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Anxiety in young people


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that is accompanied by somatic and psychic changes, which can appear as an adaptive reaction, or as a symptom that accompanies various medical and psychiatric conditions.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders (Can Psych Assoc 2006), according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it establishes that anxiety disorders are the earliest onset, with a median of 15 years of age and reach the highest prevalence between 25 and 45 years, being higher in women than in men (WHO, 2004). According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in a study on mental disorders in Latin America and the Caribbean, the most frequent anxiety disorders are the

Generalized Anxiety (GAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Panic Disorder (PD).

According to the National Survey of Psychiatric Epidemiology (ENEP) 2003 In Mexico between 15 to 20 percent of young people suffer from an anxiety disorder or depression. These diseases are caused to a greater extent by stressors such as poverty, violence, bullying, excessive study, stress, alcoholism, and the use of illicit substances, which causes depression in young people, which is difficult to treat. How does anxiety work?

Anxiety works with whatever effort the person makes, using the energy reserve in the body. For example, when one is in a dangerous situation, the body sends energy to parts of the body such as the muscles of the hands and feet in order to get out of that dangerous situation, however when the activation is disproportionate to the concrete task that we have to carry out, the extra amount of energy turns into anxiety.

During anxiety, the person's attention is trapped in the Source of the threat, making it difficult for the conscience to focus on other things.

What are the symptoms?

The symptomatological manifestations of anxiety are very varied and can be classified into different groups:

  1. Physical: Tachycardia, palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, tremors, sweating, digestive discomfort, nausea, vomiting, "knot" in the stomach, eating disorders, muscle tension and stiffness, tiredness, tingling, feeling dizzy and instability. Sleep disturbances may appear. Psychological: Restlessness, overwhelmed, feeling of threat or danger, desire to flee or attack, insecurity, feeling of emptiness, feeling of strangeness or depersonalization, fear of losing control, suspicions, suspicions, uncertainty, difficulty making decisions. In more extreme cases, fear of death, madness, or suicide. Of conduct: Alertness and hypervigilance, blockages, clumsiness or difficulty in acting, impulsiveness, motor restlessness, difficulty staying still and resting. These symptoms are accompanied by changes in body expressiveness and body language: closed postures, stiffness, clumsy movements of the hands and arms, tension of the jaws, changes in the voice, facial expression of astonishment, doubt or tension, etc. Intellectual or cognitive: Difficulties with attention, concentration and memory, increased absent-mindedness and carelessness, excessive worry, negative expectations, distorted and importunate thoughts, increased doubts and the feeling of confusion, tendency to remember above all unpleasant things, overestimate small unfavorable details, abuse of prevention and suspicion, inadequate interpretations, susceptibility, etc. Social: Irritability, difficulties to start or continue a conversation, in some cases, to block or remain blank when asking or answering, difficulties in expressing one's opinions or asserting one's rights, excessive fear of possible conflicts, etc.

Not all people have the same symptoms, they vary according to the degree of progress that each patient presents.

The treatments that exist for this problem are the use of anxiolytics which help reduce the symptoms of anxiety since they produce a calming effect and on the other hand antidepressants.

It is worth mentioning that anxiety cannot be cured since it is not a disease but a disorder but it is possible to overcome it with psychological therapies, good nutrition, breathing techniques and avoiding all those things that cause tension and stress.


La ansiedad es un trastorno que sufre un gran número de mexicanos, principalmente los jóvenes los cuales desconocen padecerla o en otros caso son confundidas con otras enfermedades por presentar sintomatologías físicas. Es de suma importancia conocer acerca de esta problemática para identificar y ayudar a personas que presentan algún tipo de trastorno ya mencionados. Cabe señalar que este tipo de padecimiento no es mortal lo cual es necesario que el paciente sepa en primera estancia que solo sucede en la mente. Es necesario que la familia tenga una comunicación efectiva con sus hijos esto ayudara a identificar los factores que influyen en el padecimiento del paciente. Los maestro también juegas un papel importante en la prevención de estos tipos de trastorno es de suma importancia que el maestro canalice al estudiante con un especialista, que ayude a controlar y disminuir la ansiedad presentada, un ansiedad no tratada puede desencadenar en un problema mayor como es el suicidio ya que por el motivo de la depresión que la ansiedad genera.

For the people who suffer from this condition we can only mention that they are not alone and just like you, there are more people who suffer because of what you are going through, you only need to seek help and not be silent for fear of criticism, you have in your hands to recover your emotional stability returning to smile, you can recover everything just by learning to manage anxiety, if you still do not achieve it, do not be discouraged keep trying, happiness is waiting for you!


  • http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.6/num11/art109/nov_art109.pdf
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Anxiety in young people