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Importance of neurosciences and behavior. test

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We will address an interesting topic, which as technologies advance this has been gaining strength because being more advanced in technology allows us to inquire or learn more about what neuroscience is, and derived from what behavior is, because the being from a person or living being, comes from the brain and what is studied there is this.


Neuroscience studies the neurons of the brain, basically the behavior of the mind, neuroscience is responsible for discovering the mysteries that are in it, since normally the brain makes us do different things than we think.

Now we wonder if thoughts come from the heart or the brain, in different cultures it is believed that they come from the heart and not from the mind, we can also realize that people act consciously or unconsciously, because there are people who say what we think or vice versa That is why we will approach it with the purpose of reaching our conclusion and being able to know the importance of neuroscience in our behavior in daily life.


This essay is focused on the behavior of the brain, since it is a very extensive topic, derived from what neuroscience is and how it helps us understand the why or the cause of our behavior. We will address the issues separately and eventually bring them together to reach a conclusion.

The term importance refers to the importance and value that something or someone has despite or due to the circumstances that surround it.

From our point of view, the importance is the value we give to people, objects, animals, among other things, we also measure it with respect to the superiority that we observe, feel, or think about something.


Prefixal and suffixal element of Greek origin that enters into the formation of names and adjectives with the meaning of "nerve" or "nervous system".

Pref. Word component from gr. neuron, which means nerve.


Branches of human knowledge constituted by the set of objective and verifiable knowledge on a given subject, which are obtained through observation and experimentation, the explanation of its principles and causes and the formulation and verification of hypotheses and is characterized, in addition, by the use of an adequate methodology for the object of study and the systematization of knowledge.


Way of behaving a person in a certain situation or in general.

Way of working a thing in a certain situation.

(abc d., 2017) Behavior is the way in which an individual or any other social actor behaves or acts in life. That is, behavior is the way of proceeding that people or organisms have in the face of the different stimuli they receive and in relation to the environment in which they operate.


Neuroscience is a discipline that includes many sciences that are concerned with studying, from an inter, multi and transdisciplinary point of view, the structure and functional organization of the Nervous System (particularly the Brain).

(abc, 2017) Neuroscience is a scientific discipline that encompasses various areas and for this reason the term is sometimes used in the plural. Neuroscientists investigate the different aspects that make up the nervous system: its structure, functions, pathologies, and molecular bases.


From our point of view, neuroscience is the discipline that seeks to understand how our brain relates to behavior and to different stimuli, when we talk about neurosciences, we refer to beyond psychology or medicine, we talk about other branches that help to neuroscience to reach its goal.

Returning to the statements of Ledoux (2004) the author points out:

That most of the time the brain carries out its connections in a way that we could call acceptable or satisfactory, but when the connections change, the personality can also change; If the self can be disarmed by the experiences that modify the connections, it can also be reassembled by the experiences it establishes, or change or renew the connections.

This tells us that by studying neurosciences, we can know or give adequate knowledge to what the study of the brain is, which is practically what neurosciences are about, however, this is not an easy task as well.

The study, Kandel, 2000 and Crick, 1999 state that:

“The main challenge for neuroscience is to understand how the brain works to produce mind and behavior. Because of this, there is a great deal of research that seeks to understand the relationship between brain and behavior. (p.4).

The history of contemporary neuroscience begins with the contribution of the Spanish medical histologist Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934), who proposed that: “neurons are independent cells and functional units of the nervous system” (p.4).

Neurosciences and behavior are in themselves one of the most interesting disciplines, since they are in charge of neuroscience to study the brain in order to know how human behavior occurs, these two are highly related because it requires neuroscience to see how a person obtains his behavior because the brain is where the whole being derives from, this is important to know, and it is good that today it has gained strength, since it helps us to understand, even people who suffer from their faculties and know why it is that they suffer from it.

Likewise, we consider that the importance of neuroscience is the way in which the human being thinks through a brain system, actions, behavior, attitude, among others, are disciplines that lead the human being to carry out a behavior good or bad in their environment.

At present, neuroscience has not only studied the behavior of the human being, but has also helped to improve the quality of life of many people, through the methods and actions that characterize neuroscience.

Behavior can be defined as the way in which an individual acts before society, the actions that he performed can define his behavior as good or bad, said behavior can affect the relationship that exists between him and society, since that behavior can be damaged. bond between friendship and trust.

Neuroscience has had many advances over time, therefore, it has not yet been fully defined, but it has shown to understand the human being in the areas of his life.

Likewise, we come to understand that behavior is reflected first of all in our way of acting, neuroscience controls us in a mental way, which is of utmost importance for the human being, and we do not realize what it is and how. happens.


We conclude that although this discipline has several branches, of course only studying the brain among professionals who study or know this subject, which are: psychopedagogues, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, psychologists, among others.

So when we talk about neurosciences and behavior, we are referring to or is it more the attachment to how a person adopts a way of being, on the part of behavior, it tells us how that person is and neuroscience explains why that person is like this, explains to us if it is your brain which unconsciously or consciously is the one that acts in such a way, and according to what is established we can say that delving into any of the branches of neuroscience will give us good learning, in order to know why people act the way they do.


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Importance of neurosciences and behavior. test