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Social intelligence, democratic culture and values


1. Origins Are we defenseless?

Much has been said regarding the human being the most defenseless being that exists since creation at the very moment he appears on the globe, since he requires a lot of care just to stay alive.

What differentiates it from other living beings is that it possesses an attribute that other living beings do not have, or if they do, it is on a smaller scale and that we know as intelligence, which is identified, "As the capacity that human beings have. to process information that it receives from the environment and that allows it to solve abstract problems that arise in its environment and thus adapt to the environment; that is, the effective use of symbols and concepts in solving problems, especially those that require the use of numerical and verbal symbols ”. So your behavior as a human being is aimed at ordering, evaluating and managing past experiences, in order to project your thinking into the near future.

Thorndike establishes three types of Intelligence in individuals: “Abstract Intelligence, which is the Capacity to deal with ideas and symbols; Mechanical Intelligence which is the Ability to understand things; and Social Intelligence, which is the ability to understand people ”.

The individual is not born with a previously elaborated human behavior, he acquires it as he learns all his characteristics like other "civilized" individuals, while nature is in charge of developing his special capacities to learn to interact, to behave in his environment social and to be equal to those who care for him, as well as other individuals behave under norms of conduct generally accepted by all within that social nucleus.

This phenomenon occurs as he learns to behave as a human being through his association with other human beings in the interesting process of acculturation. In this sense, nature has been very wise to foresee that humans are born without fixed norms of behavior, and that they need a long period of time to reach adaptation and maturity.

The human being is a product of his own culture, since he is a product not only of his nationality, community, church and family, but of his own responses to it, to his neighbors and to his own world. She learns the language, the religion, the manners, the values they teach her; prejudices, customs and traditions; the preferences and aversions of the people with whom it grows and develops. That is, all the factors mentioned influence to determine his personality and his performance in the past world and in the present world.

The cultural expectations of the people that surround an individual critically influence the way in which this culture develops. For example, in our Western culture we especially expect our young people to be hard-working, dynamic, and ambitious. We expect them to "get by," and so we worry much less about our daughters being successful in professional life or in business. From any point of view that the problems of maladjustment to the environment are considered, there are 5 times more men than women affected.

Public exhibitions and efforts to excel have become so important in our milieu that we even hear it said that they are functions of human nature. When the individual considers that being successful becomes so important, the respect he feels for himself is damaged if he cannot compete with others in all orders, because he places success above everything that influences him, measuring it by means of of the material goods that it manages to take over, ignoring that there are other types of values ​​that are also important that will have to be considered as we will see later.

2. Identifying ourselves Do we know each other?

An individual shows his intelligence at the very moment that he recognizes his deficiencies. The realistic sense of our own limitations is an important characteristic of intelligent behavior. The abilities of a person increase and decline with the passage through life, since as we age, we have less agility, less strength and less dexterity than when we were young, and this limits us even in our attitudes of push to continue forward At the same rhythm.

In the social order there are a series of inefficiencies and obstructions, due to the ambitions of people who try to enjoy the "status" and income of a position for which they are not qualified, and it happens in business, in politics and in politics. professions. In this sense, parents and teachers in schools would contribute enormously to mental health and social progress, if we did not try to encourage young people so that they appear what they are not, nor to occupy positions for which they they are not trained. I think that it is very valid to aspire and have healthy ambitions, provided that people have the capacity to respond and that they do not violate the rights of other people by defrauding them with respect to their expectations and that indeed,we have sufficient preparation to respond adequately to the circumstances that they show.

The most important characteristic of a favorable environment for mental development is the need to recognize intelligence, since the circumstances themselves require people to think before acting, so that their response mechanisms are much more favorable in any type of situation. circumstance. And how does this process occur?

In any intellectual environment to face real problems, it is required of: choice, planning and action. In trying to know, understand and obtain information in order to regulate subsequent events.

Knowledge that operates based on intelligence always serves as a guide to act, since all human behavior is social par excellence.

