinates of the organization, in order to be able to fulfill their assigned obligations. The delegation of authority does not mean in any way to delegate responsibility, what should be sought is a balance between authority and responsibility, bearing in mind that authority is an action of command, it is the ability of a person to give orders; while responsibility is the obligation to account for their actions, from the bottom up.


It means that a worker cannot and should not be placed, in situations of receiving orders from more than one boss or hierarchical superior.

Every worker owes a single boss, and nothing more than a boss.


By applying this principle, it seeks to meet the desired objectives of the company, in such a way that the cost is minimal and that the improvised ones tend to be eliminated; This principle also measures the capacity of the executive-official, in order to make the chain of command as short as possible, since decisions must be made as close as possible to where the problem arises.


Also called the limit of control principle, through which it is a question of establishing the number of workers that a boss can effectively direct, coordinate and control.



It consists, among other fundamental aspects, of creating a favorable environment for the active and efficient participation of workers in the production process.

The main techniques in personnel management are:

  • Job Analysis Personnel Selection Personnel Training Salary Administration Security Social Welfare Personnel Assessment and Control Merits and Incentives


It can be synthesized as search and use of economic means for the company to achieve its objectives.

Liquidity is required to pay remuneration, to buy raw materials, to equip the plant with the required machinery, to sell on credit, etc.

Finance refers to the monetary aspects of a business.

On the other hand, accounting management, which is contained in accounting documents and accounting books, the administrative unit dedicated to conducting it is the accounting department. Accounting is a systematic record of all the operations carried out by the company, or of what is happening in it in relation to income, output, use, wear and tear or existence of economic and financial resources.


Commercial management is defined as the set of activities that have the final result of placing products or services within the reach of the consumer (customers, users).

The most important marketing activities are: Sales, and transportation, warehousing, standardization, promotion, advertising and market research.


It consists of the acquisition, storage and distribution of everything necessary for the normal operation of the company, these acquisitions range from raw materials, supplies, office supplies, etc; even machinery and equipment.

These needs are covered taking into account the economic availability and the physical and administrative infrastructure of the company.


It is developed through the planning, organization, execution, and control of administrative tasks, actions, and procedures, using technical instruments and means for this.

Keep in mind that modern administrative management requires the use and application of certain techniques and systems, referring to the various aspects of business management, among which are human, economic, financial and statistical in the perspective of preparing information that serves to rational and timely decision making.

Also the administrative area, has the responsibility to develop and implement various administrative rules and procedures, for the execution of tasks and / or activities effectively.

Finally, it is necessary for administrative efficiency to be achieved, for the company to have the support of computing and informatics.



Strategic planning is the analysis and evaluation of both the opportunities or limitations offered by the environment of the company, as well as its own strengths and weaknesses and is projected into the future defining the objectives, goals and strategies that will make it possible to achieve long term.

Strategic planning is also a systematic and permanent process, which has a significant impact on the future of the company, means decision, business risks and organization of efforts to execute decisions, includes multidisciplinary human teams and is subject to an evaluation process permanent.

The success of strategic planning lies in the ability of those who analyze possible risks and how to neutralize them, as well as opportunities and how to take advantage of them.

Finally, we will state that strategic planning is an eminently participatory process, because all the members of the organization must intervene actively, this would mean showing them that their intervention is crucial, this will undoubtedly involve the development of socialization workshops where Share with everyone diverse opinions, which motivates them to really feel like active members of the process.


The Institutional Development (PDI) project is a set of pedagogical and management proposals and proposals to develop a quality education in our educational center, giving meaning and horizon to the educational actions that will be carried out by students, parents, teachers, director and other subjects of the educational community.

The institutional development project is an instrument of institutional management of the educational center with a medium and long-term projection.

It is a management proposal because it contains everything that needs to be done between one and ten years of institutional management.



Identity is what characterizes and distinguishes an educational center from other similar ones. It is given by the prestige of the educational center, inside and outside the town and that everyone recognizes. This prestige is given by learning, discipline, punctuality, education, respect, and the values ​​of its students, teachers and parents.


