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Importance of job analysis in organizations

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The main reason for this essay is to show society and mainly young entrepreneurs the importance of job analysis within an organization, since it is a very important procedure also within human resources, as it is responsible for obtaining information about of each existing position within the companies.

This is intended to show in a general panorama the topic of Job Analysis, the procedure by which the responsibilities of each position in the company are determined and the characteristics of the people who will perform them, as well as the methods to obtain information to said analyzes and determine their objectives.

Nowadays, phrases such as: “a large part of the competitiveness of the company resides in the well-being of the employee” are frequently heard; "Manage with people, instead of managing people but" beyond being wrong phrases, experience has shown that a good part of the success of the employee in the performance of his work is given by his degree of adaptation to the position and the environment.

Job analysis:

The analysis and description of jobs is a basic tool for all Human Resources Management. It makes it possible to clarify the roles of individuals and their collective aspects, it allows to control the workload and its evolution so that it is possible to act on the qualifiers, technical decisions and the organization's balances.

The description details:

  • What workers do: Tasks, functions or activities that they carry out in the performance of the position. How they do it: Resources they use, methods they use, how they perform each task. What they do it for: Objectives they intend to achieve, purpose of each task.

Some of the many definitions of the authors consulted for the development of the topic will be cited below.

  • Gary Dessler: "Procedure to establish the obligations and skills that a position requires, as well as the type of person that must be hired to fill it." Munch García: “Job analysis consists of obtaining, evaluating and organizing information about the positions of an organization. This function is based on an analysis of each job position and not of the people who perform it ”. Ricardo Varela: "Procedure by which the responsibilities of each position and the characteristics of the people who should be counted to perform them are determined".

Before studying each position, the analyzes study the organization, its objectives, its characteristics, its inputs (personnel, materials and procedures) and the products or services it provides to the community. They also study the reports generated by various sources such as: the same company, other entities in the industry, official reports. Provided with an overview of the organization and performance, the following steps are performed:

1. Identification of positions

It is a simple task in a small organization. In a large company, current payroll and organization charts, or direct investigation, may be required with employees, supervisors, and managers.

2. Development of questionnaire

It has as identification of tasks, responsibilities, conscious skills and levels of performance necessary in a specific position.

  • Identification and update: The position that will be described later is identified first, as well as the date on which the last description was prepared. This information must be verified so as not to use outdated data and not apply the information to another position. Duties and responsibilities: Many forms specify the purpose of the position and the manner in which it is carried out. The specific duties and responsibilities provide a thorough understanding of the tasks performed. Human skills and working conditions: Describes the knowledge, skills, academic requirements, experiences and other factors necessary for the person who will hold the position. It is vital to proceed to fill a vacancy or carry out a promotion. Likewise, it allows the planning of specific training programs. Performance levels: On many occasions, the help of supervisors and industrial engineers should be used to determine these levels.

Importance of Job Analysis in Personnel Administration and Other Functions: Uses and Limitations

Job analysis is important because it helps improve employee selection and placement more accurately. The possibilities of applying job analysis are very varied, by virtue of knowing in detail the functions to be carried out and what is necessary for it, can have different applications, such as:

  • To properly channel the recruitment of personnel As a valuable aid for the objective selection of personnel To establish adequate training and development programs As a basis for subsequent merit qualification studies As a primary element of job evaluation studies As an integral part of organization manuals To determine amounts of Bonds and insurance For human resource planning purposes For organizational purposes For supervision purposes As a valuable instrument of administrative audits As an initial technique of better human resources management.

Objectives of job analysis

Among the objectives or possible uses of the job analysis and description, the following should be highlighted:

  • Recruitment: The analysis and description of jobs provides information on the characteristics that the candidate must have to fill the job. Personnel Selection: The analysis and description of job positions provides sufficient data to prepare the professional profile or professional profile in which the professional characteristics and requirements are specified. Training: By comparing the existing adjustment between the requirements demanded by the position and the knowledge, skills and characteristics that the candidate contributes, we can determine the existence of possible imbalances that indicate the need to develop training actions aimed at correcting the gaps and enhancing the positive aspects..Performance evaluation: Since the job description indicates the tasks, activities, duties and obligations for which the person occupying the position is responsible, this description will help us to determine to what extent the person is developing a performance according to what required by the position.

Stages for its realization and updating

A job analysis program typically includes the following stages:

  1. Planning Stage: in this stage, all job analysis work is carefully planned and organized to minimize any type of resistance. Preparation Stage: in this stage, people are brought together and work diagrams and materials are prepared. Execution Stage: in this stage, the data relating to each of the positions that will be analyzed will be collected and then the analysis will be written.

Techniques for collecting information

  • Document Review: allows analysts to know where the organization is and where it is going, qualitative and quantitative documents can also be reviewed. Interviews: these are question and answer dialogues. Questions can be open or closed. Questionnaires: they should be done when there is dispersion of personnel, anonymous responses are required and when the personnel to be interviewed is quite numerous. Observation: we must observe the behavior and execution of the procedures in the organization.


With what has been stated so far, we can argue that it is essential to have an analysis of each of the positions, this would allow the possibility of obtaining all the characteristics and information related to each of the positions. In addition, the use of this information will allow to establish the description and specification of each position, and in turn will provide the basis for unifying the subsystems that make up the action of human resources.

It can be said that job analysis is an effective tool, which all companies of any branch must have, if they want to have a good organization and coordinated all their functions, because the company that is well organized, with Its well-defined objective will achieve the desired goals, since the staff knows what to do and how to do it, therefore this set of elements ensures a good place in the market.

Acknowledgment for the contributions made to: Fernando Russel Koh Tzab, Ana Herrera Collí, Karla Chan Hernández and Susana Vergara. Students of the Business Administration career at the Universidad del Sur.


  • Munch, García, Book Fundamentals of Administration Idalberto Chiavenato, Book Human Resources Administration Juan Gerardo Garza Treviño, Book Contemporary Administration.
Importance of job analysis in organizations