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Creativity as a characteristic of entrepreneurs

Table of contents:

Proposing is proposing, a possible future scenario, a line of action or a long-term development, being proactive requires knowledge, encouragement, creativity and some additional characteristics. In this article we will talk about creativity as an engine of entrepreneurship

To get started:

A person cannot create or propose if he has not appropriated the context, be it scientific, artistic, sports, etc. In this sense, education plays a fundamental role.

The development of new interpretations implies creating, and creation occurs in fields as diverse as:

  • Scientific research Demonstration Discovery Artistic creation Connectivity.

Creativity as a propositional activity

The changing world forces us to propose solutions, formulate hypotheses, give an account of something new, novel, that is, propositional action is intimately linked with the creative process.

Here is a review of what it is, and the elements that comprise and articulate creativity:

* Creativity: It can be defined as the ability to create new and dynamic elements or to solve problems, in environments where resources or instruments are scarce and limited, and where the mental potential must be used to reach adequate solutions.

Creative individuals
They are generally governed by strict and demanding criteria, they always try to achieve a good balance between subjectivity and objectivity, for which they know the immense value of sincere discussion. They easily accept confusion and uncertainty

Some fundamental elements (they are not the only ones) for people to be creative are:

Imagination: That requires that people can distinguish between the real and fictitious, between the impossible and improbable and requires the ability to relate objects to realities.

Criticism: Understood as the ability to differentiate real problems (important and productive) from irrelevant and trivial, criticism is the ability to identify important elements, failures or successes in actions.

Comprehension: In order to criticize, apply or investigate, it is necessary to understand. Comprehension implies: decomposing the elements to understand them individually (analysis) and then reconstructing everything (synthesis). In this way, when rebuilding, the elements are rearranged with coherence, producing new elements and generating creativity.

Understanding requires the formation of a structure of thought in which a problem can be formulated based on a theory that has the concepts and laws necessary to build a possible solution.

Creativity is a powerful weapon in the face of ignorance and the spirit of learning its cure

And it is…

«Indispensable condition to become successful and a good entrepreneur»

Creative individuals

They are generally governed by strict and demanding criteria, they always try to achieve a good balance between subjectivity and objectivity, for which they know the immense value of sincere discussion. They easily accept confusion and uncertainty; high risks do not scare them and failure is conceived of as part of the creative process. At the time of criticism, they can put aside emotional commitments to their work and are able to consider different points of view on the same topic. They do not rush to conduct a certain work. On the contrary, they leave aside their partial or final results for some time to return to them with the possibility of making self-critical processes.

Let's not waste our creative abilities
Creativity as a characteristic of entrepreneurs