It is the information that allows us to identify the problems, needs and potentialities of our reality, in order to point out that it must be changed based on the causes that generate these problems and making use of our potentialities. The diagnosis must be internal and external.

The diagnosis allows:

  • Identify the changes we want to make according to the social, economic, cultural environment, etc. Let's go from strengths to reverse weaknesses and opportunities to reverse threats. Observe the quantitative development of our educational center in the pedagogical and management dimensions. Obtain information on the qualitative development of the pedagogical and management dimensions of our educational center.

At the end of this process, the vision and mission of the educational center are structured.


It is the set of proposals that allow to act on the pedagogical elements (principles, curriculum, etc.) mobilizing efforts and resources to make possible the changes we aspire to in learning.

The pedagogical is the starting and finishing point for everything that can be done with the PDI


It is the set of proposals that allow acting on the elements of the administration (principles, organization, resources, etc.) to help develop the pedagogical proposal.



It is made up of the different organs and administrative units that have been established in the organization, constitutes the "Bone body" of the company and must be established according to the needs, size, line of business, or other special characteristics of the organization; For its establishment there are essential principles that must be taken into consideration:

to. Determination of the work to be done to achieve the objectives.

b. Delegation of authority and responsibility to avoid excessive centralization of command.

c. Communication between the different positions or positions within each administrative unit, to facilitate teamwork and make it more profitable.

d. Control of human resources.

The organs are generally the following:

  • Senior Management Bodies Management Bodies Line Bodies Advisory Bodies Consulting Bodies Control Bodies Support Bodies Decentralized Bodies


4.2.1. STATUTE

It is the first administrative normative document, the same that gives rise to its constitution and legal operation of the company; It contains the basic rules, regarding its constitution, associative and business organization, as well as the management system.

The statute must be registered in the Public Registers by means of a public deed, issued by a Notary.


The organization and functions manuals are operational documents that detail the structure, functions, coordination relationships and tasks of the different organic units of an institution, in close relation with the Organization and Functions Regulations; It also establishes the positions and requirements to be filled by people within the organic structure.


It is the graphic representation of the formal structure that the organization has adopted. It is therefore the representation of the way its parts are arranged and related: in which they are shown:

to. the main organic units.

b. The division of functions.

c. The hierarchical levels.

d. The lines of authority and responsibility.

and. Formal communication channels.


It is a support instrument that regulates the organization and operation of the educational center. It contains the objectives and organization of the center; as well as the functions, responsibilities and obligations of its members, the development of academic and administrative activities, the economic, disciplinary regime and relations with the community.


It is a specific document aimed at describing in detail the operational actions necessary for the execution of a company procedure or service.


It is the administrative normative document that contains a set of norms, which allows the administration to regulate the Worker-Employer labor relationship, these norms are subject to the current labor legislation, requiring approval by the Ministry of Labor for their legal implementation.


It is the technical document that contains the positions with budget support assigned by the immediate higher administrative body, and which is ordered according to the hierarchy that it has in the organization chart of the educational center.

The most used types are "structural" and "Nominal". The first shows the positions and positions: the second lists the names and surnames of the workers who occupy those positions.



It is an administrative function, which consists of making the social body of a company work, to achieve the objectives and goals established by the organization, through the orientation, coordination and motivation of the staff.


To effectively direct your subordinates, all management must be based on:

  • Authority Motivation Coordination Communications and Leadership.


It is covered by the normative aspect and the personal aspect, the normative is through a document of appointment (memorandum, resolution, office, etc.) and the personal aspect determined by knowledge, experience and ability.

Authority is the backbone of the organization, without it there can be no business management.


It consists of a series of techniques used by management to achieve the active and voluntary participation of people in achieving the goals that the company wants to achieve.


Coordination is an integrating or synchronizing process of the efforts and actions of the personnel, in quality, time and direction, so that it works harmoniously and without friction and duplication, in order to satisfy and achieve the objectives and goals established by the company.


