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Impact of artificial intelligence on higher education. test

Table of contents:


Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science and science, nowadays this branch is very important and of great interest, its main objective is to perform tasks that humans would do with effort in different areas, in addition to facilitating their work Likewise, another of its objectives is to artificially simulate the thinking and reasoning of a human being for decision-making, although there are currently advances in technology, it is still far from the limit to which it can human beings arrive, although little by little they are gaining ground by being present in the creation of smart devices, computers and other devices that are used on a daily basis.


Within the 20th century the first computer prototypes in history were developed, the mathematical model of the Turing machine, developed by the British Alan Turing, was the inspiration for the development of these and it is thanks to this that he was called the founder of artificial intelligence. Together with other scientists, they set about creating a concrete concept of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is.

AI is of great relevance and importance today within the following areas: educational, social, legal and economic, it will increase in the coming years as more discoveries and more contributions to technology are made as the years go by..

For example, developing treatments for the cure of deadly diseases, the use of technology and facilitating the educational process, among others.

It focuses specifically on AI applied in education, which will be of great help for the intellectual growth of students at different school levels.

Theoretical framework

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a concept that has gained relevance in recent years, due to the great advances in computing and robotics.

Today we know that to survive, communicate and do different activities of daily life it is of utmost importance to use artificial intelligence, either through the use of a mobile device to communicate, or even the use of an artificial respirator to give life to a person among other areas.

It is important to know the meaning of these words by different authors

Rich and Knight mention or suggest that it is a system which is responsible for acting or imitating what a human being does, "The study of how to make computers that do things that, for now, people do better" (1991: 25).

On the other hand, Haugeland thought that AI is a system which simulates how the human being thinks and reasons, "The effort to make computers think and machines with minds in the broad and literal sense" (1985: 55).

There were also other scientists who gave a different idea to this concept such as Schalkoff, who said this was a system which is responsible for acting in a rational way, "A field of study that seeks to explain and emulate intelligent behavior in terms of computational processes. (1990: 10)

On the other hand, there are other concepts by other authors who mention the terms separately.

Arauz mentioned that Intelligence was:

The degree to which an individual can satisfactorily resolve a new situation or problem. Intelligence is based on the level of individual knowledge and the ability to appropriately manipulate and reformulate knowledge based on the data that is provided as requirements to solve a problem or situation. (1998, p. 1)

He also mentioned that the artificial word, "It is what is made by hand and art of man, false, not natural" (1998: 1).

The author Zampayo also mentions that intelligence:

“It is the ability to understand, evoke, mobilize and constructively integrate what has been learned and to use it to face new situations” (2004: 10).

And it also tells us that the word artificial, "It is one whose origin product is not natural, but was made by the hand or art of man" (2004: 10).

On the other hand Bourcier says that:

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computing that tries to reproduce human cognitive functions such as reasoning, memory, judgment or decision and, later, entrust a part of those faculties, which we consider to be signs of intelligence, to computers. (2003: 56)

Following the approach of the previous authors, we can say that AI is a technological discipline that focuses mainly on the construction of machines and programs capable of performing difficult tasks with a skill and efficiency that humans achieve when performing them.

AI is a multidisciplinary area that combines different branches of science such as logic and computing, it is responsible for creating artificial entities that are capable of solving problems or carrying out tasks by themselves, imitating the behavior and reasoning that human beings have.

Now we will focus on AI within education and how it is intended to be implemented within this area to obtain better results in the performance of students of different educational levels.

In universities and educational centers around the world, the “increase in the use of information and communication technologies in teaching / learning processes is palpable. In this context, the most demanded are precisely technologies based on artificial intelligence, such as intelligent tutors, learning management systems or video games. (Sánchez, 2007: 7)

Research in this area is very active and has many objectives, an example is the construction of a system in which the level of attention and the degree of productivity of students can be observed and analyzed, in a few years the realization of a virtual tutor for each student to help them learn their subjects.

By achieving this objective and implementing a new way of learning, an increase in educational demand will be seen, motivating young people to continue with their studies and complete their studies from people who did not finish them at the time.

One of the reasons why young people stop studying is due to lack of time or the distant distance to school, having a virtual tutor would help these young people to continue with their studies since they will be able to continue at the time when have your free time, that way you can see the increase in educational demand.

Another important point is that the young people had a personalized level of education and that it was adapted according to the needs of each of them, the automation of the educational processes would also be achieved.

“Intelligent Tutor Systems are systems that provide personalized learning and / or training. They are based on three main components:

1) knowledge of the contents.

2) knowledge of the student, and 3) knowledge of learning strategies or methodologies ”(Sánchez, 2007: 7).

These systems are intended to radically change the concept we have of online learning that already exists, unlike this existing system, intelligent tutor systems act as trainers, offering suggestions when students doubt or get stuck in the process of learning. problem solving, and not just when they input the answer. In this way, the tutor guides the learning process, and not only is in charge of saying what is right and what is wrong.

“There are multiple examples of smart tutoring systems, some developed in the university world and others created for commercial purposes. Among the former, one of the best known is the Andes system, developed by Kurt VanLehn's team ”(Lama, 2007: 9).

This system is in charge of guiding students when they solve exercises or problems, when one of the students asks for help when they are solving an exercise this program is in charge of giving them clues so that they continue to advance with the problem, the Andes program has already been used and tested during a period of 5 years at the Academy

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Within the commercial sphere, a product is sold that teaches reading comprehension skills to adults by analyzing and diagnosing each of the student's specific deficiencies and adapting their training based on them. It includes an authoring tool that allows course designers to adapt course content to different student profiles quickly and flexibly.

Finally, it can be said that applying this type of technology within higher education will benefit young people in terms of their performance since it will be better as well as their learning will benefit.


What will be the direction that AI will take in the educational field in some years, we will surely observe how it has been implemented in different aspects and tools that are currently used within education such as in laboratories or classrooms in schools, in addition to the use of AI in the computers and in personal assistants or tutors for the students that will serve them to obtain better results in the educational performance of each one of them.

This benefit will have a great impact within the educational field and will be seen more within higher education since nowadays a large dropout of young people can be observed within this level due to the rhythm of life that is carried out today, there where the

AI will come in and you will see a sea change.


Aika Artificial intelligence: the technologies that will change education in 2030. (2016). APA style: Electronic references. Retrieved from:

Lama and E. Sánchez (2005). Proceedings of the CAEPAI'05 Workshop "AI Techniques for Education", Spain

Santos J. and Bugarín A. (2005). Proceedings of the XI Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence. Spain

Impact of artificial intelligence on higher education. test