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Insertion of university training in companies


This work presents a system of three sequential phases for intervention in the business environment with the use of the service learning methodology. These phases start from the identification of business needs, to continue with the analysis of the diagnosis and strategic gaps. Finally, the results are taken to the critical judgment phase in order to ensure the quality of the business processes through a strategy plan.

Keywords: business process, service-learning methodology, strategic gap, strategy plan


This paper presents a system of three sequential phases for intervention in the business environment with the use of service learning methodology. These phases are based on identifying the business needs to continue with the analysis of diagnosis and strategic gaps. Finally, the results are taken to the stage of judgment to ensure the quality of business processes through a strategic plan.

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Student name: …………………………………………………………….

Professors: Dr. César Jiménez Calderón and MSc. Liliana Mairena Fox

The following need has arisen:

In the situational diagnosis of the Centro Poblado "Cruz de la Esperanza" the following problem has been detected:

  1. It lacks the service of potable water and drainage. The residents have difficulties in communication and interpersonal relationships and reaching an agreement on this issue is difficult, but not impossible.In the educational field, the Centro Poblado has an Educational Institution that includes the primary and secondary level with 120 children in primary and 150 young people in high school. However, there are many shortcomings such as the lack of maintenance of the toilets, cleaning of the classrooms, painting of the walls of the premises. Teachers and parents maintain interpersonal relationships with marked disagreements. In the field of health care,The Centro Poblado has a medical post with various programs developed by the Ministry of Health but they are weakly reaching the residents due to lack of personnel and lack of dissemination.

It is requested:

  1. Prepare a set of questions (5) to accurately detect your needs and prioritize them. To elaborate the cause-effect relationships of each of the previous questions (5) that correspond at the same time with a theory as argumentative support. Prepare 5 strategic objectives related to a purpose that guides the development of the Centro Poblado “Cruz de la Esperanza”. Prepare the representation of reality for each of the strategic objectives or desired states (5) and explain.
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Insertion of university training in companies