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The esc and politicians


Imagine that you live in a country that after long years of sacrifices for its inhabitants, has been able to reach a moderately acceptable economic standard. Country that economists define as "developing". Development in what? We all think in material terms, that is to say in economic terms. This is how today we are cutting the branch of the tree on which we are sitting.

We are at a crossroads: you, our neighbor, companies, the economic and political system, the state. This crossroads forces us to make a resolution to where to go: to the destructive and negative or in the direction of the constructive and positive. “Pollution, stress, traffic congestion, little time for the family, purchasing power, profitability, credit card, security guards, alarms, shopping centers, depression, psychiatrist, new car, inflation, currency fluctuations, changing stock values, corruption, drugs, alcohol, etc., etc., etc. " How often do we hear these expressions?

Without you realizing, they represent many "microforms" of life, with different nuances, those that belong to a whole that is the technocratic society in which we live. Therefore, when reading these lines, your next decision will be related to your predisposition towards reflection, introspection and analysis, of what you are today and what you really want and expect from tomorrow.

In this same country there are many unsolved problems, one of which is crime. What is done? Prisons of all kinds are built: some modern and others not so much; some with criminal training and others overpopulated; some for the military and others with annexes for terrorists, others for highly dangerous prisoners and others for common criminals. In many cases, all mixed. The result: crime continues to rise. Politicians and bureaucrats exclaim: the judicial system is obsolete! Vociferously they add some: murderers must be given the death penalty and we must also increase the number of police in the street! Some more intellectuals comment: our educational system is the culprit! Others propose: with social equity the crime problems will be reduced!

They are all likely to have some reason. But the central question is that if we overpopulate the country with prisons, we execute murderers and rapists to death or life imprisonment, we modify the code and penal procedures, we reform the educational system by increasing class hours, we leave it in the hands of a few supportive businessmen job training and social reintegration of a minimal fraction of the inmates and we depend on some specific idea of ​​a politician on duty: will we be solving the central problem with repeat offenders?

Someone who guided his senses in the deactivation of bottlenecks had another idea: if our immediate problem is that criminals do not fall back into their misdeeds, it is not enough to teach them any random craft, craft or dependent on entrepreneurs interested in using hand of cheap and captive work, to achieve their future labor insertion, but to offer them training that is useful and deficient in our society. Based on this premise, he first thought of a group of idle or misused capabilities existing in this country:

  • a vast and largely unproductive desert agronomists and agricultural technicians unemployed, poorly paid or unmotivated in their current work criminals without productive job training for themselves and for society, most of them vegetating in arceles waiting for the hour to leave and return perfected to its criminal activity economy in a desert area highly dependent on mining

In relation to these idle capacities indicated, he then analyzed outstanding positive aspects already existing:

  • Universities and technology centers, which have developed methods for growing vegetables in these types of areas, deficient in appropriate irrigation water, drip irrigation methods to save water, systems to obtain this element from the mist, as well as other sources via wells profound feasibility of carrying out technology transfer with countries like Israel, who have developed efficient methodologies for growing vegetables in desert hydroponics technology that has great achievements in crops such as lettuce and with less waste of water resources than in traditional farming methods ecological chemistry and biochemistry desert area with the highest number of sunny days in the country and perhaps in the entire world

Finally he concluded: for large desert lands, the state partners with private. The state provides the land, "prisons-farm-desert" of hundreds of hectares and the basic training of the offender and future farmer, as well as the security systems. The private sector provides the cultivation technology, the water resources and the commercialization of the production.

The most prominent “ex-offenders” are granted the concession of an area of ​​land, which is extended for the period of their sentence and according to their success and effort, that property is then transferred to them. Later, they could even move their close relatives, which would help to strengthen the concept of family, educate their children and contribute to the much-needed decentralization of large cities, typical of Latin America. The less prominent offenders will be able to work as assistants to the more promising ones, learning the agricultural trade gradually. This would kill several birds with one stone! … And only by concentrating on the closest bottleneck do ideas like this flow.

This has nothing to do with socialism, Christianity, capitalism. This has to do with strategy,… but not just anyone. The change of thought and management, which evolves from a new strategy based on the Basic Principles of the ESC, are a "opener" to rediscover the common sense that we all have and through this, reorient life towards the solution of the problems that make up the bottleneck of a person, company, social sector, etc.

The problem for most politicians is that there is a tremendous distance between their rhetoric and their actions. Some really have good intentions, but the problem is that all politicians are oriented to win elections, justifying that with that power they will be able to solve problems and manage a country. This, of course putting its political dogma before it, in some cases influenced by philosophers of yesteryear, in others by religious beliefs and in the most radical the thought is clearly anarchic. I prefer not even to refer to corruption.

From the ESC a middle position is created between capitalism, Christianity and socialism. It is distinguished from selfish capitalist behaviors, because it is not oriented towards its own good but towards the good of a target group. Some governments more and others less, disperse their efforts and means arbitrarily helping all the needy possible. Not only does it not help them as it could, but it turns itself into an entity without efficiency, low success and with relative power. Not only does he harm himself, but the whole of society, since by losing the value of power, he leaves the way free for the most selfish. Arguing that they want to serve the community, these politicians seek the support of the altruistic and ignorant, in order to gain power.

