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Study guide for the Italian language socialization course

Table of contents:



The EHTV Language Department is working to reduce the time of the training courses that take place in the different facilities that offer service to the tourist who visits us, due to the desertion of the student-workers due to work problems and / or personal.

To guarantee the quality of the teaching-learning process, despite the decrease in the time of the courses, it is necessary to design a study guide that facilitates self-preparation in the inter-meeting period, so that each worker or manager manages to develop the communication skills you need to perform efficiently in your job, regardless of the time you have available.

The guide includes the general and specific objectives, the detailed contents, some with the figurative pronunciation included, the exercises in the notebook Languages ​​to be carried out to fix each content, in class or as a task, the independent study corresponding to each aspect treated is also specified.

This work is closely related to "Learning by doing in Italian", work presented at the 2010 forum, a program that details the skills that students must develop to achieve correct communication in the Italian language, as well as the objectives, methods and guidelines methodological.

The study guide for the basic Italian language course will be able to experience the necessary changes and adaptations according to the characteristics of each group of students.

The guide includes the corresponding auditions.


The Language Department from EHTV, is working in order to reduce the training courses schedule that the Department develop in the different installation where it is offered service to the tourist that visit us, for reason of desertion involved with work or family problems of ours student- workers.

In order to guarantee the quality of teach-learn process, in spite of the reduction of courses time schedule, it is necessary to design an study guide that ease self preparation in the inter meeting cycle, in order that each executive or worker achieve the reasonable skill that he needs for an efficiency performance in his work, independently of available time of study.

The guide comprehend the general and specifics understandings, detailed contents, figured pronunciation included in some of the specific understandings, exercises from the language notebook that must be worked out in order to fix contains, in class or as home duty, also contain each specified topic treated as independent study.

This task is deeply related to ¨ Learn and work in Italian language¨ based on a work presented at 2010 forum, program that details the skills that students must develop in order to achieve am Italian language right communication, like the goals, methods and methodological orientations.

The guide of study for the basic course of Italian Language will be able to experience the changes and necessary improvements in agreement to the characteristic of each student group.

Corresponding auditions are included in each guide content.


The design of this guide has the main objective: to facilitate independent study for student workers in the intersessional period, a fundamental aspect for them to develop all the communication skills that allow them to offer an excellent service to the clients who visit us.

The guide presents the general contents, the general objectives, makes a reference for each content to the main elements, guides the independent study and the tasks.


The general contents are:

  1. The Italian alphabet. Greetings, welcome and farewell. Personal presentation. The name and surnames. Nationality. The profession. The civil state. Definite and indefinite articles. Personal presentation II. The numbers and their uses. The date and place of birth. The residence. The address and telephone number. Expressions to talk about the time and hours. The weather. The description of the hotel. The services it offers The location of a place in the internal and external space.

The general objectives are:

1- Identify the letters of the Italian alphabet.

Differentiate the sounds of the letters of the Italian alphabet with respect to the Spanish alphabet.

Correctly pronounce Italian words.

2- Acknowledge greetings, welcome and farewell, according to formal and informal records.

Play the greetings according to the selected record.

3- Differentiate the necessary structures to ask and answer: name, nationality, profession, marital status.

4- Recognize the correct pronunciation of numbers in Italian.

Distinguish the necessary structures to ask and answer: the date and place of birth, the address, the telephone number and the prices.

5- Discriminate expressions to talk about the time and times.

6- Recognize the structures to talk about the weather.

7- Identify the necessary structures to describe the hotel where you work, including the characteristics, services and hours.

8- Distinguish the necessary structures to indicate how to get to a place, inside and outside the hotel.

Each of the contents is developed with its corresponding orientation of the independent study and the specification of the task to be carried out with a view to being reviewed in the subsequent meeting:

1-The Italian alphabet. General characteristics.


1- Identify the letters of the Italian alphabet.

  • Differentiate the sounds of the letters of the Italian alphabet with respect to the Spanish alphabet. Pronounce correctly Italian words.

