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History and production of Peruvian pisco

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Don Francisco de Carabantes, standing on the stern of his caravel, gazed uneasily at the distant horizon, while pondering the success of his daring adventure. He was eager to get to America and hear the "land in sight" warning. In its dark and damp holds the ship carried a precious treasure. Many branches of a grape collected in the Canary Islands (the prieta or perhaps the tempranillo). He had to produce wine because the church and the colony required it. It was the year 1553 as the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega testifies.

A thousand years earlier Chuquimanco, chief of these lands south of Lima, contemplated in a warm evening flocks of birds that crossed the sea horizon, in search of islands of rest. There were thousands of birds that Chuquimanco knew in his Quechua language as pishkos. They inspired their pottery people and gave it their name.

This is how Don Pedro Cieza de León narrates it in 1550 in La Crónica General del Perú: "Pisco is the name of birds."


Pishko gave a name to a river, a valley and a town: Garcilaso de la Vega in the Royal Commentaries writes: «those from the Pisco valley. and Felipe Huamán Poma de Ayala in Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (1615) relates: "this said town of piscuy is a beautiful town next to the sea." Pishko also gave a name to a port: "this town of Piscuy Puerto." And to a pitcher. This is how Ángeles Caballero narrates it in his book La Peruanidad del Pisco: "Within the geographical area in which Paracas was located, a special breed of extraordinary potters developed, the Piskos, dedicated to the manufacture of beautiful conical ceramics..".

And this containing pitcher gave its content a name, baptizing our drink and imposing on it the most Peruvian of Peruvians, as the Chilean lexicographer Don Manuel Antonio Román asserts: «Pisco: highly esteemed brandy that is manufactured in Peru and known throughout the world. It undoubtedly started in the port of Pisco and that is why it took that name.

And the branches arrived. Perhaps Hernando from Montenegro brought them, as Father Bernabé Cobo affirms, or perhaps the Marquis of Carabantes, according to Lazo. The truth is that these vines quickly sank their deep roots of Spanish stem in the warm and fertile sands of our coast, becoming Peruvian. The black girl was broken. And its production was abundant, so much so that this special brandy was soon exported to all the colonies. However, Felipe II of Spain, in 1702, prohibited importing these wines and spirits to the old continent.

In 1613 the first written document appears about the production of grape brandy in the new continent. Lorenzo Huertas Villegas in his work «Production of wines and their derivatives in Ica. 16th-17th centuries »summarizes the will of Pedro Manuel« El Griego », inhabitant of the city of Ica who in his last will indicated to bequeath, among many other properties,» a Creole slave named Luisa, thirty jars of vurney filled with brandy that There are one hundred and sixty bottles of brandy plus a barrel full of brandy that contains thirty bottles of the said brandy plus a large copper kettle to extract brandy with its lid and barrel. Two puntayas, one with which the pipe passes and the other healthy, which is smaller than the first ».

And so, from alembic, arabesque or falca mestizo and Peruvian heritage, the pure grape brandy sprouted at the beginning of the 16th century.



The unit distillation operation is one of the most widely used in the chemical, petrochemical, food, pharmaceutical and perfume industries, for the separation of the components that form miscible liquid mixtures. Distillation is a unitary operation of mass transfer, such as absorption or crystallization.

According to the dictionary (Valiente, 1990), distillation is the operation whose purpose is the separation of two or more miscible liquids by boiling. The vapors obtained are recovered as a desirable product and condensed. Condensed vapors are richer in the liquid or more volatile liquids, while bottoms, or remaining liquids, are richer in less volatile substances. This operation also receives the names of alambicación, refining, exhaustion, fractionation and rectification.


As far as is known, the process of distillation was invented by Egyptian alchemists, who used a large number of devices designed to vaporize volatile substances and treat metals with them. It seems that occasionally a kind of liquid distillation was carried out. For example, sea water was heated in covered cauldrons and the condensed drops were shaken off the lids, in order to use them as drinking water. Likewise, fish oil was produced by heating the tar and the subsequent condensation of its steam. Mercury was obtained by heating cinnabar (mercury sulfide mineral) on an iron plate, placed inside a pot covered with a pot or "ambix", in which the mercury vapor condensed. Later,This term was used to refer to the entire apparatus of distillation, in Arabic anbiq, from where our alembic comes. Greek alchemists, in the first century of our era, invented the alembic to distill substances. An alembic or still is made up of three parts: a vessel in which the material to be distilled is heated, a cold part to condense the steam produced and a container to collect it (figure 1).

Distillation was invented as a means of obtaining a liquid capable of attacking or coloring metals. Certainly, the use of alembics for non-alchemical purposes is not known until about 700 years after their first use in alchemy, when we find them in cookbooks. It should be understood that the lack of instruments (thermometers, for example) and the fact that no stronger solvents or acids were known than vinegar, represented a limitation of the field of study. Ancient chemists worked primarily on primitive alembics, preventing them from recovering low-boiling compounds. Hence, chemicals such as alcohol were not discovered until the time of the Arabs, although alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer were known for many centuries (Forbes, 1958).

Distillation history

In the ancient world the chemical knowledge of the Arabs was considerable.

Although they did not delve into theoretical chemistry, their applied chemistry was positively superior to that of Hellenic chemists. A considerable group of chemists leaned to abstruse theories and discussions of alchemy, while

several of the notables despised the "al-kimiya devotees who know frequent ways to deceive their victims." A genius, Abu Mussah-al-Sofi or Geber, who lived around 760 AD described improved methods of evaporation, filtration, sublimation, melting, distillation, and crystallization. Others like Ibn-Sina, better known as Avicenna, classified minerals and chemicals and described their elaboration in great detail. Thanks to their efforts, the difference between soda and potash was established. The purification of vitriol, alum, nitro and ammonia salt ceased to be a mystery. Most of these advances were due to improvements made to appliances and the quality of glass and enamels. The Arabs were, of course, famous in the art of pottery,especially for the lustrous and colorful enamels applied to clay pots. These enameled vessels, many of which were refractory, were well designed for technological processes. Although the importation of pottery and porcelain from China dates back to the 8th century, the secret of the manufacture of the latter was not known in Persia before the 12th century. The quality of this pottery contributed greatly to facilitating the work of Arab alchemists, who were attempting something akin to the large-scale production of certain products. They invented cylindrical or conical furnaces, in which they had rows of stills to produce rose water or "naphtha" (gasoline) by means of the heat of the combustion gases.they were well designed for technological processes. Although the importation of pottery and porcelain from China dates back to the 8th century, the secret of the manufacture of the latter was not known in Persia before the 12th century. The quality of this pottery contributed greatly to facilitating the work of Arab alchemists, who were attempting something akin to the large-scale production of certain products. They invented cylindrical or conical furnaces, in which they had rows of stills to produce rose water or "naphtha" (gasoline) by means of the heat of the combustion gases.they were well designed for technological processes. Although the importation of pottery and porcelain from China dates back to the 8th century, the secret of the manufacture of the latter was not known in Persia before the 12th century. The quality of this pottery contributed greatly to facilitating the work of Arab alchemists, who were attempting something akin to the large-scale production of certain products. They invented cylindrical or conical furnaces, in which they had rows of stills to produce rose water or "naphtha" (gasoline) by means of the heat of the combustion gases.The quality of this pottery contributed greatly to facilitating the work of Arab alchemists, who were attempting something akin to the large-scale production of certain products. They invented cylindrical or conical furnaces, in which they had rows of stills to produce rose water or "naphtha" (gasoline) by means of the heat of the combustion gases.The quality of this pottery contributed greatly to facilitating the work of Arab alchemists, who were attempting something akin to the large-scale production of certain products. They invented cylindrical or conical furnaces, in which they had rows of stills to produce rose water or "naphtha" (gasoline) by means of the heat of the combustion gases.