In an intelligent environment there are exchange of purposes, suggestions and free communication. Intelligence cannot develop effectively when communication is suppressed, controlled, imposed, or clearly partial. So much so that one of the intangible elements that we know in psychology is the concept of will, which cannot be imposed or submitted without the consent of the affected person; however, it can be seduced or manipulated through the use of intelligence. Keep in mind that people do not improve when they impose on others something that they are not willing to accept for themselves.

Knowing the past is important only when it serves to illustrate the future; For this reason, the exercise of discussion and analysis of what happens in the environment (home, school, neighborhood and community in general) is essential; with as much extension and depth as the individual can understand, since in this way the stimulus to social development and democratic inter-action in the coexistence of individuals is promoted.

There is numerous evidence of the influence that culture has on intelligence, deducing the importance that adults have in the lives of minors who are in training and development. Intelligence is largely the consequence of the thoughtful and conscious reaction to the responses of other people who train and educate them.

Mental behavioral skills become capabilities as a result of encouragement, opportunity, and education, which is why it is so important that when educating a peer, the purpose of such learning must be borne in mind. Learning is the process of reacting appropriately to circumstances; It is to make the learner really take advantage of their experiences feelings and attitudes and finally become the basic determinants in a learning situation.

Since the conduct of the individual is aimed at providing favorable conditions for his own interests, as he conceives them.

The real pulse of our civilization is human lives, lived in freedom and dignity, by men who are aware of their own importance and deeply respectful of the human potential that each individual possesses.

Progress in civilization is the result of more and more specialized and organized work, since as individuals specialize, they become more productive and more dependent on others, that is, interdependent.

If we want a world in which there is cooperation, we must have people willing to cooperate towards the common goal, considering intelligent people who show respect for the ways of life of others.

3. Social intelligence Will there be a distinction?

A socially intelligent individual is considered when motivated by an active feeling of personal responsibility for the welfare of humanity. He is willing to act in accordance with his concept of the results of human activity, cultivates his ability and his resources to predict the social results of behavior, subjecting his own interests to the wishes of the majority in situations that require action and the common benefit.

Socially intelligent people will respect authentic authority, and when they hold public office, they must learn to be skeptical of their responsibility; learn to discern and judge the value of opinions and propositions, taking into account the interests of others, show respect for pertinent data and testimonies, respect the authority conferred by capacity, and recognize their value and tenacity in achieving objectives common. These common activities are carried out in accordance with the principle of democracy, which consists of a group of people working together voluntarily, with the aim of improving the way of life of all of them and that they voluntarily submit to the decision of the majorities.

I personally consider that some common systems seem to interfere with the development of social intelligence. Among the most destructive is the promotion of unprotected and ignorant groups that every day grows in number and that under the banner of a pseudo leader who manipulates them with the garlito of “social injustices” and the hope of “taking away their belongings from the rich” to give them to them, they induce them in order to obtain advantages over others, or to do things their own way, they use blackmail and violence as a defense mechanism to impose their interests on the bulk of the population. Motivating individuals to go out and not to be genuinely valuable to the group is the exact opposite of engaging in genuinely social group activity.

In the educational centers, forms of cooperation must be carried out that stimulate personal responsibility for the state of humanity anywhere; must carry out group activities directed towards continuous improvement of life; In short, humanity must learn to live intelligently.

The worthy man has improved his goodness, when he has been able to give up his rights of control and dominion, and has extended to all others, the rights and conditions of life that he desired for himself.

4. The Role of Education Will we change?

«To educate is to deposit in each man all the human work that has preceded him, it is to make each man a summary of the living world until the day he lives, it is to put it at the level of its time so that it floats on it and not leave it under its time, so it will not be able to float. It is preparing man for life itself. " Jose Marti.

In the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Language it is stated: EDUCATION. (From the Latin educatîo, - onis) f. Action and effect of educating // 2. Parenting and doctrine that they give to children and young people // 3. Courtesy, civility.

According to UNESCO, education is called to become a company that tries to unleash all the creative potentialities of human consciousness. In our days hundreds of millions of men are paralyzed in two components of their creative praxis: action and reflection. A distorted vision of man and the universe, the ignorance, violence and collective psychosis of which they are the object, develops in them a mutually destructive interaction of critical action and reflection.

