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Influence of reengineering in education in Mexico


An approach to the concept of reengineering

In the last decades of the twentieth century, higher education institutions in Latin America began to be seen from an economic and commercialist position, the expected expectations were in the sense of an articulation with industrial production, globalization and the transfer of knowledge in Science and Technology. From this situation, the process that is recognized as Reengineering has been generated .

This reengineering process is undoubtedly an answer to various questions, but we can limit it to the following: Are things being done well or can they be done better? “In a strict sense, reengineering is the fundamental revision and radical redesign of the processes to achieve improvements in critical and current performance measures, such as costs, quality, service and speed ”(Emilio G. Arriaga; Rosalba M. 2007).

Reengineering is not doing more with less, it is continuing to do what is already being done but better.


The development of the capitalist economic model of the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century, removed the state from its social dimension, the exponential increase in the demand for products and services, allows the adoption of a new paradigm in the economic model, by increasing the production force is generated by the exploitation of labor force and productivity.

With the change in policies that allow the state a limited intervention in economic and legal matters, these directly affect the labor field, allowing adjustments in the hiring of workers, in labor relations, ignoring guarantees, benefits earned, modification of wages, unions are limited in terms of employment relationships with their members.

With the discourse and justification of the state to lead Mexico to «modernization», introducing programs to modernize the current situation and convincing society that these actions will allow a modern Mexico to finally get out of that status of «developing country »This has allowed the state to gradually decrease its participation in education, it is because of this and many other actions that education in Mexico has gradually deteriorated, at different educational levels.

By introducing these neoliberal policies, the state ceases to have control with respect to being the provider of goods and services to society, now it depends on the "market" and its demands, consequently these new policies introduce the idea that education should be governed by standard models because these will allow academic development and improve educational practices, in addition to considering competitiveness as a tool to achieve "quality" in products and services.

However, we can mention that this interest in linking the educational system with the productive system is not new. After the Second World War, hopes were placed on educational systems to boost economic development. Currently, global economic competition and the need for the economies of emerging countries to develop, are forced to introduce policies of global application and pay attention to the system as a factor and provider of qualified human resources to incorporate it into the national productive system.

This has been the subject of debates and discussions in the political sphere as well as among academics and intellectuals, for this reason in the nineties in Mexico, the government in office asked the Organization for Academic Cooperation and Development (OECD) a Analysis of the educational situation in Mexico, the conclusions presented were that efforts had been made to improve the educational quality that students received and that provided by institutions.

It is for this reason that the OECD presents a report where recommendations are made for Mexico and lines of action are proposed to follow in terms of coverage, equity, relevance, quality, development of academic staff, differentiation and flexibility. Within this series of recommendations, it is striking that in the aspect of relevance, the OECD highlights the importance of seeking that school training addresses the economic aspect and society, in order to link educational programs and activities with social activities and productive of national, regional and local relevance.

It is like that; that the OECD invites a group of researchers to participate in the project

"Definition and selection of competencies" (Deseco), its main objective is to offer a resource for the process of definition, selection and measurement of the competencies that an individual needs to lead a successful and responsible life and face present and future challenges (Hernández M. 2008).

It is at this point that we begin to speak of general cognitive competencies, specialized competences, and key or performance competencies.

The DESECO project has its influence in the countries that make up the European community, it becomes the basis of the Tuning project, which is a project promoted by the universities of Europe to homogenize professional careers or degrees, which allow free transit and exchange of students, graduates and academics among universities in Europe, likewise it seeks to raise the educational quality in education centers, taking into account that we have had to live in a time of constant changes and challenges that require not only knowledge, but also abilities, skills and abilities.

The approach that is addressed is a competency-based approach, that is, an education focused on learning and not on teaching.

We can see that "the competence approach constitutes a trend that is articulated around international educational policy" (Hernández M. 2008). That is why it has had a strong impact in several Latin American countries, where it is presented as an Alfa-Tuning-Latin America project, its purpose is to achieve a rapprochement between the world of work, education - training, the adaptation of workers to changes in technology and in the organization of production and work.