A fire in the Cairo Citadel in 1085 destroyed no less than 300 tons of gasoline stored there. The gallery furnace method just described was the only way such quantities could be produced.

Ancient texts mention cities like Damascus among the manufacturing and distillers centers. Because of them in today's chemistry we have Arabic names for apparatus and chemicals: alkali, antimony, and alembic. The process of distilling alcohol and producing strong acids, such as sulfuric and nitric, greatly affected many techniques; perfume production, for example, totally changed. Ancient chemists obtained their essences by enfleurage, that is, mixing flowers and herbs with fats or molten waxes, which were then separated by filtration. The essences responsible for the aroma were thus absorbed by the oil or fat. But the Arabs then began to mix the herbs and flowers with alcohol or water, and to distill the mixtures to produce a liquid perfume. When water was used,the essences formed a thin layer on top of the mixture and could be separated by decantation. In this way rose water was produced from the petals of the roses. This is the start of steam stripping distillation. The Arab discoveries produced a great impact in medieval Europe, and above all alchemy produced a furor in all the European kingdoms.

The practice of cooling the alembic outlet tube was gradually introduced in Europe, and from the 14th century onwards, the outlet became a condensing coil from which modern coolant was derived.

With this improvement, it was possible to recover, by condensation, the liquids and substances that have a low boiling point. The first European descriptions of alcohol date from around 1100. They are found in manuscripts of the great medical center that was Salerno. One hundred years later, alcohol, obtained by distilling wine, was already a well-known substance. During the Middle Ages, concentrated alcohol used to be prepared in two stages; The first distillation produced an alcohol of 60%, which was given the name of ardens water, or brandy, a new distillation raised the concentration to 96%, the final product was known by the name of aqua vitae, or water from the lifetime. In 1320, alcohol was produced on a large scale in Modena, Italy, and its knowledge spread to France and Germany (Forbes, 1958).

Monasteries and pharmacies used this alcohol to prepare herbal cooking, which was originally sold as medicine. The black plague, which devastated the population of Europe, was one of the causes of the spread of fondness for strong alcohol. After that holocaust, the habit of drinking '' brandy '', liqueurs and brandy or gin (33 to 45% alcohol, or more), was firmly entrenched as a social custom. Until then the liquors that were drunk contained small percentages of alcohol, such as wines and beers (7 to 15% by volume).

The monastery of the Benedictines gave its name to a famous "brandy". The improved distillation technique made possible another important breakthrough in the field of chemistry: from 1150 on, Italian chemists distilled nitric acid from a mixture of nitro and alum. Venice, and some cities in France and Germany, were the producing centers of this acid, which was the main reagent used for the refining of gold containing silver. Sulfuric acid was produced in the 13th century, either by distilling alum, or by burning sulfur over water under a bell jar. In the 15th century, hydrochloric acid was distilled from a mixture of nitro and common salt. Knowledge of these strong acids spread rapidly, in all directions; They were applied to the dissolution of salts, in metallurgy and in metal working,as well as biting or bleaching agents.

The knowledge of acids and low-boiling solvents, such as alcohol, was of extraordinary importance for the progress of chemistry, both theoretical and experimental. Ancient chemists had generally limited themselves to the study of solids or liquids. Now bodies in solution could be studied with other compounds. The chemical industry entered the domain of the distillers' union, which in the 15th century included not only gin manufacturers, but also apothecaries and acid manufacturers. Acid distillation opened the door to the production of various new chemicals.

Medicine, in the early part of the Middle Ages, generally did not have more than medicines in the form of powders and syrups. The latter were then replaced by tinctures, that is, solutions or distillates of the drug or, specifically, in alcohol.

The perfumes that had always been prepared in the classical way, macerating herbs and oils or fats, began to be produced in the Arabian way, that is, by distillation and dissolution with alcohol. Until the 19th century, alembics were of the type of lots with little ebb; They were very small, 30 to 80 centimeters in diameter and 1.5 meters high, complete with accessories.

The modernity

The first books on distillation appeared in the 16th century (Brunschwig, 1500; Andrew, 1527); one of them appears later, written by Libavius ​​(1606).

Boyle distilled wood alcohol and vinegar, and received the different fractions according to their boiling points, which was probably the first analytical distillation. It took many centuries for, when the Industrial Revolution came, new uses for distillation were found. At that time, experiments to obtain good quality coke showed that coal gives off a flammable gas when heated. This gas was soon used to produce gas for lighting. With this, the by-products of the gas industry became increasingly important. Among them was tar, from which benzene was obtained, which, when synthetic dyes were discovered in 1856, led to coal tar distillation plants. In 1800 Rumford used steam as a heating agent.At that time, avant-garde French researchers had designed and tested so-called distillation columns. These progressed appreciably with Cellier Blumenthal's invention of the rectification column in 1813. In 1822, Perrier invented bubble hoods and developed a continuous alembic, with feed preheating and use of internal reflux. On the other hand, Adam and Bérad independently designed columns to rectify the alcohol extracted from wine. Blumenthal, combined the principles used by the two inventors, to manufacture a column that provided a stream of rectified alcohol from a continuous feed of wine; Thus, it achieved the first permanent distillation process. By 1850,grinding columns from the alcohol industry began to be used in the petroleum and coal tar industries. Between 1860 and 1880, valuable chemicals such as benzene, toluene, and xylene were discovered through the distillation of tar.

In the middle of the last century, the way to manufacture transparent, ductile glass capable of withstanding continuous heating and cooling was discovered. This glass had its immediate application in the manufacture of laboratory equipment and material. This represented a huge advantage over the metal and ceramic equipment that had been used, especially because of the chemical resistance of glass, its transparency and its malleability, which allowed the manufacture of new and complicated laboratory instruments. In the field of distillation, stills were modified and flasks, columns and condensers appeared, similar to those used today. Since then, distillation has been one of the most widely used separation techniques in laboratories and in chemical research,while it is also used as an analytical technique.