How to solve this problem? How to achieve that the educational process favors the obtaining of new socially significant spiritual values? How to achieve that creative personality, that is, integral, in which the hand of the mind does not divorce itself, turning regressively into barbarism, instead of intellectually debating with reasoning that benefits everyone? Of course we all agree that the above is achieved simply or complicated by raising the quality of education.

The role of the family and the home in the formation of the new generations is fundamental, it is known that an adequate family environment, on moral standards of formal education, based on the love and respect of each and every one of its members, fosters a favorable climate for the education of our children in schools.

However, there is a low level of achievement in learning, especially in the areas of mathematics and natural sciences, a dichotomy between the instructive and the educational, and a divorce between the cognitive and the affective in the teaching / learning process, for Old problems with reason or without reason, by all known such as: Teacher strikes, attacks by primary school teachers towards society itself due to union interests, which overturn the educational foundation, because education is based on the principle of example And what example can teachers give our children with such rebellious attitudes and without reason?

Education must not only enable the mastery of a «knowledge», but also that of a «know-how» and «know how to be», which in the totality make up a more integral man, with a set of positive qualities of the personality, that they identify it with their culture, beliefs, ideology, in short, with their national identity. Education responds to the task of the educator as a socializing agent. This means that the analysis of educational quality is impossible apart from the activity of the teacher and the investigations in search of pedagogical truth, which confirm the educational work and propose ways to improve it through dialogue and community participation.

5. Will learning and behavior change us?

Learning plays one of the most important and decisive roles in the life of the human being, simply and simply, because there is no activity that can be carried out satisfactorily, if it does not have the respective knowledge.

We learn to eat, we learn to speak, we learn elementary hygiene habits, we learn to use the clothes that we wear, we learn to behave according to the acceptable canons of our formative family and society; Later, in school, we learn many of the knowledge of science, art and technology, which allows us to carry out our jobs to contribute something and be useful to society.

Learning is therefore the result of changes in acquired behavior, due to the changes produced by the knowledge obtained by experiences. It is not only useful and helpful but necessary, in order to obtain more information and better understanding about the learning process. By behavior we understand the various forms of behavior, they are reactions of the organism, caused by stimuli in certain situations that living beings experience.

Hence, the character of the individual is judged by his behavior, because although the principles that govern it are not manifested, the behavior is observable. From this conduct the reason for its performance is deduced.

The individual who is in a learning process, faces a set of circumstances, made up of people, objects and / or symbols. He who learns does so by acting on his potentialities. That is why, fundamental and basic, that it has an experienced facilitator of knowledge, structured educational programs, the methods used by the formal system and the disposition of the student that makes him respond in the best possible way, to that desired change in behavior..

Acquire such knowledge, modify such attitude, achieve such ability, Etc., which is ultimately what is intended with learning and predict what can be expected between cause and effect using intelligence, checking the correctness of the interpretation by the consequences in such a way to act.

Obedience in itself is not a virtue; being able to judiciously decide who to obey is a very important quality. For some individuals, people who have a certain education are considered superior to those who had another type of education, regardless of what they know or what they are capable of achieving. Thorstein Veblen showed us that we all tend to think and make decisions based on our own interests.

Altruism is driven by true concern for others and can be summed up in the following exhortation: "Whatever you do to the last of them, you will do to me" or in other words: "Do not do to others what you do not want make you "; In other words, I want to consider character, not as conformity, but as a creative, generous and continually evolving development from the absolute egoism of the cradle towards a sense of universal responsibility, for the well-being of all the inhabitants of the world.

6. Democracy, synonymous with debauchery?

One of the main challenges that today's world reveals to us is how to revitalize the relationship between freedom of expression and democracy, as a set of irreplaceable rights inherent to the action of individuals, not only within their daily spheres, but also within the institutions and political practices that have had transcendental historical reach. The 20th century ends with a clear contradiction: although the ideas of freedom of expression and democracy have spread widely within the common lexicon of many societies, in fact we are still very far from being fully valid in a mature and responsible adoption.