Observe the Italian alphabet:

The Italian Alphabet

TO B (bi) C (ci) D (say) AND
F (effe) G (gi) H (acca) I J (i lunga)
K (cappa) L (elle) M (emme) N (enne) OR
P (pi) Q (cu) R (erre) S (esse) You
OR V (vu) W (doppia


X (ics) And (ipsilon)
Z (zeta)

There are letters that are pronounced as in Spanish, including vowels.

There are others (j, k, w, x, y) that do not belong to this language, but are named to be able to spell names and words of foreign origin. Examples: Washington, jazz, yogurt.

There are differences in pronunciation of the letters C, G, Q, Z. (Languages ​​notebook pages 74, 75 and 76).

As well as the letter combinations to produce the sounds:

SC- scendere, uscire (pronounced as the longest and smoothest Spanish ch)

Gli-foglio, famiglia (pronounced as the Spanish ll)

Gn- Spagna, montagna. (Pronounced as the Spanish ñ)

Exercise according to the Languages ​​notebook pages: 3, 4, Exercises I, II, III, and IV.

Independent work

Study the aforementioned materials on Italian phonetics on pages: 74,75 and 76.

Answer the following questions:

  • What are the letters that make up the Italian alphabet? What letters of the Italian alphabet differ from their pronunciation in Spanish? What are the letter combinations that produce other sounds?

Task: spell first and last names

2- Greetings. Some courtesy formulas. Different moods when responding to the greeting. Welcome. The farewell.


1- Acknowledge greetings, welcome and farewell, according to formal and informal records.

  • Play greetings based on selected record. Use courtesy formulas correctly when greeting.





Buon giorno, Signora / Signore.Buona sera, Signora / Signore * Salve, Signora / Signore Buonyórno, siñóra / siñóreBuonaséra, siñóra / siñóreSálve, siñóra / siñóre Good morning / Good afternoon, Madam / Sir. Good evening, Madam / Sir. Hello, Madam / Sir.

• (From morning until approximately 6 pm)

&(From 6pm)

*(At any moment of the day)

Exercise I page 7, language notebook

Farewell greetings:

ArrivederLa, Signora-Signore (formal registration, only used with one person)

Goodbye """ """

Ci vediamo

Right away

A piú tardi

To domani

Buon soggiorno

Buona giornata

Buona serata

Good fun

To demonstrate a warm welcome to the clients who visit us, you should offer:

Welcome (il Benvenuto)

Benvenuta Signora

Benvenuto Signore

Benvenute Signore

Benvenute signorine

Benvenuti signori

Benvenuti Signore e Signori

Benvenuti Signora e Signore

Exercise with the Idiomás notebook, page 7, exercise I, p. 9, exercises IV, V, VI, p. 10, exercise VII.


Exercises II and III, p. 8.

3-Personal presentation I. The name and surnames. Nationality. The profession. The civil state. Definite and indefinite articles.


Differentiate the structures necessary to ask and answer: the name, nationality, profession, marital status.

When the person shows up they should say:

  • Io sono (names and surnames) Mi chiamo (names and surnames) Il mio nome é (names and surnames)

To present to another person you can say:

  • Questa-o é ……………….Lei é ……………………..Lui é …………………….Loro sono ………………….

The personal pronouns and the conjugation of the verb ESSERE




Il. ESSERE verb has a double application: SER and ESTAR.


  • Io sono Sonia (be) Io sono a scuola (be) How do you respond to a presentation? Piacere (pronounced piachére) Molto piacereIl piacere é stato mio.Molto lieta-o.

To maintain communication in Italian, some useful phrases, which can also be used with clients:




Non capisco.Non ho capitoPuó ripetere, per courtesy?

Could it be ripped?

Puó parlare piú slowly, per piacere?

Eat if it says …………….?

How do you pronounce …………?

What does it mean …………..?

Cosa vuol dire …………..?

Ho a dubbio.

Noncapísco.NonócapítoPuóripétere, percortesía?


Puópárlare piúlentamente, per piachére?

How did you say …………….?

How long………?

Sweet thing …………..?

Cósavuóldíre …………..?


I don't understand I didn't understand Can you repeat please?