On the other hand, since the middle of the last century the most industrially used equipment was made of steel or other types of metal and was called rectification columns or distillation columns. It is an equipment that consists of a boiler or reboiler (in which steam is generated), a column with plates or with gaskets (in which the rectification is carried out, by putting the vapors in countercurrent with the liquid) and a condenser (in which the vapors coming out of the dome are condensed, part of that liquid is returned as "reflux" and part of it is extracted as a distillate or product of the dome), figure 3.

In these columns, feeding is generally near the center of the column. The part above the feed is called the rectification or enrichment section and the bottom part is called the depletion section.

The oil refining industry also underwent profound changes under the impact of scientific research. In 1859, Colonel Drake demonstrated for the first time the possibility of extracting crude oil from the drilling subsurface, so as not to have to depend exclusively on the outcrops. Until 1900, when the automotive industry was just taking its first steps, the oil industry had been restricted to the production of kerosene. Petroleum refining processes and the corresponding technical apparatus were mostly adaptations of other industries, such as coal tar and alcohol. Gradually, the petroleum industries put more scientific methods into the distillation and refining of petroleum.This change was boosted by the growing demand for products other than kerosene: lubricants, paraffins, asphalt, fuel oil and, above all, gasoline, which were then increasingly needed for cars and planes.

Trumble, in the United States, devised in 1812 the combination of a tube still with skinning columns and evaporators. This turned out to be an extraordinarily flexible system to adapt the distillation units to the diversity of existing crudes.

Chemical refining, originally a batch process, was then made automatic, until it became a continuous operation in closed containers, which avoided the dangerous and wasteful evaporation of light fractions.

The predecessor equipment of the bubble bells or "caps" was invented in 1822 by Perrier. These bells were used as devices to improve the contact of the steam that was introduced under the plate in which the bells were. Wine was introduced above the bells, and steam below. The steam did not mix with the wine. In 1830 Coffee developed a continuous column that used both perforated plates and feed preheating and internal reflux.

When natural gas came to make up for the lack of fuel, valuable low-boiling compounds such as propane and butane could be extracted.

This was impossible without proper distillation to remove dissolved gases. As a consequence, technicians were forced to devise new types of distillation columns. Distillation was an art during the period of its initial development. The invention of bubble hoods, perforated trays, water-cooled condensers, reflux, feed preheating, and adaptation of the process to continuous operation, were carried out in the last century, although no attempts were made to systematize or apply quantitative principles to distillation processes.

In the last years of the 19th century, Hausbrand (1893) and Sorel (1899) presented the first mathematical studies applied to the design of fractionation columns. Sorel (1889) developed and applied mathematical relationships for the fractional separation of binary mixtures, first to those with alcohol and water, and introduced the concepts of molar enthalpy, heat loss, compositions, reflux, and charges into his calculations.

Other researchers from that time included Barrel, Young, Rayleigh, Lewis, Rosanoff, and Dufton. In 1925, WL Mc.Cabe and EW Thiele presented a work (Mc.Cabe, 1925) to the American Chemical Society, which presented a new simple, fast and illustrative method to graphically calculate the number of theoretical plates necessary for the separation of the components of a binary mixture in a rectification column. Mc.Cabe's original contribution to this problem was a major step in the scientific design of distillation units and proved to be a great advance when new cracking systems came to the fore around 1936.

Subsequently, Ponchon and Savarit (1922) devised a method for calculating distillation columns for binary mixtures, which did not require the simplifications of the Mc.Cabe method and which could be applied to non-ideal mixtures. Between 1930 and 1960, numerous studies were done to predict the efficiency of distillation columns. However, it was after the American Institute of Chemical Engineers formed a commission to study the problem (AIChE, 1958), when it became possible to count on a reliable method to obtain the efficiencies in distillation columns that work with binary mixtures. Once this problem was solved, the batteries were oriented towards the design of columns that worked multicomponent mixtures (Holland, 1988).The design of these received a very important boost with the development of modern computers, which made possible the application of equations of state to calculate the vapor-liquid equilibrium.

The study of the azeotropic systems also allowed the design of columns that could separate these mixtures, to obtain pure products, such as alcohol from an alcohol-water mixture.

Despite the fact that the unit operation of distillation is the one with the most bibliography and on which more studies and investigations have been carried out and are being carried out, the field has not yet been exhausted, nor has the last word been said on the design of distillation apparatus, which have proven so useful to humanity.

Today, distillation is replaced by other operations that either consume less energy or are more efficient, such as liquid-liquid extraction, adsorption, chromatography, etc. However, it is still present in almost all chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical or food and wine industry processes. The apparatus currently used in continuous distillation is made up of three integrated units: a steam generator, reboiler or kettle, an element that brings steam and liquid into contact, a column of plates or packaging, and a condenser, which is a changer heat cooled by water or by a coolant (figure 3).

Rectification or continuous distillation with stages and reflux can be considered, in a simplified way, as a process in which a series of evaporations and condensations takes place. These phenomena take place in the dishes or trays of the distillation column. To do this, the liquid from each stage flows by gravity to the lower stage and the vapor from each stage flows upwards to the upper stage. Consequently, a vapor stream G and a liquid stream L enter each stage, which mix to transfer mass and try to reach equilibrium. The way to achieve this is to create a liquid-vapor interface as extensive as possible. The main resistance to mass transfer is in the vapor phase, which is why apparatus and devices have been designed in which the vapor bubbles into the liquid,to obtain a greater transfer surface. However, it is not possible to achieve that the currents coming out of a stage are in equilibrium, hence we speak of efficiency, which is a measure of the approach to equilibrium. The actual dishes in a column have efficiencies less than 100 percent. As already mentioned, the working principle of the column (figure 3) is to put a vapor in contact with a liquid that is richer in the more volatile component than that corresponding to equilibrium. When mixed intimately, the vapor will tend to come into equilibrium with the liquid, with part of the less volatile component condensing and the more volatile component evaporating. By repeating those countercurrent contacts,the vapor will become enriched and the liquid will become impoverished (in the most volatile component) until reaching the compositions of the distillate and the residue respectively. As the process consists of putting steam in contact with liquid and only the feed enters the column, the steam is generated by evaporating part of the residue or bottoms, and the liquid returning part of the distillate to the column, which are the poorest mixtures. and richer, respectively, in the most volatile component. The energy for the tower to work like this is provided by the heat that is introduced into the reboiler, which causes the evaporation of part of the liquid that reaches it. The steam stream, as it rises through the tower, is enriched in the most volatile component.This current is condensed in the condenser and part of that liquid is returned - reflux - towards the column and another part is extracted from the dome as distillate or product. The refluxing liquid stream descends by gravity and becomes enriched with the heavier component. This process of enrichment and impoverishment in certain components is carried out in successive stages of the tower. To more easily understand this mechanism, it is convenient to refer to Figure 6, in which a plate and the concentrations of the volatile liquid in the liquid and vapor streams are represented.This process of enrichment and impoverishment in certain components is carried out in successive stages of the tower. To more easily understand this mechanism, it is convenient to refer to Figure 6, in which a plate and the concentrations of the volatile liquid in the liquid and vapor streams are represented.This process of enrichment and impoverishment in certain components is carried out in successive stages of the tower. To more easily understand this mechanism, it is convenient to refer to Figure 6, in which a plate and the concentrations of the volatile liquid in the liquid and vapor streams are represented.