Thus, the rights of the majority are disrupted (linking freedom of expression with democracy) abusing the legal instrument with actions that leave much to be desired, such as: road closures, sit-ins in the historic center, protest marches, pints of historical monuments and private properties, barricades that prevent the free passage of citizens, acts of open and shameless aggression against the citizens of good, burglaries of the mass media, among others, with the contemplation and marginalized consent of the authorities of the three levels of government.

That is, we remain trapped in the basic dilemma of determining whether or not there is a primacy between the public and private environments in which individuals operate. Likewise, they question what are the attributes or activities that can be regulated within the institutions created by said individuals, and they also continue to reflect on the infinite or limited possibilities that have the interpretation and exercise of freedom according to the ends and particular needs, or if this can be carried out based on a logic of collective decision-making that can be dictated by the State through the legally established institutions or directly by the community in an unrestricted manner.

Despite this kind of conventional agreement on the moral value and the convenience that every modern society can promote a political framework based on freedom and democracy, for some ideologies the relationship between these two concepts is not one of a complementary and interdependent nature. Rather, it is based on a conflictual and conditioning nature, even proposing the destruction of one of the two in order to justify the salvation of the element threatened by the excessive presence of the one that has become its "opposite."

The alleged opposition between freedom and democracy has led to disastrous experiences such as fascisms, radicalisms or totalitarianisms, positions that in the supposed defense of freedom or democracy, depending on the case, have ended up destroying both. From my point of view, the 20th century was unable to generate an ideological balance that would make the existence of political environments with broader spheres of freedoms and rights feasible, at the same time that they were guided by democratic decisions and deliberative contexts, which they could be translated, in turn, both in renewed forms of participation (individual or massive), and in instances of representation that were more accessible to citizens.

As will be seen, then, within the pages of this essay, the recovery of the relationship between freedom and democracy in modern societies also has the intention of claiming the value of democratic political and economic organization. Highlight the validity of principles such as the division and effective balance between powers, the realization of political pluralism through mature and inclusive party organizations, as well as interacting with other segments of society, as well as the need to promote economic freedoms. that provide stability, well-being and progress for citizens with the guarantee of the state.

For this reason, it is important to assume the irreplaceable presence of a rule of law that contributes to guaranteeing the universal application and respect of a justice system with full adherence to legality and equal opportunities. In short, the relationship between freedom and democracy continues to be, for now, one of the most urgent tasks in the processes of political and economic construction that are taking place in many parts of the world.

7. Policy What do you eat with?

As José Woldenberg says, "the surveys offer us extraordinary material to better understand Mexican citizens, taking into account valuable indicators and correspondence that had not been registered previously."

“Knowing exactly what citizens think about their political environment requires tracing as far as possible the conceptions and values ​​that drive them or not to participate in public affairs. In short, the proper functioning of the democratic regime calls for a rethinking of "Politics", thus with capital letters, and naturally, the training of citizens capable of assuming an active role in society ".

"In other words, democracy poses the centrality of politics as an eminently civic activity and not as an exclusive and exclusive responsibility of a minority that assumes itself as a" representative of the people. " That means, in the first place, that the citizen is recognized as such, that is, as the subject of politics and not as the passive object of government officials ”.

The installation and consolidation of a democratic system seems to require permanent learning of the values ​​of participation and stability, of plurality and peace, of the exercise of rights and legality, of the deployment of one's own interests and self-limitation., of contention, cooperation and tolerance. A learning that leads to recognize reciprocal rights and obligations, to assume the value of plurality and diversity, and to renounce political dogmas and Manichaeisms.

An apprenticeship, furthermore, that leads to the formation of parties and political tendencies that are aware of the scope and limitations of properly democratic competence, in which no one can place themselves above the law, in which no one can claim to have privileges against the majority, in which, even, eventual majorities must always be assumed as part and not as whole, and in which, consequently, the rights of minorities must be fully respected, including their right to become a majority, provided that this minority accept the decision of the majorities in the voting by decision processes.