It is a process of verbal, written and visual exchange, to transmit and know criteria, information, thoughts, aspirations, etc.

The role it plays is very important, especially for responsible decision-making at the management and operational levels of the company. If there is no communication, there can be no interaction between the members of the company, it is the basis that allows establishing relationships with people, so it must be ensured that the messages flow throughout the administrative structure in a clear, precise and complete way, in addition to encourage two-way or two-way communication.


Leadership is fundamentally based on personal authority; A leader can be defined as a person capable of uniting another for the achievement of a certain objective or the art of directing, coordinating and motivating individuals and groups to achieve certain ends; It basically consists of the leading manager possessing a good expressive, intellectual and social capacity.


to. Organizing leader:

It is one that establishes hierarchical and / or responsibility relationships. He surrounds himself with good collaborators, he lets them work alone and when he has problems he helps them; is discreet out of respect for others.

b. Participatory Leader:

He is the one who believes that power is in the team and not in one person, for the boss and subordinates he forms a team. In this case, power means adapting to men and situations, giving importance or value to loyalty and solidarity, making judicious decisions.

c. Leader Bureaucrat:

They are the ones who run the organization from their office, structure the organizations on the basis of a cumbersome system of procedures and requirements, attach great importance to social status, are proud and conflictive, are not in solidarity with their collaborators and induce their collaborators to that they are afraid of him. They are not framed in reality, so they make decisions without criteria and wrong.

d. Entrepreneurial Leader:

He directs his collaborators so that they have the best results, they have initiative and motivation: he drives his people towards the achievement of the proposed objectives, establishes clear hierarchical relationships. He does nothing at random, he acts coldly and realistically, he combines hardness and goodness; knows how to earn the respect of others.

and. Paternalistic Leader and Demagogue:

They have an inflated ego, they are neurotic protectors, they talk too much, they promise things that later they do not fulfill; They talk a lot about equipment and democracy, they are very influential, their collaborators can manipulate them without realizing it.

F. Technical leader:

Made up of technical professionals and competent specialists, they are objective and realistic, giving more importance to the technical part. These leaders are demanding, they seek results and they surround themselves with collaborators.

g. Opportunistic leader:

They are leaders who frequently practice the law of the jungle, are manipulative and wild, overestimate themselves, and put pressure on others to get what they want; They sow intrigues and weeds, they pretend their true feelings to achieve their ambitious goals, they always want to get away with it, they are intelligent and skillful at manipulating the group, they are selfish and disloyal.


It is the process of choosing between various alternatives of action, to achieve a purpose, this action is a basic guiding responsibility, since to have good operational management it is required to be dynamic, timely and effective.


There are two important levels of decision-making in the company:

  • Decisions on institutional and operational objectives and policies Decisions on daily operational management.


The primary requirement for a successful change process is the existence of a management team with sufficient leadership to anticipate the future, develop a clear vision of the role that staff and the company must play, to help build that future.

Change means reducing costs and building competitive structures to provide customers with what they want, how and when they want it, and at a competitive price and quality.

Change management comprises two fundamental aspects. its administration and direction.

Change management refers to the world of objects, such as resources, tasks, plans, programs, obtaining funds, among others: This is considered first and starts the same day you make the decision to restart a change.

The direction of change refers to the world of people, and words such as vision, motivation, commitment, knowledge. Treatment, quality, satisfaction, etc… are priorities for those who lead the change.

On the ability to manage and direct the change, depends on the success or the process of the redesigned project; For success, you need to be concerned with how to get people to actively support and participate in change.


It is the process through which the knowledge, feelings, emotions and requirements are transmitted with reasoning and sensitivity to make known the reports, opinions and wishes, awaiting response from the communications with reciprocity of characters, sharing and exchanging through dialogue, conversation and discussion which are the natural forms of communication.

