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The cultural evolution of man: the next step


How long has it taken for the world to become what it is today? This is a question for which there are simple zooms of possible answers; What is better, it is still not known which of all these answers is the most correct, due to the variety of scientific and theological currents that try to show humanity who is right.

It is a question that can be rigged in your, or your answers. The reasons are natural; reasons that will prevail over the origin of each person in relation to their birth; where you will be guided and guided by the tradition of your family, the peoples or the culture to which you belong. Being born into an environment generates its own vocations. The Jew will have his behaviors oriented to that religion; growing up in an Arab, Muslim or Catholic environment among many will reflect their respective orientation towards those tendencies; Even growing up in an atheist environment will generate its own reasons for the need to find an answer to this question. But, faced with such a situation, we cannot go unnoticed the impact of belonging to a world in constant change.Reasons enough to show that to the extent that people feel identified with some orientations different from those of their origins, they give way to change due to the conventional trends in which they operate. It is at this moment precisely when some of the choices that man can make are shown, showing himself in this way autonomous and independent to choose his destiny and vocation.

It should be noted that this first step is taken for us at first by our parents, then many follow the same trend, and others, as previously stated, prefer to choose different paths.

But, the degree of dissatisfaction about human beings is such that every day new currents of tendencies to cults, religions or independent groups are born which show their fondness for the belief in supreme beings as their strategy and manipulating in some cases the minds of many people, which is a way to gain positioning. It seems that the existing inventory on beliefs is not enough, when day after day that number of options grows more and more. Could it be that the human race will always have a feeling of infinite search for satisfaction? Or is it simply because society itself and world development cause these changes to be generated to offer other alternatives.And why not think about a possible marketing of pleasure where the only consumer is the demanding world of innovations to which we are subjected throughout time. Any number of alternatives can arise, but the world will always be on its way to seek a space where fullness and joy prevail in being. And what better opportunity this, for those who make their prey the weakest. Well, nowadays we are not surprised when some have played to define those that determine the last day of existence and any number of followers to continue with their beliefs make them pieces easy to manipulate and submit, that until the collective termination of lives is has arrived. Here is the great difference between being oppressive and being oppressed.Any number of alternatives can arise, but the world will always be on its way to seek a space where fullness and joy prevail in being. And what better opportunity this, for those who make their prey the weakest. Well, nowadays we are not surprised when some have played to define those that determine the last day of existence and any number of followers to continue with their beliefs make them pieces easy to manipulate and submit, that until the collective termination of lives is has arrived. Here is the great difference between being oppressive and being oppressed.Any number of alternatives can arise, but the world will always be on its way to seek a space where fullness and joy prevail in being. And what better opportunity this, for those who make their prey the weakest. Well, nowadays we are not surprised when some have played to define those that determine the last day of existence and any number of followers to continue with their beliefs make them pieces easy to manipulate and submit, that until the collective termination of lives is has arrived. Here is the great difference between being oppressive and being oppressed.Well, nowadays we are not surprised when some have played to define those that determine the last day of existence and any number of followers to continue with their beliefs make them pieces easy to manipulate and submit, that until the collective termination of lives is has arrived. Here is the great difference between being oppressive and being oppressed.Well, nowadays we are not surprised when some have played to define those that determine the last day of existence and any number of followers to continue with their beliefs make them pieces easy to manipulate and submit, that until the collective termination of lives is has arrived. Here is the great difference between being oppressive and being oppressed.

I want to take a central axis to be able to better expand this analysis of behaviors and that axis is GOD. For many the creator, for others a supreme and omnipotent being, others are conservative on any particular concept and limit themselves to observing the behavior of others from the sidelines and there are also those who claim to call themselves loyal followers, who even deliver on life. of the destruction of those who, according to them, are against their infinite protector, there are even those who have believed themselves to be him. From all times we have observed that in the world the most disastrous results, the product of confrontations that occur between human beings, are for religious reasons; It is where another question arises, far from the facts:Could it be that GOD wants to happen what the protagonists of these scenes have used to seeing?

It is not my intention to expand on theological issues to show that the steps that man takes over time are those that lead him to success or failure; it is simply a qualifying objective to try to demonstrate that the fulfillment or personal satisfaction that exists about him or her will generate a preponderant factor to have an excellent orientation and reference of conduct or behavior throughout life.

Most of these events occur due to a wrong interpretation of the norm, thoughts that manipulate other thoughts and that is where the true development of the brain is; in which some advance and in others they stagnate or fall behind. In short, some think and others hope that they think for them.

It is an interpretation of the difference that exists between all human beings, since we not only differ by race, cultural or religious orientation, language, but also by ability. Capacity that has been undergoing changes and advances throughout the existence of humanity. Capacity that generates but also destroys, capacity to love but also to hate, capacity to receive but also to reject. In short, the capacity for everything and for everything, since the variety of combinations that can occur in people is such that there is no single definition of behaviors for each individual. The theory can show a behavior but in essence the reaction can be another. Fortunately there is variety, because: what would the world be like if all were of the same race, religion, color, culture, etc.? There would be no opportunities to choose or change, there would be no difference between what exists today and what you want to achieve. It would all be too easy, and there wouldn't be much to think about, because there wouldn't be much to choose from.

"In variety is pleasure" I hear frequently, when someone wants to refer to the fact that monotonous is boring and habit does not generate any attraction. This variety is the one that man has received throughout history and it is in this variety that the essence of traveling through the world lies. The changes resulting from evolution, the processes of modernization and industrialization, the accelerated global campaign to be better every day, because "tomorrow will be better than today", is the phrase recommended by some speakers of positivism that should be expressed at the time of take a break at night, to create an internal environment of constantly evolving change and good things. Let us note that even in the induction of the subconscious in trying to force future events accommodated to our claims they are already teaching us.