The first wake-up call from the polls is that politics is alien to the majority of Mexicans. That is, 7 out of 10 people, according to the survey by the Ministry of the Interior, did not speak in the week prior to the policy interview with people who are not from their family. The same source points out that 44% of the population does not talk about politics, and that when politics is discussed, only one in five people generally participate and give their opinion, but also one in five people stop paying attention when a discussion begins heated with politics.

The data provided by the IFE survey are complementary and coincidental: 70% of citizens did not have the experience of talking about politics at home when they were children and currently 41%, 2 out of 5 people, continue without talk about politics at home. When asked how much they are interested in politics, 21%, 1 in 5 say "a lot", 48% say "little" and 17% say "nothing".

Of the record of citizens registered in the total electoral roll, 63% is the maximum registered that votes in electoral processes, the other 38% does not participate or get involved in political matters.

The matter is revealed as worrying because there is no democracy that is firmly sustained without a well-informed citizen base of "public affairs", understood as the current state of the political life of society, its institutions, its functioning, its actors, the great common problems that arise, the discussion of the different proposals and alternatives to face them and give them a joint solution.

Politics, "is the art of the leader, of maintaining harmony between the acting and demanding social groups through consensus and common majority agreement."

As Norberto Bobbio recalls, since classical antiquity, democracy was characterized by being that form of government in which "power is exercised in public", which means that collective decision-making goes through discussion among the group of people. citizens who make up the political community.

But an important requirement in the democratic political culture is that citizens actively participate and according to the results of the survey, we confirm the fact that we comfortably stop doing and participate and let others decide on our behalf by absence. The bad thing is that when the results are not as expected, we become fierce critics of the representatives who did it wrong.

The distance of citizens from politics in our case, goes hand in hand with a precarious knowledge about the rights of Mexicans established in the Constitution: 60%, the survey of the Ministry of the Interior tells us, know little about those rights and 35% do not know anything. In total, 95% of the people surveyed said they knew little or nothing about their constitutional rights. Likewise, only 40% of the population identified that it is the Congress of the Union that has the power to reform the Political Constitution of the Nation, but the second most frequent response, with 29% of cases, identified the attribution of constitutional changes in the President, who does not have it.

Now, going to the legitimacy of democracy as a political system, 6 out of 10 Mexicans, the Interior Survey tells us, prefer democracy to any other form of government; 3 out of 10 consider that a democratic regime does not matter to an authoritarian one and 10% come to prefer in some circumstances an authoritarian government to a democratic one. Likewise, 32% of the population considers that it is preferable to sacrifice some freedoms such as expression, assembly and self-organization in exchange for living without economic pressure. Perhaps these results make patent for all public and private institutions linked to the tasks of civic education,the obligation to reinforce strategies so that citizens can perceive democracy as a desirable regime because of its ethical and political superiority over other alternative political orders.

Democracy has as one of its outstanding purposes the full validity of the rule of law, that is, a framework in which conflicts inherent to all complex and diverse societies can be managed and resolved in a peaceful manner and in accordance with the law. In this case, the intention is for democracy to prove that it is an order that is both stable and effective in solving social problems, because only in this way will it guarantee the necessary doses of legitimacy to sustain itself over time.

The surveys also reveal how the learning of tolerance and recognition of diversity deserve a permanent effort, as there is a more than worrying deficit in this field: in the IFE work, 41.5% considered that Mexicans can build a great nation « only if we have the same ideas and values.

But even more, it is still symptomatic that 40% of those interviewed declared that they would not allow people of another race to live in their home; that 44.5% would not share their roof with people with different political ideas; that 48.1% would not allow someone of another religion to live in their home, and intolerance grows towards homosexuals (who would not be accepted in 66% of households) and towards AIDS patients (compared to 57.5% of those interviewed would not allow them to live at home).

As can be seen, there are areas in which the majority persistence of certain democratic "anti-values" is evident. It is probable that some attitudes depend above all on the civic and cultural backwardness that still rose in Mexican society, but in general these reveal the tension that still exists between the democratic ideal and the concrete forms that certain principles and values ​​acquire, the struggle between certain forms of doing politics that have prevailed for many years and those that make their way with democratic modernization.

