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Student conduct within the classroom at the upper level



Human beings, by their own nature, tend to criticize without analyzing, make assumptions about what they perceive without prior analysis, do not substantiate their result, this is the case of many students at the higher level who, when placing them in a mature stage, are criticized for their aggressive and elusive behavior that generally lands on a deplorable academic level.


1.1 Statement of the problem

Today the change in behavior of young adults as I call them is palpable, but what is the cause? What motivates the loss of family values? There is no longer the spontaneous greeting of young people, could it be that the breakdown of the social fabric is the cause of all this mass of behaviors outside of all norms, the empowerment that the student feels they. of all the evil that hides and because I say malicious, when I say I do not want her to suffer… then how will she know how to appreciate what she has never needed.

In the 70's, going to university was almost impossible, only people with a wealthy position could send their children to study and the occasional son of a salaried employee who will work nights could aspire to a university career, comparing these years to Nowadays, it is truly amazing how the opportunity to belong to a high level of studies has changed, where we not only talk about a bachelor's degree but also a postgraduate degree, but all this has led our young adults to feel power over others? Or what is going on in their minds? What causes this attitude to be the result of poor treatment or misunderstanding by teachers.






Develop playful strategies in the school environment focused on strengthening the social interaction of young students.


  • Generate appropriate behaviors in young people based on social interrelation and the practice of values.
  • Promote in teachers the need to implement playful strategies for the practice of socio-affective competence in the student.
  • Guide parents about the need and importance of their active participation in the socialization process of their children.


My research aims to verify, if the lack of values ​​in the family is a consequence of the young person's bad behavior in the classroom, either because there is no respect at home or because they live with violence, this generates changes in the young person's behavior and consequently consequences on his personality. This is intended to make parents aware that a change in behavior from home is necessary, to provide love, protection, well-being.

What motivated me to this research is that we live in a school environment where juvenile delinquency is increasing every day and not only do we talk about bad behavior and therefore bad treatment of students by teachers, but we also talk about drugs and others vices.


I want to focus my research on a more explanatory study. The explanatory study seems to me one of the most important, since it goes beyond the explanation of concepts, it focuses on explaining why a phenomenon occurs, under what conditions it occurs and the relationship between parents, students and teachers. For this dysfunctional relationship to occur, many factors that cause it need to intervene, where the consequences of this are reflected in the behavior and personality of the student. That is why through my research I want to explain some of the causes and alterations, which help us to better understand the problem, but above all to know how to handle the situation.

Project idea:

My research is born from the concern to know the reason for the behavior of young students, the reason for the relationship of some teachers with students who manifest aggressive behaviors and bad education, the question is, do they come from dysfunctional families? Or are they the product of a lot of pampering? Confused with the good treatment? It is said that young people who as children suffered from the absence of the father figure, are the most prone to develop aggressive behavior and the most drastic to generate guilt, poor academic performance, low self-esteem that in many occasions this also causes discomfort with some teachers who get upset because the student is absent from class.

Knowledge of the subject:

Unfortunately we are immersed in a society where values ​​are being lost, where the social fabric is constantly breaking down, it is no longer rare to find homes where the mother is the father and vice versa, and the impotence of not knowing how to educate the child reigns, this triggers a bad orientation towards the young. This is why I considered my topic "Student behavior in the classroom, at the Higher level." This topic is probably well known but what I want is to raise awareness in both parents and teachers who deal with these older adults every day.


The Comitán Technological Institute is located in the Municipality of Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas, it has an enrollment of 1800 students, 500 students in the Industrial Engineering career, 400 in Systems Engineering, 300 in Administration, 300 in Community Development Engineering, 300 in Sustainable Agricultural Innovation Engineering, but this time we will focus on the Industrial Engineering career, mainly with 2nd year students. Semester.

Currently there are theories about human behavior and we talk about the aggressiveness that manifests itself in young students.

The aggressive attitude of young people has been the subject of study from the different theoretical schools of human development. According to Bandura (1986) “Aggression is acquired by social learning through observation” (Cited by Hernández, sfp 1, our reality is That young people learned from children everything they saw from different contexts, if love was manifested in them then they would express love, but if all they experienced were insults and aggressiveness that they manifest, there is also a very important phenomenon and it is social networks and the technology that is available to them at a very young age, where it is very easy to be influenced by people who can penetrate their minds and manipulate them, such is the case of the "blue whale" game, among others.

