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Identity within the company

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Through the course of time, every human being at any stage of his life, has tried to find a way to identify himself in the social world that surrounds him, as a basic need for his development, also, to be able to find answers to certain questions that you make at any stage of your life, such as the question that perhaps all of us at a certain moment have asked ourselves, WHO AM I ?, a search that in the same way, is aimed at finding an identity, whether sexual, gender, ethnic, social, religious, cultural, among others, noting that in this search it has run into a rather complex process, in which various elements can participate in order to achieve its objective, in addition to this,human beings are obliged to adapt to the new "identity models" that have emerged with the society that currently surrounds us; and that he considers that identity as a hallmark of personality.

It is possible that this need to find a feeling of identity is so vital and imperative that man could not be healthy or complete if he did not find some way to satisfy it, since it is considered as an affective need, which is deduced from a feeling, cognitive, from the point of view that we are all different, and at the same time active, based mainly on the fact that everyone has their own decisions, the above, by virtue of the will and freedom they have to do so.

It can be affirmed, then, that identity has to do with our life history, which will always be influenced by the concept of the world that we handle and by the concept of the world that predominates in the time and place in which we live. Therefore, there is in this concept a fundamental relationship between individual-group-society, on the one hand, and of personal history with social history, on the other.

Given this, this search for identity, its crisis and its loss have constituted a center of concern and current research. The individual, the group, traditional or industrial societies aspire to coincide again with their own being. The issue of identity affects all societies and almost all disciplines.

All identity is changing and implies otherness. An identity cannot be recognized, if at the same time an alterity that appears as its antagonist is not recognized. For example, for some I can be cultured and for others ignorant or mediocre. These antagonisms create conflicts with others, but also with ourselves. If the other does not confirm my identity, they become a threat and it is common to try to avoid contact with those who threaten us, who put my identity, my self-image and my self-esteem at risk.

Pensemos en lo nuclear que es el tema de la identidad cuando hacemos una Orientación Vocacional pues allí se pone en juego la pregunta de quién soy yo quien quiero ser, pensemos cuando una persona se encuentra en una situación de crisis, lo importante que es rescatar cual aspecto de su identidad esta menos comprometido con el conflicto.

Identity is evolutionary and is in the process of permanent change, which implies the affirmation of particularities, but also of differences and relationships with others. It is a question that is always present and whose answer is sought in images, fragments, memories, stories, relationships with oneself and with others, thus identity is from psychoanalysis the result of the set of identifications that a person incorporates throughout his story. In simple terms identifications are those things character traits that a person takes from another that at some point admires, idealizes, or in the worst case fears or imitates.

It happens that many times a subject does not find model people in his environment with whom he can identify. Let's think about the crisis of values ​​of people that promote identification by some valued trait of character or personality. This is a social problem that affects the young population of our current time, who forge an identity based on the models that they have around them, without taking into account if they can be harmful to the formation of their own identity.

If we take into account now when a certain identity is defined, we find that it is fundamentally building as I have commented through certain identifications that the subject is making in interaction with significant people in his environment until around the end of adolescence (20 years approximately and some more probably).

Shaping an identity is establishing a center of gravity around the self, which implies that beyond the internal and external changes, beyond the new knowledge and knowledge that one incorporates there is a relatively unified Self, this implies that the subject builds in almost two decades of existence a basic position of being in the world.

This means that each of us will have certain types of needs, impulses, motivations to satisfy in order to feel basically happy and fulfilled, at the same time and this is where great problems arise, that is: to build a life project based on that identity. which includes vocation, profession, occupation (study and work), sexuality (forming a couple, consolidating a family) a knowledge about who I am, what I need, implies self-evaluation, self-esteem, etc.

The issue of consolidating our identity is then a work that has a double purpose, on the one hand to find an internal feeling of unity, and on the other from our relationships with the world to distinguish ourselves, this is to differentiate ourselves from the other, from some point, not for something, society rewards or highlights that which is creative, that which becomes a registered trademark.

