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Importance of the ethical profile of a supervisor

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What are the competencies, characteristics and attitudes that define the ethical profile of the supervisor?

We can define ethics, as the science that aims to study morality and human behavior, which allows people to act correctly. It is of great satisfaction to prepare this essay, in order to expose the importance, competencies, characteristics and attitudes that define the ethical profile of the supervisor, it is aimed at those people who are immersed in the training process and who perform the supervisory function, since supervisors are key elements within organizations and who are responsible for ensuring compliance with and enforcing the ethical standards that concern them in job performance.

In this context, the work carried out by supervisors in organizations requires the implementation of scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as experiences, skills and abilities, which build their professional profile, however, There is an obligation to promote a favorable environment, so that those supervised acquire basic competencies with the vision of facing the challenges of a changing and globalized society, for which organizations require trained professionals with high moral and ethics that distinguishes them from others.

Lorente, (2004, page 45), cites Reizábal, V., and Fiérrer, S. (1993), who argue that an ethical conduct based on professional work must contribute to the establishment through the implementation of norms of public morals and administrative efficiency.

Undoubtedly, it is pertinent to emphasize that the people who manifest good ethical conduct are those who in their conduct act very closely with the legal statutes that concern them in the workplace and who have the ability to recognize that the ethical profile It is not born suddenly in people's lives, but rather, it is built throughout the professional trajectory of each individual, which favors reflection and awareness of their own actions. Hence, the importance of professionals making their best effort to maintain ethical values ​​and behaviors, both inside and outside the institution they serve.

Regarding the powers of the supervisor, Pérez E., (2005), highlights technical scientists, professional autonomy, democratic talent, prudence, exposing and maintaining the truth in all possible situations that could be faced, in order to maintain credibility with those supervised and above all, with an eye on the educational objectives, which revolve around the student.

In the same vein, Aguilar (1994), leans towards the double aspect that the profile of a good supervisor has, which are the capacities and technical conditions that have to do with the supervisory function and the human qualities that this requires. job. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the importance of the supervisor being able to highlight the technical skills that support their good professional performance.

In turn, Bounds and Woods (1999), cited by Pérez E., (2005, p. 46), argue that the supervisor's profile and ethics are exposed when activities aimed at building trust are carried out, work in team and commitment, with the aim of making the work of the staff more productive and satisfactory. In the same way, both authors in their theories, argue that when employees feel committed and in love with their work, together with the role they play within the organization, they work more motivated, cooperate effectively, efficiently and with dedication not only with the institution as such, but also with the other members of the team, thus achieving the proposed objectives and goals. So, achieving trust, commitment, fairness and putting the code of ethics in place, describes the best way to proceed for the supervisor.

In another aspect, it is considered relevant to emphasize that every supervisor must possess, within their profile, characteristics related to their functions and responsibilities, knowledge that does not depend exclusively on their accumulated experience as a supervisor, but must strive to acquire scientific and technological knowledge that promote their professional development.

In this sense, Pérez E., (2005, p. 47) quotes Aguilar (1994), arguing that, in addition to general knowledge of supervision, the supervisor is required to have knowledge of general culture, professional culture, good methodological and technical preparation, knowledge of bibliography, pedagogy, methodologies and techniques of staff performance evaluation.

Regarding professional experience, Pérez E. (2005, p. 47) refers to the fact that `` the professional who wishes to become a supervisor but who only has theoretical knowledge, can never become a good supervisor '' Certainly, the passing of time and professional experience make it clear that theoretical knowledge could never replace previous knowledge, but on the contrary, a mixture of both is required so that the supervisor can perform a good function.

Pérez E., (2005, p. 47) quotes Aguilar (1994), stating that "the person who has been in a position the longest does not necessarily have to be the best supervisor". They also highlight that, to be a supervisor, it is important that the professional has previously performed any of the following functions: experience of teamwork, work experience in the area to be supervised, experience in management responsibilities, program and project management, experiences in administration of services.

Following the same order of ideas, professional experience and theoretical knowledge provide the supervisor with the technical skills and abilities required for good professional performance, thus facilitating the proper use of the technical procedures that identify their service area. As a contribution, it is gratifying to know that when the supervisor is empowered with knowledge and manages to demonstrate skills and technical abilities, he earns the respect of others and strengthens his professional ethical profile.

Pérez E., (2005), cites the Secretary of State for Education SEE (1996), to describe the desired profile of a supervisor, which includes the sum of: high morality, values ​​and attitudes, high knowledge about education and technologies, pedagogical, on planning and evaluation of the process and practical sense of reality, positive attitude towards life and society, socially active and sense of democratic participation and the social function of education, scientific and technological competences.

In that direction, it is considered necessary to emphasize that when the supervisor is trained and prepared, he maintains harmony within the group, has confidence in himself and in others, can lead democratically and delegate functions, making things work well although not It is present in all activities and above all, it maintains control of problematic situations that could arise and raises the strategies or alternatives to solve them.

In conclusion, the great need for organizations to have supervisors trained, competent and committed to their objectives is evident. Individuals who individually assume the responsibility of maintaining the ethical profile at the highest level, mainly supervisors, who direct large numbers of people and who bear the greatest responsibility within organizations, so that if they do not comply with the functions that are his responsibility will not have the moral quality to require others to do so.

In addition, supervisors must work together with the other members of the team, to obtain maximum performance, better quality and productive results in the work carried out, achieve goals and objectives set in order to satisfy the highest demands of society. It is a challenge for supervisors to demonstrate not only the technical scientific competencies and skills required, but also the ethical behaviors that define their professional profile. Let's take up the challenge!


  1. Pérez E., R. (2005). Supervisors Charging!: For the maximum efficiency of the educational process. Santo Domingo.: Imp. Offset Serigrafia Rodríguez, SA
  1. http://eticaysupervision.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html, 04/09/2015.http: //www.definicionabc.com/general/etica.php,28/08/2015.
Importance of the ethical profile of a supervisor