More specifically: It is a process of verbal, written and visual exchange, to convey and learn criteria, information, thoughts, aspirations, etc.

The role it plays is very important, especially for responsible decision-making at the company's management and operation levels. If there is no communication, there can be no interaction between the members of the company, it is the basis that allows establishing relationships with people, so it must be ensured that messages flow at all levels throughout the administrative structure, clearly, precisely and complet.

Undoubtedly if there is no adequate, fluid, and timely communication within the company, the problems will immediately be noticed, such as resentments, non-compliance with functions, apathy, disorganization, etc. Etc. Therefore we must take into account the following:


Every person has the habit, need, satisfaction and / or naturalness, to relate to human beings from different perspectives, for example: conversing, would you call this human relations?… in itself it is, as we approach a popular meaning… What a conversationalist! How sociable! But will it be authentic? Or it is a way of supporting oneself psychologically through others, but it may also be natural and spontaneous in that person. Human beings are so complicated and unpredictable that we do not really know each other, it is there where the need arises to improve our relationships with others and learn to take care of our internal world (emotions) and our external world (behavior).


Personality brings together a series of individual factors that in turn configure a peculiar or particular way of being. It is the one that gives us a special tint before others, it is the one that gives us uniqueness within our own family and social group.

All of us have different ways of being, that's why we differentiate ourselves; some are "calm" or "introverts", others are "restless or extroverts", on the other hand, they are "good people" or sure of themselves and others "choleric", "bossy", "cacha hundreds", "left over", "Self-sufficient that confirm that they are people lacking security.

to. Temperaments. - that they come to be the result of the physiological predominance, in this sense the collaborators can be:

  • Active Rate. - Firm and solid in his actions, he is realistic and friendly. Type Ego centrist. - It is selfish, it cares about itself, combined with the previous one it can be economical, prudent and ambitious. Dreamy guy. - He is imaginative and sometimes creative, he does not like monotonous work. Lunatic type. -Sometimes he is active and happy. Another time he looks shy. You have to know your emotional situation to treat it. Systematic type. - He's a bit of a maniac. He likes regularity. Monotonous works are adapted. Susceptible Type. - He thinks that nobody wants it. He usually laments. It is not sociable and difficult to manage.

b. The likes. - It is the expression of the person's own will, it allows to discover the deep tendencies of the personality, it is usually reflected in the pleasure of doing or knowing something, it must be taken into account when assigning the positions.

c. The needs. - It is the effect of the lack of something that needs to be covered, it is accompanied by a state of restlessness or tension that results in human behavior being directed towards a goal that satisfies the need and in this way the tension is reduced or disappears or concern.

Needs determine the person's attitude towards work, in turn the worker expects the following from work through the company:

  • Good remuneration Job stability Fair boss Promotions Friendly and pleasant colleagues Good working conditions Recognition of their work

The sum of these qualities form the collaborator's attitudes, if the attitudes are negative, we will have the following types of collaborators that are very difficult to manage:

  • Aggressive, sometimes it can only be verbal, sometimes he is a slanderer and he usually criticizes everything and against all the acts of the co-workers, he usually sees bad intentions Stubborn, he does not understand reasons, only his, he is stubborn and stubborn in the face of difficulties, he withdraws from his obligations. Resigned, in the face of any difficulty he tends to lose heart

6.2. Service Dimensions:


  • Respectful Kind: between warm and friendly (avoid: cold or rude) Customer Oriented and Focused Enthusiastic Positive Tolerant


  • SchedulesDeliveryReception of claimsInformation (availability and precision) Accessibility to personnelCompetences of staffMinimization of queues / waitsKindness (cordiality and / or warmth) Atmosphere and decoration) Facilities for comfortConfidenceRespectRapidity.


To be successful as a manager of an educational organization, keep the following guidelines in mind:

1º Organize and manage educational activities in:

  • Human Resources Area Financial Resources Area Technological Resources Area Academic Resources Area Administrative Resources Area

2º Review and assess business activities (find out about all the actions performed by administrative departments).

