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Education through art: a pending issue


Currently, it is "fashionable" to educate emotions, teach them, recognize them, know how to control them… that is, Affective Education has increased considerably. However, the essence and product of these is still left aside: Art.

Knowing how to interpret, analyze, deepen, internalize, empathize and see through a work or any artistic expression, makes life feel, see and understand. Something that is impossible as it is not taught.

The world in which we live makes us look, but not observe; it makes us believe, but not feel; and it makes us feel, but not understand. We are not predisposed to the observation, internalization and deepening of something that may affect our way of living or our way of interpreting life.

This makes us fall into frustrations, failures, conformism, routine, rejection of the unknown… in short, a general malaise.

By increasing observation and with it, our ways of interpreting the world, we develop our emotional skills, opening a wide range of possibilities that make it possible to solve any problem that arises, thus achieving emotional well-being.

The most suitable means to achieve this, as I mentioned earlier, is that field displaced from the academic, professional and personal sphere, art. This, even being relegated to an almost non-existent plane of our life, manifested in one way or another, is present in our personal development from the moment we are born and conditions our emotions, that is, it modifies, provokes, changes, strengthens, it sharpens them, ultimately, it teaches them. Art influences us almost without intuiting it, thus becoming the best tool for working and teaching-learning of emotions, that is, of humanization.

The type of education that fosters this type of teaching-learning is called Education through Art or Education through Art. This term can be confused with Art Education, but we must be clear that they do not have the same objectives, the same methodologies, nor the same resources or instruments. Art Education is based on the teaching of one or several artistic modalities, that is, it has as its objective the production of Art, while, on the other hand, Education through Art has as main objectives:

  • Enjoy the world and culture Increase knowledge of human experiences Improve the quality of our lives both personally and socially.

Objectives that make possible a personal openness that favors, on the one hand, both creative and personal development that provides emotional stability; and on the other, a well-being and satisfaction that enhances productivity and efficiency.

It is increasingly common to find people lost and immersed in a world in which they find no way to advance or fight for their goals. Through Art, a perfect work tool is offered to break with that loss and thus rescue these people in situations of discomfort.

An education is necessary to remedy this problem using this teaching-learning medium and resource rich in values ​​and little exploited possibilities; a critical education that develops in the recipients a critical and analytical spirit of themselves and their objectives, based on the recognition of their emotions and balanced with cognition.

The first idea may seem a complex, impossible, or even absurd task for many, but I truly believe that we have before us an ancient and almost unused tool, at least correctly, that could solve a multitude of situations, lives and even contexts in a state of loss..

There is a long way to go, a lot of work to do, but honestly, it will be worth walking and working on it.


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Education through art: a pending issue