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Impact of technology on education

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The influence of new technologies, including the computer, is increasingly present in all areas of our lives. Education is of course not exempt from this influence, in such a way that it could be said that new technologies have come to revolutionize many fundamental aspects of it, as Aparici (1998) says, new technologies open the possibility of greater student participation in the construction and development of the curriculum.

The convergence of these two technologies requires recognizing the impact and transformation they cause in education, so that we can take advantage of these technologies to achieve a greater and better teaching-learning process, facing the challenges and problems that such fusion causes; for which we will have to propose creative solutions for use in the educational process.

Today, there is a great diversity of proposals for the use of new technologies that can be used for educational purposes.

In this document it is proposed to present one of these proposals: The smart blackboard. The description of it, its operation and the potential it offers to the educational field will be addressed.


Idea conception

The importance of adapting to changes and technological advances in the educational system is elementary to facilitate a better understanding of the modern world in which we live, in which technology occupies a fundamental place in the productive system and in everyday life in general, for For this reason, the importance of always being at the forefront is highlighted.

Currently, the use of the computer and the Internet in education have transformed the relationship between the actors of the teaching-learning process, they encourage the construction of new concepts and interpretations of the conception of educational work, school organization in consideration of the conditions that these two technologies impose; They also strongly influence the presentation of new enriching proposals for the educational process and the design of new products that revolve around them, such is the case of the interactive electronic blackboard.

We must ask ourselves: What would education be without technology? Will it have the same level of learning? How does the use of technological tools help in education?

Will the application of the electronic board help to have a better vision and school achievement? Will its use have a positive or negative impact? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Step 2. Statement of the problem

Education in general must evolve according to demand, we cannot and must not settle for just a few students being attracted to classes while the majority get bored, find it difficult and lose enthusiasm.

This research is particularly focused on the Cbtis # 111 Cancun preparatory school, Quintana Roo.

In which it is intended through a sample to obtain the following results: the advantages and disadvantages of the use of electronic blackboard, how and in what way does it influence school achievement? That is, the rate of achievement and attention of the students.

This is due to the fact that in our country and at all levels the low academic level of students that currently exists in Mexico has been evidenced. A fact that is demonstrated in the bonding exams applied at the basic and upper secondary level where the results leave much to be desired.

For this reason it is intended to apply and train teachers in the use of this new work tool where it seeks to increase the level of school achievement, greater dynamism in learning and increased interest and enthusiasm.

Theoretical framework

The future is getting closer and closer, we see little by little how all the devices that we once saw far away are now with us, there is a video of the Corning company showing how in the near future we will only use glass to carry out all our daily activities in a way "invisible".

Who else who less from time to time starts daydreaming about what our future will be like, what technological innovations can this world bring us, which is running faster and faster in terms of technology. How and with what we will communicate in a few years. Taking into account the rapid evolution of computing and communications, I like to think that it will not take long to see great things that now seem unthinkable to us.

Innovation has changed both in technological devices such as televisions, which have been innovating for a better quality of life.

So far a lot has changed and what we expect in the future, the classes will be different, everyone will bring their most recent technological advances and with those we will study with a teacher who is explaining us through a touch board, send us the task by means of glass devices and backpacks to locate mothers to their children will no longer exist now it will only be our device where we can see everything.

Surely many of us once dream of boards or blackboards where through touch we could control a computer. This is now a reality. As part of the technology, blackboards have also evolved, so that it is less and less common to see a teacher come out with their clothes and hands covered in chalk dust.

The blackboards of the present are electronic blackboards, which, if used appropriately, will enhance the learning experience.

By definition, an electronic whiteboard is a tool that allows you to manipulate the software of a computer on any type of flat surface, be it a blackboard, board, wall or similar. In it you can make annotations, presentations, record the classes and even, depending on the model, write directly with your finger.

One of the great advantages of electronic whiteboards is that they recognize handwriting and keyboard, have a library of images and templates, resources can be created and also, existing educational software on the market can be used.

There are other real advantages that have a direct impact on the teacher and the students. Teachers can adapt the blackboard to different teaching strategies, while developing their pedagogical methodologies and innovating in their daily practice. This results in the students having a better response, since the teacher will have more time to attend to the students, solve their doubts or simply observe and evaluate their development of skills. However, the benefits to the teacher do not end there, if you also use commercial educational software in addition to the resources included in the whiteboard software, the teacher will have access to graphics, templates, assessments and lessons; You can reuse materials and even record your classes.This translates into maximum use of available resources, as well as optimization of the teacher's time.

On the other hand, making the classes more attractive and dynamic attracts the students' attention, which increases their motivation, favors collective work and facilitates the understanding of contents that could be traditionally abstract or complex. The teacher can include the use of videos, simulations or games, thus increasing the possibility that the student interacts with the content.

Despite all the advantages that technology can represent for the educational institution, the teacher or the student, the reality is that any technology without useful content is totally wasted. On the contrary, a good use of information and social communication technologies (ICTs) contributes to teachers motivating their students, maximizing their class time and ensuring that their students understand the topics discussed. Technology alone does not work, it requires a teacher who gets the best of it.