Let's stop looking only at our own problems instead of looking at the problems of others. Let us stop seeing the target group as an enemy but as a friend, not as a means of exploitation but as a group, whose problem we must solve with all our strength and better than others. It could be defined as an inversion of thought, from the selfish to the social way. This will remind you of Christianity and socialism. But there is a marked difference: here it is not a matter of loving the other as yourself and this is just anyone, nor was it arbitrarily wasting help on many people. "The other" in the context that I want to convey to you, is a well-defined target group and the help is focused on solving one of their most urgent problems. "Love your neighbor as yourself", a valid but idealistic concept,However, the concept "Merécete the love of your neighbor", develops a psyche with greater inspiration of realistic social behavior.

El socialismo es una utopía, ya que cada individuo se vuelve ineficiente e importante con la dispersión de la ayuda, ya que intenta resolver muchos problemas a la vez y no realiza ninguno de manera eficiente. Pero si concentrara correcta y no teóricamente la ayuda en un sector cuyo problema más urgente está claramente identificado, el proceso de transformación se realizará más rápida e intensamente. Sobre la base del resultado y un entorno dinámicamente cambiante, luego se aborda el siguiente problema. Automáticamente sucedería lo que los sociólogos exigen desde siempre: la concordancia entre la capacidad y el poder, es decir, mientras más eficiente sea tu ayuda, mayor será tu poder. Con esto los decentes y más activos serían los poderosos, no así los más charlatanes y demagogos como suele suceder mayoritariamente en nuestro tiempo. En lugar de proseguir con “el experimento renovado” pero utópico de solidarizar con toda la humanidad, el primer paso realista es solidarizar con un grupo objetivo comprensible, ocupándose de este en forma intensa. Con la mayor integración de necesidad y rendimiento crece la eficiencia.

This reversal of extroverted thinking has astonishing psychic effects, which can only be explained by theory, that it is an intentional behavior of evolution, supported by nature in thousands of ways. Speaking in psychological terms: impressions will become denser, deeper and more undeniable; furthermore, the crosslinking will be intensified. With concentration, repetition and with the fundamental echo of the target group, the senses will develop and sharpen to an extent unimaginable today.

According to all the indications, it can be thought that with the intense concentration on deactivating a well-defined bottleneck, but of a very defined target group and with the concomitant and frequent repetition of the same perceptions, deliberations and actions, capacities will be developed that until now only They occur accidentally and are considered supernatural: telepathy (transmission of thoughts), clairvoyance (seeing hidden things), precognition (foreseeing the future) and psychokinesis (materialization, that is, realization of ideas). Regardless of the natural or supernatural, when politicians succeed in creating an interaction between their behavior and the echo, they will better fine-tune the needs and desires of their target group with their own experience.

They may be thinking that this has been done for a long time. Indeed, it is achieved quite successfully in other areas, since thanks to growing specialization we live much better than our ancestors and we work less.

The only mistake and due to the deep-rooted prejudice against specialization, this convincing and proven principle in terms of its efficiency is not developed more consistently, but mostly as a society opposition is generated.

We do not need the state to save us from the impending crisis. We just have to improve our own strategy, forcing our immediate environment first and so on.

The central problem of the society with division of labor, is to integrate in an optimal way the billions of individual processes of learning, reasoning and work. Explained in a simplified way: if each of us directed our senses and efforts in solving the most acute bottleneck of a specific target group, the synchronization of these infinite ever-changing processes will automatically result. Simply by the fact that each one focuses on the most pressing problems of the closest group, the returns are integrated with ever greater precision, increasing their efficiency. In this way the performance profiles are differentiated, causing less competition. We all complain that our reality is far from perfect. And what do we do to effectively influence change?

The following is valid for each one of us and with even greater responsibility, for all the politicians who claim to represent us to increase our well-being and happiness:

in our social work, each of us will always have many types of target groups: children, family or part of it, friends, colleagues, clients, social groups in need…, the list is endless and everyone, absolutely everyone interacts with others, cybernetically. We will need the echo of our target groups about our behavior, as well as we will require confirmation of success as a motivational activator. We must also recognize failures or frustrations, such as warnings that the wants or needs of the target group and our performance do not mesh sufficiently.

Specifying, we will need this feedback so that:

- we understand things well

- our actions regain social relevance, that is, that it is of real utility

- we are inspired by that echo to carry out further deliberations, which vice versa inspire our target groups

We can also draw the conclusion the other way around: when we do not receive feedback or it is deficient, we will not understand the reason for the events, missing the inspiration produced by the positive or negative echo of the receiver. In the group dynamic interaction between eg a company and its target group, both will be inspired not only consciously, but also subliminally: it will stimulate it with improvements in its offer and the echo will encourage and finance it, or else through its failure it will force her to create a better solution. As a consequence, a mutual learning process results. This learning process originates from the immaterial. What we initially recognize is only the tip of the "iceberg."

It has long been known that the performances of the human brain can be greatly increased by the methods of mnemonics. This consists of:

  • Frequent repetitions Artificially bind the memorized experience to associate it better and more reliably Achieve concentration of the senses and experiences on a well-defined objective, thus achieving frequent repetition automatically, living the experiences more intensely and achieving a dense intertwining

All of the above, was what led to a solution like that of the prisons to this person who directed his senses to deactivate bottlenecks. It was not a sudden genius idea, it was the application of a cybernetically active life strategy, with memory-technical methods and focused in a concentrated way on solving the most burning problem of very defined target groups.

If each of us begins to proceed in this way on his own, many problems will be solved by himself. If politicians understood that they must proceed in the same way so as not to succumb as bureaucratic drones far from reality, many social problems would already be solved.

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The esc and politicians