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The survey as an instrument of market research. case applied


This document presents an analysis of the company Makrohogar, manufacturer and distributor of living room furniture and mattresses, with a view to obtaining results that satisfy it in its quest to solve the marketing problems that arise for its products.

The work set objectives based on the concerns of the businessman José Miguel Ramírez about the current situation of his company, which were the basis for the development of the research that we present below.


This is the situation facing the company Makrohogar, a furniture producer, in its environment.


  1. What do people look for when buying a mattress, a living room set or a sofa bed? What are the consumer and market trends? Identify the market segment that the company has. According to the results of the study, determine which is the most appropriate advertising. Study strong competition and deduce possible weaknesses and / or strengths. that our company presents in relation to the others.


Implement a marketing plan to improve marketing and increase sales.


Raw material, suppliers, promotional factors, manufacturing costs, product price, competition (prices, advertising, etc.), among others.


It is a very complex case due to the high competition that exists in the sector. Based on the above, it should be taken with great responsibility, coordinating the forces of the parties involved in the study process.


  • Identify the market segment that the company is reaching with its products. Know the potential markets that the company can reach with its products. Establish what are the characteristics and factors that influence the decision to buy or not the product. Determine what should be the right advertising to improve sales.


  • Socio-economic information of the clients. What are the trends and tastes (designs, colors, comfort, etc.). Product lines managed by the competition and the market share it has. Sales volume by product and by company branch. of sale, types of credit or financing, facilities to access this credit.


  • Surveys to potential clients. Surveys to clients of the company. Files of the company. Catalogs of the competition. Visits to the points of sale, both of the company and of the competition. Reports of the unions and possible studies carried out in the sector.



  • Name of the entrepreneur: José Miguel Ramírez Name of the company: Makrohogar Address: Av. Cr. 30 # 23-37 Activity: Manufacture, sale and distribution of furniture and mattresses Operating time: Four years.


  • Types of contract and remuneration: The personnel who work in the company are permanent. In the administrative part, five work with a fixed salary and ten for an additional commission. In the operational part, an employee has a fixed salary and eighteen work piecework.
Personal Admin. Oper. Admin. Oper. Admin. Oper Admin Oper
5 one 18 10 fifteen 19

Personnel working in the sales part, according to the employer's information, in addition to the fixed salary and commissions, have the possibility of increasing their salary if the branch sells $ 2,000,000 or more in one day. If the above is achieved, the point of sale will be awarded $ 90,000, which will be distributed among the employees. Each point of sale has three to

four employees, including an administrator, two vendors, and in some cases an assistant.

  • Regarding social benefits, the company complies with legal requirements, does not incur expenses on extra-legal benefits. In relation to social security, the company has its employees affiliated to the ISS. It also pays the percentage corresponding to the compensation fund, SENA and ICBF.


  • The products made by the company are: Rooms, mattresses, sofa beds. Each of these has several lines regarding its design; For example, within the line of the rooms there are approximately 30 designs. Of the fixed assets that it owns, there are some: industrial sewing machines (4) with a value of $ 25,000,000, mattress covering (1), pneumatic stapler (1), among others. The production is basically constant, although sometimes it can present peaks, due to a considerable increase in customers who prefer to send to make the product at their discretion, than to buy one that has been on display for some time. the rooms have a duration of 10 days, from the moment they order to the time of delivery.The company produces furniture (rooms) upholstered with wooden skeleton,of which it has 25 styles, among them the styles Canada, Swiss, Florence, omega and seagull, among the best sellers. It also produces common sofa beds and ironwork, as well as semi-hard non-spring mattresses. The firm also markets other products such as spring mattresses and some types of dining room. The useful life of the furniture is between 10 and 15 years approximately, that of mattresses between 5 and 15 years depending on the type of mattress. The mattresses produced have some characteristics that are highly demanded by the consumer, such as being anti-allergic, anatomical and non-deformable. The production of the product only begins when 30% of the total value of the furniture has been paid. Main suppliers (raw materials, supplies or merchandise).It also produces common sofa beds and ironwork, as well as semi-hard non-spring mattresses. The firm also markets other products such as spring mattresses and some types of dining room. The useful life of the furniture is between 10 and 15 years approximately, that of mattresses between 5 and 15 years depending on the type of mattress. The mattresses produced have some characteristics that are highly demanded by the consumer, such as being anti-allergic, anatomical and non-deformable. The production of the product only begins when 30% of the total value of the furniture has been paid. Main suppliers (raw materials, supplies or merchandise).It also produces common sofa beds and ironwork, as well as semi-hard non-spring mattresses. The firm also markets other products such as spring mattresses and some types of dining room. The useful life of the furniture is between 10 and 15 years approximately, that of mattresses between 5 and 15 years depending on the type of mattress. The mattresses produced have some characteristics that are highly demanded by the consumer, such as being anti-allergic, anatomical and non-deformable. The production of the product only begins when 30% of the total value of the furniture has been paid. Main suppliers (raw materials, supplies or merchandise).The useful life of the furniture is between 10 and 15 years approximately, that of the mattresses between 5 and 15 years depending on the type of mattress.The mattresses produced have some characteristics that are highly demanded by the consumer, such as being anti-allergic, anatomical and non-deformable. The elaboration of the product only begins when 30% of the total value of the furniture has been paid. Main suppliers (raw materials, supplies or merchandise).The useful life of the furniture is between 10 and 15 years approximately, that of the mattresses between 5 and 15 years depending on the type of mattress.The mattresses produced have some characteristics that are highly demanded by the consumer, such as being anti-allergic, anatomical and non-deformable. The elaboration of the product only begins when 30% of the total value of the furniture has been paid. Main suppliers (raw materials, supplies or merchandise).
Protect her 90 days Mattress fabrics
Seagull fabrics 90 days Sofa bed fabrics
Metallic General 75 days Staple
Third avenue 60 days Skeleton wood


