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Influence of the work environment on the worker's performance. test


"Human Resources Administration consists of planning, organizing, developing, coordinating and controlling techniques capable of promoting the efficient development of personnel, at the same time that the organization represents the means that allows the people who collaborate in it, to achieve individual objectives directly or indirectly related to work ”(Wayne and Noe, 1987: 4).

The concept of work environment has been widely debated by different authors, who have defined it as: “the quality or property of the organizational environment that: is perceived or experienced by the members of the organization and that influences their behavior” (Chiavetato, 1992: 56).

Labor Performance can be defined, according to Bohórquez, as the level of performance reached by the worker in achieving the goals within the organization in a given time (Araujo and Guerra, 2007: 67).

Work performance where the individual manifests the work competencies achieved in which they are integrated, as a system, knowledge, skills, experiences, feelings, attitudes, motivations, personal characteristics and values ​​that contribute to achieving the expected results, in correspondence with the technical, productive and service requirements of the company.

Today's companies ask their members for an apparent calm and to support pressure without protesting, due to the economic crisis our country is going through, and it is precisely for the convenience of keeping our jobs that the struggle is more intellectual today. and psychological than physical. If we add the crisis that the country is experiencing, to an unfavorable work environment, people will fall into continuous physical and mental exhaustion. For this reason, we believe that it is vital that companies become aware of the importance that a good work environment means for them, since if they pay attention to this aspect, they will be taking care of the well-being of their human resources, which are ultimately the most important asset with which they count.

In my opinion, the work environment factors are those that directly intervene in the behavior of employees, and it depends on these whether their abilities, relationships and performance are altered in a positive or negative way within the organization, that is why of the importance of keeping it in balance to ensure good job performance.

Lack of Communication: Lack of vertical and horizontal communication, or biased communication where employees are not sufficiently informed of the changes taking place in the company, of the situation of the same, transforms into a lack of trust in senior positions and in their decisions.

Recognition of work: In many organizations superiors only give feedback to employees when they do something wrong. Never recognizing a job well done by a worker will undermine their motivation, they will stop feeling comfortable when performing that activity, they will not want to go to their job and will create a bad work environment, in addition to affecting the productivity of the person.

Workplace: Having negative environmental characteristics in the workplace, such as insufficient lighting, ambient noise, poor distribution of spaces, poor location of people and work objects, make workers not feel comfortable in the workplace, which has a negative impact on their productivity and the quality of their tasks.

Leadership Style: An authoritarian leader who exercises his power when making decisions, who does not have the opinion of his employees, who does not leave freedom when doing an activity or task, generates a negative, demotivating climate. Workers feel continuously observed and cannot express their ideas freely, which translates into a lack of commitment to the objectives to be achieved.

It is very true that the work environment prevails in companies that choose to care about workers because they are the protagonists of creating effective development in the organization.

The Work Climate influences satisfaction and productivity. It is related to the «know-how» of human resources, with people's behavior, with their way of working and relating, interaction with the company, with the machines they use and with each one's own activity.

Influence of the work environment on the worker's performance. test