When we recognize someone by their way of speaking, writing, walking, doing over other people, it is because something of their identity was put into play there. So then there is an identity as a whole, as a universe, which includes several parts or subsystems: sexual or gender identity, physical identity, psychological identity, social identity, moral identity and ideological identity.


This essay addresses one of the issues of great social significance, such as "identity", understood as a hallmark of the personality of every individual, which ranges from a set of specific traits or qualities that make it different from others, to the formation of our own life history in the time and place in which we live, so the purpose is to try to point out the problems we face in this search for our own identity, as well as the crisis that may come to emerge on that path because we do not feel identified, or otherwise the loss of a previous identity, formed based on good principles, in a current world like the one we face every day, in which most of our values ​​have disappeared moral;It should be mentioned that this specific issue affects all societies and disciplines in general, since identity is considered a necessity, without which man could not be complete without it.

This process of identity construction begins with family, friends, educational training, our cultural level, among other factors that intervene in our daily life, which are translated into simple experiences regardless of the stage of life in question., but that directly influence this formation of personality.

The individual by nature is free to forge a specific identity with which he feels capable of facing the constant evolution of the social world, in which it is sought based on that identity to create and make possible a life project, including a vocation, profession, occupation, sexuality, etc., as well as knowledge about who I am, what I need, among other questions, which is closely related to self-esteem, self-evaluation, self-knowledge, etc.

It often happens that sometimes like all human beings we need to see a specific type of identity figured in another person, to feel it as their own or to have an idea of ​​what is desired in order to identify themselves with others from any point of view.

However, trying to imitate any type of identity or letting ourselves be influenced by an external agent in this formation process, makes us lose special characteristics of our own nature, such as being unique and at the same time free, with the capacity to make our own decision.

The crisis that we all go through in that search for identity or personality can be modified by encountering various obsolete values ​​or unconsolidated plans along the way; It is possible that this search finds its initiation in childhood, and reaffirms itself in adolescence, which is the stage in which you acquire commitments with yourself and with others; Although there are people who need a further stage to become aware of what they want, have and want to do in life, therefore, it can be said that this crisis ends when that identity is selected.

It is necessary to point out that having a certain identity does not constitute a whole, from an overly analytical point of view, since the true achievement is obtained or is reflected in the exercise or practice of that identity, because in fact we really feel identified.

Obviously it turns out that current changes alter our identity in a certain way, but it must be said in the same way, that it is not possible to achieve a strong identity if there is no certain stability, this means not being influenced by all the changes that have occurred and by having, Although it is true, it is good to take them into account, it is also true that not all change is positive.

These changing processes that our society goes through day by day, have made the phenomenon of the before and now possible in all aspects of our life, among them, the topic that interests us, since previously identity was based on a certain autonomy, which made it possible to be what you really want to be, do or say, and who sought in a certain way that adaptation to others, that is, sought to get along with everyone around him, that implied a true commitment with oneself, and with others, however, with the passage of time, those good intentions or good principles of wanting to be better every day, have been lost in the face of the banal world that surrounds us, which has mainly been reflected in our young world, simplifying to the mere need to be,to confirm our image and existence by simple nature.

Currently the so-called cyberspace that is a world parallel to our daily life, is a determining factor in the creation of various models of identities, including famous people, politicians, athletes, etc., since it is used as a universal model for such an effect, especially for adolescents of this time who are still in this process of seeking identity, and that it is easy for them to find those answers to the questions that arise in this search for personality.

The principle of identity, analyzed in a philosophical way, affirms that every being is identical with itself and, therefore, a thing cannot be and not be at the same time and from the same point of view.

Given the above, it is essential to analyze in a perhaps concrete way, this issue that has been the subject of this research.

What is identity?

Identity is an articulated set of specific traits of an individual or a group: man, 35 years old, MEXICAN, 1.75 m tall, 70 kg in weight, brown hair, Catholic, bank employee, married, father family.- It also constitutes a system of symbols and values ​​that allows facing different daily situations. It operates as a filter that helps to decode them, to understand them so that later it works.

Identity depends on self-knowledge: who am I, what am I, where do I come from? of self-esteem: do I love myself a lot, little or nothing ?; and self-efficacy: do I know how to manage where I am going, do I want to be and evaluate how the results are going?