  • Clients: Clients are not fixed in this business, they are variable, this means that there are no repetitive clients, although there are some exceptions. Sales are made to retail customers. The form of payment is cash or with four monthly checks of equal value. Personal credit is just beginning to be implemented. Distribution channels: Distribution is made directly, that is, sales are made 100% in this way. The company has seven points of sale located at: Avenida 1o de mayo; three on Avenida Quito with Avenida de las Américas; one in Carrera 30 with Calle 78 in the furniture sector of Siete de Agosto; and a last one on the North Highway with 138. Each point of sale has a similar share of sales (approximately 14.28% each). Sales cycle:The behavior of sales is constant on average, with the exception of the month of May, which shows an upturn and September, in which sales suffer a drop that is offset by the Home Fair in Corferias.Advertising media: The advertising medium used It is the newspaper El Tiempo, in the Bogotá section. In this two notices are published every fifteen days (Saturdays), showing some of their products with their prices, promotions and form of credit. Large brightly colored billboards, with promotions and low prices, are also used at the points of sale. Prices: Prices are the same for all points of sale. It works with fixed prices, discounts are only given to those who pay cash. For example, mattresses are offering a 10% discount.with the exception of the month of May, which saw a rebound and September, in which sales suffered a drop that was offset by the Home Fair in Corferias.Advertising media: The advertising medium used is the newspaper El Tiempo, in the Bogotá section. In this two notices are published every fifteen days (Saturdays), showing some of their products with their prices, promotions and form of credit. Large brightly colored billboards, with promotions and low prices, are also used at the points of sale. Prices: Prices are the same for all points of sale. It works with fixed prices, discounts are only given to those who pay cash. For example, mattresses are offering a 10% discount.with the exception of the month of May, which saw a rebound and September, in which sales suffered a drop that was offset by the Home Fair in Corferias.Advertising media: The advertising medium used is the newspaper El Tiempo, in the Bogotá section. In this two notices are published every fifteen days (Saturdays), showing some of their products with their prices, promotions and form of credit. Large brightly colored billboards, with promotions and low prices, are also used at the points of sale. Prices: Prices are the same for all points of sale. It works with fixed prices, discounts are only given to those who pay cash. For example, mattresses are offering a 10% discount.

The pricing policy is amended every six months. Below are some products with their respective prices:

Egypt 700,000
Seagull 696,000
Canada 599,000
Venice 599,000
Spain 569,000
Omega 544,000
London 499,000
Florence 430,000
Swiss 469,000
Naples 290,000
Sofa beds:
Individual 79000
Double 169000
Double hardware
American Turin 349000
Semi-orthopedic 89000
Orthopedic 169000
Special-luxury 269000
  • Warranty: The mattresses have a warranty of 5 to 8 years, depending on the type. Living room furniture and one-year-old sofa beds Returns: These are for sales and marketing Sales staff training: Has a basic 8-day course, is provided with a customer service manual prepared by the manager. Then it is sent to the point of sale to stay with an expert seller and learn some techniques, this process lasts another 8 days. Transport: Transportation and delivery of products is the responsibility of the company, which has a transporter independent that provides the service in three cars.


