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Importance of staff training

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This document talks about the importance of personnel training, since it is necessary to carry out this function since it will provide companies with better prepared and trained personnel, which will make them develop in their activities related to their job position. that performs. Hoping with this that each staff is in a position according to their professional profile. This will satisfy current and future needs regarding the learning and skills that employees will develop.

What is staff training

Training is that information, basic learning that is given to the personnel of a company to complement the knowledge and training that they have taken and thus be able to carry out their work or work, within it. Jaime A. Grados

Personnel training is seen as an apprenticeship, to which it is imparted to the personnel who work in companies, this with the aim of increasing knowledge and / or changing attitudes in the performance of their work, in it. Thus improving the personal and professional development of the employee himself.

First, the following terms will be defined:

  • Training: Activity planned and based on real needs of a company or organization and oriented towards a change in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the collaborator. Learning: Process by which the individual, through practice, acquires knowledge, skills and attitudes that lead to a relatively permanent change in behavior.

It is of great importance to carry out the training in every company for the effect and benefit of the same and the personnel who work there. Perhaps some organizations take it or see it as an unnecessary expense for them, due to the expenses that are generated for and during the training process, while others if they notice that it is necessary and beneficial for all that it is carried out since it generates more productivity. The world of work is constantly changing in terms of the implementation of new technologies, the skills that arise according to the growth of new companies, whether they are dedicated to the same or different field, etc.

This training must be regardless of the hierarchical level within the company and according to the position either from the manager, subordinates and operatives, other employees or collaborators. First of all, in order to carry out personnel training in companies, it is necessary to detect the training needs of the position to be trained, detecting current problems and challenges that must be faced in the future. Once you have this information, you will be able to carry out the training program that includes the topics and activities to be carried out during the process as well as the use of teaching-learning techniques and didactic supports. Finally, carry out the evaluation and monitoring of the training.

Future vision

Sociologists and philosophers of administration, have pointed out the "future" importance of education. We say future not because in the present and past it has ceased to have the same significance, but because the needs of an authentic integral development of the human being and of society demand that, from this moment on, education occupies a foreground within of the objectives at national and international level; since the vast majority of fundamentally moral, social, political and economic problems are education problems and it is the key to solving them.

Never as now is a scientific management of education necessary, that is, a systematic and organized plan of each country, company, family and person that develops and guides attitudes towards the common good, understood as: "the organized set of social conditions through which man can realize his life or natural and spiritual destiny ”.

We require an effective means to attack ignorance and obsolescence within organizations, and this means is training. (one)

That is why the importance of personnel training in companies, this learning will include methods that provide the employee with the necessary skills to carry out their activities within the job from the theoretical to the practical and thus be able to understand a new operating system used for the position. This will lead the company and employee to adopt and implement new systems, generate greater productivity and stability. Always be up to date with the changes that arise in the world as time goes by, which are constant and sudden. It will result in the future the permanence of the company in any of its areas to which it is dedicated, training, learning or education should be seen as an investment in the future, it would be more satisfactory than seeing it as an ineffective expense,having an ignorant and negative thought in not wanting to update.




(one). SILICEO, Alfonso. Training and staff development. Ed. Limusa.

Importance of staff training