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Crime in Europe and America

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The following essay addresses the issue of Western crime, this territory is made up of Europe and America.

We know that crime exists in all parts of the world, however, it is important to analyze the differences and the causes that influence crime so that far from eradicating it, crime continues to grow.

Therefore, this essay makes a brief analysis first of the difference that exists between the Western and Eastern territory and later, focusing only on the West, makes a comparison with the countries that comprise it to understand the difference in culture that exists and therefore therefore, the different origins that can lead to crimes in a certain place.

Ending with a brief suggestion to carry out a crime analysis.

Western criminality

First we have to refer to the "western" concept, which refers to the countries of Europe and America.

The word west comes from the Latin occĭdens which means "place of the fall of the Sun", referring to the West and in general to a group of cultures.

The world is divided into East and West.

When we speak of the West, we understand it as a sovereign nation in which the ruler submits to the demands of the people who elected him.

But to start the topic of Western crime, it is also important to differentiate between the culture that exists in Eastern and Western countries, to mention a few examples we could say that: in the West the mourning clothing is black while in the East it is of white; In the West medicine is based on chemistry while in the East it is energetic.

And so, we could mention a series of differences that exist between the two, which is important for Criminology since we must remember that our behavior is also influenced by the culture in which we have developed during our life; Therefore, we could say that a subject that developed in the West does not behave in the same way as one that developed in the East and even the performance of the human being is different even if it develops in the same country.

We can say that depending on the ideas, customs, morality, deficiencies, needs, virtues, problems that develop in each one of the place where the individual lives are important to understand, when involved in conflicts with the law, the reasons why these events happened.

Understanding the problem that exists regarding family violence in the United States is not the same as understanding this same problem in Mexico, since the causes are different even though the problem is the same, therefore we would have to do an analysis of each one.

We can even make a comparison of the differences that exist between the Mexican and the American, to give it a criminological approach, starting from these:

The fundamental relationship of most Mexicans in their interpersonal relationships is that of Pleasing. The main reaction of the Americans, in the same circumstance, is to Impose themselves.

Likewise, while Mexico seeks better family development because this culture has passed from generation to generation transmitting this message, Americans focus on greater individual development in that search for power; In other words, in Mexico love is conceived in the context of the family, while in the United States, Americans more frequently allude to sex, remembering that it is said that the US is a country that represents greater freedom, unlike Mexico, than its attachment to the traditionalist, moralistic and spiritual does not allow it.

Another important factor is the economy, when analyzing patrimonial crimes from a sociological perspective we would have to analyze the economy and development of each country since it is not the same to speak of the poverty that exists in Mexico to the poverty that may exist in the United States American people. To give an example, we could say that in Mexico they see money as something highly desired and unfortunately insufficient for food, clothing, housing and transportation and in the USA they see money closely related to jobs and professions, therefore in Mexico they think about work more as a matter of need or obligation and as an opportunity to grow and find economic stability while in Mexico a job is like a means to obtain something,to earn a living while in the US they focus their attention on employment and the tasks they need to perform.

This comparison, although very simple, is very important to give us a vision of the differences that exist between country and country and that influence the development of each person, therefore a crime is different depending on where it has developed.

That is, the crime may be the same but the causes that originate it are different depending on the culture, even the way of fighting crime should be different in each country based on the factors that are causing it and likewise the prevention of crime does not it would have to be the same.

The way of imparting justice also starts from this difference, since the method used in one country will hardly work in another if it is not adapted to the causes of crime in that country.

Another example of the differences would be the way in which a Mexican expresses his emotions and behaves to demonstrate them, while a European is known to be less expressive, with greater difficulty in showing what he feels and is even more repressed; This can influence so that the European does not have an adequate emotional outlet and this repression could be causing that in Europe there is greater sexual crime than in Mexico, according to statistics.

Therefore, the importance of using criminal anthropology and criminal statistics to be able to make an adequate diagnosis of crime.

It is known that in the Western territory, according to statistics, the crime most committed is robbery in its different forms, but to prevent it, combat it and punish it, it would be necessary to analyze the causes of each of the countries and not seek to eradicate it in the same way since This would not work because the causes that originate it, as we already mentioned, are different.


We can conclude that it is important to delve into the anthropological history of each of the countries in which we want to analyze the criminality that exists, because otherwise we will not be able to understand the causes that originate the crimes and starting from this analysis, look for the way to prevent, eradicate and punish said crime.

It is important to mention as a conclusion that despite the fact that the countries of Europe and America are part of the Western territory, there is a great difference between them that make the crime that exists in each country very different.


  • www.buenastareas / trials / cultural-differences-entre-Mexico / 245947.html www.deconceptos.com/ciencias-sociales/occidente.htmlwww.geocities.ws/ciudaduba/criminalidad.html www.m.20minutos.es/noticia/ 199011 / o / crime / europe / Gallup /
Crime in Europe and America