The presentation of the premises is not the best, there is a lack of lighting in some of them, the distribution of the articles should improve and some dirty furniture can be found.

Regarding service and customer care, there are some flaws that must be corrected in order to increase sales volume.


  • OF PERSONNEL: Low qualification of the workforce and low performance. OF PRODUCTION: High costs, low productivity, obsolete machinery, poor facilities. MARKETING AND SALES: Lack of customers and unstable sales cycle. FINANCIAL: Poor working capital, difficulty of access to credit, costly financial resources and lack of information.


The furniture manufacturing sector has several components that mark its growth, one of them is the construction of new homes and public and private buildings. It has been a tradition that in Colombia the building sector plays an important role in macroeconomic behavior.

There is an association in Colombia that brings together all the furniture manufacturers ACEMUEBLES (Colombian Association of Furniture Manufacturers), according to their evaluations, in the country, 80% of the furniture factories are medium-sized, 15% are small companies and only 5% belong to the big industry.

The wooden furniture sector in Santafe de Bogotá is mainly made up of small and medium industries, which manufacture and sell to commercialization chains and also sell directly to the public in their production plants.

Then we find the smallest workshops of a carpenter and a cabinetmaker, who produce furniture of all ranges according to the needs of the market and which make up a significant percentage of the furniture offer.

Lately, the entry of imported furniture has been observed, which are distributed by chain stores or hypermarkets (Makro de Colombia, Almacenes Éxito, Alkosto, etc.) in which the quality is proportional to their low prices.

In the sector there is direct marketing, through points of sale, of chain stores and specialized marketers, although there is less and less relationship between the marketer - company, because the marketer seeks a better price margin in small workshops, while the manufacturer-consumer relationship is growing, which is why manufacturers, almost entirely, have points of sale.

The determining factors of the price are generally external, since they are guided by the behavior of the demand; or internal to the extent of the incidence of inputs. The sales criteria are generally low volumes at a less fluctuating standardized quality on parameters determined by the market segment and the price of the product.

During the current decade, high inflation rates have damaged the country's productive apparatus, increasing costs, and deteriorating income distribution; the drastic fiscal adjustments have decimated the purchasing power of the population, deteriorating the levels of demand.

Currently sales have decreased and the construction sector shows no signs of recovery.

According to the census carried out by ACEMUEBLES in 1996, there are a total of 11,398 furniture-related establishments in the country, of which 33.16% are dedicated to the manufacture of home furnishings and 39.93% are small carpentries, which manufacture any type of wooden furniture.

Total production in the furniture industry is mainly aimed at the national market, it has forgotten to open space for its products abroad, which does not receive the benefits of competition at the international level, such as innovation in design and technology.. Therefore, the sector had to start competing with foreign products, which enter the national market with high quality standards that cannot be easily achieved in the country, as a consequence of the artisanal levels with which local products are made..

One of the factors that damages the furniture industry is the loss of competitiveness, this is largely due to the inefficient administration of the companies in the sector, in addition to the fact that the cost of the machinery is considerably higher in relation to others. countries and the interest rates they have been handling are too high.

From the studies carried out by the Industrial Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Development, the following results can be observed for the sector (1996):

  • It has a 0.3% share in the national aggregate. The furniture industry presented excellent results during the years of the construction boom (1992-1994), with annual growth in its production of between 10.2% and 23.5%. On the way to recession in 1995, with growth of only 3.5%, and finally in 1996, it plummeted by 50.3%. The sector was characterized in the five-year period by good results in its productivity, with growths ranging between 8.1% and 25%, product of the rationalization in employment during the years 1991, 1992 and 1995. In 1996 when real production collapsed by 50.3% and with less rationalization of employment, productivity also fell by 42.5%, which added to the increase in 6.6% of the real cost / hour of work, shoot up the unit labor cost by 85%.

Below are the main characteristics of the company's strongest competitors:


The company during the development of its activities, and especially in the last years (period of economic recession), has managed the commercialization of its products making changes and adjusting the influencing factors of said activity.

