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Impact of ict on education systems

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are flooding the modern world with implications in each of the branches of today's society. Today we cannot speak of efficiency or novelty if there is no application and correct use of modern technology, and it is that it can be ensured that today ICTs have the effective answer at hand.

In this article, a definition of ICTs will be made first, explaining the products and processes that are part of them. In addition, a study of the main positive and negative impacts of these new technologies on educational systems will be carried out.

It is no less true, as has been said so far, that ICTs are of incalculable importance for the development of today's society, but not everything works well, shortcomings have been detected as a consequence of the poor distribution of new technologies among the different sectors of society. Regarding this, in this article, in addition to analyzing all the positive aspects that ICTs have, a critical analysis is also carried out of the negative effects they have when they are not used efficiently and equitably, explaining for this, the main problems or brakes that hinder its wider dissemination among all activities and social layers.


Currently there is talk of a great technological development, particularly in the branches of Informatics and Telecommunications, evidencing that this is the era with the fastest evolution speed of all those that we have known. This accelerated technological development has given rise to the New Information and Communication Technologies (NTIC or it can be referred to as ICT), which are flooding the referential world of the human being, at the same time that they are helping them to gain knowledge and actions that yesterday seemed inaccessible but, in the same way, they are conditioning and forcing him to adapt and rethink in all aspects of his existence.

But everything does not work well in relation to the use of ICTs, paradoxically they have contributed to accentuate the digital divide every day, which is nothing more than the great difference between the minority of developed countries that present a technological deployment that is growing rapidly and the Most of the countries that sink into underdevelopment and that continue to fight for the right to life.

The use of information technology, the PC and the Internet in teaching and learning processes cannot be interpreted as just another technological medium, but rather as an agent of profound changes in the entire system, which requires good projection, planning and political will. Nowadays learning has gone beyond the walls of the conventional university classroom, it is a reality that students and professors participate in intellectual conversations avoiding geographical barriers.

The ICTs have generated an unprecedented and unthinkable sociological change worldwide, defining the characteristics of the current and future global society. The development of ICTs has made reality surpass all expectations and its explosion is becoming an obvious and unstoppable fact.

1. Information and Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be called the set of processes and products derived from the new tools (hardware and software), information supports and communication channels related to the storage, processing and digitized transmission of the information.

As an example of ICT we have cable television, video discs, satellites, telefax, computer networks, computer information processing, digital switches, optical fibers, lasers, electrostatic reproduction, large-screen, high-definition television, portable telephones and new printing procedures, the foundations of which are telecommunications, information technology and audiovisual technology.

ICT is a phenomenon that has invaded all sectors of life, from work to leisure, the teaching and learning processes that take place at different levels of education, the economy because they allow the generation of wealth at a distance and online, overcoming geographic and political boundaries. They have also imposed a change in labor, economic, cultural and social relations, and a change in the way of thinking of the individuals themselves.

As other contributions of ICT we have:

  • Easy access to a huge source of information Fast and reliable processing of all types of data Immediate communication channels Storage capacity Job automation Interactivity Digitization of all information

All people in the world, regardless of class, race and / or disability, should have easy access to knowledge and information, but unfortunately in today's world reality is far from being able to achieve that dream, and despite the tireless battle that some people carry out to make things change, there is still much to do in that regard.

With respect to the above, at the World Summit on the Information Society, in Geneva 2003, the Declaration of Principles strongly advocated for the applications of ICTs to benefit all aspects of life and in this regard they were reflected numerous approaches.

Below is a summary (table 1.1) drawn up from a report by the United States government that reflects the situation in the world with regard to Internet access and what this access represents with respect to Internet access. population

Table 1. Internet access by geographic regions.

Region Users connected to the Internet (in millions) % of total users connected to the Internet % with respect to the total population of the region
USA and Canada 162.8 40 77
Europe 113.96 28 15.6
Asia 109.89 27 1.8
Latin America 16.28 4 2.67
Africa 4.07 one 0.45
Total 407 100

These data are very worrying because they clearly reflect how ICTs are not reaching all people in our society in a uniform way.

According to Dr. Pere Marques Graells, from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain, despite the magnificent credentials that make ICT instruments highly useful for anyone, and of course essential for any company, there are various circumstances that hinder its broader dissemination among all activities and social layers:

Brakes for the expansion of ICT

  • Technical problems: Incompatibilities between systems, slow speed when browsing the Internet and for some tasks (voice recognition…) Lack of training: theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and favorable attitudes Security problems: unauthorized access, insecurity when making virtual purchases Economic barriers: Despite the progressive cheaper the price of the equipment is high for many. And acquittal requires new expenses. Cultural barriers: English is dominant.

2. Impact of new technologies in educational systems.

At the end of the last century, almost all of the professional fields have seen their development potential increased with the incorporation of new technologies and this has motivated a substantial change in the way of performing specific functions in each of these fields. This situation carries as a counterpart the implicit demand for new roles for professional development.

In the specific case of education, there is no exception. Over the last few years, much emphasis has been placed on the change in the teacher's profile as a consequence of the integration of new technologies in the school environment.

In the context of today's society and to meet their expectations, it is necessary to raise the quality of education, in the sense that we understand this, in a process in which the use of ICTs that should not simply constitute another means cannot be excluded., but rather a resource on which the current demands to change the world in which we educate children and young people are sustained.

