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Human resource management for the new generation of global aviation professionals


Since the adoption by the ICAO Assembly of the Resolution on ICAO Global Planning for Safety and Efficiency (A36-7), various events inherent in the implementation of a global air navigation system have taken place. The Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, Doc 9750) has been updated and principles and practices developed to help States and international organizations develop a performance management approach appropriate to their local conditions, including transition strategies, to support the Operational Concept of Global Air Traffic Management (Doc 9854). Regional Planning and Implementation Groups (PIRGs) adopted a global performance framework.

It should be noted that one of the main objectives of ATM systems is to create a continuous global air navigation system. A continuous field of navigation will require an international team prepared to carry out its functions in that field. To achieve this, it is essential that throughout the world the personnel who are part of this team receive a uniform and high quality level of instruction, that is, a standard system of competencies.

Furthermore, initiatives relating to the new generation of aeronautical professionals (NGAP) were launched to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified and competent aeronautical professionals who can be responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the future international air transport system.. The NGAP Task Force was created in May 2009 and participated in the preparation of the NGAP Symposium that took place at ICAO from March 1 to 4, 2010. It held its second meeting on March 5, 2010 after the symposium and established a program This will address the refinement of training for flight crews and air traffic management and aircraft maintenance personnel to meet the demands of new procedures and increasingly complex technologies.The High Level Conference on Safety (HLSC), held in Montreal in March 2010, recommended that States and international organizations support the work of the NGAP Task Force.

Within this order of ideas, the appropriate provision of Air Navigation Services will depend on the competence management of the technical - operational personnel, as well as their sufficient numerical availability to provide the different services.

Accordingly, and in consideration of the new requirements derived from the implantation of the ATM Operational Concept, the States of the SAM Region should consider the planning of Human Resources Development and Competition Management, taking into account the initiatives of the global plan. of air navigation, as well as new provisions and requirements that require its implementation in the short and medium term, and the related components of the mentioned concept

The general objective should establish a human resources management system based on competencies and in accordance with the provisions of national regulations and the guidelines for the implementation of the ATM and NGAP concept to guarantee the timely availability of the necessary personnel and with the required skills

Within the specific objectives that are necessary to achieve the purpose must be:

- Establish the generic, basic and specific competencies of aeronautical technicians

- Determine the profiles by competencies of the families of job classes

- Prepare the model of the professional development system of the aeronautical technician

- Design the competency-based and competency-based training and education models


According to Doc 9750, as part of transition planning, each service provider should evaluate its organizational structure. Thus, human resource management is an area of ​​special importance when considering the transition to CNS / ATM systems and its main function is to help agencies face the challenges that change creates to adapt to new requirements and achieve the levels of human efficiency required. The transition to CNS / ATM systems represents a major change. As a result of this change, human resource development managers have the responsibility of evaluating the organizational structures, and it is necessary to plan human resources,Review the selection criteria for new staff and design a professional development model to ensure that operational agencies have the necessary staff with the required competencies in a timely manner.

Implementation of the ATM Concept

The Global Air Traffic Management (ATM) Operational Concept represents ICAO's vision of a globally integrated, harmonized and interoperable ATM system. The planning horizon runs through 2025 and extends beyond that date. The baseline against which the significance of the proposed modifications to the operational concept can be measured is the 2000 global ATM environment.

Air traffic management

Air traffic management is the dynamic and integrated management of air traffic and airspace, safe, economical and efficient, which is carried out by supplying facilities and services without perceptible limits between its components and in collaboration with all parties.


This operational air traffic management concept describes the services that will be necessary for the operation of the global air traffic system until 2025 and beyond that date. The operational concept is about what is needed to increase flexibility for users and maximize the efficiency of operations with a view to increasing system capacity and improving safety levels in the future air traffic management system.

Components of the ATM Operational Concept

Organization and Management of Airspace

a) the entire airspace will be the responsibility of the ATM and will constitute a usable resource;

b) airspace management will be dynamic and flexible;

c) any restriction on the use of any particular volume of airspace will be considered temporary; and

d) all airspace will be managed flexibly. Airspace boundaries shall be adapted to accommodate particular traffic flows and should not be restricted by national borders or facility boundaries

Aerodrome operations

a) the runway occupation time will be reduced;

b) it will be possible to maneuver safely in all weather conditions without diminishing capacity;

c) Accurate surface movement guidance to and from a runway will be required in all conditions; and

d) the position (with an adequate level of precision) and intent of all vehicles and aircraft operating in the movement area will be known, and these data will be made available to relevant members of the ATM community.

