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Human resources management in higher education in cuba

Both internationally and in our own country (Cuba), the HRM, has its particularities according to the sector in which said activity is analyzed, it should be noted that the Higher Education Institutions (HEI) do not escape the current reality and are among the organizations in which the human resources practices have the most connotation seen with a systemic approach and collected in a system organized and implemented according to the characteristics of the organization in which it is developed.

In the current conditions of management development at the world level, where the university has to play its role, it should not be forgotten that it is necessary to operate in a poorly defined environment and constantly changing due to increasing globalization, so directing in Through the uncertainty and complexity of university processes, it forces a continuous search for efficiency and effectiveness in management methods.

As a recount it is necessary to mention that until 1975 in the IES in Cuba a traditional planning was developed that was characterized by the absence of vision of the future, at most the physical plant, the admission of students and the number of workers needed in On a smaller scale, this was centralized, rigid, and inflexible planning.

Due to the current development in management philosophies, it has had to be incorporated into these processes, willingness to carry out activities creating expectations and motivations, decision-making processes in risky conditions, capacity development to create and integrate multidisciplinary teams and other methods. In order to take into account all this range of elements mentioned above, the concepts of Strategic Planning and Strategic Management have been incorporated into the university language, with a focus on human resources or, better said, on the use of his Gutiérrez talent.

In the effort to respond to current challenges, educational institutions recognize as their greatest strength the rational and efficient use of their Human Resources themselves as their talent; bringing as a consequence that academic managers have to prepare to face the changes that must be made in teaching, research, extension work and the effects that these have on the survival and well-being of workers and the University.

The most widespread and applied trend in successful organizations today, including HEIs, is to treat Human Resources in a concentrated way; which traditionally was handled separately in areas such as personnel, cadres, training, organization of wage work, protection and hygiene, among others, in a system where the center is man, and plans and actions interact coherently with each other and with the rest of the existing systems in the Menguzzato organization.

For years, Cuba has had the important task of preparing and selecting the faculty of teachers, researchers, support staff and leaders for a process of conscious clarification in producing changes in methods and styles of leadership that foster greater participation, motivation, commitment and creativity. of all Human Resources. Cost.

Within this Strategic Planning of the Ministry of Higher Education the strengthening of Human Resources is included in a neuralgic way with the central objective of guaranteeing the successful fulfillment of the global strategy, being coherently articulated with the other spheres that make up this Strategic Planning system; making it work governed by its general MES principles.

The talent of the staff of Cuban university institutions is the main resource to assume the fulfillment of the Strategic Plan drawn up by the high ministerial management in correspondence with the turbulent and changing environment that appears in this contemporary Globalized world.

Strategic Planning conceives the university as an open and dynamic system, sensitive to external influences and in a position to respond to current social demands, anticipating and anticipating the future of the institution, according to Javera, the university in the framework of planning Strategic, it must be developed according to the current reality and with a view to the future, through deliberate policies and strategies that enjoy broad consensus.

As a result of all the changes in the university management process, in the 1990s different studies began to be carried out to implement modern management elements in Cuban universities in accordance with current conditions and that is why apply a Management program by general objectives in all HEIs with different purposes, where the role of the Human Resource is of great importance, Gutiérrez:

1. Grant autonomy to achieve objectives.

2. Carry out periodic evaluations of future organizational and individual performance in relation to verifiable objectives.

3. Define long-term and phased strategies.

4. Increase participatory management, particularly during the establishment of the objectives of the organization as a whole and of the individual objectives derived from them, jointly and at each level.

5. Achieve an effective balance between organizational and individual interests.

6. Attend, recognize and encourage all members of the university community at all times, based on performance and contribution.

7. Introduce forms of self-control and self-direction without this meaning the loss of organizational control.

Human Resources management currently goes far beyond modern personnel management, both in terms of its vision of the human factor, as well as its position in the IES, and the role it plays. Menguzato, for what it is, as it is conceived today, must ensure:

The insertion of HEI staff.

The dynamism and mobility of staff in such a way that their capacities are used to achieve the objectives of HEIs.

The progress of the staff, understood as the requirement to contribute the knowledge that will be necessary to the members of the HEIs so that they act at the highest level of competence possible.

Communication, that is, fluid, permanent and constructive dialogue.

Quality of life, providing HEI components with all the advantages, safety and compensation compatible with the results.

The image of the Institution and, therefore, the image of the human factor.

The certification of a high level of competitiveness, development, quality in university management and the influence within and outside their environment is defined by the level of excellence presented by their Human Resources.

It is essential that the Human Resources of the institutions have updated knowledge on the prevailing and new paradigms and that they are applied to the activities of the Institution. Human Resources are the interface factor to relate the paradigms (knowledge) and the Institutions (the services it provides). It is precisely human talent that generates the paradigms and through them the need for change in HEIs. People to achieve success must possess the specific up-to-date skills and knowledge demanded by the excellent Institutions of the corresponding branches and spheres.

The individual qualities required of each worker for growth and competitiveness in the framework of rapid technical change, will not necessarily be higher in relation to the amount of previously acquired knowledge, but of the capacity for permanent learning, due to the rapid obsolescence of professions and knowledge.

To work in modern educational institutions, human resources require greater autonomy, individual responsibility, prepare them for teamwork, openness to change, creativity, communication skills, ability to identify and solve problems, linking all this to a creative attitude. and innovative Aranda,.

The responsibility of the university faculties in the successful development of the fulfillment of the mission outlined by the Institutions of Higher Education (IES) is increasing and it is this responsible for making decisions that positively affect the skills and attitudes of employees; For this reason, organizations are rapidly moving towards improvements in technology and processes, thus helping to increase the value of people and allowing them to carry out their work more efficiently, thus ensuring the harvest of greater successes.

Human resources management in higher education in cuba