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Faith, reason and scientific development. test

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God created man in his image and likeness, he endowed him with everything necessary to live and rationed his knowledge about things and his habitat.

When man sins and God offers him the possibility of dominating his environment with his own effort to put it at the service of himself, it is that man begins to develop a number of skills that have been perfected over time and thus way, man has been more comfortable in this world.

This development and eagerness to put the resources of this world at the service of man, has generated that he believes he does not need God, questioning the nature of his creation and giving scientific development the Faith and Reason for his existence.

The Catholic Church, within its social doctrine, has tried to influence the thinking of man, dictating a series of guidelines that seek to bring man closer to the understanding that it is necessary to move towards a reasoned faith that allows our scientific development to understand God as the supreme end to reach the truth of his existence.

The Catholic Church defines faith and reason as the main foundations to separate intelligence from faith; in search of the sense of truth and a sincere and authentic freedom that allow the knowledge of God; In the encyclical of John Paul II, Fides et ratio, a platform is launched for the search for knowledge to understand God and that comes from faith, but often philosophy and metaphysics do not know how to give answers and conclusions.

Scientific development tries to give man answers and places him as a developer of things, taking as a guide his own intelligence and the ability to adapt to favorable or adverse situations that he finds on his way.

Scientific development as a tool and impulse of the wealth of nations, has allowed to put man under a social imbalance that allows the owners of technology to take precedence over the owners of resources, and therefore there is the existence of very rich nations and you prosper and others are very poor and backward… for scientific development, faith and reason, they are nothing more than the future and the intelligence to continue seeking their well-being… today on each other or at the expense of others.

Are there points of contact between Scientific Development and Faith?

If there are, but they are opposed to the need to explain by themselves the divine reason or the preponderance of man over things, hence it is a matter of justifying the likeness of God and man, because if this is the image and likeness of God, at some point God must relieve himself of this position and give science the creative capacity of things and therefore it would be shown that under the magnifying glass of science, there is no creator and no redeemer, this as a constant conviction.

When man sins, God punishes him by giving us the power to govern us, in the same way he generated the formation of nations, under the foundation of "understanding" (the Tower of Babel), where the union of people by language is contemplated and language, this dismemberment of the known world gave rise to the first great known diaspora.

The life of man since then has been a constant search for truth, scientific knowledge and various research methodologies have allowed man to record his progress and generate a detailed record of his achievements, but today in globalizing times, we see As the world tries to unite again, in a democracy, to the same subsistence goals and objectives, if at first we separated in order to live and understand each other, today we seek to unite to survive and thus march towards the great goals:

  1. Democracy as the end of Liberalism and economic relativism The search for God, merging faith and reason, to find the Truth and the Hope of redemption of our spirit, this will allow science and faith to be reconciled in a great and single truth, allowing a greater knowledge of God. The end of human conflicts, as part of the meeting of the fairness of things or the superposition of life on the "recognition" of man over man.

In short, man only tries to imitate God and seeks his unreason, as if reproaching the punishment to which he was subjected at the beginning of time; It is a man's ability to seek revenge in situations that are adverse to him by imposition, therefore the imposition of the search for his well-being was imposed on him and now that he has been very successful, he tries to deny the divine origin of things and of himself.

God gave man three designs and / or crossroads in this life:

  1. Intelligence, as opposed to reason, free will, as opposed to Faith, death, as opposed to hope.

These three designs show us only one way, THE TRUTH; understanding to believe.

Faith, reason and scientific development. test