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Management and human development at the Cuban university

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In the present work we carry out a study of contemporary theory on Human Resources management that exists from the business point of view and we express it based on excellence and competitiveness with a humanistic approach in the case of university management in conditions of Cuban society. Where We carry out an analysis of the management style that is developed in the University and its role in the development of university performance, so it is necessary to stop at the characterization of the Human Resources Management System that was introduced in this educational system for what it is a characterization of the System is necessary with a view to its improvement.

In 2004, Higher Education had 380,000 students; 233 thousand of them 11 were formed in the existing university headquarters in 169 municipalities of the country. The training of a professional with a broad profile, defenders of our conquests since the school occupies the main place within the influences that act in the training of young people, within each study center, educational work and education for the work are the main tasks aimed at the entire life of the student, since the heart of these educational tasks is the teacher or tutor.


The universalization of Higher Education has been extended to all municipalities in the country where everyone has equal rights, all types of students without distinction and with various means of entry using all available resources, which are the result of educational work that have different schedules. Process started with the triumph of the revolution that began with the National Literacy Campaign, which also involves thousands of young people from 1962 to the present day.

In each of these municipalities, the guiding ideas of the higher education training model are effectively applied. This model is based on two guiding ideas: the unity of educational aspects with those of an instructive nature, which focuses its efforts on creating the values ​​that a Cuban professional must have from the study content of each subject to how the features are formed. of the personality so that it can serve its country, on the other hand, the links of study with work are established where university students throughout their career dedicate an important part of their study time to developing skills and professional competence in different labor, production and service entities throughout the country;the interrelationship between school and society giving youth participation in all the essential tasks of the Battle of Ideas that our people wage from 1999 to the present day and as long as imperialism exists (political and ideological process entrusted by our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Rúz and directed by the Union of Young Communists and the Communist Party of Cuba) and the development of an active cultural life where teacher and students participate in community projects linked to a major social program.

We have a scientific university where professors and students are linked to the daily scientific work where research is present in all curricula from the first years of the degree so that they participate in the Scientific Sessions and FORUM of Science and Technology on a large scale, becoming the teacher as a participant, counselor, tutor, facilitator of all these research projects; and in turn obtain doctorate degrees, assistant professor and holder.

The student body that is wanted today is one fully trained, a competent professional, a scientist prepared for the challenges of this modern society, a professional who develops qualities and standards of conduct that allow him to live in the society of this time and serve it with simplicity and modesty, that masters the essential aspects that are at the base of professional practice and that successfully carry out their profession.

The Cuban teaching profession has a long tradition that comes from Varela and Luz y Caballero and reaches our days with Fidel and the educator is that in Cuba and in different parts of the world they carry the message of love and hope that is at the essence of Cuban national culture and that the peoples need so much. This work is more extraordinary and meritorious in a world where looting, exploitation and aggression have been imposed as part of the policy that governs the hegemonic power.

Among the objectives set by education, we need educators with a high level of professionalism, culture and exemplarity manifested in all their social behavior. It is essential that the training centers for teaching staff become centers that radiate culture, where everyone educates, due to the professional nature of their objectives, both at their headquarters and at their municipal offices and micro-universities in correspondence with it, both Workers like students must be characterized by an adequate personal presence and dress in accordance with the school environment; that a correct language is used in the treatment, with relations of mutual respect and are exponents of the practices of good customs.

That there is a new conception of the university scholarship through an internal regime regulated by a regulation aimed at achieving in the moral, social and health order, behaviors that are vital to form values ​​and positive attitudes in future professionals, ensuring student self-direction based on a solid political-ideological, ethical and professional training, and a high sense of duty, responsibility, diligence, discipline and unconditionality.

To face the dissimilarities of the current university we also need a new type of teacher since the teacher is going to be a fundamental part in the instructional and educational life of that student, due to the role he / she plays within the new Cuban university, since the The teacher must know the socio-economic conditions of life and the family within which the life of his student develops, as well as that of the community, adequate communication must be conditioned within the framework of his interpersonal relationships where his points of view and Self-image with the evaluation of others, the teacher must know the spiritual world in which the student operates (affective-volitional sphere) giving adequate attention to his feelings, emotions, interest, perseverance, tenacity and will.You have to apply active participation methods to facilitate student learning and stimulate talent, creativity and independence. You must respect the personal dignity of the student, the family and their co-workers.

The university teacher must be an example to the student, to their peers and to society, they must be a moral model, a citizen committed to the revolution so that these young people consider it a paradigm, that their personality is synonymous with personal growth, display of their potential self-acceptance, personal authenticity, autonomy, independence, security, flexibility, having an ability to relate to others appropriately where it is possible to analyze and respect their opinions since the figure of the teacher is decisive. The teacher assumes a double role in the teaching-educational process and, especially, in the teaching-learning process.For another art it must become facilitated of this and for another direct it with certain formative objectives that are expressed in the study plans as the desirable thing depending on the graduate model that is being prepared.

