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Importance of mastering translation techniques for English teachers

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A modest pedagogical investigation was carried out with the aim of investigating the knowledge and opinions that English language teachers of Medical Sciences have, especially those who work at the "Calixto García" Faculty of Medicine, since as a teacher trained in the ISPLE during the period 1975-1980, I can say that I had a magnificent pedagogical training, but when I worked as a teacher in Higher Medical Education, and having to face the challenges of knowing and mastering the linguistic ability of translation for my better competence and performance, we had to confront ourselves in a practical empirical way in a complex linguistic technique, so we make several analyzes, reflections and recommendations in this regard.


The study, mastery and use of the English language is a fact of positive and necessary cultural connotation. In times like today of a great advance in technology and increasing globalization, the English language occupies an important and indispensable place for economic development, becoming a factor in solving communication needs and reaching out to other peoples.

In this sense, translation as a means of intralinguistic communication is the technical and methodological basis where it is necessary to apply in a practical way the knowledge acquired and the skills developed in the English language. To achieve these purposes it is necessary to understand the true meaning of the source texts (foreign or maternal) where linguistic and extralinguistic aspects are present.

With this paper, we intend to highlight the main characteristics, difficulties and perspectives of translation techniques and their relationship with the role played by the language teacher in Medical Science Universities, either in Cuba or in any Spanish-speaking country. To achieve this purpose, we conducted a modest investigation at the Higher Institute of Military Medicine in 2002, which constituted our completion work for the Higher Medical Education Diploma, given the validity and importance of the subject for the improvement of the teaching process. educational, as well as for investigative work, we decided to carry out a similar study at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Faculty of Medicine "Calixto García Iñiguez".In it some of the main points of view that we hold in relation to the subject are exposed.


From our point of view, it cannot be said that there is a real command of a foreign language, without an adequate command of the translation technique, so necessary in the current context of medical teaching.

It is a reality that over many years and in different contexts, the exercise of translating has been empirical for many pedagogues, who, although showing off intelligence, dedication and effort, have achieved recognized results, it has not been an easy task, since translation has its rules of the game, allowing you to distinguish between what is well translated and what is wrong.

Although these reflections do not please many, anyone with common sense can realize that the work of transcoding is inconceivable without a minimum of theoretical knowledge (1) Therefore, although no one demands a pedagogue to become a translator, the good professional he must be permanently concerned with the study of his mother tongue and the one in which he acts as a bridge. Although knowledge of the matter being translated is important, we believe that mastery of linguistic resources is decisive; otherwise it would be an insurmountable limitation for the successful completion of the translation (1) From our personal experience we agree on all of the above exposed, because otherwise we would be separating something that is a natural part of the study of a language itself,it's like being doctors and not knowing how to inject because that belongs to nurses.

Many teachers demonstrate linguistic proficiency, being able to read and interpret in a foreign language well enough to grasp ideas

However, sometimes they do not dare to face the task of translating it into "serious".

There is a great tendency to literally follow what is in another language, without interpreting adequately, forgetting the peculiarities of the language in question, then more or less serious errors and inaccuracies are incurred, even nonsense expressions are used, sometimes constituting a nonsense..

José Martí, internationally known as a writer and thinker, referring to the art of translating, said: “The translation has to be natural, so that it seems as if the book had been written in the language it is translated into, which is why the good translations… ”(3)

As we see, his words synthesize the explanation of why it is necessary to learn to translate at an acceptable level.

The dizzying development of Medical Sciences and cutting-edge technologies forces us not to sit around waiting for the medical literature to be translated by experts (philologists). Knowledge and mastery of translation techniques is necessary in the performance and competence of English language teachers in Medical Sciences, so that the broad profile of our professionals in Higher Medical Education is achieved, which also provides professional independence, or that will result in the ability to solve problems.

On the other hand, we must remember that translation exercises are carried out to obtain teaching and scientific categories. Therefore, translation must not only play an academic role within the study plan of the English teacher's career, but it must also be a necessary instrument in their work performance as a facilitator and guide within the health sector.

Dictionaries can help, but we must learn to select the ideal equivalence, another problem is that we usually tend to translate names of institutions that sometimes have no equivalence in the Spanish language or vice versa, and the one who translates is forced to make decisions and find the semantic content of the text (4). Another aspect to consider is the idiomatic expressions that should not be translated word by word and mastering them requires a lot of practice and study time, on the other hand, the social context must be taken into account, as well as the translation words. misleading Ex current-real.

It should be noted that word-for-word translation is rarely accepted. For all the aforementioned, it is necessary to delve into the didactics of translation.

Our purpose with these reflections is to get closer to the process that is carried out in the act of translating, not to offer rules to make a perfect translation, on the contrary, to realize that we must know the ways and ways of learning how to translate better, especially without content errors and in a natural way.

In short, working in this sense with our current and future Medical Sciences teachers is part of an ongoing effort. Translation is a linguistic skill not explored by pedagogues in all its magnitude.

In conclusion, we must say that our practical experience allows us to observe that frequently the ability to translate is handled at a level below our possibilities and needs. On the other hand, the particularities and demands of Medical Sciences, when working with human beings and being necessary to avoid iatrogenic accidents, further increases the demands in the domain of medical text translation techniques, falling on the responsibility of teachers English as trainers and counselors of professionals and future health professionals.

In the pedagogical career, the development of this ability is disadvantaged as it is considered a specialty for philologists. In the results of our study, it was found that there is an empirical-practical action in the domain of this technique.

According to our criteria, there is a need to draw up a strategy to raise the level of preparation of teachers of Medical Sciences in this regard.

Therefore, our recommendations are:

  1. Consider translation a necessary linguistic skill for English teachers Carry out exchange of experiences between pedagogues and philologists to debate the subject Carry out methodological activities where the topic is addressed Implement translation postgraduate courses for English teachers Systematize self-study individual preparation, consulting the necessary bibliography.

Bibliography consulted

  1. Completion work of the Diploma in Education for Health Professionals at the ISMM. Folders 745-746, 2001. Presentation “Martí and the English Language. Transcendence and Validity of a relationship ”Lic. Nadia González Martínez. Efraín Sánchez de la Cruz. Prof. Auxiliar, Chair of Social Sciences, 2002 Study Program of the Bachelor of Education career in the specialty of English. ISPLE, Ciudad de la Habana, 1975-1980. Study Program of the Bachelor of Education career in the specialty of English. ISPLE, Havana, 20011.


Survey applied to the teachers of the Language Department.

Dear professor, we would appreciate your modest collaboration for an investigative work on the knowledge and mastery of the translation technique by English teachers. Read the instructions carefully and proceed to respond with the necessary honesty to ensure the veracity of the results. Thank you.

1. Do you consider translation to be a difficult linguistic technique?

YES____ NO____ I DON'T KNOW____

2. Did you receive content or practical preparation in translation techniques in the study plan for your degree?

YES____ NO____ SOMETHING____

3. Have you ever received translation classes?

YES___ NO____ If the answer is yes. WHERE?________

4. How do you think you can translate a text?

From English to Spanish: From Spanish to English:

Efficiently____ Efficiently____

Well well____

With some difficulty____ With some difficulty_____

With difficulty_____ With difficulty_____

Without any difficulty_____ Without any difficulty_____

5. Do you consider translation a necessary technique in the performance of your work as a language teacher in Higher Education?

YES____ NO____ DON'T KNOW______

6. Do you think that the study of this technique should be implemented?

a) In undergraduate ___

b) In graduate school____

c) Self-taught___

d) In both cases (undergraduate and graduate) ____

Importance of mastering translation techniques for English teachers