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Formal and informal groups in the organization, characteristics

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Formal and informal groups


Elton Mayo, conducted research on human behavior at the Western Electric company, which is located in Hawthorne, USA, to this day that work is recognized as the basis of modern Industrial Psychology.

The Hawthorne studies are a set of experiments carried out since 1928 in the aforementioned company in conjunction with the US National Academy of Sciences, the studies carried out on these groups of workers lasted just over three years and provided surprising results.

First Experiment

George Elton Mayo (1880 - 1949), was a social theorist, sociologist, and industrial psychologist specializing in organization theory, human relations, and the movement for human relations. His main interest was to study, in the worker, the psychological effects that the physical conditions of work in relation to production could produce. He showed that there is no worker cooperation in the projects, if they are not heard or considered by their superiors, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to reach the set objectives.

Cohesion. (From Lat. Cohaesum, supine of cohaerēre, to be united). F. Action and effect of meeting or sticking things together or the matter of which they are formed.

Own Authorship.

Group: (Del it. Gruppo). m. Plurality of beings or things that form a set, materially or mentally considered. m. Group of people who, for the benefit of their own interests, influence an organization, sphere or social activity.

Senior management is considered to be the highest-ranking managers in an organization. The President, the General Directors and the Directors of the different areas or departments. In companies, Senior Management is part of the Management Committee or Executive Committee that meets with a certain frequency and sets the strategic line to be followed by that Company. In the organizational chart of companies, the highest position is the CEO (acronym for Anglicism Chief Executive Officer), who in Spanish-speaking countries is called Presidente.

Role. (From the English role, role of an actor, and this from fr. Rôle). m. role or function that someone or something fulfills.

It can be said that leadership is the set of abilities that a person has to influence a set of people, making this team work with enthusiasm in achieving goals and objectives as well. It is understood as the ability to take the initiative, manage, convene, promote, encourage, motivate and evaluate a group or team. In business administration, leadership is the exercise of executive activity in a project, effectively and efficiently, be it personal, managerial or institutional (within the administrative process of the organization).

Action and effect of solving a doubt or difficulty using reason, with full satisfaction of the objective to be met.

A decision is the end product of the specific mental-cognitive process of an individual or a group of people or organizations, which is called decision making, therefore it is a subjective concept. It is a mental object and can be both an opinion and a rule or a task to be executed and / or applied.

Discord or disagreement in the opinions or actions.

A human conflict is a situation in which two or more individuals or groups with opposing interests enter into confrontation, opposition or undertake mutually antagonistic actions, with the aim of neutralizing, damaging or eliminating the rival party in order to achieve the objectives that they motivated this confrontation.

Common belief state that a community has regarding a certain matter. Its logical validity as truth is not based on the degree of knowledge but on participation as a member of the social group.

An administrative, advisory, legislative, or governing body or body.

Effectiveness is the ability to achieve a desired, expected, or desired effect.

Formal and informal groups in the organization, characteristics