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Importance of business training

Table of contents:


For companies to aspire to have high competitiveness and efficient performance that introduces them to excellence, the development needs of the most important element must be addressed: the staff.

Training is a strategic factor for companies to be competitive, so it is necessary to constantly train trusted collaborators and all employees.

It is convenient that training programs are designed and implemented based on an investigation of the needs of each individual, the company and the market.

The determination of the training needs allows knowing the requirements of the personnel, which is very useful to establish the objectives and actions of the training plan.

A good training plan must consider the knowledge, skills and attitudes that a person must acquire, reaffirm and update in order to perform their functions more efficiently and effectively.

It is convenient to train the personnel who already work in the company so that they can be promoted to higher level positions and, even, to move them from an operational area to an administrative one.

The training helps staff develop and train in middle executive positions through a gradual learning process that allows the understanding of the activities of a better position.

The adaptation to the new position has to be progressive so that the person knows all their responsibilities and can handle well the authority that the position confers on them.

When the company's staff manages to occupy better positions and people are aware that there are possibilities to grow within the organization, the effort made is greater, the group identifies itself and the company becomes stronger.

A good preparation is a guarantee of economic and social progress, the more and better trained an individual is, the more he produces and the more he receives.

There are companies specialized in detecting training needs, which allows for specific recommendations in each particular case.

Training is one of the best solutions to business problems.

22 Basic principles of training

  1. It should be considered an investment and not an expense since its cost is lower than the benefits it produces. It is a resource for the improvement of the company. It has to be diagnosed, dosed, administered and controlled by specialists in the field. It must be Professionally planned. To be delivered successfully, you must determine the real needs that the position demands. Effective training is one that responds to a specific teaching. It must be taught what is needed and who needs it. Training focused on competitiveness must be aimed at counteracting organizational and operational problems. It must be maintained in a process of permanent innovation and dynamism, in accordance with scientific and technological advances in the world. be suitable for different levels of the company.It serves to consolidate and potentiate the staff infrastructure. It is the most effective means to generate behavioral changes in the individual in a planned way and according to specific objectives. It serves to increase knowledge, develop skills, modify attitudes, develop judgment and criteria, be more productive, update staff in the application of new technologies and occupy new positions. It trains executives, workers and employees more capable, more competent and fulfilled and with a better quality of life. It is a tool that improves communication and participation of the personal.It is part of the education and integral training of people.It modifies the way people think, act and feel.It is learning and learning is behavior change.It is one of the most important inputs to quality effectiveness It can be dangerous as poorly directed training can be counterproductive as it can lead to unwanted behavior changes The results of investment in training are seen by problems that are being overcome and due to the cost - benefit The courses of a training program must prove their effectiveness by the amount of knowledge that a person acquires and the change that they cause in them The contents of a course, its methodology, the time allotted and the materials must be products of the scope and depth indicated by the objectives of the same.as it can lead to unwanted behavior changes. The results of investment in training are appreciated by virtue of the problems that are overcome and in terms of cost - benefit. Courses in a training program must prove their effectiveness by amount of knowledge that a person acquires and the change that they cause in her. The contents of a course, its methodology, the time allotted and the materials must be products of the scope and depth indicated by the objectives of the same.as it can lead to unwanted behavior changes. The results of investment in training are appreciated by virtue of the problems that are overcome and in terms of cost - benefit. Courses in a training program must prove their effectiveness by amount of knowledge that a person acquires and the change that they cause in her. The contents of a course, its methodology, the time allotted and the materials must be products of the scope and depth indicated by the objectives of the same.The contents of a course, its methodology, the time allotted and the materials must be products of the scope and depth indicated by the objectives of the course.The contents of a course, its methodology, the time allotted and the materials must be products of the scope and depth indicated by the objectives of the course.

More training = more competitiveness

Indicators in the detection of training needs

Some indicators that can be used to detect training needs are:

Workload indicators

It is a quantitative indicator that measures the number or quantity of activities or work carried out in a given time.

Indicators of effectiveness

  • Comparison of what has been done with the previously established objective It is determined whether, according to plan, the objectives and goals have been fulfilled Tests are carried out on the individuals who intervene so that they are analyzed and evaluated The part of the process is verified to measure the effectiveness of the areas in question. Coordination between the areas involved is evaluated. The coherence of the magnitude of the goals and objectives set in the programs and budgets is compared with the achievements.

Efficiency indicators

  • A comparison is made between the actual performance of the personnel in their current actions or conditions with a previously defined and accepted performance standard. The useful work performed by the individual and the effort and time spent in carrying it out is evaluated. Operations should be evaluated. with appropriate measurement criteria in each particular situation.

It should be recognized that companies currently have more measurement criteria and evaluations are more objective, but it should be noted that, until now, there is no precise and accepted scale of values ​​with which the degree of accuracy can be accurately measured. efficiency with which a function or activity is fulfilled.

Some values ​​are left to the judgment and criteria of the person who carries out the evaluation work and the company executives who participate in it.

Performance evaluation indicators

The evaluation of the performance of the personnel is a very delicate point, since it must be objective and fair so as not to generate conflicts.

  • It is necessary to specify both the objectives and the goals for each activity, as well as a program that allows monitoring and measuring the performance of the staff. It is important to establish evaluation policies, incentives for good performance and corrective measures for poor performance. It is essential to establish standards that constitute the propitious parameters to elaborate objective measurements.

These parameters and specific performance standards are a direct consequence of job analysis and are obtained via direct observations, in-depth interviews, and by comparison of actual performances. All this provides a reliable basis for evaluation.

For such parameters to be effective, they must be closely related to the desired results of each position.

From the descriptions of the performance, acceptable and unacceptable, obtained from the designers of the job description, from other employees and from the responsible managers, the objective parameters that allow performance to be measured are determined.

For measurements to be useful they must be user-friendly, reliable, and have to identify the essential elements that determine performance.

The individual performance of all employees can be evaluated in four aspects:

  • Skills assessment (availability, reliability, responsibility, need for supervision, teamwork, initiative, effective communication, safety, attendance and punctuality) Outstanding aspects or tasks Areas of professional interest Personal aspects or tasks that should be improved.

Performance evaluation techniques are:

Scoring scale

Subjective evaluation corresponding to the performance of the employee based on a scale that goes from low to high.

Behavioral rating scales

Implementation of a comparison system related to employee performance with specific behavioral parameters. The objective of this technique is to reduce the elements of distortion and subjectivity.

Record of critical events

Preparation of a log of the most important activities, which must be divided by their positive or negative nature. This technique is extremely useful to give feedback to the person in charge of the area and to the worker himself.

Group assessment methods

Comparison between the performance of the employee and that of his co-workers.

Analysis and adaptation of positions

Analysis of the potentialities and general and specific characteristics of each person and position. The requirements, the generic and analytical description of the position, as well as the skills, attitudes, responsibilities and degrees of risk and suitability of the person who should occupy it must also be elaborated.

Work environment analysis

A survey must be carried out among the workers to find out what their attitudes and preferences are towards the organization, managers and their colleagues; what are their overall perceptions and benefits, as well as their attitudes and skills regarding work; finally, what is the internal communication and the work environment.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


Importance of business training