In each plate, the liquid that descends from the upper plate, Ln –1, comes into contact with the steam that rises from the lower plate, Gn + 1. When the stage behaves in an ideal way, equilibrium is reached and the concentrations are those corresponding to the equilibrium temperature reached, that is, when the temperature of both streams is the same (tn). Under these conditions, the concentration of the light component in the liquid (Xn) and the concentration in the vapor (Yn) are the concentrations at equilibrium. Here you can also see the effect of the impoverishment and enrichment mentioned. The concentration of the descending liquid, Xn –1, is greater than Xn, but the concentration of the rising vapor increases, that is, Yn is greater than Yn –1.


  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Distillation Committee, Bubble Try Design Manual, 1958. Andrews, L., The vertuose Boke of Distyllacyon of the waters of all Manner of Horbes, Brunshing, 1527. Brunschwig, H., Liber de arte destillandi de simplicibus, Strasburg, 1500. Forbes, RJ, History of technique, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, 1958.Hausbrand, E., Die Wirkungweise der Rectifier und Distillin Apparate, Berlin, 1893. Holland, Ch.D., Fundamentals of distillation of multicomponent mixtures, Limusa, Mexico, 1988.Libavius, A., Alchymia, Frankfurt, 1606. Mc.Cabe, WL and Thiele, EW, "Graphical Design of Fractionating Columns", in Ind. & Eng. Chem., June, 1925. Ponchon, M., Etude graphique de la distillation fractionnée industrielle, La technique Moderne, v. XIII, n. 1 p. 20.Savarit, R., Eléments de distillation,Arts et Métiers, n. 3, p. 65, March 1922 Sorel, ME, Sur la rectificaton de l'alcool, Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seánces de l'Académie des Sciences, t. CVIII, p. 1128, 1204 and 1317, May 27, 1889 Sorel, ME, Distillation et rectification industrielle, Paris, 1899. Urbina del Razo, A., '' The method of Mc.Cabe-Thiele, as taught by the teacher Estanislao Ramírez '', in Educ. chem. 1, 180 (1990). Valiente-Barderas, Antonio, Dictionary of Chemical Engineering, Alhambra, Mexico, 1990.?as taught by the teacher Estanislao Ramírez '', in Educ. chem. 1, 180 (1990). Valiente-Barderas, Antonio, Dictionary of Chemical Engineering, Alhambra, Mexico, 1990.?as taught by the teacher Estanislao Ramírez '', in Educ. chem. 1, 180 (1990). Valiente-Barderas, Antonio, Dictionary of Chemical Engineering, Alhambra, Mexico, 1990.?




Distillation is known as the separation of the components of a liquid mixture by partial vaporization thereof, in such a way that the composition of the vapor obtained is different from the composition of the starting liquid, the composition of the liquid also being different. residual.

Distillation is one of the most important basic operations in the industry that allows the components of a liquid mixture to be separated into the state of its pure substances.




Distillation aims to change a substance from the liquid state to the vapor state and subsequently condenses. It is based on the difference in the boiling point of the substances to be separated. In distillation, state changes occur: evaporation (produced by heating) and condensation (produced by cooling).

There are different types of distillation, such as: Simple distillation, fractional distillation, steam stripping, reduced pressure, etc.

The distillation of pisco corresponds to a SIMPLE OR DIFFERENTIAL distillation.


3.1. Preliminary Considerations.

3.1.1. Product definition.

Pisco is a genuinely Peruvian drink, the result of the adaptation of the strains brought by the Spanish to the new conquered lands. An emblematic Peruvian product, it is one of the glorious names of world viticulture. Along with the legendary European names such as sherry, champagne, cognac, port and few others, in America it is the only wine product that has achieved notoriety and international projection over the centuries with the name of the geographical place that is in its origins.

The peculiarities in its manufacturing method, that is, the contribution of man, the climatic elements, the special soil conditions where the varieties of grapes used for its development grow, factors that combine so that its aroma and fragrance cannot be imitated, they make pisco have qualities that notably distinguish it from the drink that is marketed under the same name in Chile.

Pisco is a superior quality brandy obtained from fermented grape juice (wine) or must. The fermentation time of the grape juice will depend on the ambient temperature, that is, the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation speed, therefore it will vary between 5, 8, 10, 14 or 30 days approximately.

The pisco will be obtained after heating the wine to boiling temperature, and condensing its vapors using as a coolant water at low temperatures (ice water), or wine (alembic with wine warmers).

It is necessary to clarify that the boiling temperature is not the water of the solution, but the alcohol, because what is going to be distilled is:


alcohol not water, therefore, the vapors that condense are the alcohol vapors to form pisco.

3.1.2. Elaboration method.

The process of making pisco in the various wine-growing areas is basically of two kinds:

Artisan or traditional elaboration; This procedure is practical following customs transmitted from generation to generation and is practiced by small producers.

Industrial processing; This procedure is not yet practiced in Peru in small wineries, but large wineries are already innovating with new technology.

The batch distillation operation is used to make pisco and only direct distillation equipment should be used. To comply with the Peruvian Technical Standard 211.001, the equipment for discontinuous distillation must be made of copper and internally coated with tin.

The following equipment is used for distillation:

  • - It is provided with a paila, a straight barrel that is submerged in a pool of water, culminating in an outlet where pisco is received. Simple alembics.- It consists of a boiler, capital, gooseneck and coil coolant submerged in a pool with water. Alembic with wine warmer.- It is similar to the simple one but another closed refrigerant is conditioned where the condensed steam is cooled with wine.

3.1.3. Mechanisms of discontinuous distillation

The procedure generally used is direct distillation in batch stills. Distillation must be done immediately at the end of the fermentation and must be continued uninterrupted until the end of the processing.

  • Loading, placing the wine in the boiler occupying 2/3 of its capacity Heat injection, ignition of the oven and temperature regulation Evaporation, the components of the wine go to the gaseous state when they reach boiling point, at a higher temperature, a greater amount of Steam. Condensation begins when the coil receives steam from the boiler and cooling water is applied to it to achieve efficient condensation. Fractionation, is the separation of head, body and tail according to the control of temperature, alcoholic degree and performance. Head, has a boiling point lower than 78.4 ° C, eliminates methyl alcohol and ethyl acetate, constitutes 1 to 2% of the charge volume. Body, obtained between 78.4 ° C to 90 ° C, represents the noble part of the distillate, rich in ethyl alcohol and positive volatile substances,the alcoholic content is 40 ° GL - 50 ° GL. Cola, is obtained when it exceeds 90 ° C and is known as "pucho".