Despite the fact that implementing the standard educational model in Mexico constitutes a challenge no less, we cannot fail to mention the fact that this is a multicultural country, with traditions, roots, and particular customs of each state and region, in addition to the diverse context presented, the diversity of language and dialects in indigenous regions make it even more complicated, if we add to this that public education faces problems of growth of the school population, a low academic level in students, lack of infrastructure and equipment adequate in a large majority of schools of all levels, especially in the most remote communities that many of them lack basic services, poor teacher training in teaching strategies and pedagogy,No or little participation of parents in the education of their children, problems in the family nucleus, few job opportunities for parents and therefore scarce economic resources, make the implementation of a standard model a very difficult challenge.

Currently computing offers endless didactic possibilities to apply them in educational processes, changes in forms of communication, avant-garde design in information systems, advancement in technology leads us to think about modifying the traditional curriculum, To solve current problems that require new strategies and processes based on the optimization of human and material resources of educational institutions, this has the objective of "quality in education" and has been called "educational reengineering".

In response to the above, the competency-based educational model that seeks to articulate the higher education system with basic and upper secondary education is adopted in Mexico. Since this educational approach is currently prevalent in Mexico, knowing the pedagogical intentions of the competence model will allow us to understand the fine line that separates instrumental competence with competence for the integral formation of the individual, it is little perceptible and becomes relevant, for the purposes that aims to; While the first responds to specific socio-economic demands, of those sectors that have built a vision of the world, that of a few, the competence with a pedagogical vision goes beyond globalizing interests.

The new educational approaches aim to respond to a myriad of social needs and are proposed to counteract the little or no effectiveness of the previous ones. (Gimeno, 2011). Educational approaches are accompanied by countless expectations from various social actors; its acceptance becomes a process of debate among those who are directly involved, with epistemological, pedagogical, political and social discourses. Each one from his ideological trench defends or discredits the new educational approaches.

For all of the above, education in Mexico has to be reformed to be in line with the changes demanded by the country and society, it intends to respond to these demands, considering the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) as tools indispensable in teaching and learning; being the ultimate goal, to train integral people, with capacities, skills and attitudes to face the challenges of today's world.

Final general thoughts: conclusions

The reengineering of education in Mexico through the competency model, seeks that these changes in the curriculum, in the teaching and learning processes influence the workplace, in a higher productivity of the country, they bet on generating human capital that interacts with the environment where it unfolds. For this, the proper functioning of educational systems becomes a priority for countries to ensure the preparation of competent citizens to survive in complex societies.

It is expected that with the use of the new tools, students will develop a series of capacities, abilities and a series of competencies that would better enable them to face the demands of today's world.

It seems clear that the most important thing in the implementation of the educational reengineering process is to change the learning perspective, the attitude of the students will have to be different, change to a behavior that in many cases was of passive reception, now it is required greater responsibility, continuous work, a coordinated task between all the subjects, group work, solo readings for effective participation. It should be the engine that generates your learning, because you will not only learn in the university, but in any experience from the knowledge society.

From the economic perspective, that is; Seen from the productive sector, I personally consider that the student is considered as a product, because in the labor field it will be taken into account based on the competences acquired during their learning period and therefore the teacher is considered as a factor of production.


  • Teaching Competencies (2009) "Teacher Profile, Riems, Sep," taken from: http://Cosdac.sems.gob.mx Liberio V. Ramírez, Guadalupe M. Márquez (University of Santiago de Compostela) The Bologna process. Historical Development (March 29, 2006) Hernández M., Alma Rosa; Rodríguez Cortés, Karina (2008), «the organization for cooperation and economic development, OECD, and the definition of competences in higher education: the case of Mexico». Arriaga Á. Emilio, Moreno C. Rosalba (2007) «Educational reengineering and Mexican public education: brief approach Public Spaces»

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas June 30, 2016

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Influence of reengineering in education in Mexico