3º Coupling the organic structure to the needs of the educational center.

4th Project yourself to the outside environment, controlling threats, make agreements, become a member of associations, practice good public and human relations, etc.

5º Greater participation in decision making, communication must be more fluid in the manager and the workers, contributing these suggestions, ideas, initiatives.

6º Faster decision making.

7º Improve academic, administrative and productive productivity, using strategies such as. Training of employees, incorporation of new technology, improvement of the professional personnel index.

8º Greater centralization or decentralization. If you want to centralize, you can use technology to acquire more information, make more decisions, often with responsiveness; in the same way, it can decentralize information and share it with key headquarters, leading to greater participation and autonomy of them.



There are many reasons why a company fails. But this last word is simply understood another, terrible for any manager, and even more so, for anyone who calls himself an entrepreneur: bankruptcy

Annually, thousands of companies know what it is to close their doors for having reached their situation of economic insolvency. Others, despite not reaching total failure, live in permanent anxiety.

To know more exactly about this problem, we asked ourselves, why companies that seemed to be a success, suddenly start going downhill from one moment to the next)

If failure has a cause, aside from simple business ineptitude, it is the reality that many executives too often do not understand one of the fundamentals of business. They never worry about finding answers to questions such as what are the keys that lead to a competitive situation in the sector where they carry out their work?

A company is above all a mental model; If this is lacking, decision-making is inconsistent and the company drifts.

One of the clearest symptoms of these is seen in the tendency to diversify the activities of the company in fields increasingly distant from its main core of achievements, in fact, which frequently manifests itself with reckless acquisitions or mergers, much of which is They make with the idea that the impact they will produce will have a favorable impact on sales, decisions that in most cases are wrong.


The problem according to the experts is that the companies were only content with surviving the situations as they arise.

That is much easier than carrying out the complicated analyzes of the trends that are appearing and which are the ones that at the end of the account show what the course of history will be. Immersed as they are in the reality of the moment, very few managers have time for imagination and creativity.

In recent years one of the most common disasters is staying tied to the technologies of the past example. The man runs a company dedicated to the manufacture of paint for metal, he should already be thinking about new products that will be used in ten years and that will replace current ones.


Debts can be a heavy burden, but paradoxically they can make a company much more efficient, because they force their executives to work harder and make better approaches.

Although debt also robs you of two of its most essential attributes: the strength to resist the ups and downs of the market and the flexibility to respond to competitive challenges.

Many companies have fallen into debt problems due to the need to face new competitors who were entering their land. However, many companies end up going bankrupt. The reason: they did not contemplate that the exchange rate and the debts would prevent an adequate reaction to new challenges.


Similarly, one of the most damaging things for a company is to rely on outdated models and try to rescue glorious pasts. An important cause of such passive management is human nature itself: Most of us have a big problem when it comes to changing a strategy that has worked well in the past.

Incredible as it may seem, today's success may be the seed of tomorrow's failure. Complacency is one of the ills that most often afflicts large companies almost directly in proportion to their size.


Another reason why companies fail is because they lose the "touch" with their most important customers.

Companies that manufacture high-tech related products or services are particularly vulnerable when it comes to detecting tacking with the changing market winds. Whatever the business, staying in constant contact with customers often involves much more than just market research.

The most efficient managers usually spend a good part of their time being close to their key clients, only by knowing their needs, management can find the right direction. Many failures occur simply because the man in charge of them did not know how to properly train his sales personnel.


Unfortunately, there are cases in which the same workers of a company become their executioners. The attacks and hostilities are the clearest evidence that such a situation is taking place. Usually these are death threats sent by mail or by pints on factory networks.

Less blatant, but by no means less damaging, are the cynicism and resentments that arise when management preaches one thing and does another. There is an all too common example of this: Corporate leaders can quickly thwart a reengineering effort by ordering the purchase of luxury vehicles for the company's senior staff, while forcing workers to tighten their belts.

