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The decostruction of marriage today


At present there are relevant issues that have had an impact on contemporary morality, causing problems in the behaviors and ideologies of individuals, where morals and human values have undergone changes, leading to controversies worldwide.

The term of marriage is one of them, which has been undergoing notable changes in society creating alterations in its concept. The homosexual community wants their rights as individuals to be respected and that union with their partners be legalized, leading to the adoption of children to form a family. In such a way that marriage exists and continues to suffer a deconstruction.

It has been a very controversial issue in many contexts such as politics, religious, psychological, among others. Is the union of two people of the same sex correct? Is it being attentive and could it change the traditionalist ideology that society was used to about marriage? Would a homosexual marriage be governed by values ​​and morals? What harm could growing up in a gay marriage do to a child? are questions that arise when thinking about the changes that the world is undergoing through the evolution of values ​​and morality.

The decostruction of marriage today

Marriage from the civil point of view is the union formed between a man and a woman in order to provide mutual support and to perpetrate the species (procreation) in a perfect lifelong community. It is a meaning that despite having remained in society throughout the world for many years, is currently in a process of change that has generated controversy in many countries and not only in Mexico.

Everything in life undergoes changes and evolves according to the needs that arise from society itself; either for her benefit or to harm her. Regarding marriage, many changes have been created through factors that promoted its deconstruction.

The homosexual community has wanted to change the laws that govern our society to seek an emotional benefit in order to legalize their union of couples in concubinage through marriage and in this way they are respected as people giving them the same rights as any couple and to be able to form a family continuing with adoptions; because they could not have children naturally (procreation). Although we focus on their rights as human beings, we have the obligation to respect their union as same-sex couples despite going against the morality to which they are accustomed; since this relationship could be founded on many values ​​of marriage such as fidelity and mutual respect.

This has caused the marriage to be deconstructed in terms of its meaning (according to the concept promoted by Jacques Derrida). "Deconstruction" is an alteration of a concept with the purpose of broadening the understanding of a practice, a value or a theme (1). This is what has emerged with marriage trying to alter the meaning that it had previously followed with adoption to pretend to form a family.

In an interview Jacques Derrida touched on the subject of marriage offering his point of view: <>.

Currently in various parts of the world such as Sweden since 1995 homosexual marriages were legalized and in 2002 the adoption of children was authorized to form their families. Also in the federal district, the law approved gay marriages giving them the corresponding rights and obligations in 2006 (2).

As mentioned above, marriage is a union between a man and a woman through which a family is formed in a natural way, this being a specific purpose of marriage which is procreation. This purpose would not be achieved with this type of homosexual marriages, which has caused many communities such as the Catholic one to become indignant and come out to protest against them. The Vatican mentions that unions of same-sex couples do not "adequately ensure the procreation or survival of the human species," in addition to creating obstacles to the proper education of children, who "lack a father or mother."

John Paul II assured that "marriage is defined as a sacred union between a man and a woman, as it was a" human and divine "gift that must be defended by society."

The Catholic Church has categorically opposed this movement, asking humanity to join the fight against the gay movement, because it threatens nature and human divinity, since they would be altering family integration by missing the father figure or maternal in a homosexual marriage adopting children.

Psychology states that a child needs to develop within a heterosexual and non-homosexual marriage. The president of the Mexican institute of sexual orientation (imos), Oscar Rivas, mentions that there are risks of giving children for adoption to homosexual couples and pointing out that all psychological currents affirm that children need the paternal and maternal image to develop their best intellectual, emotional and physical level. Thirty percent of children raised in homosexual environments are more susceptible to some form of physical and sexual abuse, compared with a figure of 7 percent in heterosexual families. Forty-five percent of children are more stressed compared to 15 percent raised in heterosexual families; This is a data from the APA (American Psychiatric Association).