3.1.4 The Double Distillation Batch System

The musts can be considered a mixture that contains water (boiling point, 100 ° C) and ethanol (boiling point, 78.5 ° C), mainly. It is a binary azeotrope with a minimum boiling point of 78.1 ° C.

During distillation, while boiling at constant pressure occurs, the composition of the liquid phase and the vapor phase varies depending on the temperature.

The wine from the wine warmer, where it has been heated to around 50 ° C, is placed in the boiler. When boiling begins, the vapors from the wine rise towards the capital, travel through a pipe in the shape of a gooseneck that goes through the warmer and go towards the coil that is submerged in a cold water tank. The vapors, increasingly rich in alcohol, slowly cool and condense. During this process, which lasts about eight or nine hours, the first fraction or heads (55 ° GL) and the last fraction or tails (2 ° GL) are separated and the heart of the first distillation or phlegm (between 26 and 28 ° GL), which in volume corresponds to a third of the boiler capacity.

3.1.5 Raw Material.

One difference between Peruvian pisco and foreign grape spirits is that the inputs used in their artisanal and industrial production are not limited to aromatic grape varieties of the muscat type. In fact, the emphasis is, as it should be, on the flavor and not on the aroma. For this reason, the main grapes used are quebranta (a mutation typical of Peru) and, to a lesser extent, Negra Corriente and Mollar, non-aromatic varieties. The approved INDECOPI technical standard recognizes four types of pisco depending on the process or input used for its production:

a.- pure pisco, made from non-aromatic grape varieties, such as Quebranta, Negra Corriente or Mollar;

b.- aromatic pisco, from Moscatel, Italia or Albilla grapes;

c.- green must pisco, highly appreciated by connoisseurs, obtained from the distillation of incompletely fermented broths;

d.- pisco acholado, originated in the mixture of broths of different grape varieties.

However, although exclusively for the domestic market, Peru produces piscos "flavored" (during fermentation or distillation) and "macerated" (after distillation) with fruits such as figs, mangoes, cherries, lemon and custard apple.

3.1.6. Supplies.

Sodium Bisulfite.- It is used to avoid contamination with other microorganisms. It is used in cleaning tanks and washing bottles.

Yeasts.- NOT USED in the elaboration of pisco, since the must will ferment only with its natural yeasts.

Yeasts are used in the production of white or red wine to accelerate the fermentation process.

Without additives, the process would take approximately 11 days; with additives, which at the same time disinfect, the process would take only 5 days. The yeasts that are added to make these wines are:

Apiculated produce 0 to 4 degrees of alcohol.

Saccharomyces produce 4 to 9 degrees of alcohol.

Oviform produce 9 to 16 degrees of alcohol.

3.1.7 Containers.

The pisco will be packaged only in glass containers, whether they are 750 ml bottles. or in jugs that can contain 3.75; 4 or 2 liters.


In the elaboration of pisco a SIMPLE OR DIFFERENTIAL distillation process of discontinuous type is carried out, that is, loading and unloading. It is a simple distillation because the components of the solution (fermented must = water + alcohol) have boiling points that differ widely from each other. The composition of the vapor produced in the boiling of the mixture will be different from the composition of the starting liquid, therefore, knowledge of the equilibrium relationships between both phases is essential for the analytical resolution of distillation problems, and the apparatus in which this operation is carried out, they must provide an intimate contact between the steam and the liquid so that the equilibrium conditions are stored at the limit between both phases.

Following is the boiling / concentration diagram, which represents the composition of the liquid mixture versus the boiling temperature at constant pressure; in which the vapor-liquid mixtures of the two components (water and alcohol) can be conveniently represented in 2 ways, as concentration-boiling temperature curves or as vapor-liquid concentration distribution curves. Both forms are independent and the concentration distribution curves are the same as the equilibrium curves used in extraction.

These solutions obey RAOULT's law, which says: "the vapor pressure of each component is equal to the product of the mole fraction of said component in the liquid phase by the vapor pressure of the pure component at the same temperature."

P = X Pº

Where: P = vapor pressure of a component in the mixture.

X = molar fraction of a component.

Pº = vapor pressure of a pure component.

The pisco distillation process is closely related to relative volatility. The relative volatility of a component in a mixture or solution is the relationship between partial suppression of vapor and its concentration in the liquid phase, that is:

Volatility = P Partial pressure.

X Concentration in the liquid phase.

Pisco distillation is a DISCONTINUED or batch distillation because the starting liquid mixture (fermented juice) is boiled for some time (approximately 7 or 8 hours depending on the amount of alcohol produced), the vapors are condensed and at the end of the distillation time the remaining liquids in the boiler are removed as residues.

In some cases the distillation is continued until the boiling point reaches a predetermined value thus carrying out the separation of a volatile component from a less volatile residue. In other cases, 2 or more fractions can be drawn at different times that will naturally be of decreasing volatility.

During batch distillation, both the concentration of the liquid and the vapor change.


The process begins with the reception of the raw material. The grape is transported from the field, after verifying that its Brix degree fluctuates between 13 and 13.5. A lower Brix would produce a deficient amount of alcohol, and therefore, less pisco. A higher Brix would not allow a good enzymatic process, so that the yeasts would only partially transform the glucose content, giving rise to a sweet and not dry must, which would mean a total transformation of the sugar into ethyl alcohol.

C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

Glucose A. Ethyl Carbonic Anhydride

Once the grape is weighed, it is trodden for several hours, extracting much of the juice; later, the "cheese" will be formed with the pomace, which will be strongly pressed by a huarango disk, thus ending the extraction of the juice or must.

The must is then distributed in the fermentation vats where it will remain 5, 8, 10 to 14 days according to the ambient temperature, the higher the temperature, the higher the fermentation speed. The temperature should not exceed 40ºC, because the death of the yeasts would take place.

When the must is "dry", it is convenient that it be distilled immediately since, if it is retained for more than 15 days, it would be "spicy"; this flavor is a consequence of the decomposition of dead yeasts over the days.

The distillation is carried out in falcas and / or alembics, these differ from each other, due to the presence of cement from the former at the top, in this case, the alcohol vapor does not reach the coil through the gooseneck, as happens with the alembic, but by the conical tuba located inside the pot at the top. To avoid steam loss, the falcas are hermetically covered with mud, during the 5 to 7 hours approximately that the boiling process lasts. After this time, it would be distilling water vapor and not alcohol vapor since, since alcohol is more volatile than water, it will evaporate more quickly than water.

