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Communication as a paradox in organizational systems


The organization is made up of relationships that generate meaning for social organizations. In other words, the organization is made up of communication that allows a coherent system to be structured, with meaning and vision. From this perspective, meaning is given by communication that is made up of paradoxes and allows the system to generate links that connect the senses of that communication or information generated through its members.

To avoid it or learn to bear it, we accept that communication is itself a paradox. In what does this paradoxical character properly lie? In that it is an improbability that it happens all the time. All obstacles that communication faces, namely; selecting differences starting with information, choosing an expression and deciding whether it is understood or not, and which make it difficult to occur, are either overcome (rarely) or managed (almost always) by the communicants.

The overabundance of complexity, the increase in the relationship possibilities of a system, makes it possible to reduce it. The paradox allows in the increase, the decrease and, in turn, again the superabundance of relationships that self-referentially reduces the paradox again.

To understand this apparent tautology. The paradox arises in organizations to resolve and shape conflict, due to the inability of the human communication system to understand that the other does not understand, what is being pointed out or stated. This happens because, individuals are in different compression systems and, consequently, their codes and meanings at different levels of understanding.

The paradox is the possibility of breaking with that tautology, making the self-referential processes by themselves able to observe and observe themselves, ask questions and get answers, where logic ceases to make sense.

La paradoja, por lo tanto, constituye la sinapsis que permite que al momento de que el sistema niega la conexión, la conexión entre las relaciones del propio sistema se realiza: clausura y apertura. La comunicación produce la no comunicación en forma de paradoja; pero, al mismo tiempo es la paradoja la que posibilita que esta se comunique, es decir, permite la relación de los proceso al negar, esos mismo procesos de relación. La paradoja así, es la herramienta que soluciona aquellos problemas que la racionalidad no puede solucionar. La paradoja permite la creatividad e innovación al dar solución a la entropía que presenta el sistema organizacional. No es que la paradoja sea en sí misma posibilidad creativa; pero, motiva e impulsa a que el sistema busque, mediante la creatividad y la imaginación, una solución para resolver la disyuntiva que le presenta la propia paradoja. De allí, que la paradoja incita al sistema a crear nuevas posibilidades desde su propia negación de posibilidades.

The provocation produced by the paradox to the system, causes it to react unconsciously to that provoked stimulus, resulting in a response that was not in the rational processes of the relationship within the system, that is, it is an unthought response, for the disturbances provoked in the system. They are free decisions, without pressure; but with a high degree of systemic irrationality, which increases its complexity and, at the same time, reduces it.

Thus, the paradox is the possibility of the irrational in rational relationships, allowing the unexpected solution, the precise and coherent synapse of opposites. The paradox occurs precisely in the difference, which triggers stimuli in the system for solutions that would otherwise be impossible to achieve. Only through paradox can the system untangle the blind knot that arises from systemic complexity and, of course, can it reduce the complexity that has arisen.

However, the decision making that arises from the information produced by the organizational communication and projected in actions, strategies and results; Somehow they allow the paradox to be simplified, being itself the creator or trigger of those same decisions made. Therefore, the success of an organization is solved in the capacity to understand, that the paradox is the tool that allows to generate and reveal the creative and emotional thinking of a rationally and logically structured organization.

Communication as a paradox in organizational systems