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Teaching in a changing world


Teaching implies permanent change, implementing new techniques in each course and as a teacher knowing that we will never know everything about the subject that is being treated, since many students through the habit of reading have reached a very high level of knowledge for what it implies that as a teacher we have to establish a space where students can make their ideas known either as a contribution to the class or as questions asked to the teacher, many times in the educational field students understand better in a more personal way either with a direct comment or feedback in their workspace, and recognize that the teacher-student relationship is a person-to-person relationship and not of a higher being with an inferior being,So many teachers get lost in this type of difference because we believe that because we have completed a bachelor's, master's or doctorate we cannot even comment or talk about something with a student, we are social beings many times the students do not make their ideas known because the teacher does not allow them or never let them express their ideas, so many brilliant students lose that ability to discuss and wonder why the topics they are studying and only reproduce the teacher's ideas, the student being driven to be like a mirror of the teacher, only reflecting what the teacher teaches, the teacher has to be attentive and let the students make their ideas known so that the learning environment is a pleasant environment,of discussion and above all of a meaningful learning where the teacher can value the experiences of the students that the student understands and is not only reproducer of those that have been taught.

The goal that teachers should have is to create a teaching-learning environment in which the student has the ability to demonstrate what they have learned and put it into real life, which does not remain only as theory, and can mix it with past experiences and experiences that are yet to come, so as a teacher you must have the ability to demonstrate to the student how to implement what he acquired in the curricular space to the workplace, and be able to solve problems with the development of activities inside and outside the classroom of classes, with the ability to implement not only synchronous learning, but also asynchronous learning in such a way that the student is able to best invest the development of meaningful learning.

It means that choosing the content of the assignments, activities inside and outside the learning classroom requires an effort on the part of the teacher, because if the material used does not match the type of class being taught, the interest on the part of the teacher will be lost. student, the teacher must be able to update at all times and be aware that we live in a changing world in which what was used ten years ago, five years ago is obsolete for the present, if the teacher is not in continuous learning, it will remain in the past teaching theories that have already expired.

Evaluating the activities implies understanding on the part of the teacher that activities can be carried out in person and others that can be used online, using courses with blended modality, in order to use the technology at our disposal in an appropriate way. The evaluation must be comprehensive for the student using cases that are of interest in each curricular space, remembering that the assignments that are developed within the learning environment, be that, for learning and acquiring knowledge by the student in an interactive way where You can develop your abilities as a thinking person and not just copy and paste other people's ideas.

Every day we will have to be better, passionate about the profession that was chosen, in this case teaching, the teacher is the one who trains each of the students, so that they can be thoughtful people, who can make their own decisions, who never stop learning.

As teachers we must continually change, be able to acquire techniques, methodologies so that students are able to acquire the necessary skills for their insertion in the work space they chose, and that they can not only carry out activities in their space, but also be agents that contribute ideas for the development of your country.


Jose Humberto Maldonado Carrasco is a mathematics teacher with a physical orientation at the INNOVATEC Lyceum, which is supported by UNITEC, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Teaching in a changing world