This, which could be called corporate hypocrisy, ignores that it violates the unwritten rules of human coexistence. If they preach importance of teamwork, then they should not be excluded when sacrificing comforts for the welfare of the company. On the other hand, many failures happen due to the breakdown of something that may seem as prosaic as the relationship of loyalty between employers and employees.


Hundreds of books have been written giving more or less miraculous recipes for success in business, none have deserved as much attention as the famous Business Realities of the master Peter Drucker whose principles have been amply demonstrated in the field of business dynamics; however, they are useless if executives do not assume these principles as conduct.

Business realities are a precedent for effective executive behavior and the reinforcing consequences of such practices, it is the successes achieved in the management of companies that constitute reinforcers of managerial behavior. Among these realities we have the following:


"Neither the results nor the resources are within the company, both are outside the same"; Against this background, the executive must direct all its strategy and tactics abroad, where the resources and results are, and then attract them to the company.

If we look closely at this reality, in no type of company the results are produced within it, nor the goods and services, within it there are only costs, for example the results in commercial and industrial companies are clear since their profits are in In the hands of the client, the executive has to make efforts to attract them if he wants to have results, these efforts can materialize in price reductions, quality, credit advantages, etc. In other words, innovating and marketing. The alternative to this reality would be concern with petty squabbles, gossip, or maintaining internal order unless a conscious effort is made to go outside or its effectiveness will inevitably be diluted.

Another way of projecting abroad is through the quality of the products, their economy and permanent innovation; These three aspects are the best ambassadors of any company in its projection abroad and this must be its practice, its conduct and not just the manager's momentary enthusiasm.


"The results are achieved through the exploitation of innovation opportunities, not by solving problems", The executive must seek and take advantage of opportunities in those lines of activity or forgotten segment of the market to innovate them, even those activities that are poorly operated are Exploitable as opportunities, The executive must turn the needs of his clients and society into authentic opportunities to innovate. For the rest, problem solving only returns the fair balance to the company, but it is nothing more than that; it does not add profits, what gives results are the exploitation of innovation opportunities.


It is desirable for the company to exercise leadership in one or more products or in some aspect of its business that means value for the client, but those that do not catch a single leading product or service are, in fact, candidates for failure. This antecedent impels the executive towards a conduct of search and permanent creation of leadership in the business. Of course, the customer is ultimately the one who determines what is valuable or significant to him, hence the executive must study and analyze what the customer buys and what is valuable, meaningful to him and exercise leadership through innovation in favor of the client. Paradoxically, a small company that exercises leadership in some aspect of its business can obtain greater economic results than in a larger one, but,that you are not exercising leadership in any aspect of your business.


The integration factor refers to the union of the individual needs of all those who work in an organization, with the objectives and organizational goals.


The manager of an educational center has an important role in the administration of the resources available to him: human, material and financial, the latter is related to cash, the product of donations or economic activities carried out at the initiative of the educational center.


It is a specialized function carried out by the managers or directors of the educational centers regarding personnel management, in relation to the selection of personnel, evaluation, incentives, sanctions, licenses, permits and agreements for teacher training and updating.


The powers delegated to the manager or director of the public educational center, in matters of personnel management, as established in RM No. 016-96-ED are as follows:

  • Select the qualified and administrative teaching staff, according to the authorized positions that correspond to the educational center. Give position of position to the selected personnel and communicate to the higher administrative authority, which must formalize the respective contract. Punish the directive, hierarchical staff, teaching or administrative, when the evaluation is negative or due to functional misconduct. Encourage and recognize the individual and collective effort of its personnel. Evaluate the directive, hierarchical, teaching and administrative personnel. to the immediate superior administrative authority. Sign agreements and / or contracts for educational purposes.


The selection process, also called a competition, consists of applying a series of rules, techniques and procedures in order to fill jobs, with the fundamental objective of achieving adequate and suitable personnel, who possess the necessary qualities for a certain position. and / or job.