Freud (1973), mentions and says "aggressiveness is conceived by the instinct of death or destruction" (cited by Ortiz, 2012, para. 20), the young man who is aggressive goes with the intention of causing damage to destabilize an order Inside the classroom, he manifests his anger with a bad temper, with a rude way of answering, with an attitude of arrogance, often losing control of his actions in such a way that they can become murderers, as is the case of the young man from Monterrey.

But how much can it be detrimental to be rewarded or punished at a young age? Or is it that they are shapers of behavior, since many times we reward without deserving even by making mistakes, that's where the aggressive role is developed, on the other hand, punishments are also a reason for resentment, coupled with the development in the family bosom. family where the teacher was raised causes the clash of feelings, neither of us gives in to the various situations, that is where sanity and the desire to transform ourselves must intervene.

Lidia Turner Martí and. Balbina Pita Céspedes (2001) affirm “The emotional life of the child and the young person is so important that when the emotional, the rational and the volitional do not go dialectically united, the efficiency of development and success in life are limited” (p. 9), for children, young adults, older adults and the elderly, the emotional state is the engine that marks motivation, to be successful in life you must have good habits from children, keeping emotions together to reach personal fulfillment.

If we take into account what Turner and Pita (2001) affirm “The hunger for primary affect is given by those children who do not receive enough affection, enough affection, because they are in an institution, because they have rejected it, etc.” (p. 42), lack of understanding on the part of the teacher, a word of encouragement, a word of relief, and why not even a simple pat can be the key for a young person to change their position.

Many young people feel rejected is reason enough to detonate their aggressiveness, it will be necessary to understand and understand if they live alone, if they live with their parents, if their parents are divorced, if the environment in which they develop is not one of alcoholism, the tutors and Teachers have an obligation to ensure the integrity of young students.

Do not leave aside the meetings with the parents, communicate to them what teaching is like and what supports the young person has in school, tell them at all times that it should be a joint effort for the good of the student, Ceballos affirms (2011) " In the family, respectful learning experiences are provided with language, values, culture and personal character ”(para. 5), Hypothesis and variables:

H1: The lack of understanding and affection on the part of the family, fosters insecurity, resentment, low self-esteem and self-doubt in the student, as well as poor academic performance.

  • Independent Variable: dysfunctional family Dependent variable: insecurity, resentment, low self-esteem, mistrust and poor academic performance

H2: The young person who lives in a situation of helplessness and misunderstanding, unloads his anger and shows violent or aggressive behavior with the people he lives with and in this case also with the teachers and classmates.

  • Independent variable: lack of understanding Dependent variable: violence, aggressiveness


The results that are intended to be achieved in this research are to raise the awareness of parents first and foremost and teachers secondly, that understanding young people and making them approach with all confidence and can express Their concerns are not the guideline to cause a bad education, but quite the opposite, when the young person is given confidence and the heart is opened, the young person feels with all the comfort of expressing what they feel and talking and expressing their concerns, The teacher must be a companion during the time that he remains in the institution, for no reason the teacher should feel owner of the situation, on the contrary, he must share achievements and failures that life is full of these.


I believe that throughout life we ​​encounter complex and alarming situations, whether on radio and television or with the neighbor or coworker, and some comments border on the attitude that young people express today, While at school, there is no lack of the teacher who expresses himself in an annoying way about the student who does not turn in the homework, or who does not ask for permission to enter, or who sits sideways, who does not take off his cap, who It is rude to answer, that he only has his headphones on and the question is And do you say hello when you enter the classroom? Do you ask, how was yesterday? If it's early in the morning, have you already had breakfast, what did you have? What did you think of yesterday's topic? The questions would be endless, but would any of them make us reflect?We have to accept that young people called millennials do not conceive the world without the internet, so what should we do? Teaching with the internet, I intend to sensitize my fellow teachers, that there are many changes in today's world, both socially, economically and technologically, all this has an impact on the teaching-learning process, we have to learn to detect the needs that the new generations have and we must propose solutions that impact the educational processwe have to learn to detect the needs of the new generations and we must propose solutions that impact the educational processwe have to learn to detect the needs of the new generations and we must propose solutions that impact the educational process


  • Didactic Planning by Competences, Carlos Zarzar Charur Human Conduct, Anthropological Bases, Beatriz Quintanilla Madero
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Student conduct within the classroom at the upper level