Human Resource Development and Instructional Needs

A continuous field of navigation will require an international team prepared to perform its functions in that field. To achieve this, it is essential that all the personnel that are part of that team receive a uniform and high quality level of instruction.

The adequate provision of Air Navigation Services will depend on the competency management of technical and operational personnel, as well as their availability in sufficient quantity to attend the different services.

Global Air Navigation Plan

Instructional Needs Core Categories

- Basic instruction.

- Instruction for implementation planners

- Specific instruction for homework

Base Instruction

Rapid instruction in the fundamentals of automation, digital communications, satellite communications and computer networking is needed to provide all civil aviation personnel with the competence that will be a prerequisite for receiving the specific training necessary to His homework.

Instruction for deployment planners

Higher management level training is needed to provide decision makers with the basic information needed to plan the implementation of CNS / ATM systems. This type of training is required for management personnel who will plan the implementation of ATM systems, as well as for those who will be responsible for planning auxiliary CNS systems.

Homework-specific instruction

The third category of training needed is that required for personnel to continuously manage, operate, and maintain systems. This category represents most of the instructional needs and is the most complex to project, develop and implement. Taking this into account, ICAO has developed a strategy to formulate training programs.

Basic Training. For planning, implementation, management, operation and maintenance personnel

a) Global ATM operational concept, including auxiliary CNS / ATM systems;

b) digital communications;

c) computing fundamentals;

d) computer communications, including local / wide area networks;

e) ISO OSI reference model;

f) satellite communication systems used for fixed and mobile applications;

g) satellite navigation systems;

h) automation issues;

i) fundamentals of air traffic administration; and

j) aeronautical databases.

Superior Training. For CNS systems maintenance personnel

a) global ATM operational concept;

b) communications: SMAS, VDL, SSR Mode S data link, HF and ATN data link;

c) navigation: GNSS, including standard augmentation systems;

d) surveillance: SSR in Modes A, C and S, ADS, ADS-B and ASAS; and

e) the pertinent legal, organizational, economic, certification and operational issues.

Training in charge of operations management

a) traffic forecasts and cost / benefit analysis techniques;

b) air traffic management:

1) airspace planning;

2) ATFM organizational systems and procedures;

3) ATS systems and procedures; and

4) ATM related aspects of flight operations;

c) project planning for the transition and implementation of CNS / ATM;

d) human resource planning and training issues;

e) issues related to the increased use of automation in new systems; and

f) operational and quality control issues related to aeronautical databases

New Generation of Aeronautical Professionals

The New Generation Aeronautical Professionals (NGAP) initiatives were launched to ensure the availability of a sufficient number of qualified and competent aeronautical professionals who can be responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the future international air transport system. The NGAP Task Force was created in May 2009 and participated in the preparation of the NGAP Symposium that took place at ICAO from March 1 to 4, 2010. It held its second meeting on March 5, 2010 after the symposium and established a program This will address the refinement of training for flight crews and air traffic management and aircraft maintenance personnel to meet the demands of new procedures and increasingly complex technologies.The High Level Conference on Safety (HLSC), held in Montreal in March 2010, recommended that States and international organizations support the work of the NGAP Task Force.

ICAO has initiated policy development to ensure that sufficient competent personnel are in place to operate, manage and maintain the future global air transport system. As the aviation industry emerges from a difficult economic environment, demographic changes and powerful new technologies will intensify human resource difficulties. Therefore, in association with all industry stakeholders, there is an urgent need to consider the availability of competent human resources as a key strategic factor to implement the ICAO Global Plan for Aviation Safety (GASP), federate resources to attract and retain to the next generation, establish a permanent coordination mechanism to deal with issues related to training and education, and to review current regulations and propose a new regulatory environment that facilitates hiring, training,training and retention of the new generation of aeronautical professionals.

Human resource management for the new generation of global aviation professionals