The coil of both equipment is submerged in pools of very cold water used as a refrigerant to achieve condensation of the alcohol vapors, which will be called PISCO. Pisco has three parts: head, body and tail.

The head has more than 65º of alcohol and also contains methyl alcohol harmful to health, therefore this portion is not suitable for consumption.

The body must have between 38 and 46.7 alcoholic degrees; This measurement is made with the breathalyzer and is verified with the Guy Lussac table, according to the temperature of the product.

The last part of the distillation is called cola, it is a low alcohol pisco, containing 16 or less degrees of alcohol, this part is discarded, also used for rinsing bottles.

Pisco must have between 38 and 46.7 degrees of alcohol n average, that is, mixing that part that has a higher alcoholic strength with that of a lower degree until the required degree is obtained.

Finally, the pisco is packaged in glass containers such as bottles, jugs, etc., hermetically closed and ready for marketing.


Transportation of raw material

Reception and Weighing


Wort reception

Filling the fermentation vats

Juice Fermentation

And obtaining the wine

Filling of falcas and / or alembics


Pisco Reception and Storage



3.4. QA.

The quality control of pisco is carried out through two types of evaluations: sensory and physicochemical.

Sensory Evaluation.- Pisco must meet the following organoleptic requirements:

Appearance: Transparent and limpid.

Color: Colorless

Flavor: Characteristic

Characteristic smell

Physical-chemical evaluation

Requirements minimum maximum Tolerance for declared value
Alcoholic grade

Volumetric at 20ºC in:

38.0 46.0 51.0
Extract sco at 100ºC in g / l traces 0.5
Total acidity expressed in me / l traces 25.0
In g / l of acetic acidity traces 1.5
Volatile acidity in me / l traces 0.83
Non-alcoholic elements
Esters such as ethyl acetate mg. In 100 cm 3 of anhydrous alcohol 27 330.0
Aldehydes like Acetic Aldehyde mg. in 100 cm 3 of anhydrous alcohol Traces 55.0
Superior alcohols such as isobutyric alcohol mg. in 100 cm 3 of anhydrous alcohol 36 330.0
Volatile acidity as acetic acid in 199 cm 3 of anhydrous alcohol expressed in me / l traces 13.75


  • Pisco is a distinctly Peruvian brandy made with pure grape must, some kinds of additives, distilled after the total transformation of glucose into ethyl alcohol has been carried out.The great variety of grape classes in the province of Ica, allow the development of agribusiness in our area, since we can offer to the National and International market, different types of this brandy.


  • The standardization of the quality of pisco is essential to the demands of the international market, therefore producers must take special care in controlling the quality of their product. Pisco packaging must be in transparent glass containers, since the buyer It is interesting to check that what you consume is free of impurities.



To carry out the physical-chemical analysis of piscos we are based on the Peruvian Technical Standard, making some corrections and adding some formulas for the expression of the results.

  1. Sample preparation

60 ml of the test sample is taken (Pisco), which is distilled through a simple distiller, collecting in a 50 ml graduated flask. The distillate is adjusted to an alcoholic concentration of 5.5%. Make a previous measurement of the alcoholic degree of the test sample (Pisco).

  1. Preparation of solutions
  • Potassium Permanganate Solution

3 grams of potassium permanganate are weighed, they are deposited in a 100 ml volumetric vial. 15 ml of 85% phosphoric acid are added and it is made up to the mark with distilled water. (For fast dilution, it must be pre-dissolved with warm water before adding phosphoric acid.)

  • . Standard solution (methanol solution)
  • 5.5% ethyl alcohol solution.

It is prepared from pure ethyl alcohol, that is to say at 99.9%, then it is diluted with distilled water at 5.5%.

  • 0.5 grams or 500 milligrams of pure methanol are weighed out and diluted to one liter with the 5.5% alcohol solution. So we have the standard solution at 0.025%.
  • 75% sulfuric acid solution

Starting from a high concentration (96%) of sulfuric acid, we will bring it to a concentration of 75%.

In other words, 78,125 ml of 96% sulfuric acid are taken to a 100 ml vial and make up to the required volume with distilled water.

  • 5% chromotropic acid solution

5 grams of chromotropic acid or sodium salt are weighed and dissolved in 100 ml of 75% sulfuric acid.

  1. Process

Take 2 ml of potassium permanganate solution and add 1 ml of the already treated sample (5.5%), in a vial. They are mixed and taken for 30 minutes in an ice bath (the mixture of pisco with the solution of potassium permanganate gives a fuchsia coloration and, taking it to the cold, turns to a carmine coloration), after 30 minutes, approximately 0.05 grams of Sodium bisulfite, mix and the solution should discolor.

1 ml of the 5% chromotropic acid solution is added to the already discolored sample. 15 ml of 75% sulfuric acid is slowly added, stirred well and placed in a water bath at a temperature of 70 ° C for 15 minutes (the sample turns from a yellow to violet color), it is allowed to cool and it is Make up to 50 ml with distilled water, mix and let cool to room temperature

  1. Blank sign

The blank sample is the 5.5% ethyl alcohol solution and treated in the same way as the test sample. (point 3)

  1. 0.025% Methanol Standard Sample

The standard sample already prepared in point 2.2 must also be treated in the same way as the test sample. (point 3)

  1. Spectrophotometer Readings
  • The spectrophotometer must be turned on 30 minutes before taking the readings, it must have a current stabilizer and a surge suppressor. For the methanol run, the wavelength is 575 nm. The readings must have the following order:

1st blank sample

2nd standard sample

3rd the sample problem

  • Blank sign

Processing: 100

Concentration: 000

Absorbance: 0.00

Factor: 0.00

  • The methanol standard sample

Processing: 34.9

Concentration: 250

Absorbance: 0.456

Factor: 0.546

  • To work the standard sample, the concentration and the factor must be calibrated. The factor is regulated until it reads 250.
  • The sample problem

Concentration: 0005

Absorbance: 0.009

  • For successive methanol analysis, the factor must be adjusted to 0546
  1. Expression of results

7.1 Using absorbances


A = Absorbance of the test sample

Ap = absorbance of the standard sample

Fd = Dilution factor

Fd =

Example: 44 ° GL pisco


M (mg / l) = x 100

Example: Sample 01 - Pisco

Absorbance: 0.064

Concentration: 35

Alcoholic grade: 43.3

Fd: 7.8727

7.2 Using Concentration

Example: from the previous example

Solution pattern

0.5 g / L @ 500mg / 1000ml @ 0.5mg / ml @ 500mg / ml

Then: 1 ml = 500mg

For different volumes to pipettes to make the standards

0.025% 25ml * 500mg = 12500mg / 50ml = 250mg / ml = 250mg / l = 25mg / 100ml

0.020% 20ml * 500mg = 10000mg / 50ml = 200mg / ml = 200mg / l = 20mg / 100ml

0.015% 15ml * 500mg = 7500mg / 50ml = 150mg / ml = 150mg / l = 15mg / 100ml

0.010% 10ml * 500mg = 5000mg / 50ml = 100mg / ml = 100mg / l = 10mg / 100ml

0.005% 5ml * 500mg = 2500mg / 50ml = 50mg / ml = 50mg / l = 5mg / 100ml

0.0025% 2.5ml * 500mg = 1250mg / 50ml = 25mg / ml = 25mg / l = 2.5mg / 100ml


  1. Preparation of the 0.1N Potassium Hydroxide solution

We weigh 5.6 grams of potassium hydroxide, place them in a 100 ml flask and make up to the mark with distilled water.

