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Human resources management vs. human capital management in venezuela

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In the Venezuelan case, this concept of human capital is novel, despite its “old data”. It is the large production and service organizations that have taken this conception to categorize people and make them understand the importance of them. for your knowledge.

The appearance of the Human Resources Management in Venezuela from 1970

For this decade, large organizations and companies, both public and private, head of staff or personnel management, had functions considered particularly difficult and even unpleasant. To develop it, it was considered as a most important requirement to have a strict legal training specialized in labor law, along with good negotiating skills. That environment and those needs required such an organ.

However, throughout the 1970s the “personal” model was timidly replaced by Human Resources Management, in an effort to better respond to new environmental challenges for which the “head of personal ”, whose most eloquent expression is found in France and its famous French May in 1968 and in the social and labor conflicts of that unforgettable time. Seeking solutions to the new challenges that the new times demanded, the leadership of "personnel" was transformed into something else. On the one hand, it maintained, increasingly entrusting them a specialized sub-department or partially outsourcing them, its traditional functions, at the same time his management shifted towards the new responsibilities he was discovering: the work environment,Today known as organizational climate, the design of succession plans, the modernization of remuneration systems, internal communication, participation, motivation, total quality, training of workers, development of their skills, etc.

These new functions configure the identity of the new management model, called Human Resources Management. This is a more open body than the staff, it also benefits from the massive incorporation of women and a great variety of university professionals.

The Venezuelan organizations and companies for the year 1970 did not assume with all their responsibility the importance of human resources to go from the accelerated growth process, due to the complexity of the functions and tasks that most of them have to fulfill. However, the new times brought changes in values ​​that helped and stimulated people to work, due to the different scientific and technological achievements, due to the pressures of the professional unions and unions, due to the organizational changes and the growth in the formation of professional administrators..

With the evolution, consolidation and importation of corporate models in the 1970s, the new planning schemes and the functional division of organizations, a structural and scientific management was born and the personnel area had to accompany this evolution with a process growing internal.

Faced with this reality, the mentality of the great Venezuelan businessmen understand that: Personnel administration is nothing more than deciding on the set of rules and practical rules that deal with how to direct and organize men in their work, so that each of them, by means of it, adequate stimulation of their potentialities, they can develop to the maximum their capacity, to produce by themselves and by the work groups, a favorable attitude, in order to achieve optimum productivity and fulfill the aspirations and needs of the people who work, without harming human dignity.

In the decade of the seventies is when the People Administration processes are formalized, it can be said then that the Human Resources Administration in Venezuela has reached its current Management status after many years of progress, which implies a development evolutionary.

Undoubtedly, the Human Resources Administration from its first moment - Venezuela case - arises with a very limited management vision.

1980: New Practices in Human Resources Management in Venezuela.

Since the beginning of the 80s, it was frequent in our country to find entrepreneurs, managers or people linked to the world of management (consultants, academics, etc.) who refer to Human Resources Management as the "future strategic factor", the “new competitive weapon” or that identify aspects related to it - such as productivity or vague concepts such as organizational culture or managerial philosophy - such as the determining factors for the success of an organization or company.

The decade of the 80s is like the “golden age”, a scientific model is completely imposed, outlined and structured in the areas of planning in what would be called human resources, recruitment, and selection, training, training, relations labor, and industrial safety. The appearance of all these processes to a greater or lesser degree has been common throughout the world, certainly the use of these tools have a financial cost, an investment that every business leader aspires to translate into having what is known in these new Times: Human Resources Management, more or less developed.

In these years, Venezuelan organizations and companies, both public and private, place great emphasis on the fundamental objective of Human Resources Management, which is to assist all managements regarding the effective use of their personnel, through advice, advice, services, and Diverse controls were used to ensure that the human resources policies, procedures, plans, and programs designed to achieve the objectives of the organization are met, and in order for each manager to be able to meet their respective goals efficiently, for this reality, efficient management of Human Resources served for many organizations and companies in Venezuela to achieve their process of strengthening, growth and expansion.

By this time, the directors of the large Venezuelan organizations and companies are beginning to realize much more the importance of human resources and also the fact that the specific methodological application for Human Resources Management is a key point for achieve the objectives and the different strategies that the organizations designed.

For 1980 we can say that the organizations and companies in Venezuela exist in a formal way, the Personnel Administration or later the Human Resources Management became the most significant activity for the achievement of its objectives. Just as people were an essential ingredient throughout the organization, Human Resources Management is linked to the entire organization.

