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Divergent education in Mexico


This essay attempts to address a new perspective on education, which aims to provide different solutions to everyday problems, since apparently they have been perpetuated in society and educational institutions as unsolved cases, reference is made to divergent education (which is not so recent, but it is fashionable).


"If you are looking for different results, don't always do the same thing (http://www.frasesparacambiarvidas.com/2009/08/si-buscas-resultados-distintos-no-hagas.html)" Most of us human beings collaborate better with the conformism that with change, a perspective in which I agree with Spencer Johnson, MD in his book Who Has Taken My Cheese ?, a story that recounts the decisions of two mice and two men who resided in a room full of cheese, had a comfortable and comfortable life, but one day the cheese ran out. Act that caused the imbalance in comfort, leaving two paths to follow, choose to change or continue in the comfort zone.

This fable is nothing more than a parable of the accelerated life of which we are a part, it can be analogous to any area that we want to reach or circumstance that comes our way, the area of ​​opportunity lies in the fact that our comfort zone is such, that we still intend to solve problems of a globalized society that evolves by leaps and bounds with formulas created for other times, whimsically reproaching not obtaining different results.

Let's see then that the time to act differently has come, to get out of that comfort zone (it is not something easy to do, but it can be done), divergence is a word widely used to denote different ways of thinking, giving opinions or solving situations, a being is classified as divergent when it cannot be controlled, since it does not follow masses, since its philosophy is not limited but thinks in different ways.


At present, consciously or unconsciously we live in a society immersed in a globalized world, we intend to be a knowledge society where the dynamism of work does not match the stagnation of the educational world, the factors that cause this can be varied, but we do not look for culprits we better assume the role that corresponds to us to solve it.

Paraphrasing Spencer Johnson, the " simple and ingenious fable teaches that everything changes, that the formulas that served at the time can become obsolete (Johnson, Espencer, flap)" most of us live in a denial of change, wondering why if we always do the same The results are not different, but in full acceleration and world globalization, we want all areas of opportunity to have standard solutions that are perpetuated generationally.

Regarding the educational field, the essential thing would be a change in attitude, aptitude and a lot of effort to forget about the magic formulas and do different things trying to obtain more satisfactory results, which is why the need arises to delve a little into the analysis of like boxed education and unresolved difficulties have been perpetuated generation after generation in educational institutions as well as in society, this in order to turn them into areas of opportunity to apply divergent thinking or method. To be able to give a different solution to these unsolved problems. Being aware that the logical solutions are already exhausted, why not deduce that perhaps the answer is found in those things that we would never associate to obtain the desired result.

Education through history

Divergent education is not a common theme, but it is fashionable, although somewhat complicated to understand, therefore it is necessary to analyze both words individually in order to understand what you want to conclude with the syntax of these two concepts.

Let's start with the conceptualization of education, I previously clarified conception from my perspective, the reader may or may not agree with it. The word education comes from the Latin educere that is interpreted as taking out or extracting and educare that explains how to train or instruct, based on this we can understand education as the way in which the members of our society are instructed, another definition could be “ the means by which habits and customs are transferred from one generation to the next generation ”.Or as I conceptualize it, from two perspectives, the first influenced by the content would be the way to perpetuate human discoveries generationally, and the second applied to culture, the way to train or instruct those who wish to be part or occupy a role within of the society we conceive.

If we go back to earlier times to the present, we can observe the evolution of education in the Mexico of Tenochtitlán, it went from being only for warriors, nobles and priests, to allowing the teaching of trades to the lower class. In teaching schools they went from philosophizing to teaching scientific knowledge.

The teaching methods were adapted to the circumstances, from seeing the teacher as the center of education, then to the content until the student was the center of education. The methodology evolved hand in hand with this, from traditionalism where the student was a clean slate, conditioning where the basis was reward-punishment, constructivism where the important thing was that the student build their knowledge.

The new school where there are no longer groups of students designated by age but by learning.

In the new school, the student-teacher relationship becomes affection-camaraderie, education focuses on the student, on exploiting his creativity, initiative and imagination to the maximum, this in order to know his aptitudes, the areas in which he greatest development has, they can be memory, imagination, attention, invention, vocabulary, etc.

