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Generic skills and competences at work

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Generic skills and competences at work

Skills: Skills refer to the capacities and potentials that people have to process information and obtain specific results or products with said information. Applicants must possess at least the following skills:

  • Ability to learn. It refers to the ability to acquire and assimilate new knowledge and skills and use them in work practice. People who possess this ability are characterized by:

- They easily grasp and assimilate concepts and information.

- They carry out some type of study regularly.

- They have a permanent attitude of learning and an investigative spirit.

- The knowledge they possess adds value to work.

  • Adaptation to change. It is the ability to face new situations with flexibility and versatility and to accept changes positively and constructively. People who possess this ability are characterized by:

- They accept and adapt easily to changes.

- They respond to change with flexibility.

- They are promoters of change.

  • Creativity and innovation. It is the ability to present novel resources, ideas, and methods and turn them into actions. People who possess this ability are characterized by:

- They propose and find new and effective ways of doing things.

- They are recursive.

- They are innovative and practical.

- They look for new alternative solutions and risk breaking traditional schemes.

  • Teamwork. It is the ability to work with others to achieve common goals. People who possess this ability are characterized by:

- They clearly identify the group's objectives and guide their work towards achieving them.

- They are willing to collaborate with others.

- They put the collective interests before the personal ones.

  • Future vision. It is the ability to visualize the trends of the environment with a positive and optimistic attitude and guide their behavior towards the achievement of goals. People who possess this ability are characterized by:

- They clearly know the trends of the environment and adapt to it.

- They have well established goals and persevere in achieving them.

• Values. They correspond to the principles of conduct that the officials of the Public Companies of Medellín and therefore of the Generation Projects Sub-management must have. Applicants must have at least the following values:

  • Ethics. It is the internalization of norms and principles that make the individual responsible for her own well-being and, consequently, that of others, through behavior based on socially accepted moral behaviors, to behave consistently with them. People who possess this value are characterized by:

- They have an impeccable reputation and background.

- They are correct in their actions.

- They have clearly defined the primacy of the collective good over private interests.

  • Responsibility. It refers to commitment, to a high sense of duty, to fulfillment of obligations in different life situations. People who possess this value are characterized because:

- They fulfill the commitments they make.

- They assume the possible consequences of their actions.

- They always strive to give more than what is asked of them.

  • Loyalty and sense of belonging. It refers to defending and enacting the interests of the organizations where they work as if they were their own. A great sense of identification with the objectives of the Public Companies of Medellín is appreciated. People who possess this value are characterized by:

- They put organizational interests before private interests.

- They are proud to be part of a particular organization.

  • Adherence to norms and policies. It is the disposition to understand, abide and act within the guidelines and organizational and social norms. People who have this value are characterized because they meet and commit to the organization's rules.
  • Service orientation. It is the disposition to carry out the work based on the knowledge of the needs and expectations of external and internal clients. People who possess this value are characterized because:

- They have a cordial and friendly treatment.

- They are interested in the client as a person.

- They are concerned with understanding the needs of internal and external clients and solving their problems.

- They make additional efforts in order to exceed the expectations of external and internal clients.

• Attitudes. It is the disposition to act, feel and / or think around a particular reality. Applicants must have at least the following attitudes:

  • Enthusiasm. It is the energy and the disposition that one has to carry out a particular task. It is the inspiration that leads to achieving what you want. People who have this attitude are characterized by:

- They want what they do and they don't do what they want.

- They feel driven to achieve what they set out to do.

  • Positivism and optimism. It is the set of thoughts that are related to confidence in the success of a job, an idea or a task. People who have this attitude are characterized by:

- They always see the favorable aspect of situations.

- They face all situations realistically and do not give up easily.

  • Persistence. It is the tenacity, the permanent insistence to achieve a purpose and not fail until it is achieved. People who have this attitude are characterized by:

- They insist, persist and do not give up until they achieve what they set out to do.

- They are highly motivated by internal aspects.

  • Flexibility. It is the willingness to change focus or to conceive reality, looking for a better way of doing things. People who have this attitude are characterized by:

- They are not stubborn, nor rigid in their way of thinking or acting.

- They clearly identify when it is necessary to change and they do so.

- They take different positions in order to find more efficient solutions.

  • Search for excellence. It is the commitment to things well done and the desire to improve more and more. People who have this attitude are characterized by:

- They do their job better every day, even if they have to take on more work.

- They are not satisfied with things as they are and seek to improve them.

- They do not accept mediocrity.

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Generic skills and competences at work