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Inclusion of statistics in the teaching and learning process


This research work on the subject of Statistics for the 5th semester at the 144 Technological and Industrial Baccalaureate Center in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, deals with the importance of the study of Statistics and opinions on the use of real cases in the teaching of this subject, as a strategy or new support technique in the teaching-learning process.


Statistics and its application in our academic training.

Since we studied primary school, when they ask us about how we are doing in school, we always mention our average, which we refer to in a very natural way, sometimes without realizing that we are facing a statistic formula.

Image 1 Gradebook with average in Primary Education.

By statistics we can understand that it is a formal science that studies the collection, analysis and interpretation of data from a representative sample, either to help in decision-making or to explain regular or irregular conditions of some phenomenon or applied study, occurring in random or conditional form. However, statistics is more than that, that is, it is the vehicle that allows the process related to scientific research to be carried out. (Wikipedia)

Carrying out a survey with people who graduated from Universities, who are working in companies where I have a job or social service connection, on the importance of statistics in their professional training, almost 80% of the aforementioned professionals agreed that if they had known the importance of Statistics from an early age, would have improved their school performance, especially in conducting quality research.

These people also pointed out that it was by virtue of the fact that statistics is sometimes not taught in an applied way, and therefore, by not knowing how it is applied or that it is truly useful, they are sometimes given little interest in its study.

Image 2 Example of application of Statistics.

I did this essay with the interest of knowing some aspects that I consider the study of Statistics may be of interest to high school students and which is fundamental for any university career and work to be developed.

For those of us who study economics and administration, we know that mathematics, specifically statistics, are necessary in the correct administration of companies.

Image 3 Balance Scored Card, tool for business administration.

An example of this, we find that entrepreneurs need to know their companies in depth, in some cases they use tools such as management indicators, which allow them to identify the areas of opportunity of the company, as well as among other situations, to know if the requirements are being met. objectives and goals.

In these management indicators, we find minimums and maximums in inventories, that is, the minimum amount of materials that we must have in inventory before a purchase to restock, as well as the maximum quantity, due to warehouse size and cost.

Image 4 Graph of minimum and maximum inventories of medicines.

We use fashion in companies, to know which product is selling the most and in what period or who buys from us, which allows us to identify in advance, the amount of products that must be available to avoid lost sales due to not having inventories, as well as identifying the target market.

Image 5 Graph showing the fashion in ages of clients of a company.

Histograms are useful tools to graphically and easily know the evolution of sales, purchases, expenses, inventories, accounts receivable, among other elements of the company.

Also, we have seen the importance of statistics in forecasts, we know that there are methods that allow us to identify the characteristics of the market in the future, reducing the error of this visualization when using these applications.

I believe that knowing from the beginning the application and usefulness of each of the methods of Statistics, would facilitate their learning, that real applications are seen in companies or institutions.

For those of us who have the opportunity to work or do social service, we realize that what we see in school really applies in real life, however, we consider that this area should be strengthened, because there are still people who do not have this opportunity and only they stay with the school, which does not give them an overview of the importance of statistics.

This work takes on importance, since it allows us to express our opinion on the inclusion of statistics and the search for new support techniques in the teaching-learning process.

The success of the teaching-learning process of mathematics at the upper secondary level is based on the work of the educational authorities, on the participation of parents, on the student's attitude, but above all on the performance of the teacher both inside as outside the classroom. (Cruz, 2001)

The hiring of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the Regulations, considering the necessary profile to cover a certain subject, but due to the modifications made to the Educational Structure, as some areas are increased and others are decreased, it causes that due to the needs of the institution teachers are assigned in subjects in which they do not cover the profile. (Cruz, 2001)

Knowing that the teaching-learning process is everyone's job, we consider that for Statistics to be included in this process, not only the technical part of the methods or procedures of this matter must be addressed, but also the how, Where, when, why and why of its application, with cases as real as possible, in order to facilitate its understanding and that there is truly a learning and not just a repetition of formulas.

Image 6 Statistics in Excel.

It should be noted that the use of widely used tools such as Excel in a Windows environment, as well as Numbers, a program used in Ipads, is necessary for teaching statistics, from what we have seen in companies and institutions, they are already used These programs for the application of Statistics, the use of calculators, paper and pencil in this area, is almost non-existent.


Statistics is an important tool for those of us who study administrative economics. Knowing its correct use will facilitate our professional practice and academic training.

Having a teaching-learning process, where the use of real cases is prioritized to deal with statistical issues, I consider it will be very useful to better understand the importance of this area of ​​mathematics.


  • Chávez, MA (2000). Maximus and minimous. Cuernavaca, Morelos.: Autonomous University of the State of Mexico Cruz, MM (2001). Repercussions that can occur when assigning a teacher who does not master the contents of the subject, in the teaching-learning process of mathematics. CBTIS No. 64. Ross, SM (2005). Introduction to statistics. Editorial Reverté SA.Wikipedia. (sf). Wikipedia. Retrieved on September 28, 2012, from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estad%C3%AD stica
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Inclusion of statistics in the teaching and learning process