As for distribution channels, it has normally used fixed points of sale and participation in the home fair. In addition to the above, and especially in the last year, she has participated in the family fair and in the home fair. This with the purpose of counteracting the drop in sales as a result of the economic recession. The company has also implemented the door-to-door salesman system for approximately a few months.

  • Regarding advertising, the media used are: radio, television and press. In the last two years, the color magazine has been included in the newspaper, for special times such as mother's month and month of love and friendship. Prices in that period (economic recession) fell, promotions increased and discounts too. In addition, the system of selling in combo was implemented (if the client goes for a product, try to carry two or more, or buy from several lines). In terms of personnel, payroll and some additional benefits that were previously awarded. In exchange for this, the staff was made aware of the situation. It is worth clarifying that the payroll is increasing. The company's market was globalized, but in recent years it was limited to the perimeter of Bogotá.Transport has been important for the delivery of the product to the client. The guarantee has been another important factor of the company, although it is not very notable with respect to the competition. The company has contact with the client even when it delivers the product. Thereafter it is lost with the exception of credit customers. Credits are three checks, six checks and ten monthly checks. In addition, personal credit with guarantor has been implemented, from three to fifteen months. Work is done on orders and inventory. New products have also been made, taking into account that diversification is important to counteract economic recessions and be in conditions of competition. The company has eight points of sale in Bogotá, with the best-selling product line being mattresses and secondly rooms.Inventories not normally carried out, are given special management, for this special promotions and discounts are made. The points of sale have the same business name. Marketing studies are carried out to find out the needs of the clients and what products can be used for them. offer again.Returns are repaired and returned to the customer or in extreme cases money is returned.The company claims to be a pioneer in mattresses due to its prices and good quality.The company claims to be a pioneer in mattresses due to its prices and good quality.The company claims to be a pioneer in mattresses due to its prices and good quality.


The company has a vision of globalization at the national level; It has points of sale in Cali, Pereira and Bogotá.

In Pereira there is a wholesaler, in Cali two and in Bogotá six points of sale.

Advertising is basically oriented to the yellow pages and billboards at the points of sale.

Regarding pricing policy, permanent discounts are handled throughout the year in most points. In the months like May and December, the number of points where discounts are made increases.

The staff is hired on a permanent basis, with minimum baccalaureate academic knowledge. The remuneration is given by basic salary, commissions, benefits of law and incentives.

A customer service line is managed for complaints and claims trying to maintain permanent communication in order to determine degrees of product satisfaction that has a guarantee of up to 15 years. In addition, transportation service is provided.

Its main clients are middle-middle, upper-middle class people and its sales are cash.

The company's leading product is the spring mattress, although it manages great product diversification. Additionally, Picolín takes into account in the manufacture of mattresses the technical specifications and quality requirements, as well as the testing of materials, specified in ICONTEC (rule 2 094).


Given that the product we are working on living room furniture is an item for mass consumption, the family unit decided to take a representative sample, which mainly covered the furniture sectors of the city and, to a lesser extent, residential complexes, through personal surveys. In addition to this market survey, a parallel survey of Makrohogar consumers was conducted via telephone, with the aim of obtaining a broader view of the factors that determine the purchase.

Type of sample:

The type of sample to be used is random since a specific population is not requested because the item is for mass consumption, therefore the population is infinite.

Taking into account the previous formula, the total number of respondents is 100 people


The instrument to be used will be the structured type survey, with closed questions and a free option for the interviewee to mention variables that have not been named in the formulation of the question and are considered by the respondent as very important. In general, the format of the two surveys will be the posing of a question accompanied by a series of options as a test.