How can we observe the world? Those of us who are in it are part of a great team because there is a great combination made up of two aspects: Human beings and the rest. And it is from this combination that everything that has happened, happens and will happen in our midst results. We are the ones who decide what to do and how to do it.

Throughout history it has been tried to show that there was an opportunity to generate and create difference, where through a long process that continues to last many years… How so? Yes, as it was read. This evolutionary process is not over yet. And returning to the subject, it is intended to give an explanation to our origin, an explanation that does not completely satisfy anyone, because the confusion is notorious and it is good that it exists, because full knowledge about things only serves to know and not give more than there. Sometimes I think, without detracting from what is essential due to laws, theories and beliefs, about the origin of life that so much time, efforts and lives have been invested in discovering the expected answer; where the only certain thing is that the past like everything in the past has already happened and that nevertheless it is important to know:where we come from to know where we are going. But if there is still no certainty where we come from; How are we going to know where we are going? This is a position very open to opinions and contradictions; because what we do in the present will be the fruit of what we receive in our future. This other part is where that indicator comes into play that we always make it responsible for the events of humanity.

"Destiny", some call it luck, others call it God or call it opportunity, chance, occasion or misfortune among some terms that associate it, but in essence it is the clear representation of the reflection of man where his sacrifices, efforts are reflected and behaviors. Destiny is the variable that many would like to know exactly and be able to get right. But as I have insisted, it is good that it cannot be qualified, nor determined, much less measured. It is destiny that we are forging and forming every day, where we discover new inventions for the advancement of humanity, science and technology, where we find new formulas for innovation and creation where we play the role of nature, doing with our hands and using our brain, changes, modifications,manipulations and creations that we are unable to measure what may represent us in the future and the impact on the so-called evolution of man. This is the part that must interest humanity in discovering, or at least regulating where we are going. Well, we already know that we are here regardless of whether we come from the monkey or whether we come from a supreme being who created us in his image and likeness. Where the human race must determine the scope that is given and how far this exercise will be. But it is something impossible to determine and control; the same competition in which we are subjected makes human beings take many steps, some good, others not so much and others very bad; but they will always exist and will be presented.

Today, there are many combinations, if we look in the rear-view mirror we can see that evolution teaches us that many physical changes have been evidenced, until we become what we represent today but if we make a projection in time with current events, We can see that it is these same combinations that have shown us that there are no limits. Human tissue is already being tested with electronic devices, representing an unprecedented advance. I cannot imagine a person implanting a chip and knowing, for example, the entire universal encyclopedia or why not learning languages ​​or any amount of information in a record time of data transmission. It is not far from that happening. If we can already choose the sex of our children,including their skin color and in that order of ideas we can already assemble the perfect human beings. What will become of those that evolution brought into the world and that due to certain conditions or limitations, in some physical cases, in others intellectual, in others colored, in others mental are considered by the group of others as undesirable?

A constant change in which we have been shown throughout existence that it is necessary; Man's demands due to his growth never reach limits or limits, there will always be a need, there will always be a desire to experiment and to know more, the desire to excel will always be present. I wish that from an early age we are being instilled by all the links or sources of information about man. From the parents themselves to the relationship in society through the media; since childhood it is a constant training that aims to train the man of today.

The man, then the family, and therefore society, are the links that make up the best evolutionary process in the world, where many of the pleasant and some unwanted situations occur to change the world, for better or for worse and in itself, if the origin of all these results is thoroughly investigated, a very important point can be reached, which is sometimes strengthened and sometimes truncated in the development and castling of these three concepts that have been part of these three concepts throughout time. of the development of humanity.

Humanity that is typical of what we call ourselves rational beings, although some acts are irrational, but which summarize in a group of so-called beings endowed with a unique intelligence and different from all other living beings in the animal kingdom.

Men are those who make up the family, men are those who make society, men are those who create organizations. Ah well! Organization was already mentioned. There has always been the need to associate to obtain common benefits and to improve the interests of those who are part of that organization. Needs that are shown from history as possible ways to generate progress and development; and that today in many cases receives the name of Company or Business Organization. How interesting to have reached this point; it is clearly evident that in this aspect the company is nothing more than a set of things and people. Then we make a parallel to better understand that between what is the natural world and the business world there is a common denominator “Man”.

All those changes, evolutionary processes, development and progress that were mentioned at the beginning that have been taking place through the ages also happen today in companies. And because? Well simply because it is managed by people. But how? So if those same people are on both sides and now we are talking about administration, has the world also been, is and will be managed? Indeed, humanity has been showing a series of changes typical of its evolution, that once the ability to think about man is acquired, what has arisen is the basic principle of administration. Like the role in companies, the world has managed resources, decisions have been made that always influence the future;and I don't want to detail many examples but 9-11 was a sample of one of those decisions.

Now, the change that we believe in ourselves in order to generate development directly influences showing a better perspective of our achievements and achievements. That is the competence we are talking about, the constant need to be every day more capable of taking on challenges, capable of facing the different situations that arise in life, whether in a professional or personal sphere, capable of leading companies, and to make them more competent in this demanding environment, capable of surpassing marks and trying to stand out in our different activities. This is the desired capacity and is achieved through knowledge, which allows us to make this world a better world, make an excellent work environment, have good relationships with our family, friends and colleagues,in doing things well and for the benefit of the community that surrounds us, in showing the best of ourselves and in being able to contribute our grain of sand to make this a better world and always be prepared to take the next step.

The cultural evolution of man: the next step