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Education as a platform for the development of a country

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In the XXI century, there are very few countries that have achieved the much desired economic and social development of their population, among which the United States, Japan, the Koreas, Great Britain, Germany, Singapore, among others, stand out.

What is the secret or method that these economic powers used to achieve this goal?

Beyond the natural resources that each nation has, these by themselves are not enough to lead a country to development or failure, but they are really the people who are behind these resources managing. (Drucker, 2000) says: “It can be said that there are no underdeveloped countries but poorly managed”. We share Drucker's idea, since the success or failure of any organization depends on the ability of its leaders to capitalize in an ascending way the resources deposited in their hands, or in their case lead it to total failure.

The great economic powers are currently characterized by the scope of their companies, by the technology they develop and the large investments they make in scientific and educational matters. To all this we ask ourselves: Is education the engine that drives the development of a country?

Education is today the most profitable investment in the society of the future and will play an essential role in achieving a more harmonious, more genuine human development and will serve to reverse poverty, exclusion, misunderstandings and oppressions. Therefore, it is necessary to revalue the ethical and cultural aspects of education at the service of economic and social development.

When a country obligatorily encourages the education of its population and it has the quality parameters to train men and women with an intellect capable of solving the most complicated problems, we can say that that nation is in the process of development, due to that in the future it will be a society with principles, ethics and morals as he says: (Valmes, 2008) “Education is to man what mold to clay”. This is very true, since if we invest in education we will have a well-formed society in the future.

Education must assume the task of transforming diversity into a positive factor of understanding among human groups, providing the means for the formation of a conscious and responsible citizenship in the context of a full democracy to fulfill the set of missions that are proper to it.. Education must be structured based on four pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. Learning to know, access to knowledge, values ​​and attitudes, allows human beings to fully develop their capacities to live and work with dignity and improve the quality of their life.

The State, through the government, is and must be the engine that promotes education in its inhabitants, since it has the autonomy and sufficient capacity to promote policies and laws that encourage education to be truly compulsory and free. Where the government forces parents to assume their responsibility to provide and supervise that their children attend school continuously and permanently, and that students do not drop out of school, but rather make the most of the opportunity that is offered to them. provides the State in conjunction with their parents. Should any of them drop out of school, let the government take serious action on this individual so as not to allow him to be lazy in the future.As long as the people who act as teachers in educational institutions are really trained people and especially with a vocation to teach to train upright men and women, everything will go the right way.

Education should be the cornerstone where the government focuses its vision for the future, seeking that this is the platform for the development and integral growth of the nation as it says: (Pythagoras, 487 AC) “Educate the children and it will not be necessary to punish the children. mens". It is very true what Pythagoras brings to society, because if the government invests in education for children, we have full assurance that we are sowing seeds that in the future will produce fruits that put the country at the forefront, where only men and women will inhabit a society with principles of ethical and moral responsibility, and above all with growth and development initiatives to create the magnificent world of business that our nation so much lacks and that will undoubtedly place it as a nation of first world.


If education is the engine for a country to grow and develop and above all this is the platform where all the efforts of a government that wants to have a society with a vision towards a better future must be accentuated, then we can ask ourselves what is it? that prevents or for what reason or reason laws and norms have not been implemented that regulate and govern the conduct of the human being within a society, where it is supported in a clear and forceful way that all the inhabitants of a nation keep in mind that education is the only inheritance that the government can inherit for a better future?

Education has and should be the platform for the socio-economic development of a country, but let us remember that in order to reap good results, we have to promote good laws and reforms that involve the whole of society without any distinction to make them aware that education is the only way of personal and intellectual development towards a better future.

Education as a platform for the development of a country