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Impact of business training


Training processes are received on many occasions as an opportunity for growth and learning in order, not only to improve the task and the performance for which we have been hired, but also to grow as people, to internalize content that perhaps they do not have immediate application but they give temper and security for future opportunities.

However, on many occasions, we also feel that it is a little valuable time and that it distracts us from our daily obligations, this second attitude, rare but existing, leads to stagnation not only in professional and work performance but in the development of new social skills.

It is possible that there are people in our organization and also in others, who have not taken refresher courses, workshops or seminars for years, who have not bothered to finish their professional career and remain stuck for a long time in the last study they studied before entering to the enterprise.

The excuse seems traced and repeated, I have no money, I got married, invested in a business, etc…. and so the years go by and life also begins to pass, without hope on the horizon and without the desire and will to change.

Many others, with the same or worse problems, have come out ahead, have succeeded and continue in search of knowledge that allows them to move up the academic ladder and achieve the dreams and goals that have always been forged.

Training is an opportunity, it is a mechanism for personal improvement that undoubtedly benefits the company because it thus has collaborators with more expertise and capable of solving complex situations and making correct decisions for the good of the company, clients, owners, etc.., the company wins because it can build teams of people capable of facing diverse positions, people who can represent the organization with height, people called to be leaders in each of its processes.

The company wins because with highly trained people you can take risks in important business and you know that your brand will progress and be recognized because it has highly qualified and capable personnel.

But, the person also wins, is enriched with knowledge and develops superior attitudes and skills that turn him into a valued person not only within the company but also outside, with customers or suppliers and even by family and friends themselves.

The person who assumes training as an opportunity creates value around himself, develops skills that make them appealing by other organizations and by the same company where he works.

The person wins because they can see that their intellectual assets increase, that their work skills are required more and more frequently in different areas, the person who discovers that as they integrate new knowledge and skills, they become multifaceted, capable of performing. successfully at various points in the organization.

The opportunity is there, it is necessary to take it and discover that companies are made up of people who have traveled a path of improvement and struggle, of effort and sacrifice, nothing is easy, we have heard and perhaps we know stories of people who started in organizations in operational positions and they became presidents of the same, but also cases of people who entered an operational position and retirement surprised them in the same position.

In short, training is an effort made by the company to build better employees, but above all better human beings.

Impact of business training