  1. Sample Preparation

110ml is taken from the (Pisco) sample, they are distilled through a simple distiller and 100ml are obtained.

  1. Process

Take 10 ml of the distillate from point 2, place it in a flask, add 2 drops of phenolphthalein and titrate with the 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution until it turns from transparent to violet.

  1. Expression of results

Volatile Acidity (g / l) =


For a given sample the potassium hydroxide expenditure 0.1 N was 0.5 ml

Volatile Acidity (g / l) =

= 0.375 g / l acetic acid


  1. Process
  • 10 ml of sample is taken and poured onto an erlenmeyer flask. It is titrated with 0.1 N KOH, after which 2 drops of phenolphthalein must be added and it is titrated until the color change.
  1. Expression of Results


F = milliequivalents = Ac. Tartaric = 0.075

Ac. Sulfuric = 0.049

Ac. Acetic = 0.06

N = normality is 0.1

G = 0.1 N KOH expenditure in ml


  1. Expression of Results

Fixed Acidity = Total Acidity - Total Acidity

  1. Determination of sample problem

In a 500 ml balloon we place 50 ml of the sample (Pisco) and add 1 drop of phenolphthalein (solution).

Subsequently, the acidity is exactly neutralized with a 0.1 N NaOH solution until the color change.

An excess of 20 ml of 0.1 N NaOH solution is added.

Boil in a reflux condenser for 30 minutes. It should be allowed to cool with the reflux coolant in place and connected to the cooling water inlet.

Once cold (to the environment) add 20 ml of 0.1 N H 2 SO 4 solution.

It is then titrated with 0.1 N NaOH solution.

NOTE: In this part for the evaluation, phenolphthalein is no longer added.

  1. Expression of Results


E = esters expressed as ethyl acetate in g / l must be brought to mg / 100 ml of anhydrous alcohol

G = expense of ml NaOH used in the assessment of excess acid (H 2 SO 4)

F = correction factor for these analyzes is 1 for this case, for this a determined amount of H 2 SO 4 must be taken at 0.1 N and this is valued with NaOH solution, 0.1 N and the expense must be the same for the correction factor to be 1, if not, the correction factor must be made, making the respective division.

0.176 = conversion factor for ethyl acetate.




The sensory examination is based on the sensations experienced by our senses when tasting a wine or another food. When this examination is carried out by experts, it constitutes a technical tasting which seeks to explain the flavor by the composition of the wine. They are analyzed by breaking it down into simple tastes and each taste is related to the substance that produces it. The perceived sensations are expressed in terms that designate the organoleptic characteristics of the wine and a judgment is made.

These sensations, which form a whole in an inattentive tasting, must be isolated, ordered and finally identified in an analytical tasting. For this reason, when trying to define a definition, it is said that "to taste is to carefully savor the wine whose quality you want to appreciate."

1.- Tasting objectives

1.1.- Learn to detect and identify sensations, and express them

1.2.- Acquire psychological independence

1.3.- Achieve autonomy and ease of exercises

2.- Types of tasting

2.1.- Analytical: Decompose the characters into simple elements, relating such characteristic with such substance. An attempt is therefore made to specify the constitution and balance of the wine.

2.2.- Hedonist: explains the pleasure or displeasure experienced when tasting the wine.

  • - Factors that modify the taster's response. Genetics: color blindness Physiological state: tiredness, cold, etc. Past taster: formation External factors: environment

3.1.- Actions to be taken to reduce the risk of error:

3.1.1.- Taster

  • Normal physiological state, you have to be in shape Do not eat during the tasting The best time is around 12 o'clock. state of hunger Do not smoke during the tasting Do not swallow the wine Do not use heavy perfumes Do not talk until the end Train regularly Refrain from personal preferences Be rested and awake

3.1.2. Shows

  • Maximum number of samples Must be anonymous Adequate temperature

3.1.3.- Environment

  • The glassThe tasting roomThe environment

4.- Function of our senses

4.1.- General mechanism: three cultural phenomena

4.1.1.- Education to the perception of perceived sensations: we have to educate our senses with the maximum amount of information, for which a great sensory curiosity is needed .

4.1.2. Memorization of perceived sensations. Tasting is a kind of reading; wines are the texts. The good taster discovers wine through smell and taste. The signs that allow to read in the wine are the smells and the flavors. There are wines that are easily remembered (such as faces), others do not leave a mark.

4.1.3.- Expression of perceived and recognized sensations. Tasting needs a vocabulary, here lies one of the great problems faced by fans.

5.- Individual mechanisms: thresholds

Each individual is different, for the same stimulus, the responses may be different, it is about genetic differences that can become anomalies:

  • Agusia: total loss of taste Hypoagusia: weakened taste sensitivity Anosmia: temporary or permanent loss of taste ability Hyperosmia: excessive response to certain aromas Cacosmia: perception of non-existent unpleasant odors Parosmia: false perception of odors Antosmia: olfactory hallucination in the absence of odors

The empire of taste and smell has its blind and deaf as it does with sight and hearing.

These differences lead us to define the thresholds:

  • Sensation threshold: minimum stimulus value, which gives rise to the appearance of a sensation Perception or identification threshold Differential threshold: the smallest stimulus modification that the taster is able to detect



The taste-sensitive cells are located only on the tongue, in tiny prominences called papillae, which are unevenly distributed on the tongue and the central area is devoid of them. The other parts of the mouth do not have papillae.

The papillae of the tongue only detect four elemental tastes: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The sensitivity threshold of each one is established by making you try pure solutions with doses in decreasing proportions of substances that contain these flavors. In this way, it has been found that sensitivity to sweet and sour taste is very diverse.

Of the four elemental flavors, only one is pleasant: sweet. The other sensations in their pure state are unpleasant and are only supported if they are offset by sweet flavors.

The wine has the four elemental flavors. The sweet taste is provided by alcohol and, eventually, its sugars; sour taste is provided by its free organic acids; the salty taste is due to its salified acids, and the bitter taste, to its phenolic compounds, commonly called tannins.