The joint development of education and ICT can be studied from various points of view. From an educational point of view you can see the pedagogical model used, the educational level, since the problems of primary, secondary, university or vocational education are very different and another issue is the educational activities in which ICT are applied: self-study, classes, tutorials, study material, bibliographic resources, laboratories, qualification and administration.

In recent years, a number of definitions have emerged within the field of educational technology. Many times the concepts of media and technologies are confused. Media, for example video, computer, overhead projector, etc., are the products used within a learning system to achieve certain objectives. However, we consider the so-called Educational Technology as a complex organization of many elements that are designed to help cause changes in the behavior of students by providing the possibility, among other things, of greater attention to individual differences.

The growing development of new information technologies has led educational systems to undergo transformations to adapt to a society in a state of permanent change, with new values ​​and needs.

These changes are specified in:

  1. The interest of teaching shifts towards learning The role of the teacher from speaker to guide and ultimately as media administrator Moving from a culture based on books and text to a multimedia culture The desynchronization of education (in time and space). (We can all learn at different times and in different places.

Currently the number of teachers who are concerned about how to use ICT more efficiently and take full advantage of its advantages is growing by leaps and bounds. Below is an analysis of its main positive aspects:

  • Interest. Motivation. Students are highly motivated when using ICT resources, motivation makes students dedicate more time to work and, therefore, they are likely to learn more Greater communication between teachers and students. The communication channels provided by the Internet (email, forums, chat…) facilitate contact between students and with teachers. Development of information search and selection skills. The large volume of information available requires the implementation of techniques that help to locate the information that is needed and to assess it. Visualization of simulations. Computer programs allow us to simulate sequences and physical, chemical or social phenomena, phenomena in 3D…, so that students can experiment with them and thus understand them better.Personalization of teaching and learning processes. Each student can use the materials most appropriate to their learning style. Special Education Aids. In the area of ​​people with special needs, the computer, with special peripherals, can open alternative paths to solve these limitations Shared resources. Through the Internet, the educational community can share many educational resources: computer materials in the public domain, web pages of educational interest, materials made by teachers and students…You can open alternative paths that solve these limitations Shared Resources. Through the Internet, the educational community can share many educational resources: computer materials in the public domain, web pages of educational interest, materials made by teachers and students…You can open alternative paths that solve these limitations Shared Resources. Through the Internet, the educational community can share many educational resources: computer materials in the public domain, web pages of educational interest, materials made by teachers and students…

… but not everything is going well, some of the problems faced by the ICT challenge in the teaching and learning process are:

  • Distractions and waste of time. Students sometimes play games and get distracted by searching the Internet instead of working. Unreliable information. On the Internet there are many unreliable information: partial, wrong, outdated… Anxiety or Addiction. Continuous interaction at the computer can cause anxiety or addiction in students. Dependence on others. Group work also has its drawbacks, as some students may become spectators of others' work. Feeling of overflow. Sometimes the excess of information, which must be reviewed and selected, produces a feeling of overflow: lack of time. Virus. The use of new technologies exposes you to computer viruses. Economic effort. When ICTs become a basic work tool,The need arises to buy personal equipment. The limitation in access to technologies. Not everyone has equal opportunities to access ICT, especially in poor countries.

A computer with good software can produce quality learning with respect to certain work procedures, but misuse of it can also lead to very serious learning difficulties for the student. Sometimes we have met people who wonder: will the use of the media and in particular of computers automatically lead to effective learning. Simply, the answer without hesitation is NO. In this sense, the way it is used, the motivation to provide, the adjustment of educational needs, among other issues, is what will promote better learning.

To the extent that a computer culture is acquired, society will be in a better position to solve its problems. Informatics and education are not an end in themselves nor can we place them outside the social context. At this time, it is not a question of analyzing whether or not computers should be part of the teaching-learning process, discipline or subject, that is accepted by a large majority, the problem is in what way can and should it help us enrich the educational work of future professionals that society needs?


It is unquestionable that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are present as part of the technological culture that surrounds us and with which we must live. They have had a broad impact on all spheres of society, expanding our physical, mental and social capacities, and their evolution is advancing in leaps and bounds never before suspected.

ICTs have a great impact on the current teaching-learning process, delving into the advantages and problems that this new challenge for education causes, reaching the conclusion that higher education uses technology to prepare students for strength. work that is increasingly technologized and to equip them with the skills for lifelong learning.

Bibliographic references

Introductory Material to topic II in Multimedia for the Diploma Education in the Information and Knowledge Society.

González, AP (1996). "New technologies in occupational training: challenges and possibilities". in Bermejo, B. et al.: Professional occupational training. Prospects for the immediate future. Seville, GID-FETE., P. 195-226

USA, G. (2000). "Third annual report of the Working Group on Electronic Commerce.". Washington DC, Government of the United States of America.

Marques, P. (2000) "ICT and its contributions to society", Available at:. Consulted: 02/28/2006

Ríos, R Lydia (2005). Final Project of the Subject: Social Problems of Science and Technology as an option to the degree in Doctor of Science.

Giga Magazine, No. 3, 1998

Marques, P. (2000) "Impact of ICT in education: functions and limitations", Available at:. Consulted: 02/20/2006.

To finish, we invite you to watch the following video, in which Professor Sugata Mitra presents some of the magnificent findings that he has obtained in various simple experiments in which he uses information and communication technologies as a tool to enhance education in regions such as India, Cambodia or South Africa and that show what could be (and is being) the impact of ICT in education systems around the world.

Impact of ict on education systems