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Youth in alcohol. test



Adolescence in a transitional stage that leads from childhood to adulthood, this transformation involves different physical and psychological alterations. All these changes are what define the human being as an adult and productive being for society, on many occasions this process causes emotional instability making them more vulnerable to making bad decisions that in many cases lead to the consumption of different drugs from illegal, controlled and legal use as alcohol is.

Alcohol is a very common drug and up to certain limits its consumption is acceptable in our society, unfortunately in adolescence these limits are exceeded causing lack of control and addiction from an early age, having multiple consequences and different health, emotional and social problems.

The family and social environment are environments where we acquire or carry out habits that determine the prevention or inclination to consume alcohol, since in the family we acquire values, and emotional stability, trust, and education, meanwhile in society we are the reflection of all the above mentioned. Communication and the relationship that exists in both environments is very important, each one as members of them must prevent all kinds of addictions.


Sometimes alcohol consumption in young people creates instability with themselves, causing death either by accidents or because they threaten their health. All this is because young people become vulnerable and unstable in the face of this addiction and many others that exist. (S. Hidalgo, 2014: 10) Which means that:

The family environment is the nucleus in which values ​​are acquired and from an early age they teach us to love and respect others as ourselves. A healthy family educates young people where prejudices and vices do not absorb them. As members of a family and society they seek balance and well-being, setting limits in these situations (G. Gonzales, 2012: 52).


We find different factors why young people consume alcohol, we have among them the idea that they do it by living with their friends, in social gatherings, accompanied by younger people, many of the times it is to seek the acceptance of a certain group of friends. (M. González, C. Jiménez, P. Barajas, A Franco, 2015: 2).


Drinking or consuming any drug with the idea of ​​highlighting and omitting weaknesses is a completely false idea, since the beginning of alcohol consumption at an early age is more susceptible to generating addiction at an early age. It is up to parents and adult family members to act on this wrong behavior. (La Nación, 2015: 4).

In the same way:

“The consumption of alcohol, which in addition to being a psychoactive substance and creates dependency, is still widely used worldwide and in different cultures. Also causing social and economic problems in society ”. (World Health Organization, 2015: 2).

As also:

"The abuse of alcohol consumption can also bring problems towards people who live with the consumer, these can be family, friends, co-workers, other society, and so on." (World Health Organization, 2015: 4).


"It is important to know that excessive alcohol consumption spreads various diseases throughout the individual, causing damage to their organs, as well as alterations in their central nervous system, immune and endocrine systems, mental disorders, among other diseases." (M. González., C. Jiménez., P. Barajas., A Franco., 2015: 2)


The state of intoxication and alcoholism can be two different situations, since in the first it can be an acute alcohol intoxication in isolated periods, while the second is a dependence on this drug. Both can occur in young people. Alcohol use becomes increasingly worrisome and difficult to control when they become dependent on it.

Young people react differently to alcohol consumption, this means that some will be weaker and others will run less risk with respect to this drug. Therefore, it is important to identify and take concrete measures to prevent uncontrolled and problematic alcohol use. Since with the uncontrolled consumption of the same violence is related, because it presents different psychological alterations in young consumers. These habits are mainly linked in dating, family, school, and other environments where young people operate, because alcoholism causes release mechanisms due to the drunkenness they contract.

It is very important to know that alcohol is a legal drug as long as its consumption is from the age of majority in our country, and its use is allowed in social events, so young people say or associate the false idea that "If its use is allowed, it doesn't hurt." And they believe that by consuming it they acquire values ​​such as popularity, elegance and acceptance in society, especially from friends where they want to fit in.

Thus, youth is a very important stage of life in which young people are rapidly changing and discovering themselves, experiencing difficult or stumbling situations while some others go through a more calm and bearable period, however they must continue forward to be useful people in the society in which they develop.

In the same way I can say that it depends on each of us the path or direction we decide to go. To have the will power to stop alcoholism or any type of drug either with the help of experts and treatments, as well as from the same family through their understanding and support.


  • Sumba, MR (2014). Alcoholism in adolescence. http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/19993/1/TESIS.pdfGonzales, C. (2012). Youth and alcohol focusing on a reality. https://proyectohombre.es/wp–content/uploads/2012/06/REVISTA_PH_78_BAJA.pdf Morales, F., Cabrera, M., Pérez, CJ, Amaro. ML (2015). Alcohol consumption in adolescents from a high school in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl Frequency and social characteristics, 2015. http://www.medigraphic.com/pdfs/vertientes/vre - 2015 / vre151b.pdf La Nación., (2015). Alcohol in young people. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1792885–alcohol–enlos–jovenes World Health Organization. (2015). Alcohol.
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Youth in alcohol. test