With the firm intention of preparing them for the future, for life, they educate themselves in freedom for freedom. The height of the new school was in the nineteenth century, although its beginnings are presented in the sixteenth century. The learners are grouped according to their needs, not their age, since the psychology that governs the new school says that childhood and youth are simple social conceptions that meet the needs of adults, not students, that on the contrary the new school does. addresses the individual needs of learners.

Let us realize that education responds to different needs, which are focused according to the time in which we live, currently we need students to look for solutions, to apply what they know to achieve the best result, it is no longer intended to box young people but to exploit their feelings, creativity and expression, we seek to move them from traditional to divergent thinking.

Mirror neurons

It is not incredible to say that sometimes when observing an event the need arises to imitate it with this we activate some neurons, we can take it for granted but the truth is that there are mirror neurons that "are a group of cells that were discovered by the neurobiologist's team Giacomo Rizzolatty and that seem to be related to empathic, social and imitative behaviors. Its mission is to reflect the activity we are observing. " We share something without having to.

This is the part that makes us human, but because when teaching we forget that we are subjects, that we work with subjects and that both parties have feelings, if neurally we are predestined to connect in that way, why not exploit it at the time to educate.

If mirror neurons, that group of cells aims to reflect activities related to empathic, social and imitative behaviors. Let's make use of them to imitate divergent thinking, so that socially we no longer copy the box of minds but activate them so that the same neurons work in our mind that help the partner to formulate different thoughts, not to limit their creativity and imagination, to look for areas of opportunity not problems.

Conceptualization of divergence

Returning to what the real Spanish academy tells us, the concept of divergence would be derived from Latin divergen where it would be divergent, which we could define as an action or effect of diverging or as we better understand the diversity of opinions or opinions . Focusing it on the divergent educational field, it is defined as giving the same question another solution, looking for the answers in things that you would never associate.

To cite an example, let's say that in an educational institution early pregnancy is observed (the problem), the solution would be to provide contraceptive methods or give talks on family planning to young people seeking to solve this, what happens if the pregnancy is not the problem but rather the solution, let's say that young people see it as the feasible way out of problems at home, or it is a cultural factor, perhaps fashion at school, in this case it changes our perspective. Let's see that the divergence in thinking seek solutions in what we would never associate with the problem.

Let's define divergent thinking, let's understand that it is not synonymous with traditionalist thinking. Divergent thinking tries to make use of creativity in our mind, you use the intellect to solve areas of opportunity in a way that we would never associate. Think differently than what we are used to.

Convergent and divergent method

This method consists of two phases; the divergent and the convergent. The first phase consists of generating as many ideas or solutions as possible regardless of the logic, it can be taken in two sequential steps, the first the free association that consists of writing 5 to 10 concepts, then another column with another concept that is relates to each of them and a third column of concepts related to the contents of the second column.

To culminate with the second step called imaging, which consists of placing an image in the last column of concepts, analyzing it and generating ideas. And later the convergent phase, in this phase there is a host of ideas generated by the previous one, of which are analyzed and understood, this in order to reduce the options to solve the problem.

We note that the convergent divergent method is to give a traditional hint to different thinking, since first with the divergent phase we allow creativity to be at its maximum splendor, we let the ideas flow, but later in the convergent phase we apply a little discrimination, we look for what best solves the problem.

Divergent thinking

Thought is a product of the mind that is based on the experiences suffered by the human being, the abstractions and the intellect. Divergence is thinking differently, therefore divergent thinking is looking for alternative, creative, different solutions to a problem. "The Maltese psychologist Edward De Bono, who stated that divergent thinking is a way of organizing thought processes through unorthodox strategies." Divergent thinking seeks to generate ideas that are not boxed in as we traditionally solve problems.

Divergent thinking pretends that when faced with a stimulus, various solutions are presented that generate another set of ideas that allow conceptualizing various conclusions that solve the stimulus that generated them. Divergent thinking arises in rebirth. Despite the fact that it is currently a recognized method, we still continue to train under a boxing method, where there is only one way to reach the solution.