Institutions such as the American College of Pediatrics and the American chain of pediatrics have spoken out against adoption by homosexuals. In Mexico, the Mexican association of pediatrics also indicates that "the child needs a model of mother and father for their best development."

However, Paige Averett, professor of social work at East Carolina University, contradictorily. According to her study that she developed, in cases where adoptive parents had regular income and a stable family environment, emotional problems prior to adoption were significantly reduced, regardless of the adoptive parents' sexual orientation (3). A scientific meta-analysis published by the American Psychological Association (APA) entitled "lesbian and gay parenting", which analyzes more than 100 research articles on the matter carried out in Europe and the United States, shows that both biological and adopted children homosexuals, they do not have psychological or social problems that can be attributed to the sexual orientation of their parents. "Homosexuality does not stick",says sexologist David Barrios, director of kaleidoscopy.

I believe that this emotional damage that it could provide to adopted children will also depend on the context and the moment in which it is generated, because there are societies with much more closed mentalities than others that would not allow and support the development of these children, generating discrimination and anticipated judgments in them. Previously, severe criticisms were made of children of single mothers and divorced marriages, causing profound psychological damage, but with the passage of time the ideology that was had has also been modified and currently this no longer generates moralistic controversy. This probably comes to the fore with this controversy.

I think that Mexico is not a country that is prepared to face this moral problem of the deconstruction of marriage, because in the majority of Mexicans there is still discrimination and aberration towards homosexuals (homophobia) that would not allow a full life to favor the marriage and of course it would not be allowed or supported the growth and psychosocial development of the children of homosexual couples. They would be criticized and pointed out strongly.

The problems and advantages that homosexual marriages and the adoptions of children to this new family structure are certainly not known.

The moral problems of the present in a short or long time will be part of the past and will come new or will remain the same but with different purposes.

The ideology of humanity is finally subject to change; however, you are afraid of the unknown and the only way to know what may happen is through the pursuit of knowledge and research. Ultimately, time is the one that will give us the best answers to the unknowns that this deconstruction of marriage has generated. We do not know if allowing or being against this change in moral ideology and values ​​will generate benefits or harm humanity, however we must be sure to act with an open mind according to our convictions to improve human coexistence by promoting respect for the rights of others.

(1) Deconstruction takes place: It is an event that does not wait for deliberation, consciousness or organization of the subject, not even of modernity. It is deconstructed. The id is not, here, an impersonal thing that would be opposed to some egological subjectivity. It is in deconstruction. It is in deconstruction (litrré said: deconstruct.. lose its construction >>). and in the <> of <>, which is not the reflexivity of a self or of a conscience, lies all of the enigma.

(2) In the federal district, the law to prevent and eradicate discrimination in the federal district was approved on June 19, 2006, which completes the federal law to prevent and eliminate discrimination on June 11, 2003. Approval in Mexico of the law of the society of coexistence for the federal district of November 16, 2006 and the law of reform of the civil code of the state of Coahuila of January 12, 2007, which contemplates civil acts of solidarity, both open to people of different sexes as the same.

(3) To carry out the study, 1,400 couples from the United States were consulted, of which 155 were homosexual parents.


Espinoza Pérez, Beatriz. 2008. Bodies and sexual diversity. contributions for equality and recognition. Editorial Pontifica Universidad Javeriana. Colombia.

Héléne Cixous, Jacques Derrida. 2004. Language to come. Barcelona Seminar. Editorial Icaria. Spain.

Ibañez Manjón, Mercedes. 2009. Enki. Editorial Cultivalibros. Spain.


Gutierrez Montenegro, Carlos. 2010. Is adoption dangerous in same-sex marriages? Mexico www.zocalo.com.mx

Jiménez, José. 2010. Psychology affirms that children need heterosexual and not homosexual home. Venezuela. www.aciprensa.com.mx

Simoyo, Ramón. 2004. Interview with Jacques Derrida “I am at war against myself”. Philosophy magazine. www.google.com.mx

The decostruction of marriage today