Personally, I consider that democracy in our country suffers from a serious defect as a consequence of the ignorance and extreme poverty of 70% of our compatriots, allowing the intervention of political opportunists who take refuge from political parties that taking advantage of this situation, They champion unsustainable causes, promising to improve their living standards with subsidies at the expense of the state and for the sake of social justice, take away their property from the landowners to distribute it to them, the poor, promoting the excesses already mentioned. They start from the basis that the vote is of "quantity" not of "Quality" and since they are the majority they manipulate them with the corresponding purposes for their benefit.

Within the results of the analyzed survey, about the trust of citizens in different institutions, they express that although in general terms democracy is preferred as a form of government, at the same time the basic subjects of democracy have a low valuation and low recognition. Of 18 options in the survey of the Ministry of the Interior, those who arouse the least confidence are the Chambers of Deputies and Senators, as well as the political parties, behind the police, the Secretaries of State and non-governmental organizations, derived from corruption high that continues to appear in the performance of politicians who overnight become "the new rich", but seriously rich,and who see the opportunity of a lifetime to "serve" rather than "serve their fellow men" who believe in the promises made to them in the campaign.

8. Ethical Values ​​On this planet?

Fundamental ethical values


Legality is respect for the legitimately established rules. In Mexico, all the activities of citizens are subject to a legal regime and, therefore, also the communicative ones. They are clearly delimited by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and the laws regulating articles 6 and 7 of the Constitution such as the Printing Law, the Radio and Television Law, the Federal Copyright Law and others, so by professional ethics they must be respected.


It is a value by which the person manifests himself according to what he thinks and feels. An honest person is sincere, authentic, objective, congruent and loyal with his personal conscience, with the company in which he works, with his colleagues, with the profession and with the public. To be honest is to be upright in thought, word and deed according to your personal principles because you respect yourself and others, but you also require the respect of your peers for your personal position.


Márquez Muro (1977) considers the truth under three aspects: ontological, logical and moral. The ontological truth is the correspondence of being with itself; logical truth is the correspondence of the intellect with reality. Finally, the moral truth is "the perfect agreement, the exact correspondence between the words, gestures or actions, that express the thought, with what is really thought". It is the matching between words, gestures and actions with thought and expression.


Ricardo Sada (1997) mentions two types of human dignity: the first is ontic or metaphysical because it is inherent in its nature and it is had from the moment man begins to live, it is received without any merit, it is always in the person independent of his personal behavior and is incommunicable. The second is operational or ethical dignity and defines it as: “that which is derived from the behavior and conduct of the person”. For him, dignity is built since being a person is not something finished, but a continuous process of realizing his human nature with all his capacities.


Abbagnano (1974) defines it as: “The recognition of one's own dignity or the dignity of others and the behavior based on this recognition”. It is to give a person worthy of word and deed treatment for what he is as a human being. Among the fundamental aspects is respect for the life of a person with all that this means: their physical and social integrity, but also their dignity, their fame and reputation, their privacy, not only from others, but also itself.


Although the value of justice is very complex, I will simplify it by mentioning that it is to give everyone what is due. Justice is ruled in any activity when the interests of some are privileged, ordinarily the politically and economically powerful, to the detriment of the most needy.

Common benefit

We consider this value as defined by the Constitution Gaudium et Spes # 47 of the Second Vatican Council when mentioning that it is "the set of those conditions of social life that allow groups and each of their members to achieve more fully and easily their perfection". This definition includes all the conditions and public and private institutions that are required so that man can fulfill his mission as a member of society and so that he can contribute with his behavior to the well-being of those around him.


Carmena (1997) defines solidarity as "The social principle that governs human relationships, seeking mutual understanding between men and between societies." Solidarity is a form of human fraternity through which it is intended to understand and especially support the weakest, but above all to seek and promote a more just and humane social order. Solidarity leads us to be aware that at any time we may all need each other, so we must work for the most vulnerable, but not only with material goods, but also with our dignified and respectful treatment of their people and above all promote their full development as human beings.