Corning says there are still three years to go to see Willow flexible screens (but in 2013 we could see something)

It is an interactive tactile whiteboard, with an ecological multipurpose surface where we can work with Gis and a whiteboard marker (even when its surface is gray). Unlike the interactive ones that are marketed today, we do not need any additional device, anyone, regardless of age, can work it.

With touch technology and the multipurpose surface we have a blackboard that makes it UNIQUE. Touch technology is integrated into the 4 sides of the board so it makes its reception much more effective than the devices that the competition occupies, it can be worked under any software that users are familiar with.

In statements to the Bloomberg news agency, James Clappin, president of Corning, has indicated that there are still around three years to go before the launch of electronic devices with flexible screens. At the moment the American company is "making a great effort" to convince "very large companies" that they should protect the screens of their devices using Willow Glass, reinforcing the idea that the development of these devices (and the glass itself).

Clappin, however, reiterated that this year we will see the first products with Willow Glass, although they will be far from fulfilling your fantasies. Specifically, Corning will make flexible barriers for solar panels and the films behind the touch panels, which is not the same as a flexible wristwatch or mobile phone, but is a start. Technology also brings new advances that are like the IPod, tables, or so

The road signs would change completely, the photos or notes that we usually stick on the refrigerator would now be digital. Everything would change. Corning, a world leader in the glass and ceramic manufacturing sector, has created a video where the future enters our lives through materials that have been with us for centuries. Any glass or ceramic surface is perfect for displaying from photos or video calls to GPS information and, why not, controlling the temperature of the kitchen stoves.

The company that we know a lot about for its flagship product, Gorilla glass, presents in a new video what a day “made of glass” is like. A walk through a possible future in which the glass becomes the epicenter of our lives. Corning is a specialist in glass and ceramics. As we said, it is well known for its Gorilla glass, a glass that holds up without breaking a lot of pressure, resistant to all kinds of abuse. But it also develops more products. In a series of videos that apparently reaping a resounding success with more than 17 million views, once again enchants us with a possible future in which technology joins the crystal to provide us with wonderful ways to interact and communicate.

4. Objective of the study

  • Achieve greater academic achievement, with the implementation of the new system Achieve higher rates in the uptake and understanding of teaching Facilitate teaching by transmitting images and graphics Establish and awaken greater interest in students Make daily classes be more interactive and interesting.

5. State the hypothesis

Will the electronic digital whiteboard be a tool that can awaken interest and motivation for the content, helping to create a more dynamic and attractive learning environment for high school students in their classes?

Will it increase the level of learning and achievement of the students?

Will you make the teacher's job easier by making your classes more interactive and interesting?

6.-Design selection

The sample that is taken for this research is qualitative, it is from a group of people who were 33 students from the Center for industrial technology and services baccalaureate number 111.

7.-Sample selection

In this case, the video "a day made of glass" was projected. For our sample, a total of 33 students were selected from the accounting specialty, which were from the third semester grade of the CBTIS 111 campus, where they made their comments about this intelligent pizza technology.

Of these, the following stand out: making the classes more attractive and dynamic attracts the attention of students, which increases their motivation, favors collective work and facilitates the understanding of more complex content. Thus promoting the possibility for the student to interact with the content. Because students express that reading a book is very tedious than learning visually and interacting with the subject for their understanding.

8.- Data collection

In the sample that was given, it was of a qualitative nature, the result was that these two objectives were met:

  • Establish and awaken greater interest in students. Make daily classes more interactive and interesting.

Because the students aroused their interest more and expressed that the classes would be more interactive and interesting.

9.- Data analysis

The blackboards of the present are electronic whiteboards, which, used appropriately, will enhance the learning experience.

By definition, an electronic whiteboard is a tool that allows you to manipulate the software of a computer on any type of flat surface, be it a blackboard, board, wall or similar. In it you can make annotations, presentations, record the classes and even, depending on the model, write directly with your finger.

One of the great advantages of electronic whiteboards is that they recognize handwriting and keyboard, have a library of images and templates, resources can be created and also, existing educational software on the market can be used.

There are other real advantages that have a direct impact on the teacher and the students. Teachers can adapt the blackboard to different teaching strategies, while developing their pedagogical methodologies and innovating in their daily practice. This results in the students having a better response, since the teacher will have more time to attend to the students, solve their doubts or simply observe and evaluate their development of skills. However, the benefits to the teacher do not end there, if you also use commercial educational software in addition to the resources included in the whiteboard software, the teacher will have access to graphics, templates, assessments and lessons; You can reuse materials and even record your classes.This translates into maximum use of available resources, as well as optimization of the teacher's time.

10.- Conclusion checking assumptions and objectives

Today innovation has changed both in technological devices such as electronic blackboards that have been innovating for a better quality of life.

So far a lot has changed and what we hope for in the future, in the future the classes will be different, everyone will bring their most recent technological advances and with those we will study with a teacher who is explaining to us through a touch board, send us the task by means of glass devices and backpacks to locate mothers to their children they will no longer exist now it will only be our device where we can see everything.


  • Youtube A day made of glassOtomichrome glass and touch technologyGlass technologyGood tasks
Impact of technology on education