1. When did you think or would you think about buying living room furniture?

to. When getting married ______

b. After getting married ______

c. Another situation ______ which one? __________________

2. When you decided to buy your furniture, you relied on:

a. Advertising ______ Newspaper ____ TV ____ Yellow Pages ____ Radio ____

b. References from a friend or family member _____

c. He toured a sector of the city _____

d. Other ______ Which one? _________________

3. What aspects influence the choice of the warehouse?

to. Location ______

b. Advertising ______

c. Referrals from friends ______

d. Other ______ Which one? ________________________

e. Does not take into account any of these aspects ____

4. When was the last time you purchased living room furniture? __________________________________

5. Which of the following aspects motivate you to buy your living room furniture, in order of importance.

to. Location ___ b. Decoration ___

c. Attention ___ d. Seller knowledge __

e. Quality ___ f. Price ___

g. Design ___ h. Transportation ___

i. Warranty ___ j. Financing ___

k. Discounts __ Other___ Which _______________

6. The amount of the monthly income of your family nucleus is approximately between:

a. Less than $ 400,000 ___

b. $ 400,000 to $ 800,000 ___

c. $ 800,000 to $ 1,200,000 ___

d. More than $ 1,200,000 ___

7. When buying, who made the decision?

to. You ___

b. Your spouse ___

c. Other ___

8. Do you like to make decisions about the manufacture of your furniture?

IF NOT ___

9. What elements attract your attention in an advertisement?

to. Prices ___

b. Photos ___

c. Promotions ___

d. Services ___

e. Notice size ___

f. Other ___ Which _____________

10. Have you heard of:





Sex ___ Age ___ Occupation ___ Marital status ___



  1. When did the idea of ​​buying living room furniture come up?

    to. To marry ____

    b. After getting married ____

    c. Another situation ____ Which ______________________

    2. When you decided to buy your furniture, you relied on:

    a. He consulted the newspaper ___

    b. Asked a friend or family member ___

    c. He toured some sector of the city ___

    d. Other ___ Which ___________________

    3. What aspects influenced the choice of the warehouse?

    to. Location ___

    b. Friends reference ___

    c. Advertising ___

    d. Experience with other

    products of the company ___ Which one (s) ______________

    e. Other ___ Which ______________

    4. When was the last time you purchased living room furniture? In what year? _____________

    5. Which of the following variables motivated you to buy your furniture from this company?

    to. Location ___ b. Decoration ___ c. Seller knowledge ___

    d. Attention ___ e. Quality ___ f. Prices ___

    g. Design ___ h. Transportation ___ i. Warranty ___

    j. Financing ___ k. Discounts ___


    6. Are you satisfied with your purchase? But because? __________________________________

    7. Have you bought furniture again at Makrohogar? But because?_______________________

    8. Would you buy again, or would you recommend someone you know to buy your furniture at Macrohogar?

    But because? ________________________________________

    9. The amount of your family's income is approximately between:

    a. Less than $ 400,000 ___

    b. $ 400,000 and $ 800,000 ___

    c. $ 800,000 and $ 1,200,000 ___

    d. More than $ 1,200,000 ___

    10. When buying, who made the decision?

    to. You ___

    b. Your spouse ___

    c. Other ___ Who ___


    Sex ___

    Age ___

    Occupation ___

    Marital status ___


    Consumer survey, marketing study: This question aims to know the different reasons why respondents would be willing to buy their living room furniture. Establish the factors that lead to the decision to purchase furniture. Determine the relevant factors when time to choose the warehouse. Define if the product has a purchase pattern. Know the final parameters that determine the purchase. With the results of this question you will be able to know the approximate amount of the monthly income of the sample to establish the economic availability. Identify the decisive consumer (person who ultimately makes the purchase decision), to know who to direct the advertising to. The question aims to show how much consumers want to buy their furniture made or ordered to do.Get to determine the elements that attract the attention of the consumer in a press advertisement. Warn how well the respondents know the company.

Makrohogar buyer survey:

Questions 1 to 5 are the same as in the first questionnaire. The justification to the others is:

  1. The aim is to determine the acceptance of the company's products, to know the percentage of repetitive customers, to record how the image of the company's customers is, which may influence future purchases, is the same question 6 of the previous questionnaire. to question 7 of the previous questionnaire.

The personal data is intended to establish the attractive market segment, according to the age, sex, occupation and marital status of the interviewees.


Of the factors that determine or influence the decision to purchase living room furniture, we can say that:

People do not have a specific time to buy their furniture. They can acquire their furniture at any time of their life in a similar proportion. Although marriage is an important variable in this decision, it is worth highlighting the participation of another situation in the percentage of the survey that tells us that 40% of those who buy furniture make their purchase when their income improves, they change houses, so old that are their furniture or because they become independent from the family without this involving getting married or being married.

Consumers do not take into account or look at advertising to a greater extent to choose where they buy their furniture, people generally visit a sector of the city to make their purchase (approximately more than 50%) and it is also very important the references that They can give them (25%) their friends or family, hence the relationship between company and society in general must always be kept in the best conditions.

