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Inclusion the great secret of prison therapy


Obviously when a citizen arrives in jail, it is because the family has failed, the school and also the environment of the now inmate has failed.

When an inmate is willing to achieve recovery even without achieving it, but if through volunteerism, he has understood that there is a future where there never was.

Undoubtedly, the process and the desire for a process to be successful are two different things, which appear as the same at the beginning.

Many rely on the existence of a law that speaks of social reintegration or rehabilitation, or education and reintegration, but the fact that these laws exist does not mean that one knows in practice what to do with the prisoners.

Inmates or residents can go through a practice of mere irresponsible entertainments, where it is impossible to determine if the educational, work, social, spiritual work goals and others are really in line with the cure of their sociopathy or their criminal genesis.

In many cases, a criminal ends up in a psychiatric hospital because there is no certain limit between a transgressive mentality or a pathologically deviant mentality.

It is good and healthy to recognize that many specialists approach inmates from their best human and Christian intention, but they do not know for sure if they will have any results, since the penalty is quantum limited and the treatment is subjectively limited, and is ad result referendum.

The concepts of punishment and guilt, lack points of contact with the concepts of pre-education and re-socialization, it is then when the question of the meaning of jail is really the same for the victim of a crime, as for the federal prison service.

The key to reintegration is acceptance, without acceptance there is no inclusion and it is then that we realize that these "criminals" are trained and forced to be by the same expelling society, which encloses its errors in the gatopardismo of trying to prevent the crime, or satiate the low feelings of revenge, as bad or worse than those of the offender in the commission of a crime.

It is very important to know that in an intramural space, in the midst of confusion and lack of freedom, in the midst of exclusion that can aggravate and fortify the condition of "different", everyone tries to do their best, and in that effort, we find a permanent activity.

It is necessary to make a person who does not respect the law know and respect it, for which it is necessary to make him understand that this law is his, and not that of others, but many times, those others are the ones who They have run from the table, and fallen, I get to the crime.

It is necessary to understand that the prison environment, hand in hand with the penitentiaries and professionals, have studied different approaches to the problem, and have studied and often succeeded in ensuring that individuals do not have recidivism, the most important thing is that the professionals of prisons have the know-how of how to do to convert and stabilize an individual, what they know is how to do what society has not been able to do in so long, how to achieve it in a few months.

It is convenient that this information is recycled in the formal education of citizens, of children from the first educational stage and also in families, it is imperative that parents regain their capacity and authority, based on the example and stability of a safe inclusion, social, labor, educational, psychological, social, and above all, an affective inclusion, the most necessary and important of these.

It is necessary to know that we are all Argentines, Argentines poor or rich, but Argentines and patriots included in our society, through the feeling of brotherhood and active consideration of the pain of the other as our own, and the joy of the other as our own.

Include ourselves regardless of social classes, regardless of intellectual conditions, including because we are all necessary in the supreme value that God granted to men, life itself.

Respecting life is standing up against extreme marginality, not with subsidy plans, or jobs, or education, all this is nothing more than steps in the great inclusion as Argentines, how we are, how we are, how we find ourselves, as Children of God with no other condition than to be Argentines, to love us, to love our outcast, to include us all, greet us, hug us, smile at us, letting mercy and compassion work the miracle of social justice, and the economic liberation that the law of markets cannot achieve, that selfishness cannot achieve, that individualism produce.

The mission of the prisons is to teach us the most important summarized science of rearming society, this is based on lost values, on old precepts, useful because they are permanent as time, the inmates recover through affection, love and the consideration they receive by being an identity, not a criminal, paradoxically discovered and assimilated in a prison.

It is important to absorb the teaching that a prison has when it is doomed to the penitentiary regime and it is not a den of thieves from both sides.

When society does not have thought, how to receive the former intern, it is showing its true face, its authentic responsibility, which I did not include before, neither does it now, and it is society that steals these lives, these hopes and this faith and it returns to manufacture its own exterminator, the marabunda… where inclusion is carried out among the marginalized, where a "for society" is generated in a war of revenge with the one who did not know and did not want.

Inclusion the great secret of prison therapy