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Tardiness at work and job satisfaction


Several studies show that unpunctuality at work is an indicator of staff dissatisfaction. Tardiness is on a scale of alarm signals for the manager along with absenteeism and the definitive exit or abandonment of work.

Such a situation arises when the formal or informal complaint of the worker does not produce results and the boredom becomes unbearable. Let us not forget, in this regard, that in the region there is a significant portion of the EAP with precarious or under-employed employment. How can we be surprised then of the detachment that many workers feel towards their job, if it implies very low salary, constant work overload and generates poor or no satisfaction?

To better explain the lateness of workers, the factors that cause it are divided into two groups.

Worker characteristics: Some research indicates that punctual people are scrupulous and detailed in their actions. An inverse or negative correlation has been found between scrupulousness and lateness, that is, someone scrupulous will not be late and someone late will not be scrupulous in their tasks. The punctuals are also conformists in terms of the rules imposed on them and tend towards neuroticism (anxiety, phobias, obsessions, etc.). Punctuality is also linked to the degree of involvement or commitment that the worker has with her job. Other studies describe the specific subject as ambitious and with high achievement motivation. As already mentioned, being late at work reveals low satisfaction with it.

Continuing with the analysis of individual differences, decades ago it was established that there are people with a so-called type A personality profile. Those who possess it “are intensely engaged in a chronic and endless struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time and, if necessary, against the opposition of things and people "(Stephen Robbins).

But what stands out for our analysis is one component, its temporal urgency. According to this, they are people who always act quickly, even at meals. They get impatient and try to do two things at once. There is empirical evidence that indicates that type A people tend markedly towards punctuality in their obligations. There is, however, an unwanted side effect in these people: a higher incidence of heart disease.

Another individual variable that intervenes in punctuality or unpunctuality is related to the worker's family, specifically the age of their children. An investigation found that punctual employees had teenagers or older children, while late employees had minor children and that they required constant care and supervision. A constant discovered a long time ago indicates that female employees and young mothers of young children are the ones with the highest absenteeism or annual absence rate from their jobs.

Generally speaking, our concrete situation and our emotional state directly affect our perception of time. Given a troublesome or boring life situation, the individual pays more attention to himself and to his immediate context. In other words, we are more aware of our experiences. And so time is perceived as passing slowly. Instead, in routine but challenging circumstances, attention diminishes, giving the impression that time is passing quickly. The same happens when we have fun. The duration experience varies with the volume of events.

Let's be careful with categorical statements. Not being at work on time or being absent from it does not necessarily mean that there are negative feelings towards the organization. It may be, in addition to the aforementioned causes, a temporary misallocation of personal time, health problems or transportation problems.

If we accept that there are people with a chronic detachment from order in personal life, remember, by the way, that some serious mental conditions have disorder, mental confusion, emotional lack of control, irresponsibility and the impossibility of planning and anticipating actions as distinctive.. All this accompanied by discomfort and even personal suffering.

In addition, anxiety is present both on those who are late as they rush to arrive knowing that they will be hopelessly late and, generally, on those who wait for them.

Workplace characteristics: The persistent delay or continuous non-compliance of a worker in his functions can reveal an unpleasant work atmosphere, lack of training, poor communications in the company and also a wrong design of the position.

If the tasks of the position were not examined in detail and were not correctly indicated to the worker, this person will not be able to fulfill them in the required time. Additionally, it has long been known of the great power that group pressure exerts on the worker. A highly motivated newcomer will tend to conform and gradually adopt the behavior of most of his peers. Specifically, you will produce at the rate of others and make similar use of time. It has even been argued that a unionized worker would be prone to delay because he feels protected by his union. The way in which tasks are controlled and the way in which penalties are administered at work also influence the number of tardies.Certain researchers suggest that if some elements or circumstances of the work environment are modified, commitment to the organization can increase and the number of delays reduced.

Tardiness at work and job satisfaction