We want a humanist, axiological, ethical and ideological, scientific-technological pedagogue who is a socio-cultural instructor. The educator must never feel satisfied with his knowledge. He must be a self-taught person who perfects his method of study, of research inquiry. To the extent that an educator is better prepared, to the extent that he demonstrates his knowledge and mastery of the subject, the solidity of his knowledge, thus he will be respected by his students and arouse in them the interest in study, for the deepening of his knowledge.. A teacher who teaches good classes is an example of punctuality and discipline, is demanding of himself and for others participates in all activities with students will always promote interest in study. The teacher must be an active combatant in the Battle of Ideas,what it means to be informed and to be aware of the need to be so; Because defending the Revolution and educating the new generations as future followers of the work, requires arguments and evidentiary elements of what is explained and inculcated, hence the need to achieve the integral formation of the student. The teacher of our days must feel that ethics is the fundamental link of current pedagogical work since this, as a Cuban perspective, offers the teacher, the family and society an integrative methodological approach to morality in social life, the ethical content of the policy of our government and Socialist State of our country, knowing it we become human and more professional, it favors an ethical approach, axiological-evaluative as a method of study and scientific research,it also recognizes the inter-matter relationship. Their knowledge allows us to know people, their relationships, communication and their behavior, since they directly intervene in the teaching-educational process.

The teacher as a human being is the bearer of infinite particularities to transform and transform himself through his activity, which implies practical theoretical knowledge, good feelings associated with sensitivity, independence, creativity, and optimism to grow every day at every moment. historical to become better human beings every day. At the present time we need study programs that educate democracy, peace, tolerance, solidarity, internationalism, etc.


The new Cuban university must be a scientific, technological, and humanistic university that goes beyond the instructional and cognitive, and focuses its attention on man. The specificities of the Educational Ideological work implies the interrelation of different subsystems of the society, in which the orientation of the teaching staff plays a guiding role and the knowledge that this possesses of the environment in which the young person develops guaranteeing the success of the task educational.

The class, regardless of its typology, is the main way in which the teacher can carry out his work, and in his interdependence with other components as well as with his pedagogical actions and mastery, he can become a true educator. Interdisciplinarity promotes an integral education in the re-teaching-learning process and favors the link between the parts of it, which is essential for the training of students, considering the training objectives, contents and concepts of programs and subjects. In today's university there must be a climate of humanistic influences (teacher-student-community-university), where there is an active cultural life, participation of teachers and students in community projects, linked to social programs.In the course of the Battle of Ideas an old dream came true, opening access to universities to all young people who graduated from the programs of the revolution and to workers in general. This program has meant unprecedented possibilities for youth and adults who before could never reach Education and are now joining the revolutionary purpose of achieving a comprehensive culture for all, depending on the social work they carry out.depending on the social work they perform.depending on the social work they perform.

The group of teachers must be a moral model for the group of students To the extent of their preparation, to the extent that they demonstrate their knowledge, mastery of the subject, the solidity of their knowledge, this will be respected, and will awaken in them the interest in the subject as well as the deepening of its knowledge The Higher Education subsystem has the communist task of forming new generations and the preparation of the qualified workforce that the country requires. The lack due to the blockade has not been able to stop the advance of education in Cuba, not only because of the political will, but because of the selfless and patriotic effort of teachers, parents, and students, aware that the main cause of these affectations of the quality of teaching is given by economic zero.Cuba's political will is also observed in the fulfillment of UNESCO's Education for All program, and it is one of the countries with the greatest progress and achievements approved at the World Summit with the interest of eradicating illiteracy in the world, with the "I can" program, which has proven effective in a dozen nations.

It is also the only country in the world that offers education to people who are serving in prison, giving them the opportunity to be a professional by studying a university career with the resources and equal conditions after graduation. Teachers, students and family are the anonymous heroes of the struggle against difficulties. Thanks to them we have an educational system that is pride for all Cubans. Despite the dissatisfactions and quality problems that we have not yet resolved, it is an example of what a country without resources but with dedication, effort and will can achieve. Higher Education like ours is the only alternative for third world countries,and for the pride of our people we have an International School of Medical Sciences where millions of Latin American and world countries, among others, are preparing. Much has been achieved with the fruit of the heroic effort of our people and their magnificent youth, but we must maintain the teachers in our classrooms, increase their reserve, jealously care for the young human resources that we have forged in these years, emphasizing in their professionalism and improvement, perfecting the process of universalization, and making universities move from this idea to that academic and revolutionary excellence that Cuba demands from its students and teachers.Much has been achieved with the fruit of the heroic effort of our people and their magnificent youth, but we must maintain the teachers in our classrooms, increase their reserve, jealously care for the young human resources that we have forged in these years, emphasizing in their professionalism and improvement, perfect the process of universalization, and get universities to move from this idea to that academic and revolutionary excellence that Cuba demands from its students and teachers.Much has been achieved with the fruit of the heroic effort of our people and their magnificent youth, but we must maintain the teachers in our classrooms, increase their reserve, jealously care for the young human resources that we have forged in these years, emphasizing in their professionalism and improvement, perfect the process of universalization, and get universities to move from this idea to that academic and revolutionary excellence that Cuba demands from its students and teachers.and to get universities to move from this idea towards that academic and revolutionary excellence that Cuba demands from its students and professors.and to get universities to move from this idea towards that academic and revolutionary excellence that Cuba demands from its students and professors.

Bibliographic references

1. Chacón Nancy and others. Theoretical methodological results of the Research Project on Ethics and Professionalism 2000-2004.CDIPEJV.

2. Chacón Nancy and others. University for All: Course on Ethics and Society. Havana. Cuba, 2006.

3. Collective of Authors. The New Cuban University and its contribution to universalization: editorial Félix Varela. Havana. Cuba, 2006.

4. Collective of Authors. VII National Seminar for Educators: Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana. Cuba, 2006.

5. Pedro Horruitiner Silva. The Cuban University: The Training Model: Editorial Félix Varela La Habana. Cuba, 2006.

6. An MCI Publication in collaboration with the Cuban Embassy. First ALBA Magazine. Homeland. Havana. Cuba, 2006.

Management and human development at the Cuban university