During the eighties, Human Resources Management became a very essential component, mainly in the area of ​​administration, with responsibilities that go beyond simple human resource management. The fact that all the functions of an organization or company needed the participation of the human factor, made Venezuelan entrepreneurs from these years pay more attention to these resources, in the same way they begin to locate the Human Resource Management within At the management levels, that is, within its organizational chart or organizational structure, this new management begins to occupy a strategic place for productivity.

In the mid-eighties they are experiencing their best when it comes to management transformation, little by little this same dynamic is bringing them closer to the industrialized world at this historical moment, organizations where the clear separation between property and management stands out., the predominance of technocratic criteria, which is more effective and efficient, over traditional, affective or traditional criteria, for example: "it is done this way because I say"

In these years, women have already gained great participation in this market, which has generated fundamental changes in personnel policies and in the analysis and design of positions. Similarly, other retail groups have changed their schemes, due to government policies that have opened spaces for what in other times constituted barriers to entry into the labor market: the handicapped or disabled, ethnic multiplicity, immigrants, etc. All this linked to levels of education as a decisive factor.

In summary, for these years the human factor of the Venezuelan organization or company has become a strategic resource. It is necessary to have real human resources strategists, trained in the daily work of the different areas of the company (multidisciplinary), managers endowed with: strategic vision, professionalism, energy, leadership capacity and with the capacity for productivity and generating enthusiasm for the organization.

Human Capital Management in Search of a Real Space in Venezuela

Human Capital is currently a category widely used today by economists based on organizational changes and the preponderant role that knowledge and human talent plays in the new economy, this economic thought conceives human capital as an intangible value, because its Value resides in the knowledge that people may have once they understand that as they train and update their knowledge, this in turn increases their personal growth and opens up new opportunities in the demanding labor market.

There are many explanations, approaches, economic ideas or not, about what human capital (CH) is, as one of the aspects that studies the management and value of people in an organization and company. It is common to relate human capital to people in an organization, or to assume it as a resource of the organization, using the usual concept of human resources when the reality is different.

It is logical that when describing human capital, it is impossible to separate the person from the innate qualities, characteristics, capacities, talent, creativity and innovation, as something proper to the being, that is, only motivation is enough and that they themselves be their leaders in their different activities so that the mission of the organization is successfully fulfilled, and even more so when people are involved in the entire decision-making process, their opinion matters when designing new strategic policies.

In our opinion, there are two very particular views on the conception of designing the organizational structure: one in economic terms, and the other with a humanistic-administrative approach, the first approach proposes the use of the category of human capital, defines it as the qualities and characteristics of the people of an organization, that is, its intangible aspect, for example, training, education, schooling, knowledge, information, motivation, work.

The second approach proposes that people are a tangible resource in the organization because their value will depend on the knowledge and skills that they possess, that is, the man is only a resource such as quantity, salary, hiring and retirement.

In industrialized countries this concept was highly receptive due to the fact that many organizations understood that to grow and expand they needed to have the best, this was only achieved by reorienting and replacing the concept of work, production and the new demands of the business world..

The so-called human capital played an importance because it was possible to change the conception that man had was only a tangible resource, for a new conception where people are part of the organization and its value resides in the knowledge and skills that it has..

This new way of understanding that as we invest in training, technology and communication, the value of people changes. In the field of work, the only sure thing is the need to be flexible and adapt to new realities, because neither the trades learned at work, nor the professional titles ensure employability in this new order where knowledge is the great attribute that the persons.

In the Venezuelan case, this concept of human capital is novel, despite its “old data”. It is the large production and service organizations that have taken this conception to categorize people and make them understand the importance of them. for your knowledge.

Finally, until the 19th century, systematic investment in human capital was not important in any country in the world and less in Venezuela, the different governments hardly invested in health, education, and training was something necessary but not a priority, with the evolution of years the scientific revolution puts in the first order of basic needs for man: education, training and skills would be strategic factors for the productivity of people.

It is from the twentieth century, specifically the decade of the fifties is considered the era of human capital in developed countries, in Venezuela this approach comes late and is still looking for a real space. For Gary Becker: “The economic successes of Asian countries would not be explained without a well-formed, educated, hard-working and politically organized workforce base.

The most valuable resource for those countries was the brains of their inhabitants. " For us and especially in our case we would say, time does not give time, we have enough talented people and leaders among these people to prop up the management of human capital in Venezuela.

Human resources management vs. human capital management in venezuela