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Importance of the induction of personnel in companies

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Induction is a vitally important process within an organization despite the fact that many managers do not take it into account, through it one of the programs that are normally ignored in most can be implemented; which is to familiarize the new worker with the company and with co-workers, its culture, its main managers, its history, its policies, manuals that exist within the company.

This process is carried out before starting the job for which you have been hired, thus avoiding the time and costs that are wasted trying to find out for yourself, in which company you have started to work, what objectives you have, who is who, whom resort to solve a problem, what are the attitudes not tolerated, functions and among others. (Isabel, 2013).


The induction is a vital process within an organization although many managers do not take into account, through it you can implement one of the programs that are usually ignored in the majority, that is to familiarize the new employee with the company and co-workers, their culture, their top executives, history, policies, manuals that exist within the company.

This process takes place before starting work for which he was recruited, thus avoiding the time and cost that are lost trying to figure out for themselves, what company has gone to work, what goals are, who's who, who use to solve a problem, what are the attitudes not tolerated, and among other functions.


It is the integration between a social system and the new members that enter it and constitutes the set of processes through which they learn the value system, the norms, and the behavior patterns required by the company they enter. Likewise, the new employee must learn the basic objectives of the organization, the means chosen to achieve the objectives, the responsibilities inherent to the position he will hold in the company; the patterns of behavior required for the effective performance of the function and the set of rules or principles that maintain the identity and integrity of the company.

In this sense we can define, it is a type of training so that the individual is adapted to the position, the boss, the group and the organization in general, through information about the organization itself, its policies, regulations and benefits that they acquire as a worker ”.

It consists of three main parts:

  1. Introductory information provided in individual or group roles, through a person from personnel management Information provided by the Supervisor Adjustment interview several weeks after the worker has been in the position

In the same vein, it is appropriate to highlight the purpose of the induction, which is presented by the reduction of the lack of knowledge that the new staff of the Organization has, through a program, whose salient aspects are exposed in instructions and manuals. The new worker is suddenly going to find himself immersed in an environment with rules, policies, procedures and customs that are strange to him; The purpose of the induction is to establish a technical system that allows general and specific information on the institution and the position to be filled.

Stages of Induction

Likewise, it is necessary to know the stages of induction in the following way:

  1. First Stage: General information about the organization is provided. The Human Resources department usually presents topics that relate to employees, such as an overview of the company, they review the policies, procedures and salaries of the organization. A list is presented where they are verified if all the information about the work has been provided to the employee. Second Stage: In this stage the person in charge is the immediate supervisor of the employee. In some cases, the supervisor may delegate this task to a senior employee in the department. The activities that are covered in this stage are the requirements of the position, security, a visit by the department so that the employee knows him, a question and answer session and the presentation to the other employees so that they know.Third Stage: Involves the evolution and monitoring, which are in charge of the human resources department together with the immediate supervisor. During the first and second weeks the supervisor works with the new employee to clarify any doubts that may arise. Human resource professionals help supervisors ensure this important third stage is completed.

The structure of an induction is determined, in general, as follows:

  • Welcome (Letter signed by the Director, Manager, the owner if possible) Our history Our products or services Code of conduct for the members of the organization Letter from the general organization or by department Map of offices and The organization Positions of managers, departments and heads who occupy them Personnel policies Main rules or norms (Give them a character rather of information than orders) The work, general observations about the department, its organization, staff, type of work to be done, hours, salaries and opportunities for promotion.

It is clear then that induction is information programmed in a systematic way. But it is convenient to clarify that induction is a process which is detailed below:

Introduction in the personnel department, in which reports of the following nature are usually given to the new worker:

  • Idea of ​​the company in which you will work, its history, its organization, among others General policies General rules Benefits you can enjoy Make visits to the organization's facilities.

Introduction to the position: It is convenient that the new employee is personally brought and presented with the one who will be his immediate boss and also with his colleagues. Likewise, indicate and explain what the work will consist of, as well as the places that you need to know such as the place of collection, toilets, among others.

Technical Aids: They constitute technical aids for a good introduction, the so-called welcome or employee brochures, they contain the topics mentioned when talking about the introduction in the unit or department.

Based on the above considerations, it can be said that there are several types of induction, among which we can mention:

  • Informal Induction: It is the one that is carried out by means of the empirical or fortuitous investigation of the individual or by new co-workers, without any type of organization. Formal Induction: It is that which is dictated through the official communications media of the organization and its personnel assigned for this purpose. It should be added that the induction also has other types within the formal as: Written: As brochures, instructions, manuals, brochures, flyers, among others. (Joaquín, 2002) Audiovisual: Welcome projections and videos Direct: By qualified personnel for induction Rules, Policies and Procedures Rules: Refers to rules or restrictions Policies: They are the criteria or general guidelines for action that are determined explicitly to facilitate coverage of the procedures.


The induction process is very important since it depends on it that the new staff join in and get to know those who already belong to the company, hopefully all managers take it into account because, sometimes, when a new colleague enters, we don't even know how they calls, what is the position that is going to play or instructions are given by the bosses. In this way this little essay concerning induction concludes. (Isabel, 2013).


  • Isabel, SS (2013). Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas. Joaquín, RV (2002). Modern Personnel Administration. Tuxtla Gutiérrez: Thomson.

Here are 4 videos that you may find useful to continue learning about staff induction processes. In the first video, Professor Miguel Vásquez, from the University of San Martín de Porres in Peru, introduces the concept of the staff induction process, explains its importance and some of its benefits for the organization. In the second, the psychologist Esmeralda Villegas explains what the induction of new workers into the company consists of, what are the objectives of an induction program, what techniques are used in this process and what are the levels of induction in organizations. The last two are a couple of examples of institutional induction videos that can serve as a guide for building your own.

Importance of the induction of personnel in companies