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Criminalistics as a professional career in Peru


Criminalistics is the forensic science that studies crime as human and social behavior, investigates the causes of crime, crime prevention and treatment of the offender. Carrying out such activities at the level of the administration of justice, the penitentiary field and crime prevention.

Criminology had its quasi-scientific appearance in China (650- identification of finger tips in porcelain cave paintings), however, it began its scientific stage proper in France (1823- study of dysology and the cutaneous organ) and later in India (1893- study in identification and fingerprinting).

In the Peruvian State, criminology (despite its nature as an auxiliary and autonomous science) develops at the level of the police institution (Criminalistics Division of the National Police of Peru), basically at the rank of technician or expert. However, its scientific function, of rigorous study and research, is becoming increasingly relevant, important and important.

Criminalistics in Peru is only studied as a subject (and not as a professional career) scarcely at the undergraduate level or law schools, as well as at the master's level (in criminal law, for example); except for the master's degree in criminology. That is to say, a curricular (study, research and analysis) and scientific encamimentation is imposed on it. Forgetting that the nature of criminology studies is identifying, qualitative, quantitative and comparative; all this without neglecting the strict methodological, technological and scientific observance.

In addition, the limited current practice of crime operators must be considered (without the intention of detracting from it, rather, to improve it), since we consider it would be more appropriate to authorize their practice but at a professional level, that is, after having studied the career criminology university and obtained a professional degree from it.

La presente investigación se justifica: i) en la naturaleza misma (científica, autónoma, amplia, profunda y profesional) que presenta la criminalística. Dado en evidencia al inadecuado ejercicio de la misma en el Perú, sin contar con un titulo profesional respectivo que autorice tal fin. ii) y en la imperiosa y urgente necesidad de mejorar el sistema jurisdiccional penal peruano en el tema especifico de la “potencialización y desarrollo del análisis, investigación, descubrimiento y verificación científica del presunto delito y del presunto delincuente” (lo cual no es otra cosa que el mejoramiento de la importantísima tarea de preservar el escenario de un delito para obtener y procesar debidamente la información que ésta nos proporciona para poder conocer los hechos y presentar pruebas respecto a su ejecución, desarrollo y consumación).

It should be noted, however, that this proposal inevitably implies: i) analyzing the curricular plan of the criminalistics subjects of the law schools; ii) of the criminology subjects of the study centers of the National Police of Peru; iii) the criminalistics and related subjects of the master's degree in criminology; iv) of the criminalistics subjects of the master's degrees in criminal law. v) analyze the profile of the graduate of the same and compare it with the necessary or optimal profile. Likewise, it also implies, vi) determining the degree of need for the professionalization of criminology (read, creation of university criminalistics faculties) regarding the level of subject matter, studies, research and analysis of the universities,institutes and study centers that provide studies or training on criminology.

Criminalistics presents a breadth and dizzying development at all levels that cannot be ignored or postponed, a fact for which we consider that our country has the unavoidable need to professionalize it, that is, to recognize it and give it its true place. In this sense, we are of the opinion that criminology is studied, but, as a university professional career, granting a university degree of "criminologists" to those who graduate from it.

Finally, we consider (above all, in these times in which our reality presents an ever-increasing crime rate and in which the Public Ministry and National Police struggle to obtain their respective crime laboratories), that the implementation and validity of the professionalization and scientificity of criminology will decisively result in the best study, analysis, development, investigation and function of the same; contributing in turn to potentiate it for the benefit of the investigation of the crime scene - that is, in obtaining better answers or more exhaustive explanations to the "Golden Questions of Criminalistics" (such as: what? the where ?, the how ?, the when ?, the who? and the with what?).

Criminalistics as a professional career in Peru