The activities that are generally carried out to execute the process are the following:

1. The Requirement and Normative Basis.

2. Formation of the Competition Jury.

3. Publication of Applications and Files.

4. Receipt of Applications and Files.

5. Evaluation and Qualification of the Documents and Curriculum of the applicants and Declaration of suitable Candidates.

6. Administration of Selection Tests.

7. The Personal Interview.

8. Final result and appeals to the winners of the contest.

9. Introduction of the new worker.

In the case of personnel selection, applicants who have up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity with the director or any server of the educational center cannot be selected or hired (Art. 23, subsection e of DL. No. 276 and Art. 137 of DS No. 005-90PCM)


The leave is the authorization that is granted to the workers not to attend their job for one or more days. The use of the right begins at the request of the worker. The license is formalized by directive decree. The Licenses are classified into:

A.- License with enjoyment

B.- License without enjoying

C.- License on account of the holiday period

In which cases does the license for administrative staff proceed?

The license with remuneration, according to Supreme Decree No. 005-909-PCM, regulation of the Law of Bases of the Administrative Career, proceeds the following cases:

  • Maternity: 90 days Illness: the duration of the illness Death of the spouse, parents, children and siblings: 05 business days Death of the spouse, parents, children and siblings when the death occurs in a province other than the workplace: 08 business days Official training: up to 2 years Express, judicial, military or competent police summons: the time of attendance plus the end of the distance. Mayor function: the duration of the function

The license without remuneration, proceeds in the following cases:

  • Private reasons: up to 90 days Unofficial training: up to 1 year

The license on account of the holiday period, according to the same cited rule, proceeds in the following cases:

  • Marriage: up to 30 days Serious illness of spouse, parent or children: up to 30 days


It is the administrative action by which a worker is authorized to perform functions inside or outside his educational center.

In this part we have the following administrative personnel actions: Highlight and reassignment.


It is the temporary displacement of a named server, to another entity, at the request of the latter with the consent of the worker and duly substantiated. The favorable opinion of the entity of origin is required, in this case, of the director of the educational center

Within the characteristics of this administrative action we have:

  • The server continues to receive their remuneration in the origin entity. It will not be less than 30 days, nor will it exceed the budget year. The outstanding worker will make use of the vacation right according to the role considered in the origin entity.

For administrative staff, the highlight is in the following cases:

  • By family unit By need of service.


It is a public educational center, the possibilities of generating its own resources are not uniform, nor easy. The particularity of each educational center, to generate its own resources, is determined by the economic-contributory capacity of the parents, by the number of associates and by the management training of the directors of the educational center, in any case, it is possible to convert the limitations in force, in impulse, to conditions of working with initiative, elaborating productive projects, whether of production of goods or provision of services.

To manage financial resources successfully, every manager or director must know the financial instruments, such as the budget and cash flow.

8.2.1. BUDGET

It is the instrument of management, which consists of rationally estimating the income to be received in a given period and the prioritized expenses that will be covered with the expected income. On the income side, there are two main sources of financing. The income assigned by the Public Treasury, which are called ordinary resources, and the own income that can be generated by each educational center, which is called Directly Raised Resources.

The expenses are the disbursements (expenses) that are made for the acquisition of goods and services necessary for the operation of the educational center.

Finally we will tell you that the formulation of the budget will necessarily have to be based on the Annual Work Plan of the Educational Center.


It is an instrument that allows us to compare and forecast for each moment or period the money needs of the educational center with the income. Unlike a budget that deals with justifying expenses based on tasks or objectives and ensuring their coverage globally through income, cash flow is more about following (or forecasting) the flow of money from period by period, so that for each moment there is an exact image of the needs and existence of liquidity.

Cash flow is constructed by recording all monetary income and expenses for the period, then it is determined that it is added or subtracted, as the case may be, to the initial cash balance and the new cash level is determined.

It is formulated either weekly, biweekly or monthly for a semester or a year:

Period Items January February March April May June
Previous balance
Cash level
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Educational management in Peru