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The existence of life on the planet


Fritjof Capra transmits a thought where he affirms that everything that exists in this world is supported by small particles called cells. All the life that makes its way on this planet, be it micro-cellular, plant, animal, human beings are biologically composed of macromolecules such as DNA and RNA; Where without these proteins and nucleic acids the existence of life on the planet would not make sense.

The importance that biological sciences give to these components are such, since without them cells cannot reproduce, nor can different species of life evolve. And if these were to be lacking in the composition of a cell, the life that is gestated in it would decay, it would perish and it would not have the slightest possibility of living.

It is surprising how the genetics of living beings and especially that of human beings have maintained their fundamental patterns until today.

Thanks to mutations, the exchange of genes and symbiosis generated three billion years ago by universal bacteria; the creation and evolution of life began.

At the beginning of this life, the matter of every living being is made up of a consciousness, which is what stores the experiences, especially those of the human being, of a world of interpersonal and cultural relationships that is lived in a social environment.

By having this life a unified vision in its structure, scientifically it can be deduced that life has a spiritual dimension. However, after explaining a scientific biological concept, the author also wonders if the human being is really only molecules and if it is really composed of a spirit. Then I consider that we are human beings composed of matter, soul and spirit where each one has its specific function, for the integral development of us as living beings in both a material and spiritual world.

Science and religion will always maintain a dispute in opinions on how life has been generated, but as the author says, it must be assumed that wherever the generation of life comes from, it brings with it a higher logical order that comes of a universe; Then we belong to a great home which gives rise to all the races of the world.

When man begins to act in the world, social theory must be taken into account for a moment, since it allows us to define that every human being is free to decide what actions to take and what decisions to take. Basically, man is the one who marks future paths in history, depending on his free will to decide what is best for him and for society.

Today we are the result of the good or bad decisions that pioneer generations made in the past. Taking into account the challenges mentioned in the 19th century book, these are the ones that have marked many structural changes in the contemporary way in which human beings relate to personal, social and economic activities. Apparently it gives the impression that these cultural innovations for a few moments, place man in an environment living out of control situations.

These changes that occur and generate imbalance, occur because the world; the earth also presents processes of natural changes where it renews and innovates its structure. And of course every living being that interacts in it experiences organizational changes that at first seem to place man out of control, but what they are generating as results are processes of adaptability, creativity, diversity of life in a universe.

Once these patterns are defined, from these new ways of leading in a society are born; where an authority direction is no longer managed but a unified vision that involves the efforts of different people to carry out activities in general. These organizational changes are what have led a world to globalize, to live in a technological age, which are marked by the associated creativity of people; They seek to break the traditional way of exercising power over others.

When speaking of a grouped or networked society, both benefits and disadvantages can be given, an example of the advantages that have been generated are electronic communications that have provided family, social, and economic well-being in the way of handling the information of all kind of activities around the world. In the same way, it has been negatively generated that criminal networks, drugs, weapons, prostitution, pornography, pollutants act and restructure; who seek to take advantage of the transformation of a power; generating these ideological forces to continue to have continuity in a global environment.

As the author mentions, many global changes have occurred since the beginning of humanity in all political, economic, cultural, environmental, social, family dimensions; which are the result today of the alarming state in which our planet earth is. The state of the North Pole, the snows of Kilimanjaro, Hurricane Mitch, river flooding, global warming, the Seattle coalition, ecological sustainability, poverty, famine around the globe; They are just one of the many symptoms that our planet earth expresses to humanity, to alert it to the prevention of sustainability in the same time.

As the author affirms in the beginning, from the smallest particle that makes up life, to the human being who rules this world; You have the responsibility to act in the best possible way to counteract what life from the beginning generated as chaos naturally.

Life is a state of transition in time that any living being can experience, feel, live, enjoy, love, share; with other living beings and with the world in which he lives. And it is in this interaction where life most prevails and is not extinguished, because harmonic exchange constantly generates the evolution of new, more structured forms of living; so that they last much longer in time in the exchanges of future generations.

The existence of life on the planet