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Talent management and unlocking potential


Talent Management is a process that tends to be confused with the practice of formal education for our children. Without a doubt, both processes are complementary and should not be mutually exclusive. In general, all the training processes of children and adolescents must be designed in an integral way, following the guidelines of systemic thinking.

The comprehensive approach must consider that not all processes are equal and not all are imitable.

Regarding the process of application and understanding of Principles and Values, which occurs initially unconsciously and later consciously, there is a very high dose of imitation. That is why the Fathers become the closest reference for the moral performance of our children.

However; Regarding the process of training and development of the Talent of children and adolescents, we cannot claim that it is applied in the same way.

Although it is common that within children's activities and games, parents are imitated as a fun alternative or reference is made to their profession or productive activity, it is not necessarily an indicator that they will be talented for that same profession. or activity, and it is not even an indicator that they will be productive and happy if they do the same. It is simply a game that is based on the reference of what for them becomes the closest experience to their life.

In fact, in the games stage, children are more inclined to play and see themselves in the future as public servants, superheroes or famous athletes; and in the case of girls the same thing happens, although they differ because they also develop the maternal instinct, unlike that very few boys develop the paternal instinct.

If we review our files or a photo album, we will surely find photographs of our children dressed as firefighters, police, doctors, etc. and without fail some photograph of our daughters carrying a doll. But all this is still the result of childhood games, none of these photographs guarantees success in the process of training and development of Talent of our children and adolescents.

Talent management is not a process based on imitation, although it may be a referential process, nor can it be considered as an argument that guarantees success; The reference remains the criterion of the one who uses it, with many emotional ingredients that support its acceptance, but not its application.

These emotional ingredients normally project satisfaction or dissatisfaction onto the referenced way of life; Even many times more than allusion to success they refer to failure, they always refer to the past and many times they refer to someone we do not even know and possibly even against whom we compete.

Assuming that as Parents, we are or have been very successful, we could not define ourselves as the standard to be followed by our children, because our criteria would not be objective, since logically we would use as a reference our living standards, our way of thinking and acting, our interests and motives focused on our objectives and purposes, with our own discernment that makes us a Judge and part of our own opinion, on the evaluation that we can make in relation to the correct or incorrect way of living or simply of over-living,

The importance of BEING and even more, of LETTING BEING, is the main element that we must consider to Manage the Potential and Talent of our children. Which is only built in environments of freedom.

Without contradicting the responsibility that we, as parents, have in the process of education and training of children, it is important that we understand that Talent is something personal, we cannot expect that ours be imitated or replicated, in the worst case we cannot compel to be imitated or replicated, we even make the mistake of thinking that ours must be overcome.

To claim this is simply to steal the identity of our children, it is the equivalent of asking them to live our lives and to give up their own.

It is very likely that some aspects can become the reference of life for our children; It must be very exciting and gratifying that they choose us as the reference to excel and seek to be successful, as long as the choice is a consequence of the genuine admiration they have for what we have experienced and that it is not simply a commitment acquired on premises moral and emotional, that force them to believe that it is the right thing and that more than that they are obliged to pay us back for any effort or resource invested in them, within the training and development process in which we have accompanied them.

In contrast to this way of thinking, there is debauchery, whose most important characteristic is the absence of direction, which causes the search for the easiest, fun, risky and risky ways, where effort, understanding of the consequences, reasoning Logically, discerning between right and wrong is simply based on practice of trial and error.

In this premise, it is important to highlight that in children and adolescents there is no total so-called absence of direction, to which reference is made. What exists within debauchery is the convenience of interests and motives for action, the foundation of which will always be referential to someone or something else, ranging from close people to something as simple as a television series that could even be animated characters, understanding therefore to drawings designed by a stranger.

Undoubtedly, the definition of objectives and purposes of children and adolescents has a high component of examples and referential experiences; the challenge is to include a high content of imagination and creativity, which have an emotional foundation.

This emotional foundation is an abstract consequence of the freedom that the child and adolescent has to be able to look for answers to their concerns and to choose ways to venture. It is in this process where parents exercise the leading role of Talent Manager, whose role simply translates into being a good coach, which at best means listening and keeping quiet.

The absence of direction and the absence of freedom are extremes that, within the process of formation and development of the Talent of children and adolescents, do not contribute healthily. The key is to find the perfect balance to direct the potential release process.

Regarding youth and adults, the absence of direction can contribute to the process of unlocking potential, especially if they are clear about what they are after; Even the absence of freedom in these stages of life can become the trigger for the development and application of Talent.

Talent management and unlocking potential