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Importance of discretion in professional image and life


Some time ago I met an aunt in a medical center, who immediately - we just finished greeting each other - asked: What do you have? Are you in poor health? Are you getting checkups? Appealing to my irony, not always welcome, I replied: "I am taking the tests prescribed by my pediatrician." In another circumstance, at the end of a family lunch, I secretly took out my vitamins and was then assaulted by the questions of the diners. It occurred to me to say: "It's the capsules for the next day."

These uncomfortable and inelegant comments lead me to write these lines that are inspired by the words of the famous Miguel de Cervantes: "There can be no grace where there is no discretion." Undoubtedly, common sense is far from the behavior of those who claim the right to assume invasive behavior in our lives; omitting its consequences to the detriment of the human relationship.

I ratify what has been stated with emphasis in countless writings: it is essential to forge a relationship based on tolerance and a framework of values ​​aimed at dignifying collective coexistence. We must avoid provoked talks to satisfy sordid and morbid curiosities. There are men and women willing to investigate more than necessary. Why haven't you gotten married? o Why did you end your romantic relationship? they are just a few scattered examples of that extensive list of outbursts.

Let's learn to respect others and consider the saying: "He who asks what he should not hear what he does not want." Let's avoid requiring age; it is wrong to do it to ladies and elderly people; Neither do we explore financial, professional, sentimental, religious, sexual matters, etc. In these situations, let us respond with evasions or be firm in stating that we will not reveal them; we are empowered to change the fabric of the conversation. It is important to characterize ourselves by weighting. Lack of relevance can ruin your work and social reputation - avoid underestimating your significance.

How many times have you been the victim of dialogues harmful to your privacy. Beyond the existing closeness or affinity, one must keep a lookout for others. The demure attitude is not an attribute in a society full of unacceptable expressions of discourtesy and meager prudence. However, let us refuse to resign ourselves to this ordinary course. Remember the words of the British painter Francis Bacon: "Discretion is a virtue without which the others cease to be".

At my mother's recent funeral, unsurprisingly, I faced numerous uncomfortable questions about the reason for her death, the details of her health, and endless loitering from those who display poor empathy and wisdom at such a painful time. A friend, after offering me her condolences, took a seat and asked me to do it next to her. In an act of naivety, I thought she wanted to give me her affection and company. On the contrary, she quickly peppered me with her impudence: “What happened? Did Amelia have any ailments? But, if he looked so good when I was at your house… ”All this, adorned with fake and theatrical body gestures and, also, tones of voice of apparent distress. In an instant like that, I managed to excuse myself and leave her side. I confess to having been immensely relieved when he left the wake.

I want to reveal my overwhelming fear when they tell me "we are in confidence", to begin to scrutinize my salary, my single status, the price of a garment, the reasons for my brother's divorce, among countless "Creoles" snooping. Keep in mind: the right thing in an educated and educated society, ends up being the wrong thing in our environment and vice versa. Painful reality that we are obliged to contribute to reverse with our firm action.

Someone has questioned you, without first apologizing, about work issues, feelings and family. In "Perulandia" meddling is common. In this regard, I share what is stated in my article "On the Fatherland Day: The Kingdom of Peruland": "… In this kingdom, say hello, say 'please' and 'thank you', arrive on time, be discreet and reserved, assume a feeling of identification and solidarity with the environment, respecting the rights of others, behaving with correction and good education, is seen as typical of extraterrestrials. Although it resists to believe it, it is an unimaginable Eden full of singularities ”.

“Talking about the existence of the neighbor, looking at the defects of others, avoiding praising the triumphs of others, always looking for the 'but' to justify inaction, complaining about politicians and even about variations in temperature, constitute the mosaic of the kingdom. Playing blind, deaf and dumb is a requirement to match the identikit of ´Perulandia´. By the way, the climate of its capital reflects the changing, capricious, unstable, cowardly and shaky state of mind of its subjects.

I observe with surprise that the victim of the interrogation answers the improper questionnaire. This would mean a lack of self-esteem and a visible willingness to attend to the requirements of others, leaving aside his tranquility and measure with himself. This is evidenced by the fear of a response in which their emotions and priorities prevail. In these cases, submissive communication unmasks an abject, fragile and fearful performance.

A question in parentheses: What do we know about self-esteem? It is the self-worth that you have of yourself. High self-esteem is denoted in people with security, conviction, positive thoughts and who avoid requiring acceptance. It is convenient to strengthen it despite the fact that our environment does not encourage the growth of such an imperious soft ability. In “Perulandia” we avoid encouraging this central component in our interpersonal dealings.

The great François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, asserted: “He who reveals the secret of others, passes for a traitor; he who reveals his own secret passes for an imbecile ”. I suggest incorporating modesty as a culture of life applicable at all times, times and places. You will make a difference, inspire confidence and credibility, and therefore project an uplifting image.

Importance of discretion in professional image and life