Regarding the factors that influence deciding on the store where they would buy their furniture, respondents take into account the references of friends in a large percentage (25%) and others such as the proximity of the store (23%), the presentation of the store. and promotions and for 15% they do not have any of the aspects consulted to make their purchase in a certain warehouse. Like the previous variable, the buyer company relationship plays an important role again. In other words, the corporate image of the company must be projected on each of the members of the family group, so that they always take it into account when making any purchase decision regarding products that it can offer them.

In proportion, 18% of those surveyed have bought furniture in the last year, 41% between 1 and 5 years, 27% more than 5 years ago and 14% have not yet purchased.

Among the factors that motivate customers at the time of purchase, quality (65%), furniture design (56%), price (52%), attention (38%) and financing are relevant. (31%), this indicates that basically the most determining factor is the quality of the product. This does not mean that all the attention should be devoted to said variable, if one is sure that it has excellent quality, more efforts should be directed at variables such as attention, forms of credit and advertising itself, without neglecting the other factors.

As for who makes the purchase decision, women make the decision in 51%, men in 15% and in 34% the decision is made in the family. It is important, according to the result of this variable, to know who is the one who ultimately makes the purchase decision, when they are in the same place, in order to direct their attention to a greater proportion. It is also important to take this element into account to focus advertising.

The majority of people 76% like to make decisions regarding the manufacture of their furniture and for the remaining 24% they are indifferent to this consideration.

In the advertising notices, what most attracts the attention of our respondents are the prices, the photos of the furniture and the promotions they may mention.

Of the respondents, 39% know Makrohogar, mostly because they have seen the warehouse when passing through race 30. This indicates that the warnings from the warehouses are quite striking. 10% know the world of rooms and 9% the world of mattresses. In general, these stores are seen by people when passing through the sector because of the striking nature of their ads, only a few knew about it through the advertisements. The foregoing indicates that when designing an advertisement it is important to bear in mind that said advertisement should show its elements in bright colors for a greater impact on the client. Also, the message should be as clear as possible.


  1. Question. This question highlights the value that respondents give to other situations that include: The renovation of furniture, change of home, independence from the family or receiving extra money that would allow them to change furniture.
  1. Question: Among the factors on which people rely to buy their furniture are that buyers go through a certain furniture sector of the city to buy their furniture, accompanied by others where attendance at fairs such as the home fair is mentioned. where they can see the furniture in one place. Question: The elements that were taken into account for the choice of the store are very similar in the results of this survey, as well as the advertising, the references of friends and the location of the store are almost equally important in determining the store where they bought their furniture. It is important to note that when it comes to advertising, it is basically the result of notices that are in warehouses and exhibitions such as at the home fair.In what refers to the recommendations of friends, this is very important, because it shows us that you have to satisfy the customer 100% so that they get a good image of the company and their references are the best, thus improving The image of the company and these customers will return or recommend the store to their friends or family. Question: Regarding this question, the vast majority of respondents bought their furniture in the last year because the sample was organized with recent consumers. You might well ask why older clients were not used, the reason is that there were difficulties in obtaining this information from the company. Question: The motivational elements that most influenced buyers are prices, quality, design Furniture,the attention given to the client and the decoration of the premises. Question: Client satisfaction in our survey is 92%, a percentage that is not bad, but efforts must be made to increase it. Complaints of product quality and compliance with furniture delivery were found within the responses of dissatisfied customers. This indicates that there are some quality problems in the finishing part of the furniture (stapling, sewing, gluing, etc.) and with respect to delivery, which is not being taken into account in a small percentage, factors that may cause delivery problems. of the product. In other words, they are not being evaluated. Question: To the question you have bought again in Makrohogar, the affirmative answer is 10%, which confirms that sales are not very repetitive.It should be clarified again that these percentages are the result of surveys made to customers in the last year due to the reasons stated above. Question: 90% of people affirm that they intend to make another purchase in Mackrohogar, This confirms the degree of consumer satisfaction with the company's products with respect to quality and prices basically. Although this does not indicate that the quality is 100%, it must be improved in the aspects already mentioned. Question: 75.6% of buyers have income between $ 400,000. and $ 1,200,000. of pesos, which means that buyers have a medium socioeconomic level. Question: The final decision is made by 54% by the people who make up the family nucleus others ¨, followed by 37.8% where the decision is made by the surveyed.


The most influential factors in the purchase decision in the furniture market are quality, prices, attention and design. This when the person is on the buying site when the person decides or plans to buy their furniture, it is very important the references of friends or family and also the information they can get from advertising. Since in this market people do not pay much attention to written advertising, they prefer the flashy ads that they see when walking through a furniture sector.