In wine tasting, the four flavors are not perceived at the same time, but rather are perceived one after the other. The taster has to be very attentive to this progressive modification of the sensations.

Three stages in the sequence of taste sensations must be distinguished: the attack or instantaneous taste, perceived in the first seconds; the evolution or continuous variation of sensation; the final or taste in the mouth or aftertaste is the impression that is perceived at the end of the tasting that fills the mouth even after the wine has been drunk or thrown. Finally, a different final sensation is called dejo or gustillo than previously perceived and generally unpleasant.

The elemental flavors are not perceived all at the same time because the papillae that correspond to each flavor are located in different areas of the tongue. The sugary taste is perceived mainly on the tip of the tongue; the acid taste, on the sides or below; the salty taste interests the edges, and not the central surface; and the bitter taste is detected only on the back of the tongue, in an area that only works when ingested. Therefore, there is a lag of several seconds between the sugary impression and the bitter impression.

When tasting a wine, the impression (the first two or three seconds) is always pleasant. It is a honeyed, sweet sensation, mainly due to alcohol. Little by little the other flavors end up masking the sugary taste. The aftertaste or aftertaste, when acidic or bitter dominates, can finally leave, after eight to ten seconds, a less pleasant impression. Only high-quality wines maintain their exquisite flavor until the end.


The region of smell is located in the upper part of the nostrils. The olfactory mucosa, yellowish in color and with a surface area of ​​2 cm2, is delimited by the middle turbinate, small cartilaginous sheets that divide the nasal cavity and whose function is to filter and refresh the inspired air. This sensitive surface is located behind a 2mm cavity. opening; As it is found in the deviation from the usual passage of the inspired air, only a small part of the odorous gases in the atmosphere can arrive in the course of normal respiration. This subtlety is a happy conformation that shelters us from many olfactory aggressions.

There are two access routes in the olfactory mucosa: the direct nasal route, by inspiration through the nose, and the route through the rhinopharynx called retronasal, by passing from the oral cavity to the nostrils. The movement of swallowing tends to create a Slight internal overpressure that reinforces through the turbinates the vapors of the overheated wine filling the mouth and thus accentuating the olfactory sensations.

These sensations are neither fixed nor lasting. During an olfactory cycle of four or five seconds corresponding to a slow inspiration, a progressive increase in sensation is perceived, followed by a decrease and a slow disappearance. This discontinuity makes olfactory comparisons difficult and requires a safer technique on the part of the taster.


The wine tasting is carried out for various purposes: the selection of the best, a common form of commercial tasting; the elimination of wines of insufficient quality, the tasting to determine the "label" of wines with a designation of origin and, finally, the classification in order of quality of wines of the same type, an exercise that is much more difficult and laborious to be done if the series of these wines is moderately important and their differences are not considerable. Depending on the number of wines to be classified, it is operated, either by direct comparison or by annotation of each of them. No more than eight or ten kinds of wine should be compared. The glasses are listed and the best wines are usually placed to the left side. At the end of the operation, the wines are in decreasing order of qualities,from left to right.

If the series are more important, the wines are tasted one by one and the pertinent annotations are made. In a collective tasting, the average of the scores of each taster is established. If we take into account the difficulty of giving an objective opinion on subjective characters, it will be understood that there are several annotation systems, more or less complicated. They can be scored globally from 0 to 20, or by establishing any other numerical scale, or also, considering the sum of the isolated notes applied to the various characteristics: color, clarity, intensity and fineness of the aroma, flavor, body, harmony, etc., sometimes affected by coefficients. The latter system of notation is objected to the tendency to provide similar ratings for very different wines. But this theory is false:the quality of a wine is not only in the sum of respective qualities of color, smell and flavor. A wine that is undrinkable due to an excess of fixed acidity, for example, can be limpid and even with a fine bouquet, therefore, a number that contains as many figures as noted characteristics is more representative than a sum.

A simpler global system of notation based on the theory that it is easier to give a qualifier, a mention, than a note is also recommended.

For the annotation of wines, different formats have been established that agglomerate the annotations of the different characters of the wines.


A careful tasting classifies table wines prepared for consumption into different categories, according to the Cost system, based on taste pleasure, apart from the usual classifications based on origin or price. This classification includes the following categories:

FIRST CATEGORY: The grass wine, which is not savored, consumed according to custom, defined by professionals with the expression "without vice or virtue."

SECOND CATEGORY: The "false good wine", which can be of great origin, raised according to rules and therefore sometimes produce the illusion that it is a good wine. In red wines, it generally presents technical defects: hardness, astringency, fixed or volatile acidity, ethyl acetate, etc. In white wines: oxidation, sulfur dioxide odor, etc.

THIRD CATEGORY: Good wine, limpid, well constituted, smooth, light, pleasant and easy to drink, generally consumed young, with a fruity taste and, sometimes, with a flower aroma.

FOURTH CATEGORY: The great wine, a work of art, complex, personal, rich in savory and aromatic principles, which escapes all description and invites you to savor it.


The sensory analysis of the wine consists of the appreciation of a logical sequence of partial sensations that are evaluated separately and successively to finally include them in a final judgment, which will result in the score achieved by each wine.

An important instrument of this evaluation is the sensory analysis card.

The most widely used tabs are:

  • OIV file (classic) - International Office for vine and wine UIE file - International union of oenologists.

The wines according to the score obtained will be classified as "excellent", "very good", "good" and a rating lower than good.

These cards have been designed to be used in evaluations and wine competitions, in accordance with the regulations that govern the matter.

The UIE file includes the three stages or "tasting phases", depending on the sensory organ used:

The terminology used for the visual phase is as follows:


Fluidity is understood as the degree of viscosity of a wine. It is a characteristic linked to the composition. Its appreciation requires careful observation of the wine service, the rotation of the wine in the glass and the descent of the wine along the walls of the glass, forming tears and arches.


It is the transparency that wine presents to light rays, therefore it is inversely proportional to the suspensions present.


It is judged through the tonality and liveliness of the color that the wine presents. The shade corresponds to the chromatic range and the liveliness at the level of each shade.

The terminology used for the olfactory phase is the following:


It is the absence of unpleasant or strange odors to the wine.


It is the quantification and persistence of the perceived odorant sensation.


It is the class, variety and elegance of the aromatic and fragrant nuances of the wine.


It is the balance of the sensations perceived in this phase.

The terminology used in the sensory phase captured by the mouth is the following:


It is the absence of any unpleasant sensation


It is the quantification of the gustatory and taste-olfactory sensation.


It is given by the set of components of the wine extract.


It is the balance of the gustatory and taste-olfactory sensations


It is the duration of the taste-olfactory sensation measured in seconds, once the wine has been expelled or swallowed.


It is the final gustatory and olfactory taste sensation. It is perceived in the entire oral cavity and differs from those previously perceived.

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History and production of Peruvian pisco