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Andragogy and its importance in the training of human resources in companies


At present andragogy considers that education is not only a matter of children and adolescents, the educational fact is a process that acts on man throughout his life, being that the nature of man allows him to continue learning throughout their life regardless of their age, adults generate and accumulate intellectual capital, they have the possibility of transferring knowledge to others, teaching an adult must be objective, clear and applicable in the processes of daily working life, sinceBy having efficient training, reliable information is maintained on the qualified workforce, they facilitate the recruitment and selection processes and meet the purposes of their objectives such as productivity, quality and optimal use of resources, creating a new culture work and to be competitive and innovative of talents of our human resources.


The first time this expression was used, it was the German teacher Alexander Kapp, in 1833, who tried to describe the educational practice that Plato exercised when instructing his pupils, lately, great importance has been given to the andragogic precepts to identify the way in which learning is achieved in adult education in such a way that they achieve self-sustained and integral development that leads them to position themselves as individuals capable of contributing to professional achievements, personal growth and community and social intervention.

Andragogy is the discipline that deals with the education and learning of the adult, however, the term of andragogy comes from the Greek «ανδροσ» which means adult man and «γογία» which means to guide or lead, adult, comes from the voice Latina adultus, which can be interpreted as "has grown up" after adolescence, this discipline allows us to increase the thinking, self-management, quality of life and creativity of the adult participant, with the purpose of providing an opportunity for them to achieve your personal and work self-realization.

In our country, an adult is considered to be any person who is over 18 years of age since, according to the legal and psychological point of view, they have the physical and emotional capacity to fulfill themselves as a person and to join the productive life of society, although after 60 years of age they are called seniors, elderly, or senior citizens, and they are still adults.


The term training is frequently used to refer to the generality of the efforts initiated by an organization to promote the learning of its members, that is, it includes the acquisition of knowledge, the strengthening of the will, the discipline of character and the acquisition of all the skills and abilities required by employees, to achieve efficiency and excellence in the performance of their tasks, functions and responsibilities, the future of any company is determined by its Human Capital, making use of their skills and knowledge, in order to compete in a current and future market with needs and preferences that the consumer wants.

Today it is common to hear about organizations as living systems, or intelligent organizations, where the human factor is strategic and this can be verified, when they have the ability to learn from their own what to do.

Therefore, training has been viewed as a strategic tool, without which any change in the organization would be unthinkable to carry out.

The Andragogic Trainer

The reasons that justify training in adults could respond to the conditions of man as an individual, as a social being and as an economic being. From the individual point of view: the person feels and has needs and formulates interests; From the social point of view: one does not have to or progress individually, but with the help of their peers who shape social life: from the economic point of view: the productive process, material or spiritual, of their species intervenes.

It is necessary to locate the role of the trainer who guides his teaching function respecting the characteristics of the adult, under this idea, the trainer must have a clear awareness of the learning needs of his students, assuming a role of learning facilitator, position himself as a source of knowledge, experiences and information, accepting that the adult learner is capable of expressing self-evaluation, promoting a climate of acceptance, recognition and participation among learners, seeking an environment in which the adult can express himself, rescue and share his experiences for himself favor a climate of respect towards the achievement of objectives.

Andragogy and human resources

Human resources (HR) is the set of employees or collaborators, active and proactive agents endowed with intelligence, creativity and skills in an organization, they are our living and intelligent resources capable of leading to organizational success and facing the challenges that today It is perceived in the strong world competition, for its training it is necessary programs adjusted to them that adapt to the styles of the participants, andragogy offers us a flexible alternative to apply its principles and achieve teaching-learning methods in correspondence with current needs and future.

The fundamental thing in andragogy is the knowledge of the subjects as recipients and participants in the training processes, for this we must take into account that they are aware, in general, of their training needs or to update their knowledge, skills or competences, through life and work experience, which allows them to value and apply particular knowledge to different contexts, based on the competencies they need to develop their work, more efficiently and effectively, while having good relationships interpersonal, with the world around him and with himself.

Andragogy as a training tool

Adults are ready to learn what they need to know or be able to do to fulfill their role in society, specifically in their work context, and in their environment, they must see training as a process to improve their ability to solve problems and positively modify the world around them.

It is trained using a traditional model (Behavioral, Cognitive, Constructivist), according to the criteria to be developed, that is, the one that the trainers know and to which they have been subjected themselves since childhood, seeking adaptation for the better understanding of the workers, We must remember that they have knowledge, have the ability to give their own opinions, directed by themselves, this tool aims to get to know and solve the problems of organizations, then, through the "andragogues", who are people of the same company, it is possible to reach in a special way in a direct and participatory way all the members of a company, also, it allows a better reception of what is intended to be delivered to the worker, thus achieving aeffective learning with measurable results both in the worker himself and in the companies.

It is important to note that this adult teaching technique can be learned and applied by all levels of the organization, from managers to workers whose objectives are to contribute positively and decisively to the progress, competitiveness and quality of life of all those who work in the company, since andragogy is based on the exchange of experiences between adults who are carriers of the values ​​of the same society, it is also intended to get to know and solve the problems of organizations, because, it allows that through Andragogues can be reached in a special way in a direct and participatory way to all members of a company.

It is essential to have experience in training, the experience serves as a learning resource and as a reference to relate new learning, since the stages are different, it is not the same that a young person is trained as an adult, performance is not the same skill capacity neither and the need is increasing, the same society demands knowledge and forces you to acquire new skills, training is important to avoid the obsolescence of staff knowledge, and thus have a better performance, Using their previous experiences the worker can explore and discover their various talents and abilities.

Nowadays, the more qualified the person is, the better opportunities to improve themselves and the better standard of living they will obtain., and it will be easy for you to acquire any required job, that is why training with a good tool is of great importance, since at present the competition is very close, because in many places it is very essential to have training in the field in which They want to work and many young people and adults fight to get a place in the work area and this is where training counts a lot because age does not matter, what counts here is experience in that area of ​​work and strengthening our hand of work to certify it and thus obtain a double benefit, both the personal development of our worker and the productive and quality performance in our goods or services in which we implement this technique.


Through this work we have been able to verify that andragogy is a necessary pedagogical discipline for our times. Its importance has been growing, adult education is not a fad, it is a way that helps to build a more solid society, man never stops learning, however in this age where the work carried out by a person is increasingly specialized, it is necessary to make men capable of highly specialized tasks, and it is from this need to "be capable" that "training" arises, the nature of man indicates that he can continue to learn throughout his life. Scientific evidence shows that they have the capacity to do so, it only remains for companies to take the opportunity to implement this technique and thus realize the results and benefits it brings both personally and financially.


1. Knowles; M. (1970). Modern Adult Education Practice: Andragogy Versus Pedagogy.

2. Alcalá Alcalá, Adolfo. 1999. «Is Andragogy a Science?». Presentation. Postgraduate UNA Caracas, Venezuela

3. Calderón Córdova, H. 1995. Manual for the administration of the personnel training process.. Editorial Limusa, SA de CV Grupo Noriega Editores, México, DF

4. Bernard, JL (1985). Towards an andragogical model in the field of Adult Education. www.sistema.itesm.mx.

Andragogy and its importance in the training of human resources in companies