Given this, in order to be able to identify or acquire a different identity depending on each human being, it is necessary to establish certain points of view to obtain that result, therefore it is necessary to analyze this topic with great social impact, such as identity, through the following determinations:

  • The self-portrait of identity. The inner eye of the mind creates identity with information that comes from experience in a life-long process. In responding to the Socratic suggestion: Know yourself and you will know the Universe, the mind reinforces identity by interconnecting experience, vocation and philosophy of life.

Given this, it is possible to notice that every human being through their experiences in an active social world, is forming or creating a specific identity, which sometimes fails to establish it in the blink of an eye, since sometimes it needs seeing that identity figured in another person to be able to feel it and make it one's own, the expectation has more power over the identity than the past: if the desire is great, the obstacle becomes small, but it requires high self-esteem.

  • Loss of identity. If the identity crisis is not resolved well, an identity created by parents, friends, or authority can be accepted. The false identity puts acts, thoughts and emotions in contradiction, eliminates passion and lowers self-esteem.

Sometimes it is difficult to create your own identity, but it is necessary to be able to express who we really are, imitate some identity or let someone influence that process that we are responsible for carrying out as all unique and free being, it makes us equally into a cheap copy, you can never be who you want to be, and do what you want to do.

  • Create the identity. To affirm identity, education must draw from within the potential that we bring at birth. The brain is a blank page to be completed with knowledge and experience, which builds its reality with the limitations of its perceptual system.

The process that leads to the creation of that identity that differentiates us from any other social being, will always be affected by the world in which we develop, understanding this, as the social environment in general, such as family, friends, the educational training, among others, with this it can be established that all experiences that are had regardless of any stage of life, will influence the creation of a specific identity, however, the logical thing would be that we all take advantage of only the good of those experiences to be able to create an identity based on good principles, and that really achieves its objective which is to make that difference from one person to another, and discover that despite the years we are the same, but different from others. This comparison reflects the notion of identity on the spatial axis.

Freedom is the ability to select conscious acts. But if my rationality is limited, any observer can see another reality. By choosing identity over difference, we admit pluralism and the principle of relativity.

  • Achievement of Identity. Building identity consumes energy until it ultimately becomes achievement. Falling into a false identity is easy: assuming someone else's plans as your own, avoiding commitment, like a leaf blown by the wind or changing colors according to the occasion, like the chameleon, delaying the resolution of the crisis produces paralysis due to excessive analysis.

The problem is not only in wanting or intending to create your own identity, but in being persistent and achieving it, it is logical that it is not easy, but any purpose or goal is possible if you become aware of how important it is. to have a prospect of life that produces positive results in ourselves and in the world around us.

  • Culture and identity. Employee mentality. Little can be expected from a society where convenience prevails over self-actualization, whoever may be for himself over values. Culture sets guidelines; a strong central power, articulates identity according to distance from the center. The culture of the function creates identities: I am an accountant, a lawyer, a worker. The culture of the task accentuates the project and when it concludes, disorientation ensues. The culture of the individual as the center of everything is the category of the consultant.

It is true that having a certain profession identifies you from other human beings, but it is also true that not everyone exercises that profession, for example, a lawyer is not always in a legal office, in a Court, among others, and this means that it does not have a well marked identity.

  • Crisis in the search for identity. By becoming aware, a certain identity can be modified, by detecting obsolete values ​​or that interfere with plans, they can be changed. Identity begins in childhood, and is affirmed in adolescence with crisis and commitment. The crisis ends with the selection of identity. The commitment is to get involved in activities compatible with the election.

It is possible that in that search for identity, a certain moment of crisis will come, as we may not find those answers that are necessary for this purpose, perhaps the identity that is forged in childhood, not always the one that lasts in adolescence or maturity, because they are all very different stages, what is certain is that in the end we all go through that crisis when we finally feel identified.

  • Identity test. The quality depends on the content of the engagement, its intensity and the extent of the exploration. It covers philosophy of life including religion and politics, family relationships, with friends, school, future occupation and free time, personal skills, intimate relationships. Achievement is revealed in the practical exercise of identity.