It is important to mention that strictly it does not exist in a total or absolute way because from the point of view of the sender or receiver, the perception of it can never be fully or sufficiently achieved. There are so many internal and external factors that always intervene in people who use information as senders or receivers that make it tend to be subjective. The complexity of the person and the reality in which they live conditions their perceptual and communicative capacity. It is not easy to give a complete definition; However, I can point out some characteristics of objective information, such as: clarity, precision, accuracy, and fidelity.


Responsibility is to assume or respond to the consequences of acts (from the Latin responderé = to respond) that are the result of decisions, whether conscious or unconscious. Any human activity is subject to the moral obligation to correct the errors or failures that are committed and to compensate the damages.

These values ​​should be fostered not only in formal school and extracurricular academic activities, but also through the example of educational, political, social and religious authorities to create an environment of respect that allows the full development of all people in different communities. Of course, both values ​​and standards must be defined, analyzed and accepted by its members in order to ensure compliance.

9. Brief Conclusion

1. The human being is the only subject that possesses intelligence, and therefore, this differentiation must take advantage of it for the benefit of himself and those around him in his daily inter-acting, seeking to invariably maintain harmony as the foundation of their relationships. Let us remember that the term "individual" means that we are unique, indivisible, unrepeatable beings, that we are not the same. It means that each one thinks, acts and says what is correct for him and if we confront him with another individual who experiences different concepts, it will be difficult for them to agree, if they do not use the most valuable tool that is intellectual fencing..

2. For the individual to learn to know himself and to locate himself in his own reality, he must learn to be objective, to recognize his abilities and his deficiencies, as well as to measure his own capacities that project him as far as he wants to go, as long as it does not exceed the limits of the rights of others and the tolerance of those around it.

3. The individual must learn that when it comes to common activities, they should be carried out in accordance with the principle of democracy, which consists of a group of people working together voluntarily, with the aim of improving the way of life of All of them and that if they participate in the game of democracy, they will invariably have to voluntarily submit to the decision of the majorities, not being bad losers, routinely alleging electoral fraud and social injustice.

4. Understand that education should not only enable the mastery of a «knowledge», but also that of a «knowing how to do» and a «knowing how to be», which in totality make up a more integral man, with a set of qualities positive of the personality, that they identify it with their culture, beliefs, ideology, in short, with their national identity. And as stated by Dr. Modesto Seara Vásquez: "Without education there is no progress, with education, progress is inevitable."

5. Learning is therefore the result of changes in acquired behavior, due to the changes produced by the knowledge obtained from the experiences we learn every day in the interim with those around us. Why not take advantage of it for our benefit and our society? Let us remember that courtesy is a gift of kings.

6. Civic culture, the assimilation of civic practices and attitudes typical of democracy are strengthened especially in the school space, since the institutions of the educational system are the fundamental space for citizen socialization. Therefore, we urgently require responsible teachers who love their profession for the benefit of the Mexico that we all want to inherit to our children in the future.

7. If we start from the basis that Politics, "It is the art of the leader, of maintaining harmony between the acting and demanding social groups through consensus, and the majority common agreement." Why do our career politicians not apply this fundamental principle in praxis, which rather base them on flattery to the boss, on crawling, on the abuse of patrimonial assets, on unreason and on the imposition of what they consider convenient to decide as if public institutions were your property? Why don't they express themselves properly when they say "My government" instead of saying "The government that I represent"?

8. The ethical and moral values ​​are abstract concepts that combine intelligence with the philosophy of a higher order, in which the behavior of the human being prevails, if a person commits himself to manifest a valuable behavior towards others, the time will come in which a sector of society will be involved in a change of attitude, which can be seen over time in an improvement of the moral, fine and friendly environment, where other people manifest a valuable behavior with their actions towards others.

9. Educational institutions have the responsibility to train people of integrity, agents of change, with a spirit of service and a broad sense of solidarity. In them, the values ​​of recognition of the freedom of others, tolerance of differences and respect for the law acquire vital significance. Hence the justification for the background of my work. Thank you very much.

10. Bibliography

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Social intelligence, democratic culture and values