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Ideas to get a job in Spain

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During the last decade there have been structural economic transformations that have had an unfavorable impact on a large part of the population.

A sustained recession brought about a reorganization of the productive system, generating a high level of unemployment and a general increase in poverty.

Some examples:

"Unemployment in Spain for the first time exceeds the five million line."

Madrid, Jan 27 (EFE).- Unemployment in Spain in 2011 surpassed the record figure of five million people for the first time, almost 23% of the workforce, with more than one and a half million homes in which none of its members work and with an economic horizon of recession for this year. The National Statistics Institute (INE), a public body, released the latest employment data today, showing that the spiral of job destruction that began more than three years ago continues to grow and worsen.

In the fourth quarter alone, 295,300 people lost their jobs, bringing the total number of unemployed in 2011 to 5,273,600.

The figure has a strong symbolic value because for the first time Spain crosses the historical barrier of the five million unemployed and places the unemployment rate at 22.85 percent.

Spain is at the head of the EU in the number of unemployed, followed by Greece, a country that had to be rescued in the midst of a very serious debt crisis.

The Spanish figures are even more acute with regard to youth unemployment, a sector in which it exceeds 51 percent on average, and which have pushed many of the best prepared to emigrate abroad in search of a job.

The most dramatic data show that 1,575,000 Spanish households have all their members unemployed.

Unemployment also affects foreigners, with a total figure of 1,225,800 and an average of 34.82%. Source: http://www.epa.eu/ Agencia EFE (see full note)

"Colombia leads the list of countries with the highest unemployment rate in Latin America"

The country is ranked 123 out of 200 in the unemployment ranking. Underemployment was 32.1%, which means that six million 629 thousand Colombians work under this condition

For his part, Jorge Bustamante, director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) revealed that the rate of unemployed Colombians in January was 13.5%. " Source: EFE Agency.

A snapshot of the current situation that many countries are going through shows us a process of degradation of social conditions in large sectors of the population.

To the loss of jobs, there is added, in broad layers of the population, the lack of hope to recover them.

The logical impact on self-esteem is reinforced by a kind of "induced self-blame", the product of a discourse that relates the lack of work with the lack of personal skills.

Many employees, merchants as well as the self-employed, independent professionals, artisans and artists have lost their usual sources of work and regular income and are unable to re-establish themselves in the productive system.

They are people who, having accessed a good educational level and a comfortable standard of living, at this moment are painfully surviving, spending what is left of their life savings.

The vast majority of them cannot pay for a health plan, continue with their retirement contributions, or access bank accounts, credit cards, etc.

They are very frequent consequences (adding to the precarious economic situation) the decrease of the self-esteem, the depression and the passivity; that worsen the prognosis of these people with respect to their future productivity.

The members of this social group are not absolutely impoverished.

Each of them continues to have its own resources of various kinds: knowledge, experience, trade, material goods, small capitals, which in isolation do not allow an economic solution to be implemented, but which, if they could be properly associated, would give rise to the creation of small enterprises self-sustaining.

These can range from temporary unions that signify a new starting point, to the foundation of small companies with good growth prospects.

In short, it is about promoting an active attitude to solve work problems.

Some keys that can help to reintegrate in the labor field

1. Don't run away from the problem.

The most common is anguish and depression. Don't worry, it happens to all of us, but try not to disconnect from reality.

2. Don't ask your friends for work.

Look to them for information about companies that may need your skills, knowledge and experience.

3. Take care of your money.

It is not a question of applying a war economy, but neither do you maintain the same lifestyle as when you had a secure income.

4. Don't lower your arms

You have to be aware that this is a traumatic moment for your personal and family life, but that it is normal in the world of work. Finding a new job can take time and you have to understand that it is in itself a full time job.

5. Review your resume, think about all your strengths.

Reflect on what you are worth, preserve your dignity.

6. Decide if you are going to reinsert yourself.

Decide whether to reinsert or start your own business, but focus on just one of the two options.

Some keys that can help generate your own business

Do a fairly simple exercise to start by trying to make as few mistakes as possible.

Make a list of the knowledge and skills that you have, be careful not only formal knowledge.

Make another list of the resources you have.

Goals and Resources.

The first thing is to set goals, then count your resources (what you have and what you need) finally find out how to achieve these goals.

Make a well-detailed list of what you have or can get.

(This list is only a suggestion, provide the data that you consider relevant)

Unoccupied land? / A pick up or a truck? / Do you have money saved?

Do you have credit available? / Do you have relatives or friends willing to lend you money?

Next to each item you can add

You have resources that you surely have not detailed in the list above. Resources you can't measure based on material goods, think of friends, friends of friends, relatives and acquaintances. Use social media.

Think about what you like to do, from dancing to cooking to embroidery, even if you've never thought of turning that hobby into a source of income.

What do I know how to do? What I can do?

Make a list of your skills and talents. Save it and take some time. Mentally review the things you do well. Those that do very well or not so well. Don't worry about whether these skills are commercial or salable right now. As soon as you complete your list, read it again. Go back to your first list and add what you discovered.

"Right to work" micro-entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises, artisans and self-employed.

Despite the modifications suffered over the years, working is still inherent to man.

If we start from the basis that, through work, man realizes himself as such, since he can create works that give meaning to his life; We think that the artisan, the street vendor or any self-employed worker is a mini-producer.

Because not only does it generate wealth or provide a service, but it is carrying out its personal project in an “informal” way and obtains, through this activity, an economic reward; which is the provision of their Natural Right to Work.

We deduce then, that this benefit should not be taxed under any circumstances. Naturally, such equality has its limits, once their basic needs and rights have been satisfied, they will move to the level of social work, where we all must contribute to the realization of the common good, whose administrators are the different state agencies of municipal, provincial or national.

Today, with the full hegemony of a globalized economy, each class has to be very careful in achieving the common good generated by the contribution made by mini-entrepreneurs, so that they are not misappropriated and return in the form of works and / or incentives that allow to continue generating wealth through one of the most precious rights: that of working.

Ideas to get a job in Spain