The fact of having a certain identity, is not only simplified in obtaining it in itself, but in adapting to that identity, because with this, every human being manages to adapt to the social world that every day requires having a certain personality.

Sometimes the lack of direction, leads to not knowing what to do next when changing jobs or retiring, as a simple example, that direction is achieved by inventing futures, observing the small pleasures apparently deviant but that can be the seeds of future changes.

  • Excess flexibility. It is not convenient to become addicted to the novelty by itself and to the quick and superficial response. A strong identity cannot be achieved without some stability.

Given this, it is possible to affirm that changes, no matter how good they seem, do not always have a positive influence on our life, since it is not about achieving an identity today, and another tomorrow, but about feeling identified with one, whatever it may be. is.

  • Identification models. Today identity is not in the territory due to globalization, nor in the old values ​​due to the omnipresence of consumption. The great stories that provided rationality and holistic vision to which individual identity clung were lost. Democracy is formal: equal as citizens - one man, one vote - unequal as consumers. A majority of losers applaud the winners' speech.

It is important to note that in order to obtain a specific identity, it is not always necessary to adapt to a specific model, every individual has a different perspective of things and the world that surrounds them, current changes do not affect us all in the same way, and therefore not all have to have the same identity, for example, someone may like to read and another to play, both are part of an identity that characterizes that person, but which at the same time makes them different from the other.

  • Before and now. Before, personal identity was based on autonomy, on sharing desires with the peer group; in accessing a full sexuality, to achieve an abstract intelligence, to the hope of making dreams come true. Today adolescence extends despite early maturation due to employment barriers. Many young people neither study nor work, and have no future. The demands of beauty, body care, fashion, are apparently physical, making it difficult to establish satisfactory and full links.

Previously due to the moral codes that prevailed in society, shaping an identity implied a true commitment to oneself, and to the world around you, with the passage of time perhaps those moral codes were lost, in search of things vánales, which in the end are just that, this phenomenon is more frequently found in adolescents of this time, it can be said that it is reduced to the mere need to be to confirm our image and existence.

  • Consumer society. Each society has the means to bathe the subject in its paradigms. There are no pathologies without subjects, but neither without history. Young people have no role models to believe in. Faced with its absence, the illusion of youth is stimulated as a value that collides with the self-evidence of the facts, and increases the feeling of frustration and insecurity. Consumption is a selfish value, the sign of success and the breeding ground for addictions and violence to achieve it symbolically or materially. Advertising pushes towards fashion, but the consumer society makes differences and hierarchies. People must integrate into consumption, by hook or by crook.

As mentioned, society is a prevailing factor in the formation of its own identity, since that is where that need arises and sometimes this is what makes it possible, but like everything it not only has positive effects, but also negative ones.

  • The new identity. The current situation requires that we reinvent our identity, reinventing our relationships by thinking, saying and doing so that others share this change. Cyberspace, a world parallel to everyday reality, opens up perspectives to invent identity.

Perhaps it is true that we can create a better world by harmonizing with each other and with the environment, reinforcing the idea of ​​a correct purpose, despite the anti-values. If you can, I can. An example: An intelligence test was done at a school. For no reason, it was separated to 20% and the teachers were told that they were superior and they improved their coefficient by 4 points over the rest.

  • I am who I will be. In order for identity not to be a dream and to prevent what Rousseau said from happening: man is born free and yet he is found in chains everywhere, we must acquire a methodology that teaches how to develop potential, to know and use the totality from natural resources, to mastering the best methods, to choosing the best projects and models, to becoming designer architects of our own destiny.

The above is very simple, we all are or become what we want to be, it depends on the mentality that one has to achieve it, man by nature is capable of performing acts that can be for the benefit or the detriment of himself, the Obstacles at the end of the day are not impediments that a will cannot tear down, especially if it is about finding that fundamental characteristic in the life of any person, such as identity.

Thinking about identity and culture from below.- I understand identity and culture not as structured elements, but fundamentally as social relations that are embodied, created and recreated in the midst of dialectical, complex, random thinking, emergencies and urgencies, within the society in which we find ourselves immersed, without having chosen it.