Can you repeat that?

Can you speak more slowly please?

How do you say…………….?

How do you pronounce…………?

What does it mean…………..?

What does it mean…………..?

I have a doubt.

Students will practice the content through short dialogues in which they will ask themselves the name:

Come si chiama Lei? (pronounced cóme si quiáma léi?)

Introducing another classmate:

I read ………………….

Lui é ………………….

And the other should answer:

Piacere- molto piacere- molto lieta-o.

The previously treated contents will be exercised, using the Languages ​​notebook. P. 16, Ex: I, p. 17, Ex.: III.

Carry out dialogues similar to this one:

  • Buongiorno, Signora-Signore. Come sta Lei'Buongiorno, bene grazie e Lei? Benissimo, grazie.Come si chiama Lei? Bruno Marcucci e Lei? Claudia Zefirelli, piacere.Molto lieta-o.ArrivederLa

How do you ask about nationality in Italian?

Say dove é Lei?

  • I sound Cuban-a, Italian-o, Inglese. Say Matanzas, di Roma, di Londra, di New York.

What are the different nationalities according to the different countries?

Inghilterra English Svezia Stay away
Olanda Get ready France Francese
Canada Canadese Cina Cinese
Giappone Giapponese Rooster Portoghese
Ungheria Ungherese Venezuela Venezuelan-a
Brazilian Brazilian-a Russia Russo-a
Algeria Algerian-a Slang Tedesco-a
Poland Polacco-a Stati Uniti American-to
Svizzera Svizzero-a Messico Messicano-a

Nationality names ending in or decline in gender and number, examples:

Russo, russa, russi, russe.

But those that end in that, change only in number, example:

the English ragazza

il ragazzo inglese.

How can we know the profession of a person?

Che lavoro fa Lei?

Thing fa Lei?

Sono insegnante

Sono cameriera

Sono barista

Faccio l'insegnante

Faccio the cameriera

Faccio il barista

The verbs ESSERE or FARE are used.

The verb FARE

Io Faccio Noi facciamo
your Fai Voi Fate
Lei-lui fa parrot fanno

Repeat the conjugation of the verb FARE

Exercises II, Page 17, VI, Page 18, VII, Page 19, XIII, XIV, Page 23 will be carried out.

Students will be able to ask each other about nationality and profession.

Students should practice everything studied so far, through small free dialogues, where they should:

  • Greet each other Ask the mood Ask the name Ask the nationality Ask the profession Say goodbye

To answer the profession or trade:

Faccio LA cameriera

Faccio L'animatrice

Faccio LO scrttore

  1. The definite articles (gli articoli determinativi) Summary page 82 Idiomás NotebookThe indefinite articles (gli articoli indeterminativi) “” ”” ”“ ”” 83 “” ”” “” ””








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zaino zaini
psychologist psychologist
studente studenti






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amica amiche











zaini zaini
psychologist psychologist
studente studenti







amica amiche

Independent work

Like homework:

The previously treated contents will be exercised, using the Languages ​​notebook. P. 16, Ex: I, p. 17, Ex.: III.

Exercises II, Page 17, VI, Page 18, VII, Page 19, XIII, XIV, Page 23.

Exercise XV, p. 33, IX p. 20 of the Languages ​​notebook

Eg: IV, V, Page 18; X, XI; P. 21; XII, p. 22.

They appear here reflected only by way of example, three of the contents with all the explanation and orientation of the study, in the work all the contents were developed in the same way.


The guide has been applied in the basic Italian language course given for the commercial employees of the Caracol chain, a mixed course at the Los Delfines hotel, other mixed courses, at the Hotel Believe Las Morlas and Brezees Varadero in the first half of the year In progress, satisfactory results were obtained when comparing those obtained in the diagnostic test applied at the beginning, in which it was detected that the majority of the students did not have knowledge of the Italian language and those carried out at the end, where it was found that the 80% of these students mastered most of the communication functions related to their job skills.


Apply the study guide in all the basic Italian language courses taught at the Varadero tourist center.

Study guide for the Italian language socialization course