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Importance of reading in childhood and the knowledge society

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Currently in Mexico we can derive a high percentage of people with disabilities to read and understand texts, making an analysis we can deduce that everything starts through the reading process, this plays an important role during the childhood stage, because it is This process allows the individual to develop great abilities and skills and to form analytical subjects that will allow a knowledge society in the future.

Importance of reading in childhood, knowledge society

(Olive, 2007) It establishes that the concept of the knowledge society, already acquired its own credentials, is widely used to refer to a type of society that is considered a successor to industrial society, in which the particular increase in the rate of creation stands out of information and knowledge, among these characteristics, information and communication technologies stand out.

To speak of the knowledge society is to refer to a society that analyzes, uses all that information for its own and social benefit, making it useful. It is important not to confuse the knowledge society with a society that widely has information technologies such as computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. We will speak of a knowledge society when it takes advantage of all the uses of these tools through adequate technological education and information literacy. Now, to move towards a knowledge society, new knowledge must be generated through scientific, technological and social research.

Quoting again (Olive, 2007) he describes that a fundamental element of these practices is the transmission of knowledge through communication between specialists in each discipline, communicators and the general public.

It is important to clarify that reading is necessary for this communication, taking into account that reading acts in an educational, recreational and formative way in individuals.

The reading process in the individual at an early age is very significant, during this process the subject will expand his knowledge, reading will become one of the most important pillars because it will educate him, creating in him, habits of reflection, analysis, concentration and at the same time turning her into a creative person.

During this process the child will acquire new knowledge that will be part of his life, because of this it is important that children become familiar with books, that they see nearby adults reading, they begin to experience curiosity and desire to read for pleasure alone. to do so. This will allow this society to form a reading habit in the future and with the ability to analyze for good so that this process is carried out, it is important to highlight the importance of the participation of libraries.

(Cañamero) In this way, the development of reading habits must begin at a very early age, when they are young and play with plastic or cardboard books with images that attract their attention and invite them to speak. Later, they start on the path of learning to read and write in their childhood school stage and if they master these first steps related to reading fluently and fluently, they will surely become regular readers in their adolescence.

It is important to clarify that this task must be developed within the family and educational institutions, therefore it will be an arduous work of parents, teachers and students, returning with Cañamero establishes the following points (Cañamero) to familiarize children with reading:

  • Read frequently to children from a young age Take them to libraries or bookstores Buy them multimedia programs that reinforce their language skills with exercises adapted to their level of development, not only in reading, but also in language or spelling.

Therefore (Garrido, 2004) emphasizes the following, if we want to train readers, we need to read with our children, with our students, with our brothers, our friends, with the people we love. You learn to read by reading.

Towards a knowledge society.

Now (Francisco Javier Quiroz Waldez, 2010) mentions therefore, we require cognitive assimilation to transform information into knowledge and integrate it into the subject's belief system.For example, if we read any book, transformation is likely to occur in case of understand its content and adapt it to our belief system.

When the individual reads and assimilates the information it will become part of new knowledge and then will be able to form new ideas, however it is important that not only read by reading, but also be able to understand and analyze the informational content.

(Garrido, 2004) Before we believed that our task was to make everyone literate! surprise! That is not enough, we also have to make them readers. He is literate who can simulate reading a text when it is in front of him… why this operation does not include text comprehension; this operation assumes that comprehension is a second stage in the acquisition of the ability to read.

(Olive, 2007) The necessary conditions to access books, libraries and obtain benefits: the ability to read and write, both in the native language. As in other languages, to understand the content, to know where and how to search, as well as to search, as well as to discriminate on the quality and reliability of the content and, of course, to use ICTs.

In summary, it is important to promote reading at an early age in individuals because this will be the one who will forge an information society, a knowledge society, a critical, analytical, comprehensive society and capable of selecting quality information and reliability to make it useful, as well as the correct use of Information and Communication Technologies. It is worth mentioning that this is a task for parents, teachers and students, as well as it is also important to mention the participation of libraries since they will be the main center of the knowledge society.


  • Cañamero, A. (sf). How to encourage reading in children. International College ausias March Francisco Javier Quiroz Waldez. (2010). Information and knowledge society. Bulletin of the National Statistical and Geographic Information Systems, 86-87.Garrido, F. (2004). The good reader is made, not born. Mexico: Ediciones del sur. Olive, L. (2007). The book, reading and libraries in the knowledge society. Reading and life, 21-24.
Importance of reading in childhood and the knowledge society