However, despite the verification of this reality, it is necessary to consider a re-foundation of the conceptions, thoughts and practices of identity and culture, because they continue to be the organizing elements of the most entrepreneurial collective action of the human being, men and women, in inexhaustible creative and differentiating capacity.


At the end of this essay, I share certain concerns that undoubtedly deserve further observation and analysis:

1. The particular interest that the notion of identity has acquired over time reflects the concerns of the modern world. This notion has been imposed because of the important cultural changes caused by profound changes in society. The globalization of the economy, the establishment of a single economic model that works on the principles of rationality and efficiency and the introduction of new technologies and the media are the origin of great changes in today's societies. In addition to this, the urban transformations that have given rise to large cities where it is difficult to maintain social ties; unemployment and changes in the conception of work; regional claims; massive immigration; transformations in sexual roles.This evolution has reached individual and collective identity and has caused specific psychological, social and political effects. Individualism is one of the most important changes of our time.

2. The construction of the individual identity constitutes a laborious work, being the center of two essential actions for the psychic balance of the person. The first is to give yourself a positive image of yourself; the second, to adapt to the environment where the person lives. This is what is called identity functions: a self-evaluation function and an adaptation function. The self-assessment function is the search that guides every human being to make sense and significance: he seeks to have a positive image of himself, to become a person of value, to believe himself capable of acting on events and on things. The adaptation function consists of the modification of the identity with a view to integration into the environment. The individual adapts some features of her identity, ensuring continuity.It is about the ability of human beings to have their identity with them and to manipulate it, their ability to change without losing the feeling of remaining themselves. In some circumstances this is evident: the environment where you live gives back a positive image of itself; it feels good there and the codes that work there are known.

3. It is necessary to emphasize that this gigantic work to self-identify, self-define, also passes through a social and collective-communal self-centering, not only as a task in relation to the state and its governance, but fundamentally and essentially from the people, from the communities, from the neighborhoods, from the neighborhoods, fully inhabited spaces, where it is possible to combine these elements, making possible the connection between the past, the present and the future, as a single historical accumulation of a single reality, that expresses in a dialectical and uninterrupted way the permanences, absences, continuities and ruptures that nurture identity and culture.

4. Culture is a dynamic element that human beings not only inherit and transmit, but constantly renew and transform it, as an expression of their identities and the construction of their history. Over the years, each culture has given a different value to men and women, for example, with specific symbolizations and conceptions, some being extremely varied and even contradictory to each other, both in different periods and in the same tradition..

5. Sexual difference still rules in our societies, through a set of prohibitions regarding sex, but above all regarding pleasure. On the other hand, there is a written and unwritten regulation on what is lawful and what is illegal, on what is allowed and what is prohibited for women; therefore, questioning the scope of these roles and values, symbols and taboos will allow us to perceive their origin, scope, significance and functions within this society, in the search for their own identity.

6. Many people develop a gender identity based on the perception of bodily differences, they know that they are male or female. But this different physical basis, by itself, does not explain all the generic differences that arise from differences in the body. These depend, in reality, on social and cultural constructions.

7. Behaviors, ideas and feelings change according to the transformations of the family, institutional and social context in which we live, we change with age, when our body ages, if we go from the status of worker to that of doing nothing, even when we change professional status, within the same institution. Identity is a dynamic structure. It is in continuous evolution. In short, our identity is constant as well as changing, in the course of our life.

8. The basis of the emotional experience of identity comes from the ability of the individual to continue to feel the same through continuous changes. A process of permanent articulation of the new with the old must take place, in such a way that the new is perceived as having an accepted relationship with what already existed before. Integrating the new into the same there is a change in continuity. The feeling of identity remains as long as the subject manages to give the alteration a sense of continuity. Adolescence is a good example. The changes that occur in this stage of life are so strong, profound and visible that all human beings have more or less difficulties to overcome this obstacle. Difficulties end when the young person comes to recognize himself as the same person, although different, that is,when he manages to find his true identity.


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Identity within the company