According to these results, people tend to be guided or let themselves be led by the quality of the products and by the attention given to them. This last aspect must be taken into account due to the high competition in the market.

According to the results obtained in the study carried out, the company distributes its products to people of basically medium and high socioeconomic status in a lower proportion. People of medium-low and low socioeconomic status do not have access to easily acquire these products, due to the costs they have, although this is quite general for all companies in the sector, since the company has not implemented a credit system within the reach of said market sectors.

The potential markets that the company could explore are basically those that are between the medium-low socioeconomic level, from which it could take advantage of a good part of its demand. Furthermore, the company could explore other market segments geographically, now that the economy begins to reset.

Regarding advertising, it is important to keep in mind that the advertisement in the newspaper does not have the expected effectiveness, people know or have heard of the company's warehouses, but not precisely through the newspaper, but through advertisements. advertised by locals on their fronts and by exhibitions at sector fairs. This means that it would be necessary to think about modifying the newspaper advertising.

The references of friends or family have been and will continue to be important for the company (22% have bought this way).

In addition that according to the data of the surveys people declare that they use this means of information and reference to go to a certain warehouse in approximately 24%.

Regarding the competition, it is worth noting regarding its products, the company's prices are competitive, the quality also adjusts to market conditions and the variety of designs and colors are also competitive. Some of the differences with the competition that can become disadvantages at any given time for the company are: The personal credit system with guarantor, the presentation of the premises or points of sale and the exhibitions found in them, the diversification that It is important in our environment since people like to find everything related to some part of the home in one place.

Regarding attention, although the respondents responded in good proportion that they were well attended, it is an aspect of great care, some deficiencies were noted, if not all in some points of sale of the company. It is necessary to improve the treatment with the client in these points taking into account how important it is the image that this client takes of the company even if he does not make a purchase.


The company must not neglect the quality that characterizes its products. In such a competitive market, any oversight, such as defects in the finishes, cause one client to be lost and several others behind it. Exhaustive testing and quality control of raw materials, processes and finished products must be carried out in an exhaustive way and pending returns to correct errors.

The company must also redesign the advertising that goes through the newspaper. Perhaps it would be important to prepare a color reprint at least once a year. It would also be feasible for the publicity to be made to appear in the Sunday newspaper, thus reducing the frequency with which it is published. Another alternative could be the location of fences in strategic places in the city.

Advertising should focus on a good percentage to impact wives, who have the biggest purchase decision for these products.

Personnel must be instructed and made aware of the importance of human relations, and the importance of the client for the company. A human relations department must be implemented, or a person must be commissioned to promote this aspect within the company (company personnel) and outside of it (customer relations). Here it is also important that the seller has sufficient knowledge about the product, its materials and how it is made.

The premises must be the best presented so that customers feel a pleasant sensation when visiting one of the points of sale. The presentation includes cleaning, organization, exhibition of products, etc. Likewise, customer service such as a red or sweet can make a better impression for customers.

Regarding credit, the company could implement personal credit with guarantor at a certain time. This would make sales grow in a good proportion, taking into account, of course, whoever is going to be given credit must provide information on economic capacity. This would allow the company to reach a larger market segment since it could be available to lower income populations that are also interested in its products.


Question number 2 was classified by age as shown in the following table.

AGES to b c d TOTAL
20-35 14.3% 12.5% 45.7% 27.5% 100%
35-50 16.6% 25% 8.4% fifty% 100%
50 AND MORE 11.2% 33.3% 33.3% 22.2% 100%

Young people (20-35) make the purchase decision by touring a sector of the city, mature people (35-50) are indifferent to make this decision, as chance happens to a large extent in preference, and finally people Seniors (50 and older) are guided by referrals from friends and by advertising.

We take question number 3 and differentiate the answers according to the sex of the respondents. Women consider advertising followed by warehouse location as the most influential aspects. Men also consider advertising and location as important aspects, but to a lesser extent compared to the female percentage, with a high percentage in this group among those who entered the store when visiting the sector.


As a complement to this document / case study, we suggest the following video segment (45 minutes) by Professor Fernando Doral Fábregas, from the Business and Management School, which reviews the market research process and information sources. A very good explanation to deepen the learning of these topics.

Download the original file

The survey as an instrument of market research. case applied