Divergent thinking is very useful in the current era, since it meets the needs of the globalized world, as well as the dynamism of the work in which we live, where we seek to recycle ideas, reinvent new things with what we already have. In the educational field we find the reengineering of education which does not intend to start from scratch but to reinvent.

Divergent education

In the midst of post-modernism, of a globalized world, where generating ideas and being creative is the spearhead to be the best in any field of work or study, we continue to stumble over the mental box, our comfort zone. Where a preschooler is more creative and presents more solutions than a more educated student, this is because we box the minds of the learners.

Divergent education is one where the main weapon is creativity, which aims to ensure that this spark of preschool students is not extinguished, but on the contrary, allow it to increase as the student progresses through their educational training. Divergent education is intended to train young people with different thinking.

Students who formulate their own solutions, according to the area of ​​opportunity that is presented to them, formulate activities in which we do not limit their creativity, that serve to teach them to think, where they involve feelings, make use of mirror neurons, divergent thinking, educate For future generations to solve the problems that we perpetuate, let us see the invisible to our closed minds.

Divergent education makes use of divergent thinking, of the illogical within logic, in schools activities should be sought to generate a series of questions that allow us to think of different solutions, not the typical mathematical problem that is solved with a single formula, use mental maps where young people organize their ideas, texts that allow them to generate judgments, free writing that does not confine them to traditional thinking but freedom of expression. It is not only educating for school but for life, to live together, understand ourselves as human beings, respect the opinions and feelings of others.

Let's see that, given the evolution in the educational field, divergent education makes use of many strategies, activities and techniques of other methods, but giving them a different approach to achieve a different ending that is adapted to the social needs that arise.

Divergent education not only involves the learner, but also society in general, continuing with the educational field this applies to teachers or those in charge of educational institutions, in schools there are many areas of opportunity to make use of this divergent education Just to classify the problems we mention infrastructure, maintenance, staff, educational material, food, electricity, access and problems with students, just to mention a few.

These problems have been perpetuated as new teachers pass and go, but none with different ways of thinking that allow them to solve the common problems faced in schools, we confine ourselves to a magic formula. Although the solution is to think differently, knock on doors that we would never touch, associate with those we would never associate to achieve our objectives.


Let us be aware that in order to educate in a divergent way we must first modify our schemes, break paradigms that box our minds. This is solved with an effort and an open mind to change.

The learner must be motivated, we must cut any chain that does not allow him to take his intellect to the maximum expression, there will never be irrelevant ideas, only ideas that will solve other problems, let's recycle solutions. Strategies or activities must be devised that allow the student's creativity to be exploited and do not confine it to traditionalist thinking.

Something very important is to think about whether a divergent education is actually being sought, since if so, future generations should receive a new plan and study program that complies with this turn in education, as well as adapt the current one to be able to modify the form of teach and think of some, from boxing to divergence.

The human being must become affective, consider emotions, since our nervous system, which never makes mistakes, is configured to share, couple with the other, there is no reason then for us to individualize ourselves. We seek to promote collaborative work between students and discussions.

To diverge is not to go against the current, but to be aware that what has been perpetuated does not provide a solution, so let's not fear change and look for how to resolve the situations that distress us.


  • http://concept.de/pensamiento-divergente/ consulted 20 / 0672016http: //definicion.de/pensamiento-divergente/ consulted 20/06 / 2016http: //dle.rae.es/? w = divergent dictionary of the real Spanish academy consulted 06/20/2016 consulted 06/20/2016http: //dle.rae.es/? id = EO5CDdh consulted 06/20/2016https: //lamenteesmaravillosa.com/conoce-a-las-neuronas-espejo/ Accessed 06/20/2016http: //queaprendemoshoy.com/generar-ideas-el-metodo-divergente-convergente/ consulted 20 / 0672016http: //www.batanga.com/curiosidades/6919/que-es-el-pensamiento- divergent consulted 06/20/2016http: //www.frasesparacambiarvidas.com/2009/08/si-buscas-resultados-distintos-no-hagas.html / Phrase exposed by the German scientist Albert Einstein consulted 06/20/2016http: / /www.significados.com/educacion/ consulted 06/20/2016 Johnson, Espencer, Who has taken my cheese?active company, 46th edition. Flap.

